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Я не владею Украинским языком, поэтому дополню статью "Пряма мова" некоторыми сведениями на Русском и Английском языках. Речь пойдёт о правилах преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную в Английском языке.

Предварительное замечание

[ред. | ред. код]

Английский язык - это аналитический язык.

Преобразование рассказа о процессе (прямая речь) в пересказ о процессе (косвенная речь)

[ред. | ред. код]

1. Сообщения о процессах формулируются в Progressive Tenses, а сообщения о [былых, нынешних и грядущих] актуальных процессах формулируются в Perfect Progressive Tenses.

2. Сообщение о процессе, сформулированное в Past Perfect Progressive Tense, это сообщение о былом актуальном процессе (процессе, который с течением времени утратил актуальность).

Былой актуальный процесс отличается от нынешнего актуального процесса также, как "мёртвая душа" отличается от "живой души" (см. Николай Гоголь "Мёртвые души"). Говоря другими словами, множество былых актуальных процессов не пересекается с множеством нынешних актуальных процессов.

Каждый былой актуальный процесс целиком лежит в прошлом, тогда как каждый нынешний актуальный процесс хотя бы отчасти лежит в прошлом. Поэтому каждое сообщение о былом актуальном процессе (например, I had been running.) и каждое сообщение о нынешнем актуальном процессе (например, I has been running.) подразумевают сообщение о процессе в прошлом (в частности, I was running.).

Сообщение о былом актуальном процессе (например, She had been walking in the park.) менее значимо, чем сообщение о процессе в прошлом (в частности, She was walking in the park.). В свою очередь, сообщение о процессе в прошлом (например, She was walking in the park.) менее значимо, чем сообщение о нынешнем актуальном процессе (в частности, She has been walking in the park.). Поэтому:

1) сообщение "She had been beating her husband." можно сопроводить резолюцией "Отправить в архив",
2) сообщение "She was beating her husband." можно сопроводить резолюцией "Принять к сведению",
3) сообщение "She has been beating her husband." можно сопроводить резолюцией "Взять на контроль".

3. Сообщение, сформулированное в Future Perfect Progressive Tense, это сообщение о грядущем актуальном процессе (процессе, который с течением времени приобретёт актуальность)

Каждый грядущий актуальный процесс хотя бы отчасти лежит в будущем. Поэтому каждое сообщение о грядущем актуальном процессе (например, I will have been running.) подразумевает сообщение о будущем процессе (в частности, I will be running).

Cообщение о будущем процессе (например, She will be walking in the park.) менее значимо, чем сообщение о грядущем актуальном процессе (в частности, She will have been walking in the park.). Поэтому:

1) сообщение "She will be beating her husband." можно сопроводить резолюцией "Принять к сведению",
2) сообщение "She will have been beating her husband." можно сопроводить резолюцией "Отметить в календаре".

Present Progressive преобразуется в Past Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Progressive." P'reterite that PastProgressive (at that moment).

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Verdandi said, "Mrs Smith is beating her puny husband with a stick." Verdandi said that Mrs Smith was beating her puny husband with a stick at that moment.
Beatrice rejoined, "Mrs Smith is not beating her puny husband with a stick." Beatrice rejoined that Mrs Smith was not beating her puny husband with a stick at that moment.
James Bond said Max otto von Stirlitz "The Cossacks are writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said to Max Otto von Stirlitz that the Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan at that moment.
Max Otto von Stirlitz retorted, "The Cossacks are not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz retorted that the Cossacks were not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan at that moment.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Verthandi replied, "Mr Smith is being beaten by his stern wife." Verdandi replied that Mr Smith was being beaten by his stern wife at that moment.
Beatrice whispered, "Mr Smith is not being beaten by his stern wife." Beatrice whispered that Mr Smith was not being beaten by his stern wife at that moment.
James Bond answered, "The letter is being written to the Ottoman sultan by the Cossacks." James Bond answered that the letter was being written to the Ottoman sultan by the Cossacks at that moment.
Max Otto von Stirlitz cried, "The letter is not being written to the Ottoman sultan by the Cossacks." Max Otto von Stirlitz cried that the letter was not being written to the Ottoman sultan by the Cossacks at that moment.

Дополнение (о преобразовании "now" в "then")

P'reterite, "Progressive (now)." P'reterite that PastProgressive (then).

Sherlock Holmes announced, "The Zaporizhian Cossacks are writing the letter to the Ottoman Sultan now." Sherlock Holmes announced that the Zaporizhian Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman Sultan then.

Дополнение (о преобразовании "here" в "there")

P'reterite, "Progressive (here)." P'reterite that PastProgressive (there).

Dr Watson added, "The letter is being written here and now." Dr Watson added that the letter was being written there and then.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Progressive?" P'reterite whether PastProgressive (at that moment).

Alphan asked Verdandi, "Is Mrs. Smith beating her husband?" Alphan asked Verdandi whether Mrs. Smith was beating her husband at that moment.
Alphanol asked Verdandi, "Isn't Mrs. Smith beating her husband?" Alphanol asked Verdandi whether Mrs. Smith was not beating her husband at that moment.
Betan asked James Bond, "Are the Cossacks writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan at that moment.
Betanol asked James Bond, "Aren't the Cossacks writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betanol asked James Bond whether the Cossacks were not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan at that moment.
She asked me, "Are you sleeping?" She asked me whether I was sleeping at that moment.

