Користувач:Igor Yalovecky/Шпалери
Зовнішній вигляд
.......... | Сторінки | Пропонований переклад |
Обговорення | |
{$\alpha(n)$} |
574 |
{$\phi$ (golden ratio)} |
59 108 |
{$\mathaccent "0279\relax {\phi }$ (conjugate of the golden ratio)} |
59 |
{$\phi(n)$ (Euler's phi function)} |
943 |
{$\rho (n)$-approximation algorithm} |
1106 1123 |
{$o$-notation} |
64 50--51 |
{$O$-notation} |
45 64 47--48 |
{$O'$-notation} |
62 |
{$\widetilde{O}$-notation} |
62 |
{$\omega$-notation} |
51 |
{$\Omega$-notation} |
45 64 48--49 |
{$\Omegainf$-notation} |
62 |
{$\widetilde{\Omega}$-notation} |
62 |
{$\Theta$-notation} |
45 64 44--47 |
{$\widetilde{\Theta}$-notation} |
62 |
{$\set{\:}$ (set)} |
1158 |
{$\in$ (set member)} |
1158 |
{$\not\in$ (not a set member)} |
1158 |
{$\emptyset $} |
(empty language) |
1058 |
(empty set) |
1158 |
{$\subseteq$ (subset)} |
1159 |
{$\subset$ (proper subset)} |
1159 |
{$:$ (such that)} |
1159 |
{$\cap$ (set intersection)} |
1159 |
{$\cup$ (set union)} |
1159 |
{$-$ (set difference)} |
1159 |
{$\left | \mskip \medmuskip \right |$} |
(flow value) |
710 |
(length of a string) |
986 |
(set cardinality) |
1161 |
{$\times $} |
(Cartesian product) |
1162 |
(cross product) |
1016 |
{$\ang{\:}$} |
(sequence) |
1166 |
(standard encoding) |
1057 |
{$\choose{n}{k}$ (choose)} |
1185 |
{$\norm{\:}$ (euclidean norm)} |
1222 |
{$!$ (factorial)} |
57 |
{$\ceil{\:}$ (ceiling)} |
54 |
{$\floor{\:}$ (floor)} |
54 |
{\hspace{-2.5pt}$\lowersqrt{\;\;\;}$ (lower square root)} |
546 |
{\hspace{-2.5pt}$\uppersqrt{\;\;\;}$ (upper square root)} |
546 |
{$\sum$ (sum)} |
1145 |
{$\prod$ (product)} |
1148 |
{$\edge$ (adjacency relation)} |
1169 |
{$\path{}$ (reachability relation)} |
1170 |
{$\wedge$ (AND)} |
697 1071 |
{$\neg$ (NOT)} |
1071 |
{$\vee$ (OR)} |
697 1071 |
{$\oplus$ (group operator)} |
939 |
{$\otimes$ (convolution operator)} |
901 |
{$\mbox{}^*$ (closure operator)} |
1058 |
{$\divs$ (divides relation)} |
927 |
{$\ndivs$ (does-not-divide relation)} |
927 |
{$\equiv$ (equivalent modulo~$n$)} |
54 1165 |
{$\not\equiv$ (not equivalent modulo~$n$)} |
54 |
{$[a]_n$ (equivalence class modulo~$n$)} |
928 |
{$+_n$ (addition modulo~$n$)} |
940 |
{$\cdot_n$ (multiplication modulo~$n$)} |
940 |
{$\Legendre{a}{p}$ (Legendre symbol)} |
982 |
{$\emptystring$ (empty string)} |
986 1058 |
{$\isprefix$ (prefix relation)} |
986 |
{$\issuffix$ (suffix relation)} |
986 |
{$\abv{x}$ (above relation)} |
1022 |
{\CommentSymbol\ (comment symbol)} |
21 |
{$\gg$ (much-greater-than relation)} |
574 |
{$\ll$ (much-less-than relation)} |
783 |
{$\red$ (polynomial-time reducibility relation)} |
1067 1077 |