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Опис файлу

Intrathecal injection of Flexner's serum through fontanelle into brain ventricles to treat meningitis

Identifier: pediatrics2219unse (find matches)
Title: Pediatrics.
Year: 1910 (1910s)
Subjects: Pediatrics Children Infants Pediatrics Disease Disease
Publisher: New York : Van Publishing
Contributing Library: Columbia University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

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hough in pain. On the following day the infant was admitted to the hospital.There was complete rigidity of the body for ten minutes, then arelaxation.- The eyeballs rolled upward, the neck, arms and legswere rigid, and the infant cried. During one of these spasmodicattacks the mouth remained wide open. No cardiac nor pul-monary symptoms were noted. Chief Complaints Sudden onset with vomiting. Loss of appetite, inan otherwise normal breast fed infant, with rigidityof head and neck, rigidity of extremities and convulsive move-ments. Anterior fontanelle open 1-2 inch in diameter, slightlybulging. Posterior fontanelle almost closed. Eyes: pupils equal,and reacted sluggishly to accommodation and to light. Oct. 2nd a lumbar puncture was performed and I c. c. ofturbid blood-tinged fluid withdrawn. The fluid was examinedmicroscopically for meningococcus with negative result. On Oct. 7th, 10th, and 18th, a lumbar puncture each result-ing in dry tap was made. As we had three successive dry taps
Text Appearing After Image:
(Method of Injecting Flexners Serum Through the Anterior Fontanelle A CASE OF CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS 225 and the symptoms of rigidity, opisthotonus, fever, and twitch-ing were marked, I concluded on Oct. 20th, to tap the childslateral ventricles. About 15 c. c. of turbid fluid containing puswere withdrawn from the right lateral ventricle. Smears madeshowed intracellular grain negative meningococco. The ventri-cles were then irrigated with normal saline solution, at a tempera-ture of about 105°F. The excess of fluid was then allowed to drainout through the needle, and 25 c. c. of anti-meningitis serumwere slowly injected into the ventricle. During the injectionof the serum the child changed in color from a waxy pallor to auniform red flush all over the body. One-half hour after theinjection of the serum, the child still remained flushed, perspiredprofusely, and had some frothing at the mouth. Otherwise thegeneral condition was very good. The temperature was 101.4respiration, 30; and

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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  • bookid:pediatrics2219unse
  • bookyear:1910
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • booksubject:Pediatrics
  • booksubject:Children
  • booksubject:Infants
  • booksubject:Disease
  • bookpublisher:New_York___Van_Publishing
  • bookcontributor:Columbia_University_Libraries
  • booksponsor:National_Endowment_for_the_Humanities__NEH_
  • bookleafnumber:217
  • bookcollection:ColumbiaUniversityLibraries
  • bookcollection:medicalheritagelibrary
  • bookcollection:americana
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