Глобальне використання «Файл:Coat of arms of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.svg»
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Використання в ca.wikipedia.org
- Dwight David Eisenhower
- Wesley Clark
- Alexander Meigs Haig
- Howard P. Robertson
- Caserna General Suprema de les Potències Aliades a Europa
Використання в de.wikipedia.org
Використання в en.wikipedia.org
- Alexander Haig
- Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
- Lyman Lemnitzer
- George Joulwan
- Common Security and Defence Policy
- Supreme Allied Commander Europe
- Allied Command Operations
- North Atlantic Council
- Transatlantic relations
- Allied Command Transformation
- Bantz J. Craddock
- List of awards and nominations received by Wesley Clark
- List of military and civilian missions of the European Union
- Secretary General of NATO
- Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre
- Robert H. Reed
- Philip M. Breedlove
- Allied Maritime Command
- Tod D. Wolters
- Christopher G. Cavoli
- Command and control structure of the European Union
- Template:NATO command structure
- European Union–NATO relations
- Template:Participation in Euro-Atlantic defence arrangements
- User:SmartyPants22/sandbox/List of units and formations of the United States Army 2020
- User:GalaxyCB/sandbox
- User:Woudsma/NATO Tree Chart
Використання в es.wikipedia.org
Використання в eu.wikipedia.org
Використання в fi.wikipedia.org
Використання в fr.wikipedia.org
- Grand Quartier général des puissances alliées en Europe
- Christopher G. Cavoli
- Utilisateur:Coldstreamer20/Brouillon1