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- !!!!!! Іспанці США Іспанці США
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- Прапор Філадельфії[d]: Source: 1874 Ordinances, p. 55. (Книга), § 21-103. The City Flag., [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
- Помилка Lua у Модуль:Не_перекладено у рядку 248: Параметр з назвою сторінки яку треба створити обов'язковий (перший параметр, або параметр треба).: [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
- Кримінальне право Канади[en] : List of Criminal Code Amendments, Kent Roach et al, Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials, 12th Edition (August 2020) ISBN: 978-1-77255-589-9 = Roach, Kent; Berger, Benjamin L.; Cunliffe, Emma; and Stribopoulos, James, "Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition" (2015). Books. 314., Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials, Ninth Edition (лише зміст), Chapter 3: Criminal Law in Canada (лише зміст), Part I UNDERSTANDING CRIMINAL LAW IN CANADA Chapter 1, Canada's Criminal Law Codification Viewed and Reviewed Article by Nicholas Kasirer, Vol. 66 No. 3 (1987) RECODIFYING CRIMINAL LAW AUTHORS ALLEN M LINDEN PATRICK FITZGERALD, Is Bentham's vision of a comprehensive criminal code suitable as a model design for a code? Hemming, A. G. (Author). Oct 2013, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], Criminal Law in Canada: Hermida, Julian, The Fundamentals of Criminal Law - Oxford University Press
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- Будівля Ліверпульського порту[d] + !!!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Head = is a riverside location in the city centre of Liverpool, England.: + его архитектурно сравнивают со многими другими зданиями по всему миру, включая ратушу Белфаста[d] <ref [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Посольство Бразилії у Франції[d] + * Отель де Ла Ферроне[d](або = де Ла Ферроннэс) = Hôtel de La Ferronnays (Q61941574)(познакомиться с отелем Hôtel de La Ferronnays, известным также как Hôtel Schneider. В этом частном особняке с 1971 года располагается штаб-квартира посольства Бразилии, и его стоит посетить. Построенный в первой половине XIX века, он принадлежал Артуру Луи Жиберу, который завещал свои владения дочерям, обе из которых были графинями. Именно Гийельмин Мари Люси, графиня Адольф де Ла Ферроннэс, дала свое имя зданию. Отель несколько раз переходил из рук в руки, пока не был продан Бразилии. += + Пьер-Луи-Огюст Феррон, граф де Ла Ферроне (фр. Pierre-Louis-Auguste Ferron, comte de La Ferronnays; ) =: Hôtel Schneider : actuelle Ambassade du Brésil // Société des Amis de Versailles , L'ambassade du Brésil L'hôtel Eugène Schneider // Paris Promeneurs, Eugène II achète en 1901 Cours Albert Ier l’Hôtel du marquis de la Ferronays bâti sous le IInd Empire. Cet hôtel deviendra plus tard l’ambassade du Brésil. ( У 1901 році Євген II купив Cours Albert Ier Hôtel du Marquis de la Ferronays, побудований за Другої імперії. Пізніше цей готель стане посольством Бразилії. ), [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- !!!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Head = is a riverside location in the city centre of Liverpool, England.
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- Бібліотеки АРХІТЕКТУРНО-ТИПОЛОГІЧНІ ПРИНЦИПИ РЕНОВАЦІЇ БІБЛІОТЕК ВИЩИХ НАВЧАЛЬНИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ УКРАЇНИ 18.00.02 –архітектура будівель і споруд, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkway_Central_Library, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_Public_Library, fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Éducation_à_Chicago, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
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- Нова ратуша (Ганновер)[d]: [] https://statues.vanderkrogt.net/object.php?record=dens135, [] https://statues.vanderkrogt.net/object.php?record=dens136, New Town Hall | Historical Buildings | Architecture & History, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Post_offices_in_Gomel, Открой Гомель, ул.Советская, 8, [], [], [], [], [],
- Різне, Відень + : commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:New_Assembly_Hall_(Old_University,_Vienna), fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballhausplatz_2, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Statue_of_Carl_X_Gustav_in_Malmö, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Estátua_de_D._Pedro_IV_na_Praça_da_Liberdade, cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Pönninger, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Buildings_in_Vienna, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Festetics_Palace,_Budapest, Hohe Brücke в Вене Hohe Brücke = Хое-брюке (Высокий мост) - это мост через Тифер Грабен (Глубокий ров) в Innere Stadt, Вена, Австрия. = commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Hohe_Brücke,_Vienna, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battery_Maritime_Building, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Bowery_Savings_Bank_110_East_42nd_Street, pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_kolei_w_Australii_i_Oceanii, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Museum_railway_station,_Sydney, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Exchange_Chambers, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Ратуша Мілуокі = https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Milwaukee_City_Hall [] https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/milwaukee-city-hall/11476, [] https://onmilwaukee.com/articles/kochdiaries, [] https://emke.uwm.edu/entry/city-hall/, [] https://sah-archipedia.org/buildings/WI-01-MI1, [] https://homepages.