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Файл:The American boys' handybook of camp-lore and woodcraft (1920) (14802675933).jpg

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Опис файлу


Identifier: americanboyshand00bear (find matches)
Title: The American boys' handybook of camp-lore and woodcraft
Year: 1920 (1920s)
Authors: Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850-1941
Subjects: Camping Camping -- Equipment and supplies
Publisher: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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green sticks C (Fig. 95)are placed in a slanting position and supported by othersticks, D (Fig. 95), the top ends of which rest in notches cutin C stick at E (Fig. 95), and the bottom ends of which arethrust into the ground. Against the upright sticks C, andthe logs F are heaped to form the back of the fire. The fireis then built on the two fire-dogs AA, and against the F logs,the latter will burn slowly and at the same time reflect theheat into the open tent front. This same fire is sometimesused for a baking fire, but the real fire for this purpose ismade by the B ELMORE Lay Figs. 96 and 97. The first sketch shows the plan and thesecond the perspective view of the fire. The stove is madeby two side logs or fire-dogs over which the fire is built andafter it has fallen in, a mass of red hot embers, between thefire-dogs, two logs are laid across the dogs and one log isplaced atop, so that the flame then comes up in front of them(Fig. 97) and sends the heat against the bread or bannock.
Text Appearing After Image:
HOW TO LAY A GOOD COOKING FIRE 78 At a convenient distance in front of the fuel logs, awaugan-stick is placed, reaching from one fire-dog tothe other. In wilderness work the frjing pan is about the onlydomestic utensil carried and is used as a toaster, a baker,a broiler, a frjcr, and a stew pan all combined. In it theBuckskin man and the Sourdough make their bread, andafter the bread has been baked over the coals on the bottom,it is browned nicely on its top by tilting the pans in front ofthe fire and resting their handles against the waugan-stick(Fig. 97). I have seen tlie baking fire used from British Co-lumbia to Florida, but it was the explorer, Captain BehnoreBrowne, who showed me the use of the waugan-stick in con-nection with the baking fire, hence I have called this theBelmore Lay. A Frying Fire Is built between two logs, two rows of stones, or sods(Figs. 98, 99 and 100); between these logs the fire is usuallybuilt, using the sides as fire-dogs, or the sticks may be placedin t

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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  • bookid:americanboyshand00bear
  • bookyear:1920
  • bookdecade:1920
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Beard__Daniel_Carter__1850_1941
  • booksubject:Camping
  • booksubject:Camping____Equipment_and_supplies
  • bookpublisher:Philadelphia___J__B__Lippincott
  • bookcontributor:New_York_Public_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:90
  • bookcollection:newyorkpubliclibrary
  • bookcollection:americana
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