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Документація модуля[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]
Цей модуль позначений як К:реліз, готовий до загального вжитку (43). Він досягнув стадії готовності й вважається, що вільний від помилок і може використовуватись всюди, де знадобиться. Його можна вживати на допоміжних сторінках та інших сторінках Вікіпедії як можливість для навчання новачків. Аби зменшити навантаження на сервери та некоректний показ сторінок, його можна вдосконалювати в рамцях чернеткового тестування[en], а не з застосуванням спроб і помилок. |
Цей модуль залежить від наступних модулів: |
Цей модуль впроваджує шаблони Шаблон:Interlinear та Шаблон:gcl. Функцією, що викликається першим шаблоном, є p.interlinearise
, а функцією другого — p.gcl
. Дивіться документацію цих шаблонів щодо інструкцій з використання.
Більшість абревіатур глосування завантажені з підсторінки даних.
Документація вище включена з Модуль:Interlinear/документація. (ред. | історія) Дописувачі можуть експериментувати на підсторінках пісочниця (створити | дзеркало) та тести (створити) цього модуля. Будь ласка, додавайте категорії до підсторінки /документація. Підсторінки цієї сторінки. |
local p = {}
local data = mw.loadData( 'Module:Interlinear/data' )
local gloss_override = {} -- for custom gloss abbreviations
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local lang_data = mw.loadData( 'Module:Lang/data' )
-- Almost-global variables
local glossing_type, displaying_messages, free_translation, msg, buffer
-- General settings
local conf = { --settings
WordSeparator = " \n\r\t", -- Don't replace with %s as this would include non-breaking spaces
GlossAbbrPattern = "^([Ø0-9A-Z]+)$", -- this isn't a full regex, but a Lua pattern
-- NOTE: The following characters must be formatted for use in a pattern set.
GlossAbbrBoundary = "-.,;:<>‹›/\\~+=%?%s%[%]()%_\127'",
GlossExcludeTable = {I = true,}, --strings not be treated as glossing abbreviations
GlossExcludePattern = '^[0-9][0-9]+$', -- excludes strings consisting entirely of digits
GlossSmallCapsExclude = "^[AOPS]$", -- glossing abbreviations matching this pattern will not be rendered in small caps
GlossingType = "label", -- if set to "label" gloss abbreviations are formatted as an <abbr> with the "label" appearing in a tooltip
-- if set to "wikilink" the abbreviation is formatted as a wikilink to the relevant wikipedia article
-- if set to "none" abbreviations aren't formatted at all
ErrorCategory = "[[Категорія:Сторінки з помилками у тексті шаблону interlinear]]",
AmbiguousGlossCategory = "[[Категорія:Статті з неоднозначностями абревіатур глосування у шаблоні interlinear]]",
MessageGlossingError = "Помилка/помилки у шаблоні глосування interlinear",
combining_gender_numbers = "[0-9][0-9]?$", --e.g. G4 '4th gender' or CL7 'class 7'
combining_gender_prefixes = {G = "рід", CL = "клас"},
combining_person = {["1"] = "перша особа", ["2"] = "друга особа", ["3"] = "третя особа"},
combining_number = {S = "однина", SG = "однина", P = "множина", PL = "множина", D = "двоїна", DU = "двоїна", TRI = "троїна"},
combining_gender = {F = "жіночий рід", M = "чоловічий рід", N = "середній рід"},
LowerCaseGlosses = {["1sg"] = true, ["2sg"] = true, ["3sg"] = true, ["1du"] = true, ["2du"] = true, ["3du"] = true, ["1pl"] = true, ["2pl"] = true,