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/wisconsin/milwaukee/cityhall/koch.html, [] !!! https://milwaukeenotebook.com/2015/12/23/city-hall/, [] https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/mkenh/id/363/, Basic Facts About City Hall : The Common Council decided to build a new city hall in 1889; before that, city government had been scattered around in rented rooms and some of the buildings had been destroyed by fire. Construction was authorized by a Common Council resolution in 1890 and on August 29, 1891, a resolution was passed calling for a City Hall design contest. The contest drew eleven applicants on a nation-wide basis with a wide variety of concepts and ideas. The plans of Henry C. Koch and Company were chosen. The building – which cost just over $1 million to construct – was completed in 1895. The Flemish Renaissance inspired building required eight million bricks, weighs approximately 41,000 tons, has more than 47,000 sq. feet of mosaic and marble flooring, and features approximately 107,000 sq. feet of office and meeting space. The building was one of the first to feature an extensive open atrium, of 20 by 70 feet, rising eight stories in the building's center. During the Great Depression, seven people jumped to their deaths, and an eighth died of a stroke after one of the jumpers nearly missed him. Afterwards, in 1935, protective wiring was placed around the center rails of the floors to prevent accidents and suicides and remained in place until Mayor John O. Norquist took office in 1988. The building measures 393 feet from the base of the bell tower to the top of the flagpole, making it Milwaukee's sixth largest. The flagpole measures 40 feet in length. Bell Tower The 22,500 pound bell – named "Solomon Juneau" after Milwaukee's first mayor – was fabricated from melted copper and tin from old church and firehouse bells around the City, and was hoisted to the tower in 1896, first chiming on New Year's Eve. While Milwaukee's Allen-Bradley building (Rockwell Automation) features the world's second largest four-sided clock, City Hall's 18-foot clock was believed to be the world's third largest when it was fabricated. Doors Open Tour of Milwaukee's City Hall 2020 — YouTube, !!!! Your search on all words in 'Milwaukee City Hall' returned 4 results, Showing page 1 of 1, Items 1 through 4 , Unfiltered results: 4, [] https://highrises.hythacg.com/building/milwaukee-city-hall-henry-koch/, [] https://npgallery.nps.gov/GetAsset/aa030e89-7237-4b43-9b89-72b412fc8539, [] https://npgallery.nps.gov/GetAsset/7cd2a2c0-6aae-47bf-aade-4c798c0824f6, [] https://michaelminn.net/cities/milwaukee/city_hall/index.html, [] https://milwaukeestories.weebly.com/milwaukee-city-hall.html, [] https://sah-archipedia.org/buildings/WI-01-MI1, [] https://demo.processwire.com/cities/milwaukee/milwaukee-city-hall/, STOR. 38/ 45 and the German-born Milwaukee architect Henry Koch modeled his design for City Hall (built in 1895) after sixteenth- and seventeenth-century German Rathäuser., Є також про Milwaukee City Hall Year Built: 1893-1895 Architect: Henry C. Koch & Co. (книга Ethnic Commercial and Public Buildings Tour .. Є також про Milwaukee City Hall Year Built: 1893-1895 Architect: Henry C. Koch & Co.), city hall HISTORIC PRESERVATION STUDY REPORT MILWAUKEE CITY HALL (Written Spring, 1982)I. (Ратуша ЗВІТ ПРО ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ ІСТОРИЇ МЕРІЯ МІЛУОКІ (Написано навесні, 1982) = Architectural and Historical Survey of Milwaukee City Hall Year Built: 1893-1895), 200 E WELLS ST | Property Record = https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Property/HI16297, на стор. 17 = Є Milwaukee City Hall (=A Guide From:), City Hall, 200 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, WI Photos from Survey HABS WI-254, Є про Коха але нема проо сіті хол (ін HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY + Quinn Evans, Architects. “Milwaukee City Hall,” Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. National Historic Landmark Registration Form, 2004. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.), [] https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/milwaukee-city-hall/11476, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ТАКІ ДЖЕРЕЛА: HISTORIC PRESERVATION STUDY REPORT MILWAUKEE CITY HALL (Written Spring, 1982), The remodeling of the Milwaukee City Hall, Milwaukee City Hall | Slate Roofing, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cupapizarras.