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Вільям Гемслі Еморі

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
Вільям Гемслі Еморі
англ. William Hemsley Emory
Народився7 вересня 1811(1811-09-07)[1][2][3] Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
Графство королеви Анни
Помер1 грудня 1887(1887-12-01)[1][2][3] (76 років) Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
ПохованняКладовище Конгресаd[4] Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
Діяльністьмандрівник-дослідник, офіцер, картограф, ботанік, політик, інженер-будівельник Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
Alma materВійськова академія США (1 липня 1831)[4][5] Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
ЧленствоАмериканська академія мистецтв і наук Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
ВійнаГромадянська війна в США і американо-мексиканська війна Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
Військове званнягенерал Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
МатиAnna Maria Emoryd[6] Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих
ДітиCampbell Dallas Emoryd
William H. Emory, Jr.d Редагувати інформацію у Вікіданих

Вільям Гемслі Еморі (англ. William Hemsley Emory[8][9][10], 7 вересня 1811 — 1 грудня 1887) — американський[8] ботанік, майор[9][10] та бригадний генерал[10].


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Вільям Гемслі Еморі народився у штаті Меріленд 7 вересня 1811 року[9].

Він отримав популярність як службовець в Корпусі інженерів-топографів, які брали участь в оглядах уздовж кордонів Сполучених Штатів з Мексикою та Канадою[9]. Еморі служив з 1838 до 1876 року[10].

Вільям Гемслі Еморі помер у Вашингтоні 1 грудня 1887 року[9].

Наукова діяльність

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Вільям Гемслі Еморі спеціалізувався на насіннєвих рослинах[8].


