Скорочення в електроніці
Зовнішній вигляд
Скорочення в електроніці
- ABC Automatic Beam Control
- ABC Absolute Binary Code
- ABC Automatic background control
- ABC Automatic bandwidth control
- АС Alternating Current
- АСС Automatic Color Control
- ACPR Adjacent channel power ratio
- ACT Automatic Color Tracking
- ACW autonomous collision warning system
- ADC Analog/Digital Converter
- ADC Automatic Degaussing Circuit
- ADEOS advanced Earth observation satellite
- ADPCM adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
- ADRES Automatic Dynamic Range Expansion System
- AFBS Acoustic FeedBack System
- AFC Automatic Frequency Control
- AFD Acoustic Flat Diaphragm
- AFT Automatic Fine Tuning
- AGC Automatic Gain Control
- AICC autonomous intelligent cruise control
- ALC Automatic Level Control
- ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
- AM Amplitude Modulation
- AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service/System
- ANA automatic network analyzer
- ANSI American National Standart Institute
- ARBF adaptive radial basis function
- ARDIS Advanced Radio Information Service
- ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
- ARO active resonator oscillator
- ASA American Standarts Association
- ASCII American Standart Code for Information Interchange
- ASD Application Specific Discretes
- ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
- ASK amplitude shift keying
- ASV advanced safety vehicle system
- ATC air traffic control
- ATF adaptive transversal filter
- ATR Answer To Reset
- AWB Automatic White Balance
- BAW bulk acoustic wave
- BBM break-before-make
- BCD Binary coded decimal
- BCH broadcast channel
- BCM block-coded modulation
- BFL buffered field-effect transistor logic
- BIFODEL binary fiber-optic delay line
- BLC BackLight Compensation
- BOR Brown-out Reset
- BPF bandpass filter
- BPSK binary phase-shift keying
- BSC base station controller
- BSS base station system
- BTL bridge-tied load
- BTS base transceiver stations
- BW bandwidth
- CAI Color Accutance Improvement
- CAM Content-addressable memory
- CAN controller area network
- CAS Column address select
- CATV community antenna television
- CCD Charge Coupled Device
- CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee
- ССР Capture, Compare, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- CD Capacitor Diode
- CD Compact Disk
- CDMA code-division multiple access
- CDT Color Display Tube
- CE Conformité Européenne
- CERDIP Ceramic dual in-line package
- CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide semiconductor
- CMRF combined-mode resonator filter
- CNR carrier-to-noise ratio
- CNS/ATM Communication and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management
- COHO coherent oscillator
- COPS complex operations per second
- COTS commercial off the shelf
- COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services
- CPU Central Processing Unit
- CPW coplanar waveguide
- CQFP ceramic quad flat pack
- CRC Cycling Redundancy Check
- CRO coaxial resonator oscillator
- CRT Cathode Ray Tube
- CSL coupled slot antenna
- CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
- CSP Chip Scale Package
- CT cordless telephone
- CTI Color Transient Improvement
- CTR common technical regulations
- CVD chemical vapor deposition
- CVDL continuously variable delay line
- CVSD Continuously variable slope delta modulation
- CW continuous wave
- DAB digital audio broadcast
- DAC Digital-Analog Converter
- D-AMPS Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service
- DAQ Data Acquisition
- DAT Digital Audio Tape
- DC Direct Current
- DC Duo Cone
- DCP Digital Contour Processing
- DCS Digital Cellular System
- DDS direct digital synthesis
- DECT Digital European Cordless Telephone/Telecommunications
- DF Demping Factor
- DF direction finding
- DFB distributed feedback
- DFD digital frequency discriminator
- D-FET depletion-mode field-effect transistor
- DFT discrete Fourier transform
- DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
- DIAC Diode Alternating Current Switch
- DIMM Dial In-line Memory Module
- DIP Dual In Package
- DLC data link control
- DLRU decoy launch/recovery unit
- DLVA detector log video amplifier
- DMA Direct Memory Access
