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Файл:Challenger 3.jpg

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Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.

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Опис файлу

English: The Challenger 3 Main Battle tank. The latest addition to the armoured family of the British Army. Displayed during PROJECT HERMOD 2

The tank remains the most effective way of destroying enemy armour. It is at the heart of high intensity warfighting and therefore a vital part of an integrated defence system. The British Army is announcing a huge upgrade programme which will result in the creation of the Challenger 3 Main Battle Tank.

Challenger 3 will be the most lethal tank in NATO. The rifled barrel of Challenger 2 will be replaced by a 120mm smoothbore gun, making use of the most advanced ammunition available globally.

PROJECT HERMOD 2 is an event run for members of the intelligence and security committee and the House of Commons defence committee. It will showcase the Army Special Operations (rangers), UK stratcom, innovation, and digitisation.
Час створення
Джерело https://www.defenceimagery.mod.uk/
Автор Ministry of Defence


Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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Challenger 3

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поточний14:45, 19 лютого 2023Мініатюра для версії від 14:45, 19 лютого 20233600 × 2400 (1,89 МБ)TheArmchairSoldierUploaded a work by Ministry of Defence from https://www.defenceimagery.mod.uk/ with UploadWizard

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