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Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.

New job darkening upper system blowing up big container ship stomach of black carbon inside eye carried up until eye broken

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More scientific is that harvey and upcoming irma are god odin's punishment because there was no average warming increase in hurricane build up area after NASA satellites and in that area hurricanes are historical normality. Main warming was local in arctis by streaming change after cooling phase about 1940_1970 without more storms coming there only from heat differences without any minimal seawater build up temperature. Polar bears are better surviving if warmer with shorter winter time. Green house gases effect must be global equal not local in arctis area and human CO2 rising +<2ppm/a effect is just about +2°C in > 200 years but no has enough fossil reserves for that time additional sulfate cooling from fossiles burning must be substracted. Better is testing of hurricane weakening blowing up a big container ship stomache of black carbon inside eye until broken. Nonsense also that droughts are same time by global warming and IPPC SRES scenario datas are just fraud nonsense. Accuracy of satellites is low because oftly no datas if surface areas weeks under clouds. New York under snow blizzards and nuclear thread also with submarines, torpedos, landmines and artillery with much more than 10 bombs from 2000 gas centifuges and Li-6D add from north korea not New York under water by antartica ice increase is real. Satelites not showing sea level rise in arctis is not matching and swimming ice can't increase molten greenland ice melting increaisng only 2cm/100years. Thermal expansion also nonsense because sea can't be deep enough heated up also deep sea global cold always warmed going to surface then with increased infrared night radiation. Albedo effect also nonsense because of increased night infrared radiation effect. Kayuweboehm@yahoo.de