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Harry Potter asked Hermione Granger, "Why is Mrs Smith beating her husband?" Harry Potter asked Hermione Granger why Mrs Smith was beating her husband at that moment.
Robin Hood asked Little John, "Where are the Cossacks writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Robin Hood asked Little John where the Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan at that moment.
She asked me, "What are you doing?" She asked me what I was doing at that moment.

Past Progressive, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Perfect Progressive преобразуются в Past Perfect Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite, "Perfectsive." P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.


She said, "He was eating." She said, "He has been eating." She said, "He had been eating." She said that he had been eating.

P'reterite that ¬(Pluperfectsive). P'reterite, "¬(PastSimple)." P'reterite, "¬(Perfectsive)." P'reterite, "¬(Pluperfectsive)."


I said that he had not been eating. I said, "He was not eating." I said, "He has not been eating." I said, "He had not been eating."

Past Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said Alice, "Mrs Smith was beating her puny husband with a stick." Urd said to Alice that Mrs Smith had been beating her puny husband with a stick.
Alice rejoined Urd, "Mrs Smith was not beating her puny husband with a stick." Alice rejoined Urd that Mrs Smith had not been beating her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond said Max Otto von Stirlitz, "The Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said to Max Otto Von Stirlitz that the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz objected James Bond, "The Cossacks were not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz objected James Bond that the Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Urd supposed, "Mr Smith was being beaten with a stick." Urd supposed that somebody had been beating Mr Smith with a stick.
Alice thought, "Mr Smith was not being beaten." Alice thought that nobody had been beating Mr Smith.
James Bond admitted, "The letter was being written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond admitted that somebody had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz remembered, "The letter was not being written to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz remembered that nobody had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.


P'reterite, "PastProgressive (X)." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive (Y).

Если X = yesterday, тогда Y = the day before Y = the previous day
Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband yesterday." Urd said that Mrs Smith had been beating her husband the day before. Urd said that Mrs Smith had been beating her husband the previous day.
Если X = the day before yesterday, тогда Y = two days before Y = two days earlier
Dr Watson said, "The Cossacks were writing the letter the day before yesterday." Dr Watson said that the Cossacks had been writing the letter two days before. Dr Watson said that the Cossacks had been writing the letter two days earlier.
Если X = last week (decade, month, season, year, ...), тогда Y = the week (decade, month, season, year, ...) before
Winnie-the-Pooh said Eeyore, "Mrs Duncan was eating Galacto's hamburger last week." Winnie-the-Pooh said to Eeyore that Mrs Duncan had been eating Galacto's hamburger the week before.
Если X = a day (week, decade, month, ...) ago, тогда Y = a day (week, decade, month, ...) before
Huckleberry Finn said, "Mr Duncan was drinking Galacto's beer a month ago." Huckleberry Finn said that Mr Duncan had been drinking Galacto's beer a month before.
Если X = two hours (days, weeks, months, years, ...) ago, тогда Y = two hours (days, weeks, months, years, ...) before Y = two hours (days, weeks, months, years, ...) earlier.
Tom Sawyer said, "Several police divers were looking for Mrs Simpson's body in the Thames two months ago." Tom Sawyer said that several police divers had been looking for Mrs Simpson's body in the Thames two months before. Tom Sawyer said that several police divers had been looking for Mrs Simpson's body in the Thames two months earlier.
Если X = n hours (days, weeks, months, ...) ago, тогда Y = n hours (days, weeks, months, ...) before Y = n hours (days, weeks, months, ...) earlier

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "PastProgressive?" P'reterite whether Pluperfectsive.

Alphan asked Tigger, "Was Mrs Smith beating her husband?" Alphan asked Tigger whether Mrs Smith had been beating her husband.
Azil asked Roo, "Wasn't Mrs Smith beating her husband?" Azil asked Roo whether Mrs Smith had not been beating her husband.
Betan asked Piglet, "Were the Cossacks writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked Piglet whether the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Bukil asked Kanga, "Weren't the Dnieper Cossacks writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Bukil asked Kanga whether the Dnieper Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Tom Sawyer asked Huckleberry Finn, "When was Mrs Smith beating her puny husband with a stick in the dark forest?" Tom Sawyer asked Huckleberry Finn when Mrs Smith had been beating her puny husband with a stick in the dark forest.
Huckleberry Finn asked Tom Sawyer, "What were the Cossacks writing to the Ottoman sultan?" Hukleberry Finn asked Tom Sawyer what the Cossacks had been writing to the Ottoman sultan.

Present Perfect Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Perfectsive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.


P'reterite, "Perfectsive." P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said, "Mrs Smith has been beating her puny husband with a stick." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her puny husband with a stick." Urd said that Mrs Smith had been beating her puny husband with a stick.
Alice objected Urd that Mrs Smith had not been beating her puny husband with a stick. Alice objected Urd, "Mrs Smith has not been beating her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond wrote, "The Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond wrote, "The Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond wrote that the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz informed Sherlock Holmes that the Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz informed Sherlock Holmes, "The Cossacks have not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.


