Користувач:Exroader/California State Capitol = Капітолій штату Каліфорнія, старт червень 2023
Публікації The State Capitol of California // Lompoc Journal, Number 43, 12 March 1910. — Р. 2. , The Journal of the Senate During the ... Session of the Legislature ..., Том 1, [1], [], [], стор. 385/363 The architecture of the structure is of the florid Roman-Corinthian style. It faces west and is of four, stories and basement. Its length is three hundred and twenty feet and its greatest depth one hundred and sixty-four feet, and it covers 52,480 square feet. The rotunda, on the first floor, is 168.07 feet in circumference, and the ball on top of the dome is 247 feet higher than the street at the junction of Tenth and M streets., souvenir guide - Sacramento History Online = The architecture is of the florid Roman-Corinthian style. The building faces the west on Tenth street, has a basement and four stories, surmounted by a. = стор. 12, State of California, Capitol Building #6, Downtown, Sacramento, CA (1860-1874) (= architect Reuben Clark used two types of granite for the building's exterior, one quarried near Folsom, CA, and the other mined near Penryn, CA.), California’s Capitol Building, built between 1861 and 1874, is a grand celebration of architecture, blending Greek revival and Roman-Corinthian styles to symbolize “democracy, beauty and simplicity.”, In Photos: California State Capitol Building, Sacramento, The State Capitol That Almost Never Was, And the Architect Who Went Crazy Trying to Build It (The state hospital had diagnosed the Maine-born architect and Sacramento transplant with insanity, due to “continued and close attention to the building of the State Capitol in Sacramento.”), [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], State Capitol, фото на стор. 7 загальний вигляд з висоти, + (Located in Sacramento, the Neoclassical structure was completed between 1861 and 1874 at the west end of Capitol Park, which is framed by L Street to the north, N Street to the south, 10th Street to the west, and 15th Street to the east. = https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:California_State_Capitol_Grounds,_Sacramento,_California_(169668782).jpg)
- Про меморіальні дошки, присвячені Капітолію: California Historical Landmark 872 State Capitol Complex Capitol Mall Sacramento, Dante Mazza. California State Capitol Building // American Landmarks., Image / View of the plaque for California's Capitol Building in Sacramento California. Plaque ..., Notable Monuments and Memorials in and around Capitol Park // Historic State Capitol Commission, File:California State Capitol 1982 restoration plaque.jpg, 1998/722/3803 View of the plaque for California's Capitol Building in Sacramento California. Plaque dedicated on the 100th anniversary of the completion of the building. California State Landmark #872, Sacramento County 8/10/1974, [], [], [], [], [], [],