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F01%2Fcity-hall-milwaukee.jpg&tbnid=AnDDxlULcGjl1M&vet=10CAoQxiAoCGoXChMIyJDL48elgQMVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAc..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cupapizarras.com%2Fusa%2Fnews%2Frestoration-milwaukee-city-hall%2F&docid=B6BpQmbGMgc7IM&w=800&h=529&itg=1&q=Building%20Milwaukee%20City%20Hall%3A%20The%20Political%2C%20Legal%20and%20Construction%20Battles&ved=0CAoQxiAoCGoXChMIyJDL48elgQMVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAc , [] , + Біографія Henry C. Koch, Architect стор. 5+, стор. 36+ , Henry Koch (1841-1910) was born near the German city of Hanover. His family immigrated to the United States in 1842 and settled in Milwaukee. As a young man, Koch worked in the office of George Mygatt,, [], [], [], [], [],
- Case Study: Germania Building (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) (Common Name:Germania Building / Brumder Building = HISTORIC DESIGNATION STUDY REPORT February 2014, [] https://sah-archipedia.org/buildings/WI-01-MI30, [] https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/NationalRegister/NR462, [] !!!! https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Property/HI28216, Germania/Brumder BuildingYearBuilt: 1896135W. Wells StreetArchitect: Schnetzky and Liebert (книга Ethnic Commercial and Public Buildings Tour .. Є також про Milwaukee City Hall Year Built: 1893-1895 Architect: Henry C. Koch & Co.), [], [], [], [], [], [], []) + Milwaukee Architecture: How Brutalism Changed the City + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_County_Courthouse |||||||||||||| Mackie Building, Chamber of Commerce Building, = The Mackie Building, a 19th-century historic landmark of downtown Milwaukee, , 3.13. THE MILWAUKEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING (The Architecture Professor ), #31 Mackie Flats Milwaukee (= The 50 best architecture in Milwaukee), [], [], [], []
- Paul Philippe Cret, 1876-1945: A Finding Aid for Architectural Rec
- [] https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A1rosh%C3%A1za_(%C3%9Ajpest) =Városháza (Újpest) , [] https://pestbuda.hu/en/cikk/20200822_ujpest_city_hall_120_years_old, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Das Rathaus der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, hrsg. von Joist Grolle, Photographien Hans Meyer-Veden, Text Gerhard Ahrens, Rainer Donandt, Joist Grolle u.a. : Hamburg, L&H Verlag, 1997. +++++ https://www.hamburg.com/sights/history-and-heritage/11747650/city-hall/
++++ https://planetofhotels.com/guide/en/germany/hamburg/hamburg-city-hall ++ https://www.hamburg-travel.com/see-explore/sightseeing/hamburg-town-hall/ + Einsichten von realen und idealen Frauen im Hamburger Rathaus (= Einsichten von realen und idealen Frauen im Hamburger Rathaus Думки реальних та ідеальних жінок у мерії Гамбурга Бейк, Рита, 1952-), Rathaus Hamburg – Hanseatisch hoch zehn Hier regieren Senat, Bürgerschaft und Bürgermeister Christoph Janß (= Крістоф Янс , туристичний блогер і фотограф-хобі з прекрасного Гамбурга.), Leichte Sprache: Die Geschichte vom Hamburger Rathaus, WELL Das Hamburger Rathaus: Wie Phönix aus der Asche (+ https://www.ndr.de/geschichte/koepfe/Martin-Haller-Der-Architekt-der-Hamburg-ein-Gesicht-gab,haller120.html ), [], [], дис на нім про ратушу Dissertation: Der Rathausbaumeister Johannes Grotjan und die Baugeschichte des Hamburger Rathauses (https://docplayer.org/9009825-Der-rathausbaumeister-johannes-grotjan-und-die-baugeschichte-des-hamburger-rathauses.html ), + https://fink.hamburg/2023/01/hamburger-rathaus-teil-1/ |||||| + [], Vorgeschichte: Vom Alten zum Neuen Rathaus із www.hannover.de, Hannover: Die Geschichte des Neuen Rathauses, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- https://archive.org/stream/zvidpamiatok/kn_1_2_M_S_djvu.txt
- commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Walgreen_Drug_Store,_Miami_FL, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Elks_Tower, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Туснельда в триумфальній ході Германіка[d] : Karl Theodor von Piloty ( * 1826 † 1886 ) = Thusnelda in the Triumphal Procession of Germanicus, ВІД стор. 174 PhD_Thesis_Richard_Warren.pdf = Karl Theodor von Piloty Thusnelda im Triumphzug des Germanicus, дисер , мало 1 результат For example, see Karl von Piloty “Thusnelda im Triumphzug des Germanicus” (1873)., [], [], []ПРО ВЕРСІЮ 1867 https://objektkatalog.gnm.de/objekt/Gm1660 , [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], (= 190 Thusnelda im Triumphzug des Germanicus, Carl von Piloty, 1873/74, Öl auf Leinwand, 490 x 710 cm. (Kat. Ausst. München 2003, 426). + Deutsch: Thusnelda im Triumphzug des Germanicus English: Thusnelda in the Triumphal Procession of Germanicus . 1873. + case of another subject, Thusnelda in the triumphal procession of Germanicus, that Piloty often reused the same image, painting several versions of the same theme in different formats. )