Користувач:Cher Sergey/Чернетка

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
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                      Экспериментальное пособие предназначено для изучения английского языка на курсах, а также в семье.
                                                            Lesson 1
                                                           Dialogue 1
 What is this? It is a park.
 Is the park large or small? It is ladge.
 What are these? They are trees.
 What are these? They are bushes.
 What are these? They are benches.
 What are these? They are flowers.
 What colour are the trees? They are green.
 What colour are the bushes? They are gree too.
 What colour are the flowers? They are red.
 What colour are the benches? They are green.

Is there a man  in the park? Yes, there is. There is a man in the park.

Is there a woman in the park? Yes, there is. There is a woman in the park.

Is there a boy in the park? Yes, there is . There is a boy in the park.

What is the man doing? He is sitting and read a book.

What is the woman doing? She is standing.

And what is the boy doing? He is running.

                                                                          Dialogue 2

What is this? It is a sitting-room.

Is the sitting-room large or small? It is large.

What is this? It is a sofa.

What is this? It is a bookcase.

What is this? It is a flowerstand.

What is this? It is a piano.

What is this? It is a table.

And what are these? They are chairs.

What colour is the sofa? It is red.

What colour is the bookcase? It is brown.

What colour is the flowerstand? It is brown too.

What colour is the piano? It is black.

What colour is the table? It is brown.

And what colour are the chairs? They are brown, too .

Where is the sofa? It is near the wall.

Where is the bookcase? It is in the corner.

Where is the flowerstand? It is in front of the window.

Where is the piano? It is in the other corner.

Where is the table? It is in the middle of the room.

And where are the chairs? They are near the table.


           This is a bedroom. The bedroom is small. There is a wardrobe and a mirror in the bedroom. The wardrobe is in one corner of the bedroom, and the mirror is in the other corner.

          There is a table, two chairs and a clock in the bedroom. The table is in front of window, the chairs are near  the table and the clock is on the table.

   There are two beds in the bedroom. The beds are near the walls. In the beds there are two boys. Their names are Vladik and Victor. Vladik is seven years old. He is in the first form.

Victor is nine years old. He is in the third form. It is morning. The boys are sleeping.                               

                                                                        IN THE BATHROOM.

       Now Vladik and Victor are in the bathroom. There is a mirrow and a wash-basin in the bathroom. The mirrow is above the wash-basin.

          Vladik is standing at the bath-basin. He is washing his hands. He is washing his hands with soap and water. Victor is standing at the wash-basin, too, but he is not washing. He is looking in the mirrow and combing his hair. He is combing his hair with a comb.

                                                                                LESSON 2

1. Aunt                                                                   [ант]                                                     тетка

badminton                                                           [бавминтен]                                    бадминтон   

chess                                                                      [шес]                                                   шахматы

classmate                                                             [класмейт]                                       одноклассник

cousin                                                                    [казн]                                                 кузен, кузина

dialogue                                                               [даэлог]                                             диалог

draughts                                                               [драфтс]                                             шашки

checkers                                                               [чекес]                                                шашки

2. Football                                                           [футбол]                                             футбол

friend                                                                    [френд]                                               друг

game                                                                     [гейм]                                                   игра

hide-and-seek                                                  [хайдендсик]                                     прятки

hopscotch                                                           [хопскоч]                                             классики

uncle                                                                     [анкл]                                                    дядя

vocabulary                                                          [войкабулери]                                  словарь

                                                                             DIALOGUE 1

    What game is Yurko playing? He is playing hide-and-seek.

      With whom is he playing hide-and-seek? He is playing hide-and-seek with his friends.

       What game is Tanya playing? She is playing hopscotch.

      With whom is she playing hopscotch? She is playing hopscotch with her cousin.

       What game is Roman playing? He is playing chess.

    With whom is he playing chess? He is playing chess with his uncle.

       What game is Sonya playing? She is playing draughts.

       With whom is she playing draughts? She is playing draughts with her aunt.

       What game is Igor playing? He is playing football.

       With whom is he playing football? He is playing football with his classmates.

       What game is Oxana playing? She is playing badminton.

       With whom is she playing badminton? She is playing badminton with her cousin.

                                                                            DIALOGUE 2

       What is your name? My name is Olenka.

       What is his name? His name is Nazar.

       What is her name? Her name is Dana.

       And what are their names? Their names are Volodya and Ulyana.

      What is Nazar doing? He is painting.

       What is Dana doing? She is reading.

       And what are Volodya and Ulyana doing? They are eating.

       What is Nazar painting? He is painting a picture.

       What is Dana reading? She is reading a book.