P'reterite, "Perfectsive (X)." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive (Y).

Если X = today, тогда Y = that day
Jim Hawkins said Billy Bones, "Mrs Smith has been beating her husband today." Jim Hawkins said to Billy Bones that Mrs Smith had been beating her husband that day.
Если X = tonight, тогда Y = that night
Squire Trelawney said Dr Livesey "Mrs Smith has been beating her husband tonight." Squire Trelawney said to Dr. Livesey that Mrs Smith had been beating her husband that night.
Если X = this morning (week, month, year, ...), тогда Y = that morning (week, month, year, ...)
John Silver said Ben Gunn "Mrs Smith has been beating her husband this week." John Silver said to Ben Gunn that Mrs Smith had been beating her husband that week.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Perfectsive?" P'reterite whether Pluperfectsive.

Alphan asked Urd, "Has Mrs Smith been beating her husband?" Alphan asked Urd whether Mrs Smith had been beating her husband.
Tom Sawyer asked Dr Watson whether Mrs Smith had not been beating her husband with a stick on the left bank of the Dnieper. Tom Sawyer asked Dr Watson, "Hasn't Mrs Smith been beating her husband with a stick on the left bank of the Dnieper?"
Betan asked James Bond, "Have the Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Huckleberry Finn asked Dr Livesey whether the Zaporizhian Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Huckleberry Finn asked Dr Livesey, "Haven't the Zaporizhian Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?"

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Azil asked Ben Gunn, "How long has Mrs Smith been beating her husband?" Azil asked Ben Gunn how long Mrs Smith had been beating her husband.
Bukil asked John Silver, "Where have the Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Bukil asked John Silver where the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Past Perfect Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.


P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive." P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite that Pluperfectsive.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said, "Mrs Smith had been beating her puny husband with a stick." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her puny husband with a stick." Urd said that Mrs Smith had been beating her puny husband with a stick.
Alice remarked that Mrs Smith had not been beating her puny husband with a stick. Alice remarked, "Mrs Smith had not been beating her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond said, "The Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said, "The Cossacks were writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said that the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz objected that the Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz objected, "The Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan."

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive (?)" P'reterite whether Pluperfectsive

Alphan asked Urd, "Had Mrs Smith been beating her husband?" Alphan asked Urd whether Mrs Smith had been beating her husband.
Azol asked Urd whether Mrs Smith had not been beating her husband. Azol asked Urd, "Hadn't Mrs Smith been beating her husband?"
Betan asked James Bond, "Had the Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Bukol asked James Bond whether the Cossacks had not been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Bukol asked James Bond, "Hadn't the Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?"

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Azol asked Urd, "What had Mrs Smith been doing?" Azol asked Urd what Mrs Smith had been doing.
Bukol asked James Bond, "Why had the Cossacks been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Bukol asked James Bond why the Cossacks had been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Просторечие: Past Perfect Progressive замещается Past Progressive

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Future Progressive, Future Perfect Progressive преобразуются в FP-Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FutureProgressive" P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive" P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive


She said, "He will be eating varenyky." She said, "He will have been eating varenyky." She said that he would be eating varenyky.

P'reterite that ¬(Future in the PastProgressive) P'reterite, "¬(FutureProgressive)" P'reterite, "¬(FuturePerfectsive)"


I said that he would not be eating varenyky. I said, "He will not be eating varenyky." I said, "He will not have been eating varenyky."

Future Progressive преобразуется в FP-Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FutureProgressive" P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would be beating her puny husband with a stick.
Clarice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not be beating her puny husband with a stick." Clarice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not be beating her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.


P'reterite, "FutureProgressive (X)" P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive (Y)

X = tomorrow Y = the following day
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her husband tomorrow." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would be beating her husband the following day.
X = the day after tomorrow Y = two days later
Huckleberry Finn said, "The Cossacks will be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan the day after tomorrow." Huckleberry Finn said that the Cossacks would be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan two days later.
X = next week (month, year, ...) Y = the following week (month, year, ...)
Tom Sawyer said, "Mr Duncan will be driniking Galacto's beer next week." Tom Sawyer said that Mr Duncan would be drinking Galacto's beer the following week.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "FutureProgressive (?)" P'reterite whether Future in the PastProgressive

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs Smith be beating her husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would be beating her husband.
Sherlock Holmes asked Skuld, "Won't Mrs Smith be beating her husband?" Sherlock Holmes asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would not be beating her husband.
Betan asked James Bond, "Will the Cossacks be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Dr Watson asked James Bond, "Won't the Cossacks be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Dr Watson asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would not be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Abel asked Skuld, "Where will Mrs Smith be beating her husband?" Abel asked Skuld where Mrs Smith would be beating her husband.
Babel asked James Bond, "What will the Cossacks be doing?" Babel asked James Bond what the Cossacks would be doing.

Future Perfect Progressive преобразуется в FP-Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive." P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive.


P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive." P'reterite, "FutureProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have been beating her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would be beating her puny husband with a stick.
Clarice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not be beating her puny husband with a stick. Clarice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not have been beating her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The Cossacks will be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan."

