Модуль:Sports table

![]() | Ця стаття є сирим перекладом з іншої мови. Можливо, вона створена за допомогою машинного перекладу або перекладачем, який недостатньо володіє обома мовами. |
![]() | Цей модуль позначений як К:реліз, готовий до загального вжитку (62). Він досягнув стадії готовності й вважається, що вільний від помилок і може використовуватись всюди, де знадобиться. Його можна вживати на допоміжних сторінках та інших сторінках Вікіпедії як можливість для навчання новачків. Аби зменшити навантаження на сервери та некоректний показ сторінок, його можна вдосконалювати в рамцях чернеткового тестування[en], а не з застосуванням спроб і помилок. |
![]() | Цей модуль залежить від наступних модулів: |
This Lua-based module is meant to build group and league tables for sports as well. Note that this module is used extensively, so test potential changes rigorously in the sandbox and please ensure consensus exists before implementing major changes. The rest of this documentation explains how the set-up of the module. Refer to individual style pages for detailed usage instructution
Базовий виклик: {{#invoke:Sports table|main|style=XXX}}
where XXX refers to the particular style chosen. Refer to these specific styles pages for details about how to use this module. Доступні стилі:
- General styles
- WDL (For tables with a win-draw-loss system)
- WL (For tables with a win-loss system)
- WL OT (For tables with a win-loss system that gives different weights to overtime wins)
- WL OTL tiebreak (For tables with a win-loss-OT loss system and a separate tiebreak column)
- Sport or league specific styles
- Volleyball (For tables with volleyball system, including sets, setpoints and different points for different types of wins)
- Football (soccer) was the first creation. This style is renamed to WDL
More styles?
Модуль використовує Lua для створення таблиць. Most functionality is obtained from the main module, but specific column formatting comes from the style sub-modules. The existing styles can handle a lot of different options. In case you need additional options it could be useful to create a new style. Note that some tweaking of an existing style could give you the functionality you need, rather than creating a completely new style. In case you do create a new style, you might want to refer to the Lua reference manual.
Документація вище включена з Модуль:Sports table/документація. (ред. | історія) Дописувачі можуть експериментувати на підсторінках пісочниця (створити | дзеркало) та тести (створити) цього модуля. Будь ласка, додавайте категорії до підсторінки /документація. Підсторінки цієї сторінки. |
-- Взято з англійської Вікіпедії. Модуль для створення таблиць спортивних подій
-- See documentation for details
local p = {}
-- Helper functions
local function isnotblank(s)
return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= ''
local function firstnonblank(s1,s2)
if ( s1 and s1:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '' ) then
return s1
elseif ( s2 and s2:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '' ) then
return s2
return nil
-- Main function
function p.main(frame)
-- Declare locals
local Args = frame.args
local Pargs = frame:getParent().args
local ii_start, ii_end, N_rows_res = 0
local text_field_result
local notes_exist = false
local t = {}
local t_footer = {}
local t_return = {}
local team_list = {}
local jj, jjj
local table_anchor = mw.ustring.gsub(Args['section'] and 'sports-table-' .. Args['section'] or '', ' ', '_')
-- Exit early if we are using section transclusion for a different section
if( isnotblank(Pargs['transcludesection']) and isnotblank(Args['section']) ) then
if( Pargs['transcludesection'] ~= Args['section'] ) then
return ''
-- Edit links if requested
local baselink = frame:getParent():getTitle()
if baselink == 'Модуль:Excerpt' then baselink = '' end
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText == baselink then baselink = '' end
local template_name = (baselink ~= '' and (':' .. baselink .. (table_anchor ~= '' and '#' .. table_anchor or '')))
or ''
-- Get the custom start point for the table (most will start by default at 1
local top_pos = tonumber(Args['highest_pos']) or 1
local N_teams = top_pos - 1 -- Default to 0 at start, but higher number needed to skip certain entries
-- Load modules
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
-- Load style and (sub) modules
local style_def = Args['style'] or 'WDL'