       What are Volodya and Ulyana eating? They are eating cakes.

       Where is Nazar painting? He is painting in the sitting-room.

       Where is Dana reading? She is reading in the park.

       Where are Volodya and Ulyana eating? They are eating in the kitchen.

                                                                          DIALOGUE 3

       What is this? It is a kitchen.

       Is the kitchen large or small? It is small.

      Is there a cupboard in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a cupboard in the kitchen.

      Is there a table in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a table in the kitchen.

      Is there a plate in the kitchen? Yes, there is a plate in the kitchen.

      Is there a pan in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a pan in the kitchen.

      Is there a gas-stove in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a gas-stove in the kitchen.

      Are there any stools in the kitchen? Yes, there are. There are some stools in the kitchen.

      Where is the cupboard? It is in the corner.

      Where is the table? It is in front of the window.

      Where is the plate? It is on the table.

      Where is the lemons? It is on the plate.

      Where is the gas-stove? It is near the wall.

      Where is the pan? It is on the gas-stove.

      And where are the stools? They are near the table.

                                                                    IN THE DINING ROOM

      Now Vladik and Victor are in the street. Are they running? No, they are not running. They are walking. Have they baskets in their hands? No, they have not. They have not baskets in their hands. They have bags. In their bags they have books, notebooks and pencil-boxes. In their pencil-boxes they have pens and pencils.

      The street is long, wide and very beautiful. There are cars, buses and trolley-buses in the street. Are there any trams or lorries in the street? No, there are not. Are there any trees in the street? Yes, there are. There are many trees in the street and there are many people in the street, too.

                                                                                LESSON 3

1.Bad                                                                      [бед]                                         плохой

either                                                                     [айзе]                                       или

good                                                                        [гуд]                                         хороший

high                                                                         [хай]                                        высокий

lesson                                                                     [лесон]                                  урок   

like                                                                           [лайк]                                    нравится

low                                                                           [лоу]                                       низкий

narrow                                                                    [нероу]                                  узкий

new                                                                          [нью]                                      новый

old                                                                             [олд]                                      старый

2.See                                                                         [си]                                         видеть

short                                                                          [шот]                                     короткий, низкий.

so                                                                                [со]                                         так

stout                                                                          [стаут]                                    стойкий

tall                                                                              [tall]                                        высокий

thin                                                                             [зен]                                       тонкий

we                                                                               [ви]                                          ми

young                                                                         [иян]                                       молодой

                                                                              DIALOGUE  1   

What are these? They are streets.

       Are they old streets or new streets? One street is new , and other street is old.

       Is the new street wide or narrow? It is narrow.

       Is the new street long or short? It is long.

       Is the new street beautiful or not beautiful? It is beautiful.

       What are these? They are houses.

       Are they old houses or new houses? One house is old and other house is new.

       Is the new house  big or small? It is big.

       Is the new house high or low? It is high.

       Is the new house good or bad? It is good.

       Is the old house big or small? It is small.

       Is the old house high or low? It is low.

       Is the old house good or bad? It is bad.

       What are these? They are women.

       Are they old women or young women? One woman is old and the other woman is young.

       Is the old woman tall or short? She is short.

       Is the old woman thin or stout? She is stout.

       Is the young woman tall or short? She is tall.

       Is the young woman thin or stout? She is thin.


      Is this a dinning-room or a bedroom? It is a bedroom.

      Do we see a wardrobe in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a wardrobe in the bedroom.

      Do we see a mirror in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a mirror in the bedroom.

      Do we see a carpet in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a carpet in the bedroom.

      Do we see any beds in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see some beds in the bedroom.

      Do we see any pictures in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see some pictures in the bedroom.

      Do we see a cat in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see a cat in the bedroom.

      Do we see any kittens in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see any kittens in the bedroom.

      Do we see any puppies in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see any puppies in the bedroom.

      So what do we see in the bedroom? We see a wardrobe, a mirror and carpet. We see some beds and pictures in the bedroom, too.

      And what do we not see in the bedroom? We do not see a boy, a girl or a cat. We do not see any kittens or puppies in the bedroom, either.

                                                                          IN THE CLASSROOM   

     This is a classroom. The classroom is large. There is a long  blackboard in the classroom. There are two large windows in the classroom. There are some window-plants on the window-sills. The leaves of the window-plants are green, and the flowers are red.

    The teacher and the children are in the classroom. They are having a lesson. It is a lesson in English.

      The teacher is standing at the blackboard. She is writing on it. She is writing English. The other children are sitting at their desks.

They are writing in their notebooks. They are writing an exercise. They have notebooks and English books on their desks.

