Користувач:Exroader/20.05.2022 Sandbox
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- Законодавча будівля Саскачевану[en] = The Architecture of Edward and W.S. Maxwell (MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS), The Architecture of Edward and W. S. Maxwell (Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1991), Edward & W.S. Maxwell : guide to the Archive / Irena Murray, The Saskatchewan Legislative Building // The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan, E. & W. S. Maxwell // The Canadian Encyclopedia, The Maxwells’ imposing design made entering the Museum a deliberate act., Maxwell, Edward // Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada, Description This is a two-storey institutional building, designed in the beaux-arts style. Completed in 1904 to the designs of Edward and W. S. Maxwell, the building was purpose-built to house a branch of the Royal, Goodspeed, Rhona. “Saskatchewan Legislative Building and Grounds” Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 30 (2007), 61-88. (особливо на стор. 23-24 / 83-84), Saskatchewan Legislative Building // CA.LOCALE.ONLINE, History of the Legislative Building // © 2022. Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan , Historical significance of The Saskatchewan Legislative Building and grounds recognized // www.saskatchewan.ca , Saskatchewan Legislative Building and Grounds National Historic Site of Canada // Directory of Federal Heritage Designations. Parks Canada., Saskatchewan Legislative Building (thecanadianencyclopedia.ca), on November 30, 1907. The assessors announced Edward and W.S. Maxwell as the successful competitors. (PAGE 19), [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Законодавча будівля Манітоби (page 65 WINNIPEG, MAN., Legislative Building, 1912. The jury received sixty-seven designs from architects in Europe, the United States and Canada. The classical proposal by the Maxwell brothers was one of five finalists (Const., v, Nov. 1912, 75, illus.; M. Baker, Symbol in Stone: Manitoba's Third Leglislative Building, 1986, 33, illus.; dwgs. in the Maxwell Coll., McGill University). The commission was later awarded to Frank Simon of Liverpool, Engl. , Manitoba Legislative Building. Inside the Assembly, [Baker, Marilyn. Manitoba's Third Legislative Building: Symbol in Stone: The Art and Politics of a Public Building. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1986.], Manitoba Legislative Building // HistoricPlaces.ca, Gavin Wiens. Manitoba History: Carrying the Torch: Optimistic Themes in the Classical Vocabulary of the Manitoba Legislative Building // © 1998-2022 Manitoba Historical Society., Self-Guided Walking Tour. Manitoba Legislative Building, Grounds Memorial Park and Memorial Boulevard, Manitoba Provincial Heritage Site No. 40. Manitoba Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, Winnipeg // www.gov.mb.ca (Sic! It was designed in 1912 by English architects Frank W. Simon and Henry Boddington III who won a British Empire competition over 66 other entries. ), Manitoba Legislative Building // www.emporis.com, Geology of the Parliament Buildings 5: Geology of the Manitoba Legislative Building (= Brisbin, W.C., et al. "Geology of the Parliament Buildings 5: Geology of the Manitoba Legislative Building." Geoscience Canada, vol. 32, no. 4, Dec. 2005, pp. 177+. Gale Academic OneFile, + well Geology of the Manitoba Legislative Building. Field Trip Guidebook FT-B1, ), Historic Sites of Manitoba: Manitoba Legislative Building (450 Broadway, Winnipeg), Field Trip Guidebook FT-B1. Geology of the Manitoba Legislative Building, [], [], [], [],[], [], [], + !!!!! http://www.virtual.heritagewinnipeg.com/vignettes/vignettes_119W.htm + https://www.gov.mb.ca/legislature/visiting/docs/indoorselfguidedtour.pdf ++ !!!! [Manitoba Legislative Building; Manitoba, Canada [None Stated]; Frank Worthington Simon (Architect) Published by Engraved, Printed and Bound by Stovel Company, Limited, Winnipeg as Issued by the Provincial Government, Public Works Department under the direction of the Hon W.R. Clubb (Minister) and A. Macnamara (Deputy Minister). N.D. [CIrca 1939] (= https://www.abebooks.com/first-edition/Manitoba-Legislative-Building-Canada-Stated-Frank/31362733476/bd), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1939 ] = http://www.mb1870.org/localhistory/142%20-%20Manitoba%20Legislative%20Building.pdf