["3pl"] = true, ["Fsg"] = true, ["Fpl"] = true, ["Msg"] = true, ["Mpl"] = true,}, -- these are the non-all-upper-case strings that will be recognised as glossing abbreviations
ErrorHelpLocation = "Шаблон:Interlinear",
-- CSS styles and classes
conf.style = { --CSS styles
WordDiv = "float: left; margin-bottom: 0.3em;",
WordMargin = "margin-right: 1em;",
WordP = "margin: 0px;", -- the style for the word <p> elements
GlossAbbr = "font-variant: small-caps; font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums; text-transform: lowercase; ", -- won't be applied to gloss abbreviations containing lower-case characters
HiddenText = "display: none;",
EndDiv = "clear: left; display: block;", -- style of the <div> element at the end of the interlinear display
ErrorMessage = "font-size: inherit",
conf.class = { --CSS classes
Interlinear = "interlinear",
GlossAbbr = "gloss-abbr",
GlossAbbrAmb = "gloss-abbr-ambiguous",
GlossAbbrError = "gloss-abbr-error",
ErrorMessage = "error",
-- Sundry small functions
local function normalise(str)
return mw.ustring.gsub(str,"[" .. conf.WordSeparator .. "]+"," ")
local function tidyCss(str)
str = mw.ustring.gsub(str, '^[\"\']*(.-)[\"\']*$', "%1") -- trims quotation marks
if mw.ustring.sub(str, -1) ~= ";" then str = str .. ";" end -- appends ";" if missing
return str
local function highlight(text)
if text then
return '<span style="color:#C00;font-weight:bold;">' .. text .. '</span>'
else return "" end
local function tone_sup(str)
return mw.ustring.gsub(str, "([^%p%s0-9])([0-9])", "%1<sup>%2</sup>")
local function is_empty(str) -- returns "false" if its argument is a string containing chars other than spaces &c.
if not str then return true end
if mw.ustring.find(str, "[^" .. conf.WordSeparator .. "]")
then return false
else return true end
local function help_link (anchor)
if anchor then
return " ([[" .. conf.ErrorHelpLocation .. "#" .. anchor .. "|help]])"
else return "" end
-- the following is part of a trial implementation of automatic transliteration:
local function transliterate (str, lang_from, lang_to, scheme)
local lookup = {grc = {module = 'Модуль:Ancient Greek', funct = "transliterate", } }
if not lang_from then
msg:add("error", "Не задана мова, з якої здійснюється транслітерація")
local t = lookup[lang_from]
if t then
local module = require(t.module)
return module[t.funct](str)
else msg:add("error", "Не знайдено модуль-транслітератор для мови '" .. lang_from .. "'")
return ""
end -- end of trial block
-- The following two functions update the glossing settings based on the received
-- template arguments. set_global_glossing_settings() updates the global settings
-- that are valid for all gloss abbreviations. set_glossing_type()
-- returns the glossing type, which can vary between the different lines.
local function set_global_glossing_settings(a)
local style = ""
if a.style then style = tidyCss(a.style) end
if a.underline == "no" then
style = style .. "text-decoration: none;" end
if a.small_caps == "no" then
style = style .. "font-variant:normal; text-transform: none;" end
if style ~= "" then conf.style.GlossAbbr = conf.style.GlossAbbr .. style end
local function set_glossing_type(glossing)
if glossing then
local GlossingType
glossing = mw.ustring.lower(mw.text.trim(glossing))
if mw.ustring.find(glossing, 'link') then
GlossingType = "wikilink"
elseif mw.ustring.find(glossing, 'label')
or mw.ustring.find(glossing, 'no link') then
GlossingType = 'label'