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive (?)" P'reterite whether Future in the PastProgressive

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs Smith have been beating her husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would be beating her husband.
Azan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would not be beating her husband. Azan asked Skuld, "Won't Mrs Smith have been beating her husband?"
Betan asked James Bond, "Will the Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would be writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Bukan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Bukan asked James Bond, "Won't the Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?"

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Alonso asked Skuld, "How long will Mrs Smith have been beating her husband?" Alonso asked Skuld how long Mrs Smith woud be beating her husband.
Betonso asked James Bond, "Whom will the Cossacks have been writing the letter to?" Betonso asked James Bond whom the Cossacks would be writing the letter to.

Future Perfect Progressive преобразуется в FP-Perfect Progressive

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive" P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfectsive

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have been beating her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would have been beating her puny husband with a stick.
Alice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not have been beating her puny husband with a stick." Alice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not have been beating her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive (?)" P'reterite whether Future in the PastPerfectsive

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs. Smith have been beating her husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs. Smith would have been beating her husband.
Azolin asked Skuld, "Won't Mrs Smith have been beating her husband?" Azolin asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would not have been beating her husband.
Betan asked James Bond, "Will the Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Betan asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Bukolin asked James Bond, "Won't the Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Bukolin asked James Bond whether the Cossacks would not have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Sherlock Holmes asked Skuld, "What will Mrs. Smith have been doing with the stick?" Sherlock Holmes asked Skuld what Mrs. Smith would have been doing with the stick.
Doctor Watson asked James Bond, "How long will the Cossacks have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" Doctor Watson asked James Bond how long the Cossacks would have been writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Сводка результатов

[ред. | ред. код]
Правила преобразования рассказа о процессе в пересказ о процессе
Direct speech Logical connective Indirect speech
P'reterite, "PastPerfectProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfectProgressive
P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfectProgressive
P'reterite, "PresentPerfectProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfectProgressive
P'reterite, "PresentProgressive." P'reterite that PastProgressive at that moment
P'reterite, "FuturePerfectProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfectProgressive
P'reterite, "FuturePerfectProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive
P'reterite, "FutureProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastProgressive.

Преобразование рассказа о событии (прямая речь) в пересказ о событии (косвенная речь)

[ред. | ред. код]

Сообщения о событиях формулируются в Simple Tenses, а сообщения об актуальных событиях формулируются в Perfect Tenses.

Present Simple преобразуется в Past Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Simple (now)" P'reterite that Preterite (then)

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Verdandi said, "Mrs Smith beats her puny husband with a stick now." Verdandi said that Mrs Smith beat her puny husband with a stick then.
Beatrice rejoined, "Mrs Smith does not beat her puny husband with a stick now." Beatrice rejoined that Mrs Smith did not beat her puny husband with a stick then.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks write the letter to the Ottoman sultan now." James Bond added that the Cossacks wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan then.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks don't write the letter to the Ottoman sultan now." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks did not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan then.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Verdandi said, "Mr Smith is beaten by his stern wife now." Verdandi said that Mr Smith was beaten by his stern wife then.
Beatrice rejoined, "Mr Smith is not beaten by his stern wife now." Beatrice rejoined that Mr Smith was not beaten by his stern wife then.
James Bond added, "The letter is written to the Ottoman sultan now." James Bond added that the letter was written to the Ottoman sultan then.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter is not written to the Ottoman sultan now." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter was not written to the Ottoman sultan then.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Simple (now, ?)" P'reterite whether Preterite (then)

Alphan asked Verdandi, "Does Mrs Smith beat her husband now?" Alphan asked Verdandi whether Mrs Smith beat her husband then.
James Hood asked Verdandi, "Doesn't Mrs Smith beat her husband now?" James Hood asked Verdandi whether Mrs Smith does not beat her husband then.
Gamman asked Verdandi, "Is Mr Smith beaten by his wife now?" Gamman asked Verdandi whether Mr Smith was beaten by his wife then.
Lily Hood asked Verdandi, "Isn't Mr Smith beaten by his wife now?" Lily Hood asked Verdandi whether Mr Smith is not beaten by his wife then.

Дополнение (об употребление герундиев)

Verdandi said, "Mrs Smith is beating her puny husband with a stick." Verdandi said, "Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband with a stick takes place now." Verdandi said that Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband with a stick took place then.
Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband with a stick - наименование процесса
Dr Watson confirmed, "Mr Smith is being beaten by his stern wife." Dr Watson confirmed, "Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife takes place now." Dr Watson confirmed that Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife took place then.
Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife - наименование процесса

Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect преобразуются в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Preterite" P'reterite, "Perfect" P'reterite, "Pluperfect" P'reterite that Pluperfect


She said, "He ate." She said, "He has eaten." She said, "He had eaten." She said that he had eaten.

P'reterite that ¬(Pluperfect) P'reterite, "¬(Preterite)" P'reterite, "¬(Perfect)" P'reterite, "¬(Pluperfect)"


I said that he had not eaten. I said, "He did not eat." I said, "He has not eaten." I said, "He had not eaten."

