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- Fønikien
- Portal:Historie/Udvalgt artikel/2016
- Trier (skibstype)
- Portal:Historie/Udvalgt artikel/juli, 2016
Використання в de.wikipedia.org
- Galeere
- Schlacht bei den Arginusen
- Schlacht bei den Sybota-Inseln
- Schlacht von Naupaktos
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- Benutzer:Casadopovo/DISKOGRAPHIE
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- Aegean Sea
- Trireme
- Battle of Salamis
- Harad
- Battle of the Lipari Islands
- Mytilenean Debate
- User:Admiral Caius
- Epicleas (admiral)
- Peter Jackson's interpretation of The Lord of the Rings
- Interlacing in The Lord of the Rings
- User:Orangearnie/Mytilenian Debate
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- Interesting social sciences/Philosophy
- Interesting social sciences/The philosophical foundations of my theory of the interrelation between social conflict and social control
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Використання в es.wikipedia.org
- Batalla de las Termópilas
- Trirreme
- Batalla de Salamina
- Guerra en la Antigua Grecia
- Batalla de Arginusas
- Batalla de las islas Lípari
- Batalla de Drépano
- Combate naval
- Interpretación de Peter Jackson de El Señor de los Anillos