English: This was taken at the Computer History Museum at the dedication of the IEEE plaque commemorating the development of Shakey, the world's first mobile intelligent robot
The order of people in the group photo:
Richard O. Duda (with tie),
Tom Garvey,
Jim Jeffries,
Peter E. Hart,
Nils J. Nilsson,
Richard Fikes,
Helen Chan Wolff,
Claude Fennema (in a sweater),
Bertram Raphael,
Mike Wilber (holding a program)
Their roles, in preferred order of discussion:
Peter Hart:
Peter worked on the Vision system, the A* shortest path algorithm and the plan execution system, and was a project leader
Nils Nilsson:
Nils worked on the A* shortest path algorithm, the STRIPS planning system, and was a project leader
Bert Raphael:
Bert worked on the A* shortest path algorithm, and was a project leader
Dick Duda:
Dick worked on the vision system and on the Markov tables
Richard Fikes:
Richard worked on the Planning and plan execution system
Helen Wolf:
Helen is the Lady Ada Lovelace of robotics since she has a reasonable claim to being the world’s first robotics programmer
Claude Fennema:
Claude worked on the vision system
Mike Wilber:
Mike was a Systems programmer, working on the lower level software
Tom Garvey:
The work on Shakey’s system became the core of Tom’s Stanford PhD thesis, which described a new way to envision vision
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