Обговорення користувача:Когутяк Зенко/ВЕЛИЧЕЗНА ПОДЯКА ЗА ВЗАЄМОРОЗУМІННЯ (11.11.2009—11.11.2009)

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
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Повний архів: Обговорення_користувача:Когутяк_Зенко/АвтоАрхів
Обговорення: Обговорення_користувача:Когутяк_Зенко


[ред. код]

ШАНОВНИЙ Когутяк Зенко! I would like to write to you in your language, but unfortunately I know it only passively. I was extremely pleased by your words and by the fact, that we have a common platform – love of the truth and of good will. Please, pass my best regards to your family and friends who share the same.

I feel ashamed for all injustice that your compatriots suffered on the territory of II RP. Today I feel more at ease as a Polish when I am on the right-hand shore of Zbruch river than on the left-hand. Poles from East of Zbrucz have shared with their brothers Ukrainians all sufferings of Soviet occupation between 1920 and 1939, and this have made both sides immune to chauvinist propaganda. Unfortunately, on the former II RP territories Polish authorities behaved in a nationalist way – simply stupidly. Abolition of Ruthenian language in schools and municipalities, reclamations of orthodox churches, giving out land of ”nationalised” estates to Polish military veterans etc. have caused fully justified resentments from the side of Ruthenians, or Ukrainians – as they started to name themselves by that time.

A crime suffered can explain but cannot justify another crime. We have to prevent such escalations in the future – the only way is to come back to the roots of our civilisation – The Decalogue. In my opinion, this is the best hierarchy of values ever invented and all our troubles result from forgetting about this. First was Katechizm polskiego dziecka, later came ”Декалог Українського Націоналіста”. Both of them were ignored as signs of approaching catastrophy. We have to prevent this blunder from menacing also future generations, otherwise we will wake up in another Soviet Union. This is why of all greetings I prefer: Слава Ісусу Христу. Ваш друг, Rembecki 08:57, 11 листопада 2009 (UTC).Відповісти