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Файл:Peter Treveris - engraving of Trepanation for Handywarke of surgeri 1525.png

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Опис Engraving by Peter Treveris of a trepanation. From Heironymus von Braunschweig's Handywarke of surgeri
Час створення
Джерело English Woodcuts 1480-1535 by Edward Hodnett, Oxford University Press, 1973. Peter Treveris engravings no. 2394 and 2395 by the book's systematic list of all known engravings. Figure 216
Автор Peter Treveris
(Повторне використання цього файлу)
Public domain

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Original caption may suggest that this is in fact not trepanation

The following comment was left on en:Talk:Trepanation suggesting that this image depicts a skull surgery procedure which may (or may not) fit a (narrow?) definition of trepanation. Quoting:

The image entitled "1525 engraving of trepanation by Peter Treveris" is incorrectly categorized as trepanation. The text of the original edition by Hieronymus Brunschwig contains the following caption: "This instrumente is for to worke upon the heed/whan the brayne pan is beten in/for to lyfte it up agayne." Considering that the term "brayne pan" refers to the skull, Brunschwig is clearly illustrating the repair of a depressed skull fracture. This is a different surgical procedure than trepenation and the image only serves to muddle the difference. I recommend that this image be removed from this article. Grafereid (talk) 15:14, 24 April 2008 (UTC)

The user left no references etc, and I merely copy the comment to this page, for visibility and record. Power.corrupts (talk) 07:17, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

This image alledgedly shows a trepanation. By closer study this is not precise. The pictures show an apparatus (or two versions of the same) for lifting out a scull fragment after a complicated fracture, a retractor. You see a pointed screw inserted into the fragment, and on the top of the gadget a nut and screw to pull out the dislocated part of the scull. This procedure would be much more common than a trepanation in the 16th century.


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Дата/часМініатюраРозмір об'єктаКористувачКоментар
поточний07:00, 8 травня 2008Мініатюра для версії від 07:00, 8 травня 20081500 × 1562 (722 КБ)CountingPineOptimise using PNGOUT
22:35, 7 травня 2008Мініатюра для версії від 22:35, 7 травня 20081500 × 1562 (741 КБ)MahahahaneapneapCompressed
18:20, 30 жовтня 2007Мініатюра для версії від 18:20, 30 жовтня 20071500 × 1562 (1,13 МБ)Adam Cuerden
19:19, 10 жовтня 2007Мініатюра для версії від 19:19, 10 жовтня 20071500 × 1672 (816 КБ)Adam Cuerden{{Information |Description=Engraving by Peter Treveris of a trepanation. From Heironymus von Braunschweig's ''Handywarke of surgeri'' |Source=English Woodcuts 1480-1535 by Edward Hodnett, Oxford University Press, 1973 |Date=26 March, 1525 |Author=Peter Tr

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