- DMOS double-diffused metal–oxide–semiconductor
- DMR dual-mode resonators
- DMUX demultiplexer
- DNL dynamic/differential nonlinearity
- DNL Dynamic Noise Limiter
- DNR Dynamic Noise Reduction
- DP Dynamic Power
- DP3T Double pole, 3 throw
- dpi Dots per inch
- DPO Dynamic Power Output
- DPSK differential phase-shift keying
- DQPSK differential quadrature phase-shift keying
- DRA Dynamic Resonance Absorber
- DRF dielectric resonator filter
- DRIE Deep Reactive Ion Etching
- DRFM digital radio frequency memory
- DRO dielectric resonator oscillator
- DRRS digital radio relay system
- DSD direct stream digital
- DSL Dynamic Super Loudness
- DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
- DSO digital storage oscilloscope
- DSP digital signal processor/processing
- DSSS direct-sequence spread spectrum
- DTL Diode Transistor Logic
- DTMF Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency
- DTS Distributed temperature sensing
- DTS Digital Theatre Systems
- DTTV Digital Terrestrial TV
- DTX discontinuous transmission
- DUT device under test
- DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
- DWDM dense wavelength-division multiplexing
- EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
- EBU European Broadcasting Union
- ECC error correction code
- ECC embedded communication channel
- ECL Emitter Coupled Logic
- ECM electronic countermeasure
- ECM electronic control module
- EDA electronic design automation
- EDFA erbium-doped fiber amplifier
- EDGE Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution
- EDO extended data output
- EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- EGI embedded global positioning satellite inertial navigation system
- EHF extra-high frequency
- EHTPS extra-high tension power supply
- EIA/TIA Electronics Industry Association/ Telecommunications Industry Association
- EIAJ Electronic Industries Association of Japan
- EIN equivalent input noise
- EIR equipment identity register
- EIRP effective isotropic radiated power
- ELINT electronic intelligence
- ELSI Extra Large Scale Integration
- EMI Electromagnetic Interference
- EMIF External Memory Interface
- ENG Equivalent Noise Generator
- EPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory
- ERMES European radio message system
- ERP effective radiated power
- ESD Electrostatic Discharge
- ESL equivalent series inductance
- ESR electron spin resonance
- ESR equivalent series resistance
- ET envelope tracking
- ETACS Extended Total Access Communications System
- ETANN Electronically Trainable Artificial Network
- ETC Electronic Tipp Control
- ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
- ETTM electronic toll and traffic management
- EVF Electronic ViewFinder
- EVM error vector magnitude
- EVPS expanded Video Programming System
- EW electronic warfare
- EXTRC External Resistor-Capacitor (RC)
- FAMOS Floating Gate Avalanche Injection MOS
- FAPS Flexible Automated Production System
- FCC Federal Communications Commission
- FDD frequency-division duplexing
- FDDI fiber-distributed data interface
- FDMA frequency-division multiple access
- FET Field Effect Transistor
- FF Flip-Flop
- FFO fixed-frequency oscillator
- FFSK fast frequency shift keying
- FFT fast Fourier transform
- FG Frequency Generator
- FHMA frequency-hop multiple access
- FHSS frequency-hopping spread spectrum
- FIFO First In, First Out
- FIR Finite Impulse Response
- FLOTOX Floating Gate Tunnel-Oxide
- FM Frequency Modulation
- Fosc Частота тактового генератора
- FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
- FPM Fast Page Mode
- FPU Floating point unit
- FSO Full-Span Output
- GBR ground-based radar
- GEO geostationary Earth orbit
- GFSK Gaussian frequency-shift keying
- GIO General Input/Output
- GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
- GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
- GPIB general-purpose interface bus
- GPIO General Purpose Input/Output
- GPR General Purpose Register
- GPR ground-penetrating radar
- GPRS General Packet Radio Service
- GPS Global Positioning System
- GSM Global System for Mobile communications
- GSM-900 Group Speciale Mobile
- GTL Gunning transceiver logic
- HARM high speed antiradiation missile
- HBT heterojunction bipolar transistor
- HDI high density interconnect
