English: The Shyok River (The River of Death) flows through northern Ladakh in India and the Ghangche District of Gilgit–Baltistan of Pakistan spanning some 550 km (340 mi)
According to some sources, the name of the Shyok (aka Shayog) River in the local language means the “River of Death”.
Actually, the name is formed by the two syllables :
shag ཤག་མ = gravel
gyog གཡོག་ = to spread
and means "gravel speader" alluding to the vast quantities of gravel deposited by its floods. (Glossary of Place Names in Western Tibet, F.A. Peter, The Tibet Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer 1977), pp. 5-37 (33 pages), Published By: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives)
ділитися – копіювати, поширювати і передавати твір
модифікувати – переробляти твір
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The Shyok River (The River of Death) flows through northern Ladakh in Indus and the Ghangche District of Gilgit–Baltistan of Pakistan spanning some 550 km (340 mi)
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