-- Historically 'football' exists as style, this is now forwarded to WDL
if style_def == 'football' then style_def = 'WDL' end
local p_style = require('Module:Sports table/'..style_def)
local p_sub = require('Module:Sports table/sub')
-- Random value used for uniqueness
math.randomseed( os.clock() * 10^8 )
local rand_val = math.random()
-- Declare colour scheme
local result_col = {}
result_col = {green1='#BBF3BB', green2='#CCF9CC', green3='#DDFCDD', green4='#EEFFEE',
blue1='#BBF3FF', blue2='#CCF9FF', blue3='#DDFCFF', blue4='#EEFFFF',
yellow1='#FFFFBB', yellow2='#FFFFCC', yellow3='#FFFFDD', yellow4='#FFFFEE',
red1='#FFBBBB', red2='#FFCCCC', red3='#FFDDDD', red4='#FFEEEE',
orange1='#FFA500', orange2='#FFD39B',
black1='#BBBBBB', black2='#CCCCCC', black3='#DDDDDD', black4='#EEEEEE'}
-- Declare results column header
local results_header = {}
results_header = {Q='Кваліфікація', QR='Кваліфікація або пониження',
P='Підвищення', PQR='Підвищення, кваліфікація або пониження',
PR='Підвищення або пониження', PQ='Підвищення або кваліфікація',
local results_defined = false -- Check whether this would be needed
-- Now define line for column header (either option or custom)
local local_res_header = results_header[Args['res_col_header']] or Args['res_col_header'] or ''
-- Check whether it includes a note
local res_head_note = Args['note_header_res']
local res_head_note_text = ''
if res_head_note then
notes_exist = true
res_head_note_text = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', res_head_note} }
local results_header_txt = '! scope="col" |'..local_res_header..res_head_note_text..'\n'
-- Get status option
local t_status = p_style.status(Args)
-- Alternative syntax for team list
if Args['team_order'] and Args['team_order'] ~= '' then
local team_order_offset = (tonumber(Args['team_order_start']) or 1) - 1
local tlist = mw.text.split(Args['team_order'], '%s*[;,]%s*')
for k, tname in ipairs(tlist) do
if tname ~= '' then
Args['team' .. (k + team_order_offset)] = tname
-- Read in number of consecutive teams (ignore entries after skipping a spot)
while Args['team'..N_teams+1] ~= nil do
N_teams = N_teams+1
-- Sneakily add it twice to the team_list parameter, once for the actual
-- ranking, the second for position lookup in sub-tables
-- This is possible because Lua allows both numbers and strings as indices.
team_list[N_teams] = Args['team'..N_teams] -- i^th entry is team X
team_list[Args['team'..N_teams]] = N_teams -- team X entry is position i
-- Show all stats in table or just matches played and points
local pld_pts_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['only_pld_pts'], Args['only_pld_pts']) or 'no'
local full_table
local hide_class_rules = false
-- True if par doesn't exist, false otherwise
-- First convert to lower case if it is a string
pld_pts_val = string.lower(pld_pts_val)
if yesno(pld_pts_val) then
full_table = false
elseif pld_pts_val=='no_hide_class_rules' then
full_table = true
hide_class_rules = true
full_table = true
-- Show groups or note
local show_groups_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['show_groups'], Args['show_groups']) or 'no'
local group_col = yesno(show_groups_val) and true or false
-- Show match_table or not
local show_matches_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['show_matches'], Args['show_matches']) or 'no'
local match_table = false
if yesno(show_matches_val) then match_table = true end
local p_matches = match_table and require('Module:Sports results')
-- Custom position column label or note
local pos_label = Args['postitle'] or ''
if pos_label == '' then
-- If empty (or undeclared) then default
pos_label = '<abbr title="Позиція">Поз</abbr>'
-- Get VTE button text (but only for non-empty text)
local template_name = Args['template_name'] or ''
local VTE_text = ''
if template_name~='' then
VTE_text = require('Module:Navbar')._navbar({
-- brackets=1
-- Add source to title if specified and possible
local title_source = false
if Args['title'] and Args['title_source'] then
Args['title'] = Args['title'] .. Args['title_source']
title_source = true
elseif Args['table_header'] and Args['table_header_source'] then
Args['table_header'] = Args['table_header'] .. Args['table_header_source']
title_source = true
-- Add a table anchor
if table_anchor ~= '' then
table.insert(t, '<span class="anchor" id="' .. table_anchor .. '"></span>\n')
-- Write column headers