- HDSL high bit-rate digital subscriber line
- HDTV High Definition Television
- HEMT high electron mobility transistor
- HF High Frequency
- HFC hybrid fiber/coax
- HFET heterostructure field-effect transistor
- HFSS high frequency structure simulator
- HGA high gain antenna
- HIPERLAN high performance radio LAN
- HLR home location register
- HMIC hybrid microwave integrated circuit
- HPAMP Headphone amplifier
- HPT heterostructure phototransistor
- HQ High Quality
- HS High Speed
- HSTL High-speed transceiver logic
- HTCC high temperature cofired ceramic
- HTL High Threshold Logic
- HTS high temperature superconductor
- I2/L Integrated Injection Logic
- IA Integrated Adapter
- IAC Interference Absorption Circuit
- IC Integrated Circuit
- ICC Integrated Circuit Card
- IDFT inverse discrete Fourier transform
- IDT interdigital transducer
- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IF Intermediate Frequency
- IFF identification friend or foe
- IGBT insulated-gate bipolar transistor
- IGFET insulated-gate field-effect transistor
- IIC Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
- IIL Integrated Injection Logic
- IIR Infinite Impulse Response
- ILS instrumental landing system
- IM intermodulation
- IMD intermodulation distortion
- IMDN Intelligent Mobile Data Network
- IMEI international mobile equipment identity
- IMP intermodulation products
- IMPATT impact avalanche and transit time
- IMR intermodulation rejection
- IMSI international mobile subscriber identity
- INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite
- INS inertial navigation system
- INTRC Internal Resistor-Capacitor (RC)
- IP Intellectual Property
- IP Internet Protocol
- IPBO input power backoff
- IPM Intelligent Power Module
- IPS integrated power systems
- IQ inphase/quadrature
- IR Infra-Red
- IR Internal Resistance
- IRA impulse radiating antennas
- IRQ Interrupt request
- ISA Industry Standart Architecture
- ISAR inverse synthetic-aperture radar
- ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISM industrial, scientific and medical
- ISO International Organization for Standartisation
- ITL Input TransformLess
- ITU International Telecommunication Union
- IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System
- LAN Local Area Network
- LAPD Link Access Procedures, D channel
- LC inductor/capacitor
- LCD Liquid Crystal Display
- LD laser diode
- LDO Low DropOut
- LEC liquid encapsulated Czochralski
- LED Light Emitting Diode
- LEO low earth orbit
- LHCP left-hand circular polarization
- LIDAR light direction and ranging
- LISA Lateral Integrated Silicon Accelerometer
- LMDS local-multipoint distribution systems
- LMS location and monitoring services
- LNA low noise amplifier
- LO local oscillator
- LOS line of sight
- LPE lowpass equivalent
- LPF lowpass filter
- LPI low probability of intercept
- LRRM line-reflect-reflect-match
- LSb Least Significant bit
- LSB Least Significant Byte
- LSG large-signal gain
- LSI Large Scale Integration
- LTCC low temperature cofired ceramic
- LTP long-term predictor
- LVDS Low-voltage differential signaling
- LVDT Linear variable differential transformer
- MAC Media Access Controller
- MAC Multiplier-Accumulator
- MAC Multiply And Accumulate
- MBA multibeam antenna
- MBE molecular beam epitaxy
- МСС Micro-Computer Controlled
- MCM multichip module
- MCM multi-carrier modulation
- MCPA multicarrier power amplifier
- MDT Magnitostrictive Displacement Transducer
- MEMS microelectromechanical systems
- MEO medium earth orbit
- MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
- MF Medium Frequency
- MHEMT metamorphic high electron mobility transistor
- MIM metal-insulator-metal
- MIMIC millimeter-wave and microwave integrated circuit
- MIR Micropower impulse radar
- MLC Multilayer Capacitor
- MLDD matched-line directional divider
- MLS microwave landing system
- MMI Man-Machine Interface
- MMIC Monolytic Microwave IC
- MML Maximum Modulation Level
- MMW millimeter wave
- MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
- MOL Maximum Output Level
- MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
- MOV Metal Oxide Varistor
- MPM microwave power module
- МРО Maximum Power Output
- MPU Microprocessor Unit
- MQW-FP multiquantum well Fabry-Perot optical transmitter
