PictionID:40972366 - Title:Convair XC-99 - Catalog:15_002734 - Filename:15_002734.tif - Image from the Charles Daniels Photo Collection album "US Army Aircraft."----PLEASE TAG this image with any information you know about it, so that we can permanently store this data with the original image file in our Digital Asset Management System.----SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
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This image was originally posted to Flickr by San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives at https://www.flickr.com/photos/49487266@N07/15952899728. It was reviewed on 2015-03-11 14:03:02 by FlickreviewR, who found it to be licensed under the terms of the No known copyright restrictions, which is compatible with the Commons. It is, however, not the same license as given above, and it is unknown whether that license ever was valid.
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