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Map of Texas and the Countries Adjacent, William Hemsley Emory, 1844
  • Buttery, L. M., Robert Lenon, and William H. Emory. The Emory Maps of 1847 & 1857. Lampasas, Tex: Old Maps of the Southwest, 1987. «Issue no. 6. part 2, Fall 1987.» Title of reproduced 1847 map: Military reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio Del Norte and Rio Gila. Title of pamphlet and accompanying map: Accuracy of Emory's 1846 Longitudes. Pamphlet includes essays by Lewis M. Buttery and Robert Lenon. Scale of reproduced map is ca. 1:2,000,000. Scale of 1984 map is ca. 1;1,000,000. 1 portfolio : 3 maps on 29 sheets, and 1 pamphlet ; 30 cm. Series Title: Old maps of the Southwest, no. 6, pt. 2. Other Titles: Military reconnaissance of the Arkansas Rio del Norte and Rio Gila Accuracy of Emory's 1846 longitudes.
  • Emory, William H., John James Abert, and William James Stone. of Texas and the Countries Adjacent. [Washington, D.C.]: War Department, 1844. Relief shown by hachures. Shows northern Mexico, southwestern U.S., and Texas as defined by Act of the Texian Congress, December 19, 1836; includes routes, Indian tribes, battle sites, etc. «Published by order of the U.S. Senate.» Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. Scanned raster image of original: 1 map on 2 sheets ; 54 x 81 cm., folded in cover 17 x 11 cm. Original in the David Rumsey Collection; scanned by Cartography Associates.
  • Emory, William Hemsley, Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey (2 vols., Washington: Nicholson, 1857, 1859; rpt., Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1987). ISBN 0-87611-085-5.
  • EMORY, William H., John Charles Frémont, Robert MILLS, and WISLIZENUS. Map of the Country between the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans included within the latitudes 25 & 42 & the longitudes 75 & 123 West, shewing the proposed route of a Rail Road from the Mississippi Valley to the ports of St. Diego, Monterey & St. Francisco on the Pacific Coast, etc. Compiled … by R. Mills, Eng. 1848.
  • Emory, William Hemsley, Notes of a Military Reconnaissance (Washington and New York, 1848; rpt., by the U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, as Lieutenant Emory Reports, with intro. and notes by Ross Calvin [Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1951]).
  • Emory, William H. Sketch of the Passage of the Rio San Gabriel, Upper California: By the Americans, Discomfiting the Opposing Mex. Forces, Jan. 8th. 1847. Washington?: s.n, 1848.
  • Emory, William H. Sketch of the Actions Fought at San Pasqual in Upper California between the Americans and the Mexicans, Dec. 6th & 7th, 1846. S.l: s.n, 1846. Relief shown by hachures. See: William Hemsley Emory's "Notes of a military reconnaissance, " Washington, 1848.
  • Emory, William H. Sketch of the Battle of Los Angeles Upper California: Fought between the Americans and Mexicans Jany. 9th. 1847. Washington, D.C.?: s.n, 1847. Relief shown by hachures. See: Emory's Notes of a military reconnaissance. 1848.
  • Emory, William H., A. D. Bache, and William Cranch Bond. Discussion of Observations for the Isodynamic, Isogonic, and Isoclinal Curves of Terrestrial Magnetism on and Near the Line of the Boundary Survey between the United States and Mexico, Made in 1849, 1850, 1851, and 1852, Under the Orders of W.H. Emory, Astronomer of the Boundary Commission, and Combined with Observations at San Francisco (California), and Dollar Point (East Base), and Jupiter (Texas), Furnished by A.D. Bache, Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, with a Map. Cambridge, Mass.?: s.n, 1855. Reprinted from: Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, v. 5, n.s., 1855?
  • Emory, William H. Observations, Astronomical, Magnetic, and Meteorological: Made at Chagres and Gorgona, Isthmus of Darien, and at the City of Panama, New Grenada. Cambridge: Metcalf and Company, 1850. 24 pages. Chiefly tables. «From the Memoirs of the American Academy.» Second leaf blank.
  • Emory, William H., Matilda Emory, J. R. Emory, Winfield Scott, A. V. Colburn, and James Longstreet. Papers of William Emory. 1861. Abstract: Correspondence, notes, and a biographical sketch documenting the life and career of William H. Emory.
  • Emory, William H. William Hemsley Emory Papers. 1823. Yale University Library. Abstract: The bulk of the collection documents William Emory's service on the Mexican boundary survey in the years 1848 to 1858. Series I contains correspondence with members of the boundary commission, the American and Mexican Survey parties, and government officials. Correspondence for 1849-50 describes California during the Gold Rush and Forty-Niners on the Gila route. There are also other military records. Series II contains letters and other records from Emory's service in Kansas and in the Civil War.
  • Emory, William H., J. McClelland, and James Kearney. Experimental Survey for the Eastern Shore Rail Road, Maryland, Drawn by W.H. Emory & J. McClelland Asst. Civ. Engs., Made Under the Direction of James Kearney. 1853. Abstract: Survey map along route of line covering strip of land in Maryland from Elk Landing to Tangier Sound. Shows streams, fields, land owners, roads, and the «lines run with compass & level, Lines run with compass.» The line was chartered in 1853, organized in 1859, and the first section of road completed in 1860.