Past Simple преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Preterite" P'reterite that Pluperfect

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said, "Mrs Smith beat her puny husband with a stick." Urd said that Mrs Smith had beaten her puny husband with a stick.
Alice rejoined, "Mrs Smith did not beat her puny husband with a stick." Alice rejoined that Mrs Smith had not beaten her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks did not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks had not written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Urd said, "Mr Smith was beaten by his stern wife. Urd said that Mr Smith had been beaten by his stern wife.
Alice rejoined, "Mr Smith was not beaten by his stern wife. Alice rejoined that Mr Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife.
James Bond added, "The letter was written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the letter had been written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter was not written to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter had not been written to the Ottoman sultan.


P'reterite, "Preterite (X)" P'reterite that Pluperfect (Y)

X = yesterday Y = the day before
Urd said, "Mrs. Smith wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan yesterday." Urd said that Mrs. Smith had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan the day before.
X = the day before yesterday Y = two days before
X = last week (month, year, ...) Y = the week (month, year, ...) before
Dr Watson added, "The Cossacks wrote the petition to the President of the USA last month." Dr Watson added that the Cossacks had written the petition to the President of the USA the month before.
X = a day (week, month, year, ...) ago Y = a day (week, month, year, ...) before
X = two days (weeks, months, years, ...) ago Y = two days (weeks, months, years, ...) before
X = n days (weeks, months, years, ...) ago Y = n days (weeks, months, years, ...) before
Urd said, "Mr. Smith was beaten by his stern wife three years ago." Urd said that Mr. Smith had been beaten by his stern wife three years before.

Изложении исторических фактов в прямой и косвенной речи

P'reterite, "Preterite (date)" P'reterite that Preterite (date)

He said, "Kiev was founded in the 5th century." He said that Kiev was founded in the 5th century.
She said, "Columbus discovered America in 1492." She said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Ann said, "Mary Stewart was executed on the 8th of February 1587." Ann said that Mary Stewart was executed on the 8th of February 1587.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Preterite (?)" P'reterite whether Pluperfect

Alphan asked Urd, "Did Mrs. Smith beat her husband?" Alphan asked Urd whether Mrs. Smith had beaten her husband.
Alphanol asked Urd, "Didn't Mrs. Smith beat her husband?" Alphanol asked Urd whether Mrs. Smith had not beaten her husband.
Gamman asked Urd, "Was Mr. Smith beaten by his wife?" Gamman asked Urd whether Mr. Smith had been beaten by his wife.
Gammanol asked Urd, "Wasn't Mr. Smith beaten by his wife?" Gammanol asked Urd whether Mr. Smith had not been beaten by his wife.

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

A asked Urd, "When did Mrs. Smith write the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" A asked Urd when Mrs. Smith had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
B asked Urd, "Why was Mr. Smith beaten by his wife?" B asked Urd why Mr. Smith had been beaten by his wife.

Дополнение (об употреблении герундиев)

Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her puny husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband took place." Urd said that Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband had taken place.
Mrs Smith's beating her puny husband - наименование процесса с герундием beating
Sherlock Holmes confirmed, "Mr Smith was being beaten by his stern wife." Sherlock Holmes confirmed, "Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife took place." Sherlock Holmes confirmed that Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife had taken place.
Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife - наименование процесса с герундием being beaten

Present Perfect преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Perfect." P'reterite that Pluperfect.


P'reterite, "Perfect." P'reterite, "Preterite." P'reterite that Ppluperfect.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said, "Mrs. Smith has beaten her puny husband with a stick." Urd said, "Mrs. Smith beat her puny husband with a stick." Urd said that Mrs. Smith had beaten her puny husband with a stick.
Alice rejoined that Mrs Smith had not beaten her puny husband with a stick. Alice rejoined, "Mrs. Smith has not beaten her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks has written the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The Cossacks wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks had not written the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks has not written the letter to the Ottoman sultan."

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Urd said, "Mr. Smith has been beaten by his stern wife." Urd said, "Mr. Smith was beaten by his stern wife." Urd said that Mr. Smith had been beaten by his stern wife.
Alice rejoined that Mr. Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife. Alice rejoined, "Mr. Smith has not been beaten by his stern wife."
James Bond said, "The letter has been written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said, "The letter was written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said that the letter had been written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter had not been written to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter has not been written to the Ottoman sultan."


P'reterite, "Perfect (X)" P'reterite that Pluperfect (Y)

X = today Y = that day
X = tonight Y = that night
X = this morning (week, month, year, ...) that morning (week, month, year, ...)
James Bond said, "Mr. Smith has been beaten by his stern wife this week." James Bond said that Mr. Smith had been beaten by his stern wife that week.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Perfect (?)" P'reterite whether Pluperfect

Alphan asked Urd, "Has Mrs. Smith beaten her husband?" Alphan asked Urd whether Mrs. Smith had beaten her husband.
Alphanil asked Urd whether Mrs. Smith had not beaten her husband. Alphanil asked Urd, "Hasn't Mrs. Smith beaten her husband?"
Gamman asked Urd, "Has Mr. Smith been beaten by his stern wife?" Gamman asked Urd whether Mr. Smith had been beaten by his stern wife.
Gammanil asked Urd whether Mr. Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife. Gammanil asked Urd, "Hasn't Mr. Smith been beaten by his stern wife?"

