English: The Director of Evil ("Ondskan") Mikael Håfström, at a Press Conference during the ongoing 36th International Film Festival of India – 2005 in Panaji, Goa on December 2, 2005.
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{{Information |description={{en|1=The Director of ''Evil'' ("Ondskan") Mikael Håfström, at a Press Conference during the ongoing 36th International Film Festival of India – 2005 in Panaji, Goa on December 2, 2005.}} |date=2005-12-02 |source={{ID-PIB|idv1=6519|idv2=|cnr=10044|dept=Ministry of Information & Broadcasting|url=http://pibphoto.nic.in/photo//2005/Dec/l200512026519.jpg}} |author={{Institution:Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India)}} |permission= |other versions={{Extracted...
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Коротка назва
The Director of‘Evil’ Mikael Hafstrom, Actor Andreas Eilson, Director of the film ‘Double Shift’ Maria Essen, the Producer of the film ‘Threat’ Christer Abrahamson Actor Stefan Sauk, and the Deputy Head of Swedish Mission Niclos Trouve at a Press Conference during the ongoing 36th International Film Festival of India – 2005 in Panaji, Goa on December 2, 2005.
Назва зображення
The Director of‘Evil’ Mikael Hafstrom, Actor Andreas Eilson, Director of the film ‘Double Shift’ Maria Essen, the Producer of the film ‘Threat’ Christer Abrahamson Actor Stefan Sauk, and the Deputy Head of Swedish Mission Niclos Trouve at a Press Conference during the ongoing 36th International Film Festival of India – 2005 in Panaji, Goa on December 2, 2005.