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Wreck-of-Aquila-November-1863.jpg (741 × 396 пікселів, розмір файлу: 86 КБ, MIME-тип: image/jpeg)

The wreck of the Aquila at San Francisco
The wreck of the Aquila at San Francisco
English: The wreck of the full-rigged ship Aquila with the disassembled United States Navy monitor USS Camanche (1864) aboard, sunk at Hathaway's Wharf in San Francisco, California, on 15 November 1863.

THE Aquila was some months ago sent from New York to San Francisco, having on board, as freight, the "Monitor" Camanche. Surviving all the perils of the voyage around Cape Horn, the Aquila was sunk while lying at a wharf at San Francisco. Our correspondent furnishes us with a sketch of the vessel, taken as she lay on the 25th of November, just after the accident, which we give on this page. He writes: "Early yesterday morning it was announced that the Aquila, having the Camanche on board, had sunk in the night at Hathaway's wharf. It was too true. After surviving storms and escaping pirates, she had gone down within a stone's-throw of our business thoroughfare. I send you a sketch of her as she lies, with only about twenty-five feet of the after-hull and deck visible, the sea sweeping through and over her decks. The vessel was brought in and moored alongside the wharf, the wind blowing freshly down the bay, raising a heavy sea, to which the broadside of the vessel was exposed. Under her stern was a hard bottom, against which she beat, or rather was beaten, until a hole was made, and down she went. At high tide there is 37 or 38 feet of water above her bow.

Note: The clipper ship Aquila [variously spelled Acquilla. Acquila, Aquilla] carried the disassembled monitor Comanche from New York to San Francisco in 1863. Upon arrival she sank alongside a wharf during a Nov. 16th storm, and the Comanche parts were salvaged for assembly.
Час створення 16 січня 1864
date QS:P571,+1864-01-16T00:00:00Z/11
Джерело/Фотограф trampsofsanfrancisco.com USS Comanche: Ironclad of San Francisco
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поточний01:38, 25 серпня 2017Мініатюра для версії від 01:38, 25 серпня 2017741 × 396 (86 КБ)Mdnavman{{Information |Description = The wreck of the full-rigged ship ''Aquila'' with the disassembled United States Navy monitor {{USS|Camanche|1864|6]] aboard, sunk at Hathaway's Wharf in San Francisco, California, on 15 November 1863. |Source...

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