elseif mw.ustring.find(glossing, 'no abbr') then
GlossingType = "no abbr"
elseif yesno(glossing) == false then
GlossingType = nil
elseif yesno(glossing) then
GlossingType = conf.GlossingType
msg:add('error', 'Glossing type "' .. glossing .. '" not recognised') end
return GlossingType
else error("set_glossing_type: 'glossing' is nil or false", 2)
local function set_custom_glosses(list)
local abbs = mw.text.split(list, '[;\n\t]')
for _,v in pairs(abbs) do
local gloss = mw.text.split(v, ':')
local a = mw.text.trim(gloss[1])
if a and a ~= "" then
gloss_override[a] = {}
gloss_override[a].expansion = gloss[2]
gloss_override[a].wikipage = gloss[3]
-- The UserMessages object contains and processes error messages and warnings
local UserMessages = {errors = {}, warnings = {}, gloss_messages = {}}
function UserMessages:add(msgtype, text, gloss)
if msgtype == "gloss_message" then
self.gloss_messages[gloss] = text
elseif msgtype == "warning" then
table.insert(self.warnings, text)
elseif msgtype == "non-repeating error" then
self.errors.nre = text
elseif msgtype == "ambiguous gloss" then
self.if_ambiguous_glosses = true
elseif msgtype == "error" then
table.insert(self.errors, text)
else return error("UserMessages:add(): unknown message type", 2)
function UserMessages:print_errors()
local out = ""
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
if next(self.errors) or self.warnings[1] then
local err_span = mw.html.create("span")
err_span:attr("style", conf.style.ErrorMessage)
for _,v in pairs(self.errors) do
err_span:wikitext(" " .. v .. ";") end
if namespace % 2 == 0 and namespace ~= 2 -- non-talk namespaces, excluding user pages; if modifying please update the description on the category page
then err_span:wikitext(conf.ErrorCategory)
out = tostring(err_span)
if self.if_ambiguous_glosses then
if namespace == 0 -- article namespace
then out = out .. conf.AmbiguousGlossCategory -- this category will only track articles
return out
function UserMessages:print_warnings()
local out = ""
-- Messages and warnings get displayed only if the page is being viewed in "preview" mode:
if displaying_messages and (next(self.gloss_messages) or next(self.warnings)) then
local div = mw.html.create("div")
:cssText('border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; background-color: #f8f9fa; width: 80%; padding: 0.2em;')
:wikitext("<i>Це повідомлення відображається лише у попередньому перегляді:</i>")
for _,v in ipairs(self.warnings) do
local p = div:tag("p")
p:attr("style", conf.style.ErrorMessage)
if self.gloss_messages then
div:wikitext("<p> Якщо ви хочете змінити якесь із наявних значень, див. [[Шаблон:Interlinear/документація#Власні абревіатури|документацію шаблона]]:</p>")
for _,v in pairs(self.gloss_messages) do
div:wikitext("<p>" .. v .. "</p>")
out = out .. "\n\n" .. tostring(div)
return out
-- gloss_lookup() receives a gloss abbreviation and tries to uncover its meaning.
local function gloss_lookup(a, label, wikilink)
local _label, _wikilink, _lookup, source = nil, nil, nil, nil
if gloss_override[a] then
_lookup = gloss_override[a]
source = "local"
elseif data.abbreviations[a] then _lookup = data.abbreviations[a] end
if _lookup and _lookup.expansion ~= "" then
_label, _wikilink = _lookup.expansion, _lookup.wikipage
local prefix = mw.ustring.sub(a,1,1)
local suffix = mw.ustring.sub(a,2)
if conf.combining_person[prefix] then -- is it of the form 1PL or 3FS?