t_return = p_style.header(t,Args,p_sub,pos_label,group_col,VTE_text,full_table,results_header_txt)
if match_table then
-- Add empty column header
t_return.count = t_return.count+1
table.insert(t_return.tab_text,'! scope="row" class="unsortable" style="background-color:white;border-top:white;border-bottom:white;line-width:3pt;"| \n')
-- Add rest of header
t_return = p_matches.header(t_return,Args,p_sub,N_teams,team_list)
t = t_return.tab_text
local N_cols = t_return.count
-- Determine what entries go into table
-- Find out which team to show (if any)
local ii_show = team_list[firstnonblank(Pargs['showteam'], Args['showteam'])] -- nil if non-existant
-- Start and end positions to show
local n_to_show = tonumber(Args['show_limit']) or N_teams
-- Check for "legal value", if not legal (or non declared), then show all
local check_n = ((n_to_show>=(N_teams-top_pos+1)) or (n_to_show<=1) or (n_to_show~=math.floor(n_to_show)))
-- Also check whether there is a valid ii_show
if check_n or (not ii_show) then
ii_start = top_pos
ii_end = N_teams
-- It's a proper integer between top_pos+1 and N_teams-1
-- If it is in the middle show the same number above and below
-- If it is in the top or bottom, show the exact number
-- How many to show on the side
local n_show_side = math.floor(n_to_show/2)
if (ii_show-top_pos+1)<=n_show_side then
-- Top team
ii_start = top_pos
ii_end = top_pos+n_to_show-1
elseif ii_show>=(N_teams+1-n_show_side) then
-- Bottom team
ii_start = N_teams+1-n_to_show
ii_end = N_teams
-- Normal case
ii_start = ii_show-n_show_side
ii_end = ii_show+n_show_side
-- For results column
local new_res_ii = ii_start
-- Pre-check for existence of column
for ii = ii_start, ii_end do
if Args['result'..ii] then results_defined = true end
-- Remove results header if it is unused
if full_table and not results_defined then
-- First get it as one string, then use string replace to replace that header by empty string
local t_str = tostring(table.concat(t))
t_str = mw.ustring.gsub( t_str, results_header_txt, '' )
N_cols = N_cols-1 -- There is actually one column less
t = {}
table.insert(t, t_str)
-- Write rows
local team_name, team_code_ii, team_code_jj, pos_num, group_txt, note_local
local note_string, note_local, note_local_num, note_id
local note_id_list = {}
local hth_id_list = {}
for ii = ii_start, ii_end do
-- First get code
team_code_ii = team_list[ii]
-- Now read values
pos_num = Args['pos_'..team_code_ii] or ii
group_txt = Args['group_'..team_code_ii] or ' '
team_name = Args['name_'..team_code_ii] or team_code_ii
note_local = Args['note_'..team_code_ii] or nil
-- Does it need a promotion/qualification/relegation tag
local result_local = Args['result'..ii] or nil
local bg_col = nil
-- Get local background colour
if result_local then
bg_col = result_col[Args['col_'..result_local]] or Args['col_'..result_local] or 'white'
bg_col = 'background-color:'..bg_col..';' -- Full style tag
if not bg_col then bg_col = 'background-color:transparent;' end -- Becomes default if undefined
-- Bold this line or not
local ii_fw = ii == ii_show and 'font-weight: bold;' or 'font-weight: normal;'
-- Check whether there is a note or not, if so get text ready for it
if note_local and full_table then
-- Set global check for notes to true
notes_exist = true
-- There are now 3 options for notes
-- 1) It is a full note
-- 2) It is a referal to another note (i.e. it's just a team code; e.g. note_AAA=Text, note_BBB=AAA) in which the note for BBB should link to the same footnote as AAA, with
-- 2a) The other linked note exist in the part of the table shown
-- 2b) The part of the note does not exist in the part of the table shown
if not Args['note_'..note_local] then
-- Option 1
-- Now define the identifier for this
note_id = '"table_note_'..team_code_ii..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID if more tables are present on article (which might otherwise share an ID)
note_id_list[team_code_ii] = note_id
-- Call refn template
note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, note_local} }
-- Option 2
-- It is option 2a in either one if either the main note is inside the sub-table
-- or another ref to that note is inside the sub-table
-- Basically when it either has been defined, or the main link will be in the table
note_local_num = team_list[note_local]
if note_id_list[note_local] or ((note_local_num >= ii_start) and (note_local_num <= ii_end)) then
-- Option 2a
note_id = '"table_note_'..note_local..rand_val..'"'