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

A asked Urd, "What has Mrs. Smith done?" A asked Urd what Mrs. Smith had done.
B asked Urd, "How has Mrs. Smith beaten her husband?" B asked Urd how Mrs. Smith had beaten her husband.

Дополнение (об употребление герундиев)

Urd said, "Mrs Smith has been beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith's beating her husband took place." Urd said that Mrs Smith's beating her husband had taken place.
Harry Potter confirmed, "The stern wife of Mr. Smith has been beating him." Harry Potter confirmed, "The stern wife of Mr. Smith was beating him." Harry Potter confirmed, "Mr. Smith was being beaten by his stern wife." Harry Potter confirmed, "Mr. Smith's being beaten by his stern wife took place." Harry Potter confirmed that Mr. Smith's being beaten by his stern wife had taken place.

Past Perfect преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Pluperfect." P'reterite that Pluperfect.


P'reterite, "Pluperfect." P'reterite, "Preterite." P'reterite that Pluperfect.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Urd said Moominpappa, "Mrs Smith had beaten her puny husband wirh a stick." Urd said Moominpappa, "Mrs Smith beat her puny husband with a stick." Urd said to Moominpappa that Mrs Smith had beaten her puny husband with a stick.
Alice rejoined that Mrs Smith had not beaten her puny husband with a stick. Alice rejoined, "Mrs Smith had not beaten her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond added, "The Cossacks had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The Cossacks wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks had not written the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks had not written the letter to the Ottoman sultan."

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Urd said Moominmamma, "Mr Smith had been beaten by his stern wife. Urd said Moominmamma, "Mr Smith was beaten by his stern wife." Urd said to Moominmamma that Mr Smith had been beaten by his stern wife.
Alice rejoined that Mr Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife. Alice rejoined, "Mr Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife."
James Bond added, "The letter had been written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The letter was written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the letter had been written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter had not been written to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter had not been written to the Ottoman sultan."

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "Pluperfect?" P'reterite whether Pluperfect.

Alphan asked Urd, "Had Mrs Smith beaten her husband?" Alphan asked Urd whether Mrs Smith had beaten her husband.
James Potter asked Urd whether Mrs Smith had not beaten her husband. James Potter asked Urd, "Hadn't Mrs Smith beaten her husband?"
Gamman asked Urd, "Had Mr Smith been beaten by his wife?" Gamman asked Urd whether Mr Smith had been beaten by his wife.
Lily Potter asked Urd whether Mr Smith had not been beaten by his stern wife. Lily Potter asked Urd, "Hadn't Mr Smith been beaten by his stern wife?"

Дополнение (о преобразовании специальных вопросов)

Moomintroll asked James Bond, "Whom had the Zaporizhian Cossacks written the letter to?" Moomintroll asked James Bond whom the Zaporizhian Cossacks had written the letter to.
The Snork Maiden asked James Bond, "Where had the Zaporizhian Cossacks written the letter to the Ottoman sultan?" The Snork Maiden asked James Bond where the Zaporizhian Cossacks had written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (об употребление герундиев)

Urd said, "Mrs Smith had been beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith's beating her husband took place." Urd said that Mrs Smith's beating her husband had taken place.
Mrs Stirlitz confirmed, "The stern wife of Mr Smith had been beating him." Mrs Stirlitz confirmed, "The stern wife of Mr Smith was beating him." Mrs Stirlitz confirmed, "Mr Smith was being beaten by his stern wife." Mrs Stirlitz confirmed, "Mr Smith's being beaten by his stern wife took place." Mrs Stirlitz confirmed that Mr Smith's beating by his stern wife had taken place.

Просторечие: плюсквамперфект (Past Perfect) замещается претеритом (Past Simple)

[ред. | ред. код]

Поскольку Pluperfect Preterite, постольку P'reterite that Pluperfect P'reterite that Preterite

Поскольку Cain had killed Abel. Cain killed Abel., постольку He said that Cain had killed Abel. He said that Cain killed Abel.


1) P'reterite that Pluperfect P'reterite that Preterite
2) P'reterite, "Preterite" P'reterite, "Perfect" P'reterite, "Pluperfect" P'reterite that Pluperfect


P'reterite, "Preterite" P'reterite, "Perfect" P'reterite, "Pluperfect" P'reterite that Preterite
He said, "Cain killed Abel." He said, "Cain has killed Abel." He said, "Cain had killed Abel." He said that Cain killed Abel.

Future Simple, Future Perfect преобразуются в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

Future Simple преобразуется в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FutureSimple" P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will beat her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would beat her puny husband with a stick.
Clarice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not beat her puny husband with a stick." Clarice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not beat her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will write the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would write the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Skuld said, "Mr Smith will be beaten by his stern wife." Skuld said that Mr Smith would be beaten by his stern wife.
Clarice rejoined, "Mr Smith will not be beaten by his stern wife." Clarice rejoined that Mr Smith would not be beaten by his stern wife.
James Bond added, "The letter will be written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond said that the letter would be written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter will not be written to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter would not be written to the Ottoman sultan.


