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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2009-10-21T15:50:57Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (79935 Bytes) Make arrowheads less triangular (indentations at rear)
2009-10-21T15:23:20Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (79868 Bytes) Add arrowheads per FAC
2009-10-20T18:50:18Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (79825 Bytes) Make magenta line purple
2009-10-11T13:36:40Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (79831 Bytes) Yellow line for orange, some labels smaller, Farthest North replaced with actual figure, all other info the same
2009-10-11T03:08:59Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (81994 Bytes) Darker green for that line, all other information is the same
2009-10-11T02:46:31Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (81987 Bytes) Added last two lines for ice voyages, added last labels, all other information the same.
2009-10-09T19:30:04Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (75047 Bytes) Add labels, two more voyage lines, all other information is the same
2009-10-09T16:12:36Z Ruhrfisch 1003x601 (57897 Bytes) == Summary == {{Information |Description = Map of the Arctic Ocean showing the path of [[w:Nansen's Fram expedition|Nansen's Fram expedition]] 1893 to 1896 |Source = Base map of European mainland is from [[:File:Ma
{{Information |Description=Map of the Arctic Ocean showing the routes taken during the 1893–96 Nansen's Fram expedition: {{legend|red|Frams's route eastward from Vardø to the Siberian coast, turning north at the New Sibe