_label = conf.combining_person[prefix]
local _suffix = conf.combining_number[suffix] or conf.combining_gender[suffix]
if _suffix then
_label = _label .. ", " .. _suffix
local suffix1 = mw.ustring.sub(suffix,1,1)
local suffix2 = mw.ustring.sub(suffix,2)
if conf.combining_gender[suffix1]
and conf.combining_number[suffix2] then
_label = _label .. ", " .. conf.combining_gender[suffix1] .. ", " .. conf.combining_number[suffix2]
else _label = nil end
elseif mw.ustring.match(suffix,conf.combining_gender_numbers) then -- cases like G4 = gender 4
local _i,_j = mw.ustring.find(a, conf.combining_gender_numbers)
local _pre = mw.ustring.sub(a, 1, _i - 1)
local _suff = mw.ustring.sub(a, _i)
if conf.combining_gender_prefixes[_pre] then
_label = conf.combining_gender_prefixes[_pre] .. " " .. _suff
elseif prefix == "N" then -- dealing with cases like NPST = non-past
local s = gloss_override[suffix] or data.abbreviations[suffix]
if s ~= nil and not s.ExcludeNegation then
_label = "не-" .. s.expansion
_wikilink = s.wikipage
s = nil
if _label == "" then _label = nil end
if _wikilink == "" then _wikilink = nil end
if not label then label = _label end
if not wikilink then wikilink = _wikilink end
return label, wikilink, source
-- format_gloss() calls gloss_lookup() to find the meaning of a gloss
-- abbreviation, which it then proceeds to format
local function format_gloss(gloss, label, wikilink)
local gloss2 = mw.ustring.gsub(gloss,"<.->","") -- remove any html fluff
gloss2 = mw.ustring.gsub(gloss2, "%'%'+", "") -- remove wiki bold/italic formatting
gloss2 = mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.upper(gloss2))
if not (label or wikilink)
or (not label and glossing_type == "label")
or (not wikilink and glossing_type == "wikilink")
if glossing_type ~= "no abbr"
then label, wikilink, source = gloss_lookup(gloss2, label, wikilink)
local gloss_node
if glossing_type == "no abbr"
then gloss_node = mw.html.create("span")
else gloss_node = mw.html.create("abbr") end
if label or wikilink then
if not mw.ustring.match(gloss, "%l") -- excluding glosses that contain lower-case characters
and not mw.ustring.match(gloss,conf.GlossSmallCapsExclude) -- and also excluding A, O etc. from rendering in small caps
then gloss_node:attr("style", conf.style.GlossAbbr)
local abbr_label
if label then abbr_label = label
else abbr_label = wikilink end
gloss_node:attr("title", abbr_label)
if source ~= "local" and data.abbreviations[gloss2] then
if data.abbreviations[gloss2].ambiguous then
msg:add("ambiguous gloss")
if glossing_type == "wikilink" and wikilink
then gloss_node:wikitext("[[", wikilink, "|" , gloss, "]]")
else gloss_node:wikitext(gloss) end
if source ~= "local" and displaying_messages then -- logging gloss lookups:
local message = ""
if label then
message = "Знайдене значення для абревіатури " .. gloss2 .. " — \"" .. abbr_label .. "\";" end
if glossing_type == "wikilink" and wikilink then
message = message .. " пов'язується до [[" .. wikilink .. "]];"
msg:add("gloss_message", message, gloss)
elseif glossing_type == "no abbr"
then gloss_node
:attr("style", conf.style.GlossAbbr)
if displaying_messages then
msg:add("warning", "Абревіатура глосування " .. highlight(gloss2) .. " не розпізнана" .. help_link("gloss abbr"))
msg:add("non-repeating error", "Невідома абревіатура (абревіатури) глосування" .. help_link("gloss abbr"))
:css("font-size", "100%")
:attr("title", gloss2 .. ": — дана абревіатура глосування не знайдена")
:attr("style", conf.style.ErrorMessage)
return tostring(gloss_node)
-- find_gloss() parses a word into morphemes, and it calls format_gloss()
-- for anything that looks like a glossing abbreviation.
local function find_gloss(word)
local function scan_gloss(boundary, gloss_abbr) -- checks a morpheme if it is a gloss abbreviation
if (mw.ustring.match(gloss_abbr, conf.GlossAbbrPattern)
or conf.LowerCaseGlosses[gloss_abbr])
and not (conf.GlossExcludeTable[gloss_abbr]
or mw.ustring.match(gloss_abbr, conf.GlossExcludePattern))
then gloss_abbr = format_gloss(gloss_abbr)
return boundary .. gloss_abbr
local word = mw.text.decode(word, true)
if word == "I" -- for the case of the English word "I", the 1SG pronoun
then return word end
local pattern = "([" .. conf.GlossAbbrBoundary .. "]?)([^" .. conf.GlossAbbrBoundary .. "]+)"
word = mw.ustring.gsub(word, pattern, scan_gloss) -- splits into morphemes
return word
-- The main purpose of the bletcherous parse() is to split a line into words and and then for each eligible word
-- to call find_gloss(). The parser outputs the individual words (with any gloss abbreviation formatting applied).