note_string = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', args = { group = 'lower-alpha', name = note_id} }
-- Option 2b
-- Now define the identifier for this
note_id = '"table_note_'..note_local..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID
note_id_list[note_local] = note_id
-- Call refn template
note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, Args['note_'..note_local]} }
note_string = '';
-- Insert status when needed
local status_string = ''
local status_local = Args['status_'..team_code_ii]
local status_let_first = true
local curr_letter
-- Only if it is defined
if status_local then
-- Take it letter by letter
for jjj = 1,mw.ustring.len(status_local) do
curr_letter = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(status_local,jjj,jjj))
-- See whether it exist
if t_status.code[curr_letter] then
-- Depending on whether it is the first letter of not
if status_let_first then
status_string = curr_letter
t_status.called[curr_letter] = true
status_let_first = false
status_string = status_string..', '..curr_letter
t_status.called[curr_letter] = true
-- Only add brackets/dash and bolding if it exist
if not status_let_first then
if t_status.position == 'before' then
status_string = '<span style="font-weight:bold">'..string.lower(status_string)..' –</span> '
status_string = ' <span style="font-weight:bold">('..status_string..')</span>'
-- Now build the rows
table.insert(t,'|- \n') -- New row
table.insert(t,'! scope="row" style="text-align: center;'..ii_fw..bg_col..'"| '..pos_num..'\n') -- Position number
if full_table and group_col then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..group_txt..'\n') -- Group number/name
-- Build the team string order based on status position
local team_string
if t_status.position == 'before' then
team_string = status_string..team_name..note_string
team_string = team_name..note_string..status_string
table.insert(t,'| style="text-align: left; white-space:nowrap;'..ii_fw..bg_col..'"| '..team_string..'\n')-- Team (with possible note)
-- Call to subfunction
t_return = p_style.row(frame,t,Args,p_sub,notes_exist,hth_id_list,full_table,rand_val,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,ii_fw,bg_col,N_teams,ii,ii_show)
t = t_return.t
notes_exist = t_return.notes_exist
hth_id_list = t_return.hth_id_list
-- Now check what needs to be added inside the results column
if full_table then
local res_jjj
if ii == new_res_ii then
-- First check how many rows you need for this
N_rows_res = 1
jjj = ii+1
result_local = Args['result'..ii] or ''
local cont_loop = true
while (jjj<=ii_end) and cont_loop do
if Args['split'..tostring(jjj-1)] then
cont_loop = false
new_res_ii = jjj
res_jjj = Args['result'..jjj] or ''
if result_local == res_jjj then
N_rows_res = N_rows_res+1
cont_loop = false
new_res_ii = jjj
jjj = jjj+1
-- Now create this field (reuse ii_fw and bg_col)
-- Bold (if in range) or not
if ii_show and (ii_show>=ii) and (ii_show<=(ii+N_rows_res-1)) then
ii_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
ii_fw = 'font-weight: normal;'
-- Get background colour
bg_col = nil
if Args['result'..ii] then
bg_col = result_col[Args['col_'..result_local]] or Args['col_'..result_local] or 'white'
bg_col = 'background-color:'..bg_col..';' -- Full style tag
if not bg_col then bg_col = 'background-color:transparent;' end -- Becomes default if undefined
-- Check for notes
local note_res_string, note_ref, note_text
if Args['note_res_'..result_local] then
notes_exist = true
local note_res_local = Args['note_res_'..result_local]
if not Args['note_res_'..note_res_local] then
-- It does not point to another result note
note_ref = 'res_'..result_local
note_id = '"table_note_res_'..result_local..rand_val..'"' -- Identifier
note_text = note_res_local
-- It does point to another result note
note_ref = 'res_'..note_res_local
note_id = '"table_note_res_'..note_res_local..rand_val..'"' -- Identifier
note_text = Args['note_res_'..note_res_local]
-- Check whether it is already printed
if not note_id_list[note_ref] then
-- Print it
note_id_list[note_ref] = note_id
note_res_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, note_text} }
-- Refer to it
note_res_string = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', args = { group = 'lower-alpha', name = note_id} }
note_res_string = ''
-- Get text
local text_result = Args['text_'..result_local] or ''
text_field_result = '| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" rowspan="'..tostring(N_rows_res)..'" |'..text_result..note_res_string..'\n'
-- See whether it is needed (only when blank for all entries)