      Now Victor and his classmates Oleg and Ira are cleaning the classroom. Victor is standing at the window. He has a duster in his hands.

      Oleg is standing at the blackboard. He has a duster in his hand , too. He is cleaning the blackboard with the duster.

       Ira is in the middle of the classroom. She has a broom in her hand. She is sweeping the floor with it.

                                                                        OLENKA AND PAVLUS

      In this picture we see a small boy and a big girl. Their names are Olenka and Pavlus. Olenka and Pavlus are walking in the street. The street is long, wide and very beautiful. There are many people in the street: men, women and children. There are cars, buses and trolley-buses in the street but there are no trams or lorries in it.

There are trees in the street, too, but there are no bushes or flowers in it. The leaves on the trees are green.

      Olenka and Pavlus are schoolchildren. Olenka is thirteen years old, Pavlus is eight years old. Olenka is in the sixth form, and Pavlus is in the second form.

      We see bags in the children`s hands. Olenka`s bag is brown, and Pavlus bag is black. Olenka is wearing a blue blouse, a blue skirt, brown stockings and black shoes. Pavlus is wearing a white skirt, a blue coat, blue trousers, grey socks and brown shoes.

      Pavlus is looking at Olenka and speaking to her. Olenka is looking at Pavlus and listening to him.

     Olenka and Pavlus are cousins and very good friends. Olenka can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. She can read and write English. Pavlus cannot speak English, but he can count in English. He can count from one to twenty and he can count by ten to one hundred.

                                                                              LESSON 4  

                                                                The new vocabulary

1.Afternoon                                               [афтенун]                                      вторая половина дня

book-keeper                                             [бук,кипе]                                     бухгалтер

evening                                                         [ивнинг]                                        вечер

have dinner                                                [хев динэ]                                     обедать

have lunch                                                   [хев ланч]                                     второй завтрак

have supper                                                [хев сапэ]                                      ужинать

half past three                                            [хав паст сри]                             половина четвертого

minute                                                           [минит]                                          минута

morning                                                         [монин]                                          утро

neither...nor                                                [низе но]                                       ни...ни

2.Night                                                           [найт]                                              ночь

past                                                                 [паст]                                               после

a quater past two                                      [е квоте паст ту]                        четверть третьего

a quater to four                                          [е квоте ту фо]                           без четверти четыре

seven o`clock                                              [севен оклок]                              семь часов   

time                                                                     [тайм]                                         время

                                                                    WHAT TIME IS IT NOW

It is seven o`clock.                                                                                         семь часов

It is ten minutes past seven.                                                                     десять минут восьмого

It is a quater past seven.                                                                            четверть восьмого

It is twenty minutes past seven.                                                            двадцать минут восьмого

It is twenty-five minutes past seven.                                           двадцать пять минут восьмого

It is half past seven.                                                                             половина восьмого

It is twenty-five minutes to eight.                                                 без двадцати пяти восем

It is twenty minutes to eight.                                                           без двадцати восемь

It is a quater to eight.                                                                           без пятнадцати восемь

It is ten minutes to eight.                                                                   без десяти восемь

It is five minutes to eight.                                                                  без пяти восемь         

It is eight o`clock.                                                                                    восемь часов

It is eight o`clock in the morning. Lida is having breakfast.

It is eleven o`clock in the morning. Lida is having lunch.

It is three o`clock. in the afternoon. Lida is having dinner.

It is eight o`clock in the evening. Lida is having supper.

It is night. Lida is sleeping.

                                                                                DIALOUGE 1

      Is this wood or garden? It is a neither a wood nor a garden.

      Is this a yard or a field? It is a neither a yard nor a field.

      What is this? It is a park.

     Do we see any trees in the park? Yes, we do. We see some trees in the park.

    Do we see any bushes in the park? Yes, we do. We see some bushes in the park.

    Do we see any benches in the park? Yes, we do. We see some benches in the park.

    Do we see any flowers in the park? Yes, we do. We see some flowers in the park.

    Do we see any peoples in the park? Yes, we do. We see some peoples in the park.

  Do we see any trams in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any trams in the park.

    Do we see any lorries in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any lorries in the park.

    Do we see any cars in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any cars in the park.

    Do we see any buses in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any buses in the park.

    Do we see any trolley-buses in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any trolley-buses in the park.

    So what do we see in the park? We see some trees, bushes, benches and flowers in the park.

     And what do we not see in the park? We do not see any trams, lorries or cars in the park. We do not see any buses, trolley-buses in the park, either.

                                                                     DIALOGUE 2

     What is your name? My name is Oxana Kravchenko.

