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Користувач:Exroader/State Capitol Buildings

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.

Алфавітний список капітоліїв штатів у США.

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The exterior of the Capitol is constructed entirely of White Bethel Vermont granite. This material compares to marble in whiteness and general appearance. It is the hardest and most durable stone used in the construction of the Capitol building.

The four wings of the Capitol face the four diagonal streets of the City of Madison. Each wing is one hundred and twenty-five feet wide, eighty-four feet high and one hundred and eighty-seven feet long. The west wing houses the State Assembly. The east wing contains the Governor's Conference Room and the Supreme Court. The State Senate is in the south wing. The North Hearing Room and the GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) Memorial Hearing Room are found in the north wing of the Capitol.

The dome, completed in 1915, is the focal point of the Capitol building. It dominates the four wings and rises 162 feet above them. +++ http://images.library.wisc.edu/WI/EFacs/WICapitol/WICapitol1/reference/wi.wicapitol1.i0001.pdf ++ http://images.library.wisc.edu/WI/EFacs/WICapitol/WICapitol5/reference/wi.wicapitol5.i0009.pdf https://recollectionwisconsin.org/collections/wisconsin-state-capitol-historic-structure-report &&&&& https://search.library.wisc.edu/digital/A272HGWAM5SQBQ87 ++++ https://www.wiscontext.org/wisconsin-capitol-capped-storied-career-george-b-post + Welcome to the 100th Anniversary State Capitol Commemorative Commission website marking the 100th anniversary of the Wisconsin State Capitol building. The Wisconsin State Capitol is one of the state’s most valued treasures. We are proud to recognize and celebrate this milestone, and to remember the events and people who have served over the past ten decades. + The Wisconsin Capitol — Official Guide and History, + https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/NationalRegister/NR1769 (© 1996-2023 Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706) + https://usmodernist.org/AR/AR-1917-09.pdf ||||| George B. Post Architect GEORGE B. POST AND SONS | Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, George B. Post (Dec. 15, 1837 - Nov. 28, 1913) - Historic Detroit, [], Williamsburgh Savings Bank (Broadway) (now Republic National = стор. 4, The Designers, George Post (1837-1913) - Find a Grave Memorial , George Browne Post - PCAD [], [], [], [] , [] [], [], [], [], [] [], [], [], review = By Carter B. Horsley_ George B. Post (1837-1913) was the architect + http://dictionaryofarchitectsincanada.org/node/1751 + Post, George B., & Sons - Cleveland City Planning Commission + , (Former) New York Times Building = стор. 3 George B. Post15, City College, City University of New York, North Campus = стор. 8, те саме стор. 7 The City College of New York North Campus, 817 Broadway Building | Village Preservation = George B. Post на стор. 9, , [], [] , [], [] + http://dlib.nyu.edu/findingaids/html/nyhs/pr053_post/bioghist.html

++++ Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, New York, NY // GSA

by Governor Richard J. Oglesby on February 25, 1867. The act provided that the public square and State- house be conveyed to Sangamon County and the city of Springfield (deed was executed October 23, 1869) in consideration of $200,000 to be paid to the State of Illi- nois and that the city and county convey to the State the nine-acre tract on which the Capitol now stands. The land was secured at a cost to the city of $70,000. The $200,000 paid by the county and $250,000 from the State Treasury was appropriated to commence the work. Construction "costs were limited to $3,000,000 originally, but $4,500,000 was expended before its completion. Ground was broken on March 11. 1868 and the corner- stone laid October 5. Still unfinished the building was first occupied in January, 1876; the legislature met there in 1877 for the first time. By 1888, Illinois' sixth and present Capitol was finally completed.], From a Capitol building to a Capitol Complex (Illinois State Capitol) // The Caucus Blog, Welcome to the Illinois State Capitol - Illinois Secretary of State, !!! Illinois Capitol | SangamonLink, page 25 briefly about Illinois' sixth and present Capitol Illinois' sixth and present Capitol, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] |||||||||||| [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], John C. Crombie, Architect of State Capitols — Postcardigans ++ Sangamon County Building History

=== https://npgallery.nps.gov/pdfhost/docs/NHLS/Text/71000396.pdf = MICHIGAN STATE CAPITOL ||| + https://www.miplace.org/historic-preservation/programs-and-services/historic-landmarks/michigan-state-capitol/ + стор. 3/4 https://bc.ingham.org/Portals/BC/Historical_Commission/QR/Michigan%20Sesquicentennial%20History%20of%20Ingham%20County.pdf !

reveals fascinating details about each capitol building's beginnings:

the events surrounding construction background on its architects and builders dimensions and costs primary features and main rooms unique furnishings and works of art.


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