- Allan Merrick Jeffers was the building's architect. (The Alberta Legislature), Manitoba legislative building, Frank W. Simon, 1912, PAM CN131. (багато про будівлю!), Manitoba History: Through the Architect’s Eyes: F. W. Simon Surveys his Masterwork — The Manitoba Legislative Building // Manitoba Historical Society, [], [], [], [], [], [],[], [], [],
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislative_buildings_of_Canada +++ ... Legislative Building Description This is a -storey institutional building, designed in style. Completed in to the designs of (for Google search)
- Category:Wiki Loves (commons.wikimedia), [], [],
- Межжеріна Я. О. Алича // Велика українська енциклопедія. T. 2. / Упорядник д. і. н., проф. Киридон А. М. — К. : Державна наукова установа «Енциклопедичне видавництво», 2020. — 768 с. — C. 103. (link Важливо ЛІНК) Вайоминг - Йеллоустоун и Дикий Запад. Самый красивый штат США. Надежда Басинова, Калифорния. Самый лучший штат в США. Надежда Басинова, Lamping, J. Dennis, "Sir Edward Coke: His Interpretation of "In Other Courts"" (1974). Dissertations. 1372. , Stephen M. Sheppard, Casebooks, Commentaries, and Curmudgeons: An Introductory History of Law in the Lecture Hall, 82 Iowa L. Rev 547 (1997)., Статья 29 Великой хартии вольностей: две интерпретации Эдварда Кока ; Другие названия: Chapter 29 of Magna Carta: Two, Статья 29 Великой хартии вольностей: две интерпретации Эдварда Кока ; Другие названия: Chapter 29 of Magna Carta: Two, [],
- Budynek piotrkowskiego sądu Budynek piotrkowskiego sądu, Sąd Okręgowy, Słowackiego 5, Il. 4. Piotrków Trybunalski, Dawny Pałac Sprawiedliwości, stan z 2012, Pałac Sprawiedliwości (!!!!! Koszt inwestycji wyniósł 379 868 rubli i 99 kopiejek. Front głównej części ), , [], [], [], [], [], [],
- Idaho State Capitol Building – a historical landmark at the heart of downtown Boise, The Gorham Building / 390 Fifth Avenue = The Gorham Building, Tiffany and Company Building = Tiffany & Co. Building, Former Tiffany Building , Former-Tiffany-Building.pdf (уривок, с. 9), "White of McKim, Mead and White". Lawrence Wodehouse A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of St Andrews 1980 + pdf, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riggs_Bank
- West Virginia Capitol Building West-Virginia-State-Capitol-Building-MH3WV.pdf, The West Virginia Capitol Complex, located along the Kanawha River in Charleston,, The West Virginia Capitol: A Commemorative History (https://wvstatemuseumed.wv.gov/assets/WV-Capitol-Book.pdf + https://www.wvlegislature.gov/Educational/Capitol_History/cap.cfm + ), + Planning the Capitol Complex Looking Back at the State Capitol - Charleston Home & Living, Damron, Bob "The Capitol." e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia. 14 March 2023., West Virginia SP West Virginia Capitol Complex // National Archives at College Park - Electronic Records, West Virginia Capitol Complex_12/31/1974 = FULL The National Historic Places Register Reference Number is 74002009., [], [], [], [],[], [], [],
- Construction of the Montana State Capitol, The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Montana State Capitol Building,” Historic Montana,, https://npgallery.nps.gov/NRHP/GetAsset/8e725821-c5d7-41de-b5cc-aada6ef2f4dd [], [],[], [], [],
- Establishing the Capitol Commission - Utah State Capitol
- Georgia State Capitol Building : [Georgia State Capitol | Downtown Atlanta, GA], culture/georgia-state-capitol, sah-archipedia.org, ЛИШЕ 5 СТОРІНОК З НОМІНАЦІйНОЇ форми , розпізнається, вся номінаційна форма , погано розпізнається , [], [], [], [], [],
- Wyoming State Capitol Building and Grounds( = Wyoming State Capitol Building and Grounds, [],), [] https://npgallery.nps.gov/NRHP/GetAsset/NRHP/88001055_text = Oregon Sfafp Hapifrn,[] + https://npgallery.nps.gov/NRHP/GetAsset/NRHP/73000804_text = Kentucky's, Capitol + https://books.google.com.ua/books?id=8eFSK4o--M0C&pg=PA162&lpg=PA162&dq=Hardin+THE+CAPITOLS+OF+KENTUCKY&source=bl&ots=2RjFE0p-LZ&sig=ACfU3U3h3NaFI5SbmprMZ3QDh8ED6DbZ4Q&hl=uk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinvPXUrrv-AhUSuIsKHbQLAwo4HhDoAXoECA4QAw#v=onepage&q=Hardin%20THE%20CAPITOLS%20OF%20KENTUCKY&f=false, [], [],
- Kentucky's State Capitol | Legislative Update Extras | KET + https://www.genealogytrails.com/ken/kycapitols.html
= Прилегла до капітолію територія = + http://npshistory.com/publications/nhl/catalog-1987.pdf