     How old are you? I am ten years old.

    What are you? I am a schoolgirl.

    What form are you in? I am in the fourth form.

    Have you a father and a mother? Yes, I have. I have a father and a mother.

    What are they? My father is a driver, and my mother is a book-keeper.

    Have you any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have. I have a brother and a sister.

    What are they? My brother is a schoolboy, and my sister is a student.

    Have you a grandfather and a grandmother? I have a grandmother but I have no grandfather.

    Have you any aunts or uncles? Yes, I have. I have two aunts and three uncles.

    Have you any cousins? Yes, I have. I have five cousins.

                                                                        DIALOGUE 3

    How much is four plus fourteen? Four plus fourteen is eighteen.

    How much is thirteen plus seventeen? Thirteen plus seventeen is thirty.

    How much is twelve plus sixteen? Twelve plus seventeen is twenty-eight.

    How much is ninety-six minus forty? Ninety-six minus forty is fifty-six.

    How much is one hundred minus fifteen? One hundred minus fifteen is eighty-five.

    How much is sixty plus nineteen? Sixty plus nineteen is seventy-nine.

                                          4+14=18                                                 96-40=56

                                       13+17=30                                               100-15=85

                                       12+16=28                                                 60+19=79

                                                                        IN THE KITCHEN

   In this picture we see a kitchen. Oxana is in the kitchen.

   Is she in the kitchen alone? No, she is not. She is not alone in the kitchen. With whom is she in the kitchen? She is in the kitchen together with her cousin Taras.

   Taras and Oxana are schoolchildren. Oxana is in the second form, and Taras is in the third form. Oxana and Taras are sitting at the table. They are sitting on the stools.

What else are they doing? They are drinking juice and eating salad. There is a saucer on the table. We can see apples and a pears on the saucer.

   Oxana is wearing a white blouse, a red skirt, brown stockings and brown shoes. Taras is wearing a white shirt, blue trousers, brown socks and black shoes.

    The kitchen is small. We see a cupboard in the corner and a gas-stove near the wall. A grey kitten is sitting under the table.

                                                                             LESSON 5

1. At                                                                      [эт]                                      в

at seven o`clock                                   [эт севен оклок]                      в семь часов

city                                                                     [сити]                                    город

come back                                                   [кам бэк]                                 возвращатся, назад

day                                                                      [дэй]                                     день

do                                                                         [ду]                                       делать

dress                                                                 [дрэс]                                       платье

dress up                                                        [дрэс ап]                                  одеваться

wear                                                                    [вэа]                                      носить

every                                                                 [эври]                                     каждый

get up                                                              [гэт ап]                                     вставать

2. Go                                                                     [го]                                         идти

go to bed                                                      [го ту бэд]                                 ложиться спать

go for a walk                                          [го фо э волк]                               идти на прогулку

help                                                                   [хэлп]                                      помогать

home                                                                [хом]                                         дом, домой

into                                                                  [ин ту]                                         в

lesson                                                          [лессон]                                        урок

3. Make a bed                                       [мейк э бед]                                   застелить кровать

put                                                                     [пут]                                           ложить

school                                                           [скул]                                             школа

from school                                         [фром скул]                                       из школы

to school                                                  [ту скул]                                            в школу

take                                                               [тэйк]                                              брать

wash up                                                    [вош ап]                                            мыть посуду

                                                WHAT DO NADYA AND GALYA DO EVERY DAY?

They get up at seven o`clock every morning. They make their bed.

They do their morning exercise. They wash.

They dress. They have breakfast.

They take their bags and go to school. At two o`clock in the afternoon they come back home from school.

They have dinner. They play in the garden.

They do their lessons. They put their books and notebooks into their bags.

They have supper. They help their mother to wash up.

They go for a walk. They go to bed.

                                                                                DIALOGUE 1

What is the little girl doing? She is cleaning her teeth.

With what is she cleaning them? She is cleaning them with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste.

What is the woman doing? She is washing her face.

With what is she washing it? She is washing is with soap and water.

What is the man doing? He is wiping his neck.

With what is he wiping it? He is wiping it with a towel.

What is the little boy doing? He is taking a bath.

Where is he taking a bath? He is taking a bath in the bathroom.

What is the woman doing? She is picking plums.

Where is she picking them? She is picking them in the garden.

What is the man doing? He is gathering mushrooms.

Where is he gathering them? He is gathering them in the forest.

What are the people doing? They are lauging at the clown.  

Where are they laughing at him? They are laughing at him in the circus.

What are the boys doing?  They are watching television.

Where are they watching it? They are watching it in the sitting-room.