-- The simple job of splitting at whitespaces has been made complicated by a) the fact that the input can contain
-- whitespaces inside the various html elements that are the result of the application of various formatting templates;
-- and b) the need to be able to recognise the output of the template that formats custom gloss abbreviations
-- (and hence skip passing it on to find_gloss). See talk for a suggestion about its future.
local function parse(cline, i, tags_found,ifglossing)
local function issue_error(message, culprit)
UserMessages:add("error", message .. ": ''" .. mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole, 1, i-1) .. "'''" .. culprit .. "'''''")
if i > cline.length then return i end --this will only be triggered if the current line has less words than line 1
local next_step, j, _, chunk
local probe = mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole,i,i)
if mw.ustring.match(probe,"[" .. conf.WordSeparator .. "]") and tags_found == 0
then next_step = i-1
elseif probe == "[" then --Wikilink?
if mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole,i+1,i+1) == "[" then
_,j,chunk = mw.ustring.find(cline.whole,"(%[%[.-%]%])", i)
else chunk = "["; j = i end --not a wikilink then
buffer = buffer .. chunk
next_step = parse(cline, j+1,tags_found,ifglossing)
elseif probe == "{" and tags_found == 0 then --curly brackets enclose a sequence of words to be treated as a single unit
_,j,chunk = mw.ustring.find(cline.whole,"(.-)(})", i+1)
if not chunk then
issue_error("Unclosed curly bracket", "{")
chunk = highlight("{"); j = i
elseif ifglossing==true then
chunk = find_gloss(chunk)
if cline.tone_sup then chunk = tone_sup(chunk) end
buffer = buffer .. chunk
next_step = parse(cline, j+1,tags_found,ifglossing)
elseif probe == "<" then -- We've encountered an HTML tag. What do we do now?
local _,j,chunk = mw.ustring.find(cline.whole,"(<.->)",i)
if not chunk then
issue_error("Unclosed angle bracket", "<")
chunk = highlight("<"); j = i
elseif mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole,i,i+1) == "</" then -- It's a CLOSING tag
if cline.glossing
and ifglossing==false
and mw.ustring.match(chunk,"</abbr>")
then ifglossing=true end
tags_found = tags_found - 1
elseif not mw.ustring.match(chunk, "/>$") -- It's an OPENING tag, unless it opens a self-closing element (in which case the element is ignored)
then if ifglossing == true -- the following checks for the output of {{ggl}}:
and mw.ustring.find(chunk, conf.class.GlossAbbr, 1, true) -- it's important that the "find" function uses literal strings and not patterns
then ifglossing = false end
tags_found = tags_found + 1
buffer = buffer .. chunk
next_step = parse(cline, j+1,tags_found,ifglossing)
else -- No HTML tags, so we only need to find where the word ends
local _,k,chunk = mw.ustring.find(cline.whole,"(..-)([ <[])",i)
if k then --ordinary text
if ifglossing==true then
buffer = buffer .. find_gloss(chunk)
if cline.tone_sup then chunk = tone_sup(chunk) end
buffer = buffer .. chunk
next_step = parse(cline, k, tags_found, ifglossing)
else -- reached end of string
if ifglossing == true then
chunk = find_gloss(mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole,i))
chunk = mw.ustring.sub(cline.whole,i)
if cline.tone_sup then chunk = tone_sup(chunk) end
buffer = buffer .. chunk
next_step = cline.length
return next_step
-- The following function is called by Template:gcl and is used for formatting an individual glossing abbreviation
function p.gcl(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{
trim = true,
removeBlanks = false,
parentOnly = true,
wrappers = {'Template:Grammatical category label'},
msg = UserMessages
set_global_glossing_settings{style = args.style, underline = args.underline, small_caps = args['small-caps']}
if not args.glossing then
glossing_type = conf.GlossingType -- a global variable
else glossing_type = set_glossing_type(args.glossing)
local gloss, label, wikilink = args[1], args[2], args[3]
if not gloss then UserMessages:add("error", "No gloss supplied")
return UserMessages:print() end
if wikilink and not args.glossing then -- if a wikilink is supplied and glossing isn't set to 'label'...