P'reterite, "FutureSimple (X)" P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple (Y)

X = tomorrow Y = the following day
Alphan said, "Mr Smith will be beaten by his wife tomorrow." Alphan said that Mr Smith would be beaten by his wife the following day.
X = the day after tomorrow Y = two days later = in two days
Betan said, "Mr Smith will be beaten by his wife the day after tomorrow." Betan said that Mr Smith would be beaten by his wife two days later.
X = next week (month, year, ...) Y = the following week (month, year, ...)
Gamman said, "Mr Smith will be beaten by his wife next week." Gamman said that Mr Smith would be beaten by his wife the following week.

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "FutureSimple (?)" P'reterite whether Future in the PastSimple

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs Smith beat her husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would beat her husband.
Azarus asked Skuld, "Won't Mrs Smith beat her husband?" Azarus asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would not beat her husband.
Gamman asked Skuld, "Will Mr Smith be beaten by his wife?" Gamman asked Skuld whether Mr Smith would be beaten by his wife.
Gammarus asked Skuld, "Won't Mr Smith be beaten by his wife?" Gammarus asked Skuld whether Mr Smith would not be beaten by his wife.

Дополнение (об употреблении герундиев)

Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her husband." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith's beating her husband will take place." Skuld said that Mrs Smith's beating her husband would take place.
Huckleberry Finn confirmed, "The wife of Mr Smith will be beating him." Huckleberry Finn confirmed, "'Mr Smith's being beaten by his wife will take place." Huckleberry Finn confirmed that Mr Smith's being beaten by his wife would take place.

Future Perfect преобразуется в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfect." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.


P'reterite, "FuturePerfect." P'reterite, "FutureSimple." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have beaten her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will beat her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would beat her puny husband with a stick.
Clarice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not beat her puny husband with a stick. Clarice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not have beaten her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The Cossacks will write the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would write the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Skuld said, "Mr Smith will have been beaten by his stern wife." Skuld said, "Mr Smith will be beaten by his stern wife." Skuld said that Mr. Smith would be beaten by his stern wife.
Clarice rejoined that Mr Smith would not be beaten by his stern wife. Clarice rejoined, "Mr Smith will not have been beaten by his stern wife."
James Bond added, "The letter will have been written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added, "The letter will be written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the letter would be written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter would not be written to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter will not have been written to the Ottoman sultan."

Дополнение (о преобразовании общих вопросов)

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive (?)" P'reterite whether Future in the PastSimple

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs Smith have beaten his husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would beat her husband.
Azasaur asked Skuld wheter Mrs Smith would not beat her husband. Azasaur asked Skuld, "Won't Mrs Smith have beaten her husband?"
Gamman asked Skuld, "Will Mr Smith have been beaten by his wife?" Gamman asked Skuld whether Mr Smith would be beaten by his wife.
Gammasaur asked Skuld whether Mr Smith would not be beaten by his wife. Gammasaur asked Skuld, "Won't Mr Smith have been beaten by his wife?"

Дополнение (об употреблении герундиев)

Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have been beating her husband." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her husband." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith's beating her husband will take place." Skuld said that Mrs Smith's beating her husband would take place.
Tom Sawyer confirmed, "The wife of Mr Smith will have been beating him." Tom Sawyer confirmed, "The wife of Mr Smith will be beating him." Tom Sawyer confirmed, "Mr Smith's being beaten by his wife will take place." Tom Sawyer confirmed that Mr Smith's being beaten by his wife would take place.

Future Perfect преобразуется в FP-Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfect" P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfect

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have beaten her puny husband with a stick." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would have beaten her puny husband with a stick.
Clarice rejoined, "Mrs Smith will not have beaten her puny husband with a stick." Clarice rejoined that Mrs Smith would not have beaten her puny husband with a stick.
James Bond added, "The Cossacks will have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks would have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks will not have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks would not have written the letter to the Ottoman sultan.

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Skuld said, "Mr Smith will have been beaten by his stern wife." Skuld said that Mr Smith would have been beaten by his stern wife.
Clarice rejoined, "Mr Smith will not have been beaten by his stern wife." Clarice rejoined that Mr Smith would not have been beaten by his stern wife.
James Bond added, "The letter will have been written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the letter would have been written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter will not have been written to the Ottoman sultan." Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter would not have been written to the Ottoman sultan.

Дополнение (об образовании общих вопросов)

Alphan asked Skuld, "Will Mrs Smith have beaten her husband?" Alphan asked Skuld whether Mrs Smith would have beaten her husband.
Gamman asked Skuld, "Will Mr Smith have been beaten by his wife?" Gamman asked Skuld whether Mr Smith would have been beaten by his wife.


[ред. | ред. код]
Правила преобразования рассказа о событии в пересказ о событии
Direct speech Logical connective Indirect speech
P'reterite, "PastPerfect." P'reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PastSimple." P"reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PresentPerfect." P'reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PresentSimple (now)." Preterite that PastSimple (then)
P'reterite, "FuturePerfect." P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "FuturePerfect." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.
P'reterite, "FutureSimple." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.

