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Файл:Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume 145 June to November 1922 (1922) (14579038150).jpg

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Identifier: harpersnew145various (find matches)
Title: Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume 145 June to November 1922
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: various
Publisher: New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Contributing Library: Brigham Young University-Idaho, David O. McKay Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University-Idaho

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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to a theater was still further heightened by the great canvas curtain, elaborately stenciled, which hung from the top of the talar, and which could be raised or lowered, by means of cords, like a curtain in a theater. Near the front of the talar, between the supporting columns, stood the Takht-i-Marmar, or Marble Throne, a low platform of translucent marble supported by Caryatides and lions. Here, seated on a pile of cushions in the Oriental fashion, the Shah holds his salaams or public audiences, the diplomatic corps in their brilliant uniforms, and the members of his government in the lambskin caps and Kashmir robes which are the courtdress of Persia, being assembled on the terraces below the throne. When the massed bands in their scarlet jackets burst into the imperial anthem, and the King of Kings, blazing with diamonds, ascends the Marble Throne, the effect is all that the most captious of stagemanagers could ask for. All that is needed are a few diving beauties for
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THE PEACOCK THRONE the pool and a well-drilled chorus of Persian houris. Leaving the court of the talar we passed by devious ways into the Gulistan the place of roses — a lovely spot, where fountains spread sheets of rippling coolness, where crystal streams in channels lined with turquoise tiles run between lawns as green and smooth as velvet, and where, behind great masses of flowers, rows of stately cypress find an enchanting background in the palace walls, which are covered from ground to eaves with scenes of war, love, and the chase done in tiles of such exquisite pattern and color that they have all the appearance of enamel. On the waters of the numerous lagoons swans float lazily; peacocks strut across the green-sward ; the air is heavy with the fragrance of roses. But, though the general effect is charming, it does not bear too close an inspection, for many of the tiles have fallen from the walls, leaving unsightly patches of bare plaster, while the execrable lapses of taste which so frequently charac-

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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vol. 145
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  • bookyear:1922
  • bookdecade:1920
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:various
  • bookpublisher:New_York__Harper___Brothers_Publishers
  • bookcontributor:Brigham_Young_University_Idaho__David_O__McKay_Library
  • booksponsor:Brigham_Young_University_Idaho
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