glossing_type = 'wikilink' end -- .. then the wikilink will be formatted as such
if label == "" then label = nil end
if wikilink == "" then wikilink = nil end
local result = format_gloss(gloss, label, wikilink)
return result
-- The following is the function called by Template:Interlinear.
-- It processes the template arguments, then calls parse() to split the input lines into words
-- and it then builds the output html.
function p.interlinearise(frame)
-- Prepare arguments
local if_auto_translit = false
local args = getArgs(frame, { -- configuration for Module:Arguments
trim = true,
removeBlanks = false,
parentFirst = true,
wrappers = {'Template:Interlinear', 'Template:Fs interlinear'},
local template_name = frame:getParent():getTitle()
if template_name == 'Template:Fs interlinear' then
args.italics1 = args.italics1 or "no"
args.italics2 = args.italics2 or "yes"
args.glossing3 = args.glossing3 or "yes"
if args.lang and not args.lang2 then args.lang2 = args.lang .."-Latn" end
if args.transl and not args.transl2 then args.transl2 = args.transl end
if_auto_translit = true
local revid = frame:preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" )
if revid == "" then
if not args['display-messages'] or yesno(args['display-messages']) then
displaying_messages = true end-- messages will be displayed only in preview mode
msg = UserMessages
local line = {}
local function set_italics(n)
line[n].attr.style = line[n].attr.style .. "font-style: italic;"
line[n].tone_sup = true -- single digits are assumed to be tone markers and will hence be superscripted
if args['tone-superscripting'] and not yesno(args['tone-superscripting'])
then line[n].tone_sup = false end
if args.glossing then -- the glossing= parameter sets the default glossing type
local _gl = set_glossing_type(args.glossing)
if _gl then conf.GlossingType = _gl end
--this looks for a list of glossing abbreviations on the page that transcludes the template:
local _ablist_section = frame:preprocess('{{#section:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|list-of-glossing-abbreviations}}')
if _ablist_section and _ablist_section ~= "" then
local _a = mw.ustring.gsub(_ablist_section, '</?div [^\n]*>', '') -- strips off the div tags
--and this looks looks for a list of abbreviations set within the template:
local _ablist = args.abbreviations
if _ablist and _ablist ~= ""
then set_custom_glosses(_ablist) end
local _ablist = args.ablist
if _ablist and _ablist ~= ""
then set_custom_glosses(_ablist) end
local _spacing = tonumber(args.spacing)
if _spacing and _spacing <= 20
then conf.style.WordDiv = conf.style.WordDiv .. 'margin-right: ' .. _spacing .. 'em;'
else conf.style.WordDiv = conf.style.WordDiv .. conf.style.WordMargin
local offset, last_line = 0, 0
for j,v in ipairs(args) do -- iterates over the unnamed parameters from the template
last_line = last_line +1
if is_empty(v)
then offset = offset + 1
local i = j - offset
line[i] = {}
v = normalise(v)
-- the following is part of a trial implementation of automatic transliteration:
if if_auto_translit and v == "auto" and i > 1 then
local source_line = line[i-1]
local src_lang = source_line.lang
if not src_lang then src_lang = args.lang end
if src_lang then
v = transliterate(source_line.whole, src_lang)
else v = ""; msg:add("error", "No language specified for automatic transliteration")
end -- end of trial block
line[i].whole = v
line[i].length = mw.ustring.len(v)
local _c = args["c" .. i]
if _c and _c ~= "" then
line.hasComments = true
line[i].c = _c
---prepare style arguments----
line[i].class = ""
