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/* Yahoo YUI toolkit Connection Manager */
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// The RSS feed
// var vaNewPagesURL = 'http://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B0:NewPages&feed=rss';
// Query the MediaWiki API
var vaNewPagesURL = 'http://uk.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=recentchanges&rctype=new|edit&rcprop=title|timestamp|user|comment|ids&rcshow=!patrolled|!bot&rclimit=100';
var vaCredibleAuthors = ['Rar', 'Білецький В.С.', 'Oleksii0', 'Володимир Ф',
'VictorAnyakin', 'Gutsul', 'Alex K', 'Yakudza',
'Tigga', 'Yevhen', 'Texnik', 'Deineka', 'Verdi', 'Albedo',
'Yarko', 'Артем В. Коновалов',
'Wladik Derevianko', 'Ilyaroz', 'Kamelot', 'Amatorov', 'Yakiv Gluck', 'An-tu',
'Ahonc', 'Turzh', 'Movses', 'Darvin', 'AS', 'Andrijko Z.'];
window.vaLoadFeed = function () {
var vaUpdateFeed = function(o) {
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var root = o.responseXML.documentElement;
var oTitle = 'Останні редагування';
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rhtml += '<table>';
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if (vaCredibleAuthors.indexOf(ecreator) < 0) {
var item = entries[i];
var etitle = item.getAttribute('title');
var elink = 'http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + etitle;
var ecreatorlink = '<a href="http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Спеціальна:Contributions/' + ecreator + '">' + ecreator + '</a>';
rhtml += '<tr><td>' + ecreatorlink + '</td><td><a href="'+ elink + '">' + etitle + '</a></td>';
var etype = item.getAttribute('type');
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rhtml += '<td></td>';
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var eoldid = item.getAttribute('old_revid');
rhtml += '<td>E</td>';
rhtml += '<td><a href="' + elink + '?diff=' + enewid + '&oldid=' + eoldid + '">Δ</a></td>';
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rhtml += '<td></td>';
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rhtml += '<td style="font-size: small">' + item.getAttribute('comment') + '</td>';
rhtml += '</tr>';
rhtml += '</table>';
// Format and display results in the response container.
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YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("refresh-feed", "click",
function () {
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', vaNewPagesURL,
{ success: vaUpdateFeed,
failure: function(o) { alert('Failed to load the feed'); },
timeout: 10000 }) });
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'<li><a href="javascript:vaLoadFeed()">Load feed</a></li>' +
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