ОписPlano de la Mezquita de Córdoba (revised with labels and dates).jpg
English: This is a slightly revised version of a previously uploaded floor plan image (Plano de la Mezquita de Córdoba.jpg). The main revisions are: 1) extended the color scheme distinctions to the courtyard section, 2) removed a couple of faint labels and two other features in courtyard which don't show up in representations of the historical mosque's floor plan, 3) rotated image so the north and south ends are at the top and bottom respectively, 4) added names of Muslim rulers who built each section and the starting date of construction (which sometimes varies according to sources, hence the wide range specified for Abd ar-Rahman II).
The information here (revisions, dates, and all) is in line with the information and equivalent illustrations provided in Jonathan Bloom's recent book "Architecture of the Islamic West: North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, 700-1800" (2020), which is a reliable summary of existing scholarly research. Note: The only detail which I believe may be missing, based on a reading of sources, is that there should be a gallery of arches and columns running around the edge of the courtyard as of Abd ar-Rahman III's extension.
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Floor plan of the expanded mosque, with each major historical phase of expansion labelled for the ruler who commissioned it and the documented starting date (which sometimes varies depending on the sources)
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