local _style = args["style" .. i]
if not _style then _style = ""
else _style = tidyCss(_style) end
--line[i].attr holds the attributes for the <p> elements that enclose the words in line i
line[i].attr = {style = conf.style.WordP .. _style}
local _lang = args["lang" .. i]
if _lang and #_lang > 1 then
line[i].lang = _lang
else _lang = args.lang
if _lang and #_lang > 1 and i == 1 then -- if a lang= parameter is supplied, it's assumed to apply to line 1
line[i].lang = _lang
line[i].attr.lang = line[i].lang
--the following emulates the behaviour of {{Bo-textonly}} (see Template talk:Fs interlinear#Tibetan):
if template_name == 'Template:Fs interlinear' then
if _lang == "bo" and i == 1 then
line[1].class = line[1].class .. " uchen"
line[1].attr.style = line[1].attr.style .. "font-size:1.25em; word-wrap:break-word;"
if yesno(args["italics" .. i]) then
local _transl = args["transl" .. i]
if _transl and #_transl > 1 then
_transl = mw.ustring.lower(_transl)
local _lookup = lang_data.translit_title_table[_transl]
if _lookup then
if _lang and _lookup[_lang] then
_transl = _lookup[_lang]
else _transl = _lookup.default
if _transl then
line[i].attr.title = _transl
else msg:add("error", "Transliteration scheme '" .. _transl .. "' not recognised")
local _glossing = args["glossing" .. i]
if _glossing then
line[i].glossing = set_glossing_type(_glossing)
-- Do not treat default glossing settings as custom.
if not ((i == 1 and not yesno(_glossing)) or (i == 2 and yesno(_glossing))) then
line.HasCustomGlossing = true
local _ipa = args['ipa' .. i]
if yesno(_ipa) then
line[i].class = "IPA"
local _class = args['class' .. i]
if _class then
line[i].class = line[i].class .. " " .. _class
if line[i].class == ""
then line[i].class = nil end
end -- ends the first if-statement in the loop
end -- ends the FOR cycle
local line_count = #line
if line_count == 0 then
msg:add("error", template_name .. ": no lines supplied.")
return msg:print_errors()
if line_count > 1 then
local _italics = args.italics
local n = tonumber(_italics)
if n and n > 0 then
elseif not (_italics and not yesno(_italics)) and not (args["italics1"] and not yesno(args["italics1"])) then
set_italics(1) -- by default, the first line will get italicised, unless italics=no or italics1=no
-- the last unnamed parameter is assumed to be the free translation:
free_translation = args[last_line]
if not is_empty(free_translation) then
line [line_count] = nil end --... and is thus excluded from interlinearising
-- If glossing isn't specified for any line, then it's chosen by default to occur
-- in the second line, unless only a single line has been supplied, in which case
-- the assumption is that it is the one containing grammatical glosses
if yesno(args.glossing) == false then
line.HasCustomGlossing = true
if not line.HasCustomGlossing then
if line_count == 1 then
line[1].glossing = conf.GlossingType
elseif line[2] then
line[2].glossing = conf.GlossingType
set_global_glossing_settings{style = args['glossing-style'], underline = args.underline, small_caps = args['small-caps']}
-- Segment lines into words
for i,v in ipairs(line) do
local ifglossing = false
if line[i].glossing then
ifglossing = true -- if true the parser will attempt to format gloss abbreviations in the current line
glossing_type = line[i].glossing -- neccessarily a global variable
local wc, n = 1, 1
line[i].words = {}
while n <= line[i].length do
buffer = ""
n = parse(line[i], n, 0, ifglossing)+2
line[i].words[wc] = buffer
wc = wc + 1
----Check for mismatches in number of words across lines----