What are the children doing? They are singing  a song.

Where are they singing it? They are singing it in the classroom.

What are the boy and the girl doing? They are dancing a dance.

Where are they dancing it? They are dancing it at a concert.

                                                                              DIALOGUE 2

      What do we see in this picture? We see a classroom.

      Is this classroom large or small? It is large.

      What do we see on the wall? We see a blackboard and a portrait of Shevchenko.

      What do we see in the corner? We see a bookcase.

      What do we see in the bookcase? We see many books.

      What else do we see in the classroom? We see a chair, a table, a flower-stand, some window-plant and many desks.

     Is the blackboard green or brown? It is neither green nor brown.

      What colour is it? It is black.

      Who is in the classroom? The boy and the girl are.

     What are their names?  Their names are Yulya and Orest.

     Are Yulya and Orest classmates? Yes, they are. They are classmates.

     Are they cleaning the classroom? Yes, they are. They are cleaning it.

     What is Orest doing? He is standing at the window and dusting window-sill.

    With what is he dusting it? He is dusting it with a duster.                                                                                                         

    And what is Yulya doing? She is standing in the middle of the classroom and sweeping the floor.

     With what is she sweeping it? She is sweeping it with a brush.

                                                                                  DIALOGUE 3

Is this a bedroom or a bathroom? It is neither a bedroom nor a bathroom.

What room is this? It is a dining-room.

Do we see a piano and a sofa in the dining-room? No, we do not. We see neither a piano nor a sofa in it.

What do we see in the dining-room? We see a table, some chairs and a sideboard.

Do we see any apples or pears in the sideboard? No, we do not. We see neither apples nor pears in it.

What do we see in the sideboard? We see some plates and cups in it.

Do we see any children in the dining-room? Yes, we do. We see some children in it.

How many children do we see? We see three children.

What are they doing? They are sitting at the table.

What else are they doing? They are eating and drinking.

What is the small girl eating? She is eating a cake.

What is she drinking? She is drinking milk.

What is the big girl eating? She is eating bread and cheese.

What is she drinking? She is drinking tea.

What is the big boy eating? He is eating bread and butter.

And what is he drinking? He is drinking coffee.

                                                                                AT THE RIVER

        In this picture we see a river. Igor is at the river. Is he at the river alone? No, he is not. He is at the river together with his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother and sister.

       Igor`s grandfather and grandmother are sitting under a tree. The grandfather is reading a newspaper, and the grandmother is reading a magazine. The grandfather is a worker, and grandmother is a housewife. The grandfather is thin, and the grandmother is stout. We see a basker near them. There is bread, butter, cheese, milk, and cakes in the basket. There  is  a bush near the tree. A big dog is under the bush.

       Igor`s father and mother are walking in the field. They are picking flowers. The father is a teacher. He is a tall man. The mother is a doctor. She is a short woman.

       Igor`s brother Sergiy and Igor`s sister Alla are in the river. Is the river wide or narrow? It is wide. Sergiy is swimming. Alla is not swimming. She is bathing and playing with a big pink ball. Sergiy is a student, and Alla is a schoolgirl. She is in the third form.

       Igor is sitting on a stool and painting a picture. He has a brush in his hand. He is wearing a white cap. Igor is a schoolboy. He is in the fifth form. He can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. He can sing some English songs, too.

                                                              VOLODYA`S HOUSE AND FLAT

       In  this picture we see a very big and very beautiful house. Is the house high or low?

It is high. Is it new or old? It is new. Is it good or bad? It is good.

Volodya lives in this house. He lives there together with his father, mother, brother and sister. They have a kitchen and four rooms: a dining-room, a sitting-room a bedroom and a bathroom.

      In their kitchen there is a gas-stove, a cupboard, a table and three stools. In the dining- room there is a table, some chairs , a sideboard, a flowerstand, some window-plants and two pictures. The pictures are on one of the walls.

      In the sitting-room they have a table, some chairs, a bookcase, a sofa and a piano. In their bookcase they have many Russian and Ukraininan books. There is a large carpet on the floor.

Volodya`s little sister Katya play with her toys on the carpet. She has a doll, a toy-bed, a Teddy bear and some other toys.

      In the bedroom there are two beds, a wardrobe and a mirror. In the bathroom there is a wash-basin and a bath.

      We can see a large yard near the house. Children play their games in the yard. The play hide-and-seek, hopscotch and badminton there. They play chess or draughts there, too.

Some people do their morning exercices in the yard. In winter Volodya`s and his friends skate, ski and sledge in the yard. They play snowballs and make snowmen there, too.