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Найсвіжіший коментар: у темі «Interwiki problem» 19 років тому

Interwiki problem

[ред. код]

Hi Gutsul - there is a problem with linking Голонасінні to the English page en:Pinophyta: although the Ukrainian page refers to Голонасінні as Pinophyta, the page is actually covering en:Gymnosperm (i.e., Pinophyta + Cycadophyta + Gingophyta + Gnetophyta), and not just Pinophyta. The English page en:Pinophyta should link to Хвойні. The difference is because the Ukrainian pages have used one taxonomic rank lower than the English pages - I am not sure what the best way forward is; I don't know any Ukrainian so do not know what the article says apart from the scientific names.

One other small point - when giving the scientific name of a species, only the name is in italics, not the author: Larix sibirica Ledeb. (not Larix sibirica Ledeb.)

Thanks! 13:49, 6 серпня 2005 (UTC) (en:User:MPF / en:User talk:MPF)Відповісти

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