local number_of_words, mismatch_found = 0, false
for i,v in ipairs(line) do -- find the maximum number of words in any line
local wc = #line[i].words
if wc ~= number_of_words then
if i ~= 1 and wc ~= 0 then
mismatch_found = true
if wc > number_of_words then
number_of_words = wc
----Deal with mismatches---
if mismatch_found then
local error_text = "Невідповідність у кількості слів у наступних рядках: "
for i,v in ipairs(line) do
local wc = #line[i].words
error_text = error_text .. wc .. " word(s) in line " .. i .. ", "
if wc ~= number_of_words then
for current_word = wc+1, number_of_words do
line[i].words[current_word] = " "
if string.sub(error_text, -2) == ", "
then error_text = string.sub(error_text, 1, #error_text - 2) .. " "
error_text = error_text .. help_link("mismatch")
UserMessages:add("error", error_text)
-- Build the HTML
---- If just a single line was supplied, format it as inline text
if line_count == 1 then
local span = mw.html.create('span')
for wi = 1, number_of_words do
local space
if wi < number_of_words then space = " " else space = "" end
span:wikitext(line[1].words[wi] .. space)
return tostring(span)
---- More than one line supplied, so we'll produce interlinear display
local div = mw.html.create("div")
-- For stuff to be displayed in the left margin, like example numbering
local number, indent = nil, nil
if args.number and args.number ~= ""
then number = args.number end
if args.indent and args.indent ~=""
then indent = args.indent end
if indent or number then
if not indent then indent = "4" end --default value
div:css("margin-left", indent .. 'em')
if number then
:css("position", "absolute")
:css("left", "1em")
if args.box and args.box ~= "" then
div:css("background-color", "#f8f9fa")
:css("border", "1px solid #eaecf0")
:css("padding", "1em") end
if args.top and args.top ~= "" then --lines to display above the interlinear block
-- Producing the interlinear block
for wi = 1, number_of_words do
local div2 = div:tag("div")
:attr("style", conf.style.WordDiv)
for i,_ in ipairs (line) do
if line[i].whole ~= "" then -- skipping empty lines
local p = div2:tag("p")
if line[i].class then
local _text = line[i].words[wi]
if _text == "" or _text == " "
then _text = " " end -- <p> elements without content mess up the interlinear display
--- If any "comments" have been specified, add them at the end of each line
if line.hasComments then
local divc = div:tag("div")
:attr("style", conf.style.WordDiv)
for i,_ in ipairs (line) do
local p = divc:tag("p")
p:attr("style", conf.style.WordP)
if line[i].c then
else p:wikitext(" ")
--Add hidden lines containing the content of each line of interlinear text: this is for accessibility
for i,v in ipairs(line) do
local hidden_line = div:tag("p")
hidden_line:attr("style", conf.style.HiddenText)
-- Format the free translation
local ft_line = div:tag("p")
if free_translation and free_translation ~= "" then
ft_line:attr("style", "clear: left;")
if args.bottom and args.bottom ~= ""
then local bottom = div:tag('p')
bottom:css('margin-top', '0')
ft_line:node(msg:print_errors()) -- for error messages
local end_div = div:tag("div")
end_div:attr("style", conf.style.EndDiv)
local temp_track = ""
if last_line == 2
then temp_track = "[[Категорія:Сторінки, що мають дві невідомі абревіатури у параметрах шаблону interlinear]]"
if last_line > 3 and template_name ~= 'Template:Fs interlinear'
then temp_track = "[[Категорія:Сторінки, що мають три або більше невідомі абревіатури у параметрах шаблону interlinear]]"
return tostring(div) .. temp_track .. msg:print_warnings()
return p