if results_defined then table.insert(t,text_field_result) end
-- Insert match row if needed
if match_table then
-- Add empty cell
table.insert(t,'| style="background-color:white;border-top:white;border-bottom:white;"| \n')
-- Now include note to match results if needed
for jj=top_pos,N_teams do
team_code_jj = team_list[jj]
if ii == jj then
-- Nothing
local match_note = Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj..'_note']
if match_note then
notes_exist = true
-- Only when it exist
-- First check for existence of reference for note
if not Args['note_'..match_note] then
-- It's the entry
note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', match_note} }
-- Check for existence elsewhere
note_local_num = team_list[match_note]
if note_id_list[match_note] or ((note_local_num >= ii_start) and (note_local_num <= ii_end)) then
-- It exists
note_id = '"table_note_'..match_note..rand_val..'"' -- Identifier
note_string = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', args = { group = 'lower-alpha', name = note_id} }
-- Now define the identifier for this
note_id = '"table_note_'..match_note..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID
note_id_list[match_note] = note_id
-- Call refn template
note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, Args['note_'..match_note]} }
-- Now append this to the match result string
Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj] = Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj]..note_string
-- Add rest of match row
t = p_matches.row(t,Args,N_teams,team_list,ii,ii_show)
-- Now, if needed, insert a split (solid line to indicate split in standings, but only when it is not at the last shown position)
if Args['split'..ii] and (ii<ii_end) then
-- Base size on N_cols (it needs 2*N_cols |)
table.insert(t,'|- style="background-color:'..result_col['black1']..'; line-height:3pt;"\n')
-- Close table
table.insert(t, '|}\n')
-- Get info for footer
local update = Args['update'] or 'невідомо'
local start_date = Args['start_date'] or 'невідомо'
local source = Args['source'] or frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'citation needed', args = { reason='No source parameter defined', date=os.date('%B %Y') } }
local class_rules = Args['class_rules'] or nil
-- Create footer text
-- Date updating
local matches_text = Args['matches_text'] or 'матчів'
if string.lower(update)=='complete' then
-- Do nothing
elseif update=='' then
-- Empty parameter
table.insert(t_footer,'Оновлено після '..matches_text..'. ')
elseif string.lower(update)=='future' then
-- Future start date
table.insert(t_footer,'Перші матчі будуть зіграні '..start_date..'. ')
table.insert(t_footer,'Оновлено після '..matches_text..', зіграних '..update..'. ')
-- Stack footer or not
local stack_footer_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['stack_footer'], Args['stack_footer']) or 'no'
local footer_break = false
if yesno(stack_footer_val) then footer_break = true end
-- Variable for linebreak
local stack_string = '<br>'
if footer_break and (not (string.lower(update)=='complete')) then table.insert(t_footer,stack_string) end
table.insert(t_footer,'Джерело: '..source)
if class_rules and full_table and (not hide_class_rules) then
table.insert(t_footer,'<br>Правила розподілу місць у групі: '..class_rules)
-- Now for the named status
local status_exist = false
local status_string = ''
local curr_letter
for jjj = 1,mw.ustring.len(t_status.letters) do
curr_letter = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(t_status.letters,jjj,jjj))
if t_status.called[curr_letter] then
if (footer_break and status_exist) then
status_string = status_string..stack_string
if t_status.position == 'before' then
status_string = status_string..'<span style="font-weight:bold">'..string.lower(curr_letter)..' –</span> '..t_status.code[curr_letter]..'; '
status_string = status_string..'<span style="font-weight:bold">('..curr_letter..')</span> '..t_status.code[curr_letter]..'; '
status_exist = true
-- Now end it with a point instead (if it contains entries the '; ' needs to be removed)
if status_exist then
status_string = '<br>'..mw.ustring.sub(status_string,1,mw.ustring.len(status_string)-2)..'.'
-- Add notes (if applicable)
if notes_exist then
-- As reflist size text
t_footer = '<div class="reflist">'..table.concat(t_footer)..'</div>'
t_footer = t_footer..frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'notelist', args = { group='Table_notes'} }
-- As reflist size text
t_footer = '<div class="reflist">'..table.concat(t_footer)..'</div>'
-- Add footer to main text table
return table.concat(t)
return p