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Файл:Zoology of Egypt (1898) (Chamaeleo calyptratus).jpg

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Опис файлу


Identifier: zoologyofegypt01ande (find matches)
Title: Zoology of Egypt
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Anderson, John, 1833-1900 Boulenger, George Albert, 1858-1937. Fishes of the Nile De Winton, William Edward
Subjects: Zoology
Publisher: London, B. Quaritch
Contributing Library: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library

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dorsal ridge of large, conical, backwardly pointed tubercles, largeston the anterior third of the back, becoming smaller behind, but more or less prolongedon to the tail. A gular ridge of triangular, sharply pointed, sickle-shaped lobules,diminishing in size on the two posterior thirds of the body. General colour of an adult male from Yemen, in alcohol, olive-green ; a black bandfrom the apex of the casque along its sides to above the eye; a narrow black bandbehind the eye to the angle of the mandible ; a series of large, irregularly shaped,blackish spots on the sides arranged more or less in two longitudinal series; a blackarea from behind the mandible to the ventral crest and over the shoulder; about 20broadish dark bands on the tail; dorsal and ventral crests whitish. One of the females from the Paris Museum is olive-grey, with a yellow lateral bandabove the shoulder margined with blackish, and another from the axilla to near thegroin. The head-markings are the same as in the male.
Text Appearing After Image:
D < & I 3 i sO 1 hJ § U CHAMELEON CALTPTEATUS. 229 Measurements (in millim.) of an adult male from Yemen and an adult femalefrom the Nile valley. 6- 5. Total length 425 423 Vent to tip of tail .... 220 235 This species, first described by A. Dumeril, from the Nile region, was recorded, in1882, from the island of Socotra by Peters, who, on that occasion, mentioned thatanother example, from Abyssinia, obtained by Ehrenberg, was preserved in the BerlinMuseum. Fig. 8.

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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