- MRI Magnetic Renonance Imaging
- MS mobile station
- MSb Most Significant bit
- MSB Most Significant Byte
- MSC mobile switching center
- MSG Memory Safe Guard
- MSI Medium Scale Integration
- MSMT micro surface-mount technology
- MSS mobile satellite system
- MSSW magnetostatic surface waves
- MSW magnetostatic wave
- MTA microwave transition analyzer
- MTBF mean time between failures
- MTD moving-target detection
- MTI moving-target indicator
- MTTF mean time to failure
- MU minimum stability factor
- MUNDI multiplexed network for distributed and interactive services
- MUX Мультиплексор
- MVDS multipoint video distribution system
- MVNA modulated vector network analyzer
- NA Numbered Aperture
- NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- NFB Negative FeedBack
- NGA noise gain analyzer
- NGN Next Generation Network
- NMOS N channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
- NO normally open
- NODS near obstacle detection system
- N-OFDM Not-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
- NPC Noise Protection Circuit
- NPR noise power ratio
- NRZ Non-Return to Zero
- NTSC National Television System Committee
- NZIF near-zero intermediate frequency
- NV-RAM Non-volatile memory
- OB Optical Black
- OBU onboard unit
- OCDMA orthogonal code-division multiple access
- OCL Output CapacitorLess
- OCPAR optically controlled phased-array radar
- OCXO oven-controlled crystal oscillator
- OEIC optoelectronic integrated circuit
- OEM original equipment manufacturer
- OEMMIC optoelectronic millimetre-wave monolithic integrated circuit
- OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
- OFHC oxygen-free high conductivity
- OOK on-off keying
- OPBO output power backoff
- ОРС Optical Picture Control
- OPIP output power intercept point
- OPLL optical phase-locked loop
- OQPSK offset-quadrature phase-shift keying
- OST Oscillator Start-up Timer
- OTDR optical time-domain reflectometer
- OTL Output TransformLess
- OTH over the horizon
- PA power amplifier
- PAA phased-array antenna
- PACS personal access communications system
- PAL programmable array logic
- PAL Phase Alternation Line
- PAM pulse-amplitude modulation
- PBX personal branch exchange
- PC Program Counter
- РСВ Printed Circuit Board
- PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
- PCM Pulse Code Modulation
- PCS Personal Communications Services
- PDA Personal Digital Assistant
- PDC personal digital cellular
- PDIP Plastic DIP
- PEBB power electronic building block
- PECVD plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
- PEEC partial element equivalent circuit
- РЕМ Processor Expansion Module
- PGA Programmable-Gain Amplifier
- PHEMT psuedomorphic high electron mobility transistor
- PIC Peripheral Interface Controller
- PIC photonic integrated circuit
- PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
- PLL Phase Locked Loop
- PMOS Р channel metal oxide semiconductor
- PON passive optical network
- POR Power-on Reset
- Ppm part per million
- PPS Polyphenylene Sulfide
- PQFP plastic quad flat pack
- PRBS pseudorandom binary/bit sequence
- PRI Primary Rate Interface
- PSA polysilicon self-aligned
- PSD power spectral density
- psi pound on square inch
- PSK phase-shift keying
- PSP Parallel Slave Port
- PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
- PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
- PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
- PTS Protocol Type Selection
- PTT post, telephone and telegraph
- PWD Pulse Width Distortion
- PWM Pulse Width Modulation
- PWRT Power-up Timer
- R-R rail-to-rail
- RAM random-access memory
- RC Remote Control
- RC Resistor-Capacitor
- RDAC resistor DAC
- Rds drain-source resistance
- REC record
- REF reference
- RF Radio Frequency
- RFI Radio Frequency Interference
- RFID Radio-frequency identification
- RGB RGB color model
- RHCP right-hand circular polarization
- RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RIT Receiver Incremental Tunning
- RLL radio local loop
- RMS Root Mean Square
- ROM Read Only Memory
- RPM Revolutions Per Minute
- RPS Revolutions Per Second
- RSSI Received signal strength indication
- RST reset
- RTC real time clock
- RTI real time interrupt
- RTL Resistor-Transistor Logic
