– Module for generation of a skeleton for TemplateData from the parameter usage within template programming.
Functions for Templates
[ред. код]- f
- Trigger analysis of template around (base page).
- No parameters on
. - Yields block to be inserted by copy&paste.
- No parameters on
Template wrapping
[ред. код]The module is supposed to be wrapped for convenience into something like a template
<onlyinclude><includeonly>{{#invoke:{{ns:10}}:TemplateDataGenerator|f}}</includeonly></onlyinclude> Documentation
That template may be “transcluded” with one parameter: sort alias 1 – if that is provided with the value 1
, parameter list will be sorted in alphabetical order.
Productive usage
[ред. код]When editing a template (documentation) page, users are supposed to insert the following line, where TemplateData shall appear:
After click on [Preview], the generated lines are displayed and can be inserted by copy & paste to replace the temporary “transclusion”.
If forgotten to remove on saving, subst
comes into effect and the plain lines are stored into source text. Next time someone will do the cleanup.
Functions for Lua modules
[ред. код]- getBlock( about, ahead, alphabetical )
- Trigger analysis of template like f but from Lua call.
- about – string; page title related to template code on base page
- ahead – string, number or nil; namespace (Template:)
- alphabetical – boolean or nil; sort parameter list
[ред. код]Dependencies
[ред. код]None.
Документація вище включена з Модуль:TemplateDataGenerator/документація. (ред. | історія) Дописувачі можуть експериментувати на підсторінках пісочниця (створити | дзеркало) та тести (створити) цього модуля. Будь ласка, додавайте категорії до підсторінки /документація. Підсторінки цієї сторінки. |
local Serial = "2016-11-23"
Basic idea by [[w:en:User:Salix alba]]
local config = {
luxury = false, -- default alphabetical order for parameter list
start = "== TemplateData ==\n{{templateData|top}}", -- preceeding lines
shift = " ", -- (not used now) indentation, like " " or "\t"
suffix = "{{cob}}", -- false, -- following lines
scheme = [=["%s":
{ "label": "%s",
"description": "",
"type": "string"
-- config.scheme has placeholders %s
-- for the parameter name and for "label".
-- One of various indentation styles.
-- Feel free to compose a different one, also using config.shift etc.
local function factory( analyze, alphabetical )
-- Make parameter sequence from template source text
-- analyze -- string; template source text
-- alphabetical -- boolean or nil; sort parameter list
-- Return:
-- table (sequence) with parameter names
local i, s;
local r = { };
for s in analyze:gmatch( "{{{([^|}\n]+)" ) do
for i = 1, #r do
if r[ i ] == s then
s = false;
break; -- for i
end -- for i
if s then
table.insert( r, s );
end -- for s in :gmatch()
if alphabetical then
table.sort( r, nil );
return r;
end -- factory()
local function format( analyze, alphabetical )
-- Make JSON code from template source text
-- analyze -- string; template source text
-- alphabetical -- boolean or nil; sort parameter list
-- Return:
-- string with JSON code
-- Uses:
-- > config.shift
-- > config.scheme
-- factory()
local i;
local params = factory( analyze, alphabetical );
local r = '{ "description": "Шаблон ",\n';
-- local shift = config.shift or ""; -- currently unused
local start = " ";
local show, symbol;
r = r .. ' "params": { ';
for i = 1, #params do
if i > 1 then
r = string.format( "%s,\n%s ", r, start );
symbol = params[ i ];
if mw.ustring.match( symbol, "^%u%u" ) then
show = mw.ustring.sub( symbol, 1, 1 ) ..
mw.ustring.lower( mw.ustring.sub( symbol, 2 ) );
show = "";
r = r .. string.format( config.scheme, symbol, show );
-- common JSON pattern is ASCII; string.format() will do
end -- for i
r = string.format( "%s\n%s}\n}", r, start );
return r;
end -- format()
local function fun( attempt, alphabetical )
-- Retrieve used template params and build TemplateData skeleton
-- Precondition:
-- attempt -- mw.title object; related to template code
-- alphabetical -- boolean or nil; sort parameter list
-- Return:
-- string to be applied
-- Uses:
-- > config.luxury
-- > config.start
-- > config.suffix
-- format()
local r;
local source = string.match( attempt.baseText .. "/",
"^([^/]+)/" );
-- ensure top page in NS with no subpage property
-- note that pattern is ASCII; string.match() will do
local title = mw.title.makeTitle( attempt.namespace, source );
if title.exists then
local luxury = config.luxury;
local spec = "%s<templatedata>\n%s\n</templatedata>\n%s";
if type( alphabetical ) == "boolean" then
luxury = alphabetical;
if config.start then
r = config.start .. "\n";
r = "";
r = string.format( spec,
format( title:getContent(), luxury ),
config.suffix or "" );
-- note that format spec is ASCII only; string.format() will do
else -- test only
r = "ERROR * no page " .. title.fullText;
return r;
end -- fun()
-- Export
local p = {};
function p.getBlock( about, ahead, alphabetical )
-- Precondition:
-- about -- string; page title related to template code
-- ahead -- string, number or nil; namespace (Template:)
-- alphabetical -- boolean or nil; sort parameter list
-- Uses:
-- fun()
local title = mw.title.makeTitle( ahead or 10, about );
local lucky, r = pcall( fun, title, alphabetical );
return r;
end -- .getBlock()
function p.f( frame )
-- Precondition:
-- frame -- object
-- Invoked on a template page or template subpage.
-- Uses:
-- fun()
local luxury;
local parental = frame:getParent().args;
local sort = parental[ 1 ] or parental[ "1" ] or parental.sort;
if sort then
luxury = ( tonumber( sort) == 1 );
local lucky, r = pcall( fun, mw.title.getCurrentTitle(), luxury );
return "<pre>" .. r .. "</pre>";
end -- .f()
function p.failsafe()
return Serial
end -- p.failsafe()
return p;