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Модуль:Message box/configuration/sandbox

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
{{i}} Документація модуля[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]
--                          Message box configuration                         --
--                                                                            --
-- This module contains configuration data for [[Модуль:Message box]].        --

-- Box data

local boxData = {
	ambox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ambox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'ambox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'ambox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'ambox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ambox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'ambox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'ambox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default                     = 'notice',
		allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'},
		allowSmall                  = true,
		smallParam                  = 'left',
		smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left',
		substCheck                  = true,
		classes                     = {'metadata', 'plainlinks', 'ambox'},
		imageEmptyCell              = true,
		imageCheckBlank             = true,
		imageSmallSize              = '20x20px',
		imageCellDiv                = true,
		useCollapsibleTextFields    = true,
		imageRightNone              = true,
		sectionDefault              = 'article',
		allowMainspaceCategories    = true,
		templateCategory            = 'Article message templates',
	        templateCategoryRequireName = true,
		templateErrorCategory       = 'Article message templates with missing parameters',
		templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'}
	cmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'cmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'cmbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'cmbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'cmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'cmbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'cmbox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'cmbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'plainlinks', 'cmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = true
	fmbox = {
		types = {
			warning = {
				class = 'fmbox-warning',
				image = 'Cmbox deletion.png'
			editnotice = {
				class = 'fmbox-editnotice',
				image = 'Imbox notice.png'
			system = {
				class = 'fmbox-system',
				image = 'Imbox notice.png'
		default              = 'system',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		allowId                = true,
		classes              = {'plainlinks', 'fmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = false,
		imageRightNone       = false
	imbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'imbox-speedy',
				image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
			delete = {
				class = 'imbox-delete',
				image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
			content = {
				class = 'imbox-content',
				image = 'Imbox content.png'
			style = {
				class = 'imbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'imbox-move',
				image = 'Imbox move.png'
			protection = {
				class = 'imbox-protection',
				image = 'Imbox protection.png'
			license = {
				class = 'imbox-license',
				image = 'Imbox license.png'
			featured = {
				class = 'imbox-featured',
				image = 'Imbox featured.png'
			notice = {
				class = 'imbox-notice',
				image = 'Imbox notice.png'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'imbox'},
		usePlainlinksParam   = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		below                = true,
		templateCategory     = 'File message boxes'
	ombox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ombox-speedy',
				image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
			delete = {
				class = 'ombox-delete',
				image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
			content = {
				class = 'ombox-content',
				image = 'Imbox content.png'
			style = {
				class = 'ombox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ombox-move',
				image = 'Imbox move.png'
			protection = {
				class = 'ombox-protection',
				image = 'Imbox protection.png'
			notice = {
				class = 'ombox-notice',
				image = 'Imbox notice.png'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'plainlinks', 'ombox'},
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		imageRightNone       = true
	tmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'tmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
			delete = {
				class = 'tmbox-delete',
				image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
			content = {
				class = 'tmbox-content',
				image = 'Imbox content.png'
			style = {
				class = 'tmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg '
			move = {
				class = 'tmbox-move',
				image = 'Imbox move.png'
			protection = {
				class = 'tmbox-protection',
				image = 'Imbox protection.png'
			notice = {
				class = 'tmbox-notice',
				image = 'Imbox notice.png'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'plainlinks', 'tmbox'},
		allowId              = true,
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageRightNone       = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		imageEmptyCellStyle  = true,
		templateCategory     = 'Talk message boxes'

-- Messages

local msg = {}

-- Output for boxes where a "type" parameter is specified that is not present
-- in the list of types in the box data.
msg['invalid-type-error'] = 'This message box is using an invalid "type=%s" ' ..
'parameter and needs fixing.'

-- End configuration

return {
	boxData = boxData,
	msg = msg