  • Emory, William H. Reminiscences of General William Hemsley Emory. 1800. 46 pages. Typescript. US Military Academy Library, West Point, NY.
  • United States, and William H. Emory. Returns of the Fifth Regiment of Cavalry, Army of the United States (Colonel William H. Emory) for the Months of May, June, July, 1874. 1970. Size of sheets varies. Photocopy of records in the National archives. 6 sheets. 83 x 38 cm. fold. to 31 x 23 cm.
  • Frémont, John Charles, William H. Emory, and J. W. Abert. Notes of Travel in California Comprising the Prominent Geographical, Agricultural, Geological and Mineralogical Features of the Country: Also, the Route from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California, Including Parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. New York: D. Appleton & Co, 1849.
  • Jones, Anson, Anson Jones, and William H. Emory. Memoranda and Official Correspondence Relating to the Republic of Texas, Its History and Annexation; Including a Brief Autobiography of the Author. Chicago: Rio Grande Press, 1966. Paging irregular. A reprint of the 1859 ed. (New York, Appleton), together with a reprint of the 1848 ed. (30 p.) of the author's «Letters, relating to the history of annexation» (Galveston, Printed at the Civilian Office), and facsims. of the "Map of Texas and the countries adjacent, " compiled by William H. Emory, 1844, of the author's speech Feb. 19, 1846, delivered in Austin when Texas became a State, and of a previously unpublished pref. which the author's wife, Mary Jones, wrote for the «Memoranda.» 736 p. 3 facsims. (2 fold., incl. map), port. 24 cm.
  • Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden, and Emory, William H. 1811–1887. Correspondence: Emory and John Torrey. n.d. <http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/61133 [Архівовано 14 липня 2014 у Wayback Machine.]>.
  • Nicollet, J. N., John Charles Frémont, John James Abert, William H. Emory, and William James Stone. Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River: From Astronomical and Barometrical Observations, Surveys and Information. St. Paul, Minn: Minnesota Historical Society, 1976. Title on case: A map: the hydrographical basin of the Mississippi River, 1843. Relief shown by hachures. «Reduced and compiled under the direction of Col. J.J. Abert … by Lieut. W.H. Emory from the map published in 1842 and from other authorities in 1843. Published by order of the U.S. Senate. W.J. Stone, Sc. Mountains engraved by E.F. Woodward, Phila.» «Printed from an original copy, 1976.» 1 map ; 90 x 76 cm., folded to 21 x 13 cm., in case 24 x 15 cm.
  • United States, and William H. Emory. Correspondence between the War Department and Colonel Emory. [Washington]: [publisher not identified], 1872. 34 pages. At head of title: 42d Congress, 2d session. House of Representatives. Ex. doc. no. 209.
  • United States, William H. Emory, James Hall, T. A. Conrad, C. C. Parry, and Arthur Schott. Geological Reports. [Washington]: [Nicholson], 1857. 174 pages, [21] plates: illustrations ; 29 cm.
  • United States, and William Hensley Emory. Map of Texas and Part of New Mexico. S.l: s.n, 1970. Relief shown by hachures. Number of stations listed with latitude and longitude given for each. Facsim. of 1857 ed. Scale 1:1,500,000. 1 map; 58 x 64 cm. Responsibility: compiled in the Bureau of Topograph Engrs. Chiefly for military purposes; Map of the Rio Del Norte section of the boundary between United States and Mexico under the direction of Major W.H. Emory.
  • United States, John G. Parke, and William H. Emory. Report of Explorations for That Portion of a Railway Route Near the 32d Parallel of Latitude, Lying between Dona Ana, on the Rio Grande, and Pimas Villages, on the Gila. Washington, D.C.: Corps of Topographical Engineers, 1855. «House Document #129.» «Route near the thirty-second parallel. Extract from Report of Lieutenant Colonel Emory of a military reconnaissance made in 1846 and 1847»: p. 33-53.


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  1. а б Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #136155855 // Gemeinsame Normdatei — 2012—2016.
  2. а б SNAC — 2010.
  3. а б Find a Grave — 1996.
  4. а б http://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/1235
  5. https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Places/America/United_States/Army/USMA/Cullums_Register/642*.html
  6. Geni.com — 2006.
  7. IPNI,  Emory
  8. а б в International Plant Names Index: William Hemsley Emory (1811–1887). Архів оригіналу за 14 липня 2014. Процитовано 13 червня 2014.
  9. а б в г д William Hemsley Emory (1811–1887). Архів оригіналу за 31 липня 2010. Процитовано 13 червня 2014.
  10. а б в г Brigadier General William Hensley Emory, 1838–1876 (years of service). Архів оригіналу за 28 грудня 2009. Процитовано 13 червня 2014.


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  • Emory, William Hemsley, Notes of a Military Reconnaissance (Washington and New York, 1848; rpt., by the U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, as Lieutenant Emory Reports, with intro. and notes by Ross Calvin [Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1951]).