Преобразование рассказа о процессе (прямая речь) в пересказ о событии (косвенная речь)

[ред. | ред. код]

Каждый процесс - это событие. Поэтому каждое сообщение о процессе подразумевает сообщение о событии. Поэтому каждый рассказ о процессе можно преобразовать в пересказ о событии.

Present Progressive преобразуется в Past Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Progressive" P'reterite that Preterite

Примеры в действительном залоге (Active Voice)
Verdandi said, "Mrs Smith is beating her puny husband with a stick." Verdandi said that Mrs Smith beat her puny husband with a stick.
Beatrice rejoined that Mrs Smith did not beat her puny husband with a stick. Beatrice rejoined, "Mrs Smith is not beating her puny husband with a stick."
James Bond added, "The Cossacks are writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the Cossacks wrote the letter to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the Cossacks did not write the letter to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The Cossacks are not writing the letter to the Ottoman sultan."

Примеры в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
Verdandi said, "Mr Smith is being beaten by his stern wife." Verdandi said that Mr Smith was beaten by his stern wife.
Beatrice rejoined that Mr Smith was not beaten by his stern wife. Beatrice rejoined, "Mr Smith is not being beaten by his stern wife."
James Bond added, "The letter is being written to the Ottoman sultan." James Bond added that the letter was written to the Ottoman sultan.
Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined that the letter was not written to the Ottoman sultan. Max Otto von Stirlitz rejoined, "The letter is not being written to the Ottoman sultan."

Past Progressive, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Perfect Progressive преобразуются в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "PastProgressive" P'reterite, "Perfectsive" P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive" P'reterite that Pluperfect


She said, "He was eating." She said, "He has been eating." She said, "He had been eating." She said that he had eaten.

P'reterite that ¬(Pluperfect) P'reterite, "¬(PastProgressive)" P'reterite, "¬(Perfectsive)" P'reterite, "¬(Pluperfectsive)"


I said that he had not eaten. I said, "He was not eating." I said, "He has not been eating." I said, "He had not been eating."

Past Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "PastProgressive" P'reterite that Pluperfect

Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith beat her husband." Urd said that Mrs Smith had beaten her husband.

Urd said, "Mr Smith was being beaten by his wife." Urd said, "Mr Smith was beaten by his wife." Urd said that Mr Smith had been beaten by his wife.

Present Perfect Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Perfectsive" P'reterite that Pluperfect

Urd said, "Mrs Smith has been beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband." Urd said that Mrs Smith had beaten her husband.

Urd said, "Somebody has been beating Mr Smith." Urd said, "Mr Smith was being beaten." Urd said that Mr Smith had been beaten.

Past Perfect Progressive преобразуется в Past Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Pluperfectsive" P'reterite that Pluperfect

Urs said, "Mrs Smith had been beating her husband." Urd said, "Mrs Smith was beating her husband." Urd said that Mrs Smith had beaten her husband.

Urd said, "Somebody had been beating Mr Smith." Urd said, "Mr Smith was being beaten." Urd said that Mr Smith had been beaten.

Future Progressive, Future Perfect Progressive преобразуются в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FutureProgressive" P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive" P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple


She said, "He will be eating varenyky." She said, "He will have been eating varenyky." She said that he would eat varenyky.

P'reterite that ¬(Future in the PastSimple) P'reterite, "¬(FutureProgressive)" P'reterite, "¬(FuturePerfectsive)"


I said that he would not eat varenyky. I said, "He will not be eating varenyky." I said, "He will not have been eating varenyky."

Future Progressive преобразуется в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FutureProgressive" P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple

Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her husband." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will beat her husband." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would beat her husband.

Future Perfect Progressive преобразуется в FP-Simple

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive" P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple

Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will have been beating her husband." Skuld said, "Mrs Smith will be beating her husband." Skuld said that Mrs Smith would beat her husband.

Future Perfect Progressive преобразуется в FP-Perfect

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "FuturePerfectsive" P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfect

She said, "He will have been eating." She said that he would have eaten.


[ред. | ред. код]
Правила преобразования рассказа о процессе в пересказ о событии
Direct speech Logical connective Indirect speech
P'reterite, "PastPerfectProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PastProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PresentPerfectProgressive." P'reterite that PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "PresentProgressive." P'reterite that PastSimple.
P'reterite, "FuturePerfectProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastPerfect.
P'reterite, "FuturePerfectProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.
P'reterite, "FutureProgressive." P'reterite that Future in the PastSimple.

Преобразование рассказа о свойстве (прямая речь) в пересказ о свойстве (косвенная речь)

[ред. | ред. код]

P'reterite, "Simple (fact)." P'reterite that Simple (fact).

The teacher said, "Two times two is equal to four." The teacher said that two times two is equal to four.
The pupil answered, "Two times two is not equal to five." The pupil answered that two times two is not equal to five.
Andrew said, "The Earth revolves round the Sun." Andrew said that the Earth revolves round the Sun.
Alice answered, "The Sun does not move round the Earth." Alice answered that the Sun does not move round the Earth.

Преобразование рассказа об указании (прямая речь) в пересказ об указании (косвенная речь)

[ред. | ред. код]

Галактион 01:26, 30 липня 2009 (UTC)