- RX reseiver
- SA Separate Amplifiers
- SAR synthetic aperture radar
- SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
- SBC Single Board Computer
- SBN single-sideband phase noise
- SCFL source-coupled field-effect transistor logic
- SCR Asymmetrycal Thyristor
- SCSI Small Computer System Interface
- SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- SDLA successive detection log amplifier
- SDMA spatial division multiple access
- SDN Services Digital Network
- SDR Software Defined Radio
- SDS Signal Distribution System
- SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
- SEC Secondary Electron Conduction
- SEM scanning electron microscope
- SFDR spurious-free dynamic range
- SFR Special Function Register
- SHF super high frequency
- SIGINT signal intelligence
- SINAD signal-to-noise and distortion
- SIP Session Initiation Protocol
- SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
- SLTS Servo Lock Tuning System
- SMP subminiature push-on
- SMP surface-mount package
- SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
- SMR specialized mobile radio
- SMS short message service
- SMT surface-mount technology
- SNR signal-to-noise ratio
- SOIC small-outline integrated circuit
- SONET synchronous optical network
- SOT small-outline transistor
- SPD Serial Presence Detect
- SPDT Single-Pole Double-Throw
- SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol
- SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
- SPL Sound Pressure Level
- SSB single sideband
- SSI Small Scale Integration
- SSOP shrink small outline package
- SSR Solid-State Relay
- STOVL short takeoff, vertical landing
- STW surface transverse wave
- SWR Standing Wave Level
- TACAN tactical air navigation
- TACS Total Access Communication System
- TAG technical advisory group
- TARD towed active radar device
- TBCCO thallium barium calcium copper oxide
- TCH traffic channel
- TCM trellis-coded modulation
- TCR temperature coefficient of resistance
- TCXO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator
- TDD time-division duplex
- TDMA time-division multiple access
- TDWR terminal Doppler weather radar
- TEC thermal electric cooler
- TEM transverse electromagnetic mode
- TETRA trans European trunked radio
- TFT Thin Film Transistor
- THD Total Harmonic Distortion
- TIA transimpedance amplifier
- TMN telecommunication management network
- TOI third-order intercept
- ТР Telephone Pickup
- T/R transmit/receive
- TRAM transimpedance amplifier
- TRP Technology Reinvestment Program
- TRL thru-reflect-line
- TS timeslot
- TSOP Thin Small Outline Package
- TSS tangential signal sensitivity
- TTD true time delay
- TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
- TVS Transient Voltage Supression
- TWT traveling-wave tube
- TWTA traveling-wave tube amplifier
- TX transmit/transmitter
- UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
- UHF Ultra High Frequency
- UJT Unijunction Transistor
- ULM Ultra Low Mass
- UNI User Network Interface
- USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
- USB Universal Serial Bus
- UTDFN ultra-thin dual flat no-lead package
- UVLO Undervoltage-lockout
- VANA vector automatic network analyzer
- VCP Video Communication Processor
- VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
- VCXO voltage-controlled crystal oscillator
- VCR Video Cassette Recorder
- VF ViewFinder
- VFC voltage-to-frequency converter
- VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display
- VHDCI Very-high-density cable interconnect
- VGA Video Graphics Array
- VHS Video Home System
- VISA virtual instrument software architecture
- VLSI very large-scale integration
- VMOS vertical MOS
- VNA vector network analyzer
- VoDSL Voice over DSL
- VoIP Voice over IP
- VPS Video Programming System
- Vref Voltage Reference
- VSAT Very-small-aperture terminal
- VSB vestigial sideband modulation
- VSWR voltage standing-wave ratio
- VVA voltage variable attenuators
- VXIbus VMEbus extension for instrumentation
- Англо-русский словарь сокращений по электронике(рос.)
- Словарь английских аббревиатур в области высокочастотной электроники [Архівовано 28 березня 2014 у Wayback Machine.](рос.)
- Сектор электронных компонентов. Россия — 2002. Том 2 — М. :Додэка-XXI — 768 с. — ISBN 5-94120-056-0