Список риб Непалу
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Список риб Непалу неповний і складається з 173 видів риб, що мешкають у територіальних водах Непалу.
- Acanthocobitis botia
- Ailia coila
- Amblyceps mangois
- Amblypharyngodon mola
- Anabas testudineus
- Anguilla bengalensis bengalensis
- Aplocheilus panchax
- Aspidoparia jaya
- Aspidoparia morar
- Badis badis
- Bagarius bagarius
- Balitora brucei
- Balitora eddsi [1]
- Bangana ariza
- Bangana dero
- Barilius barila
- Barilius barna
- Barilius bendelisis
- Barilius shacra
- Barilius tileo
- Barilius vagra
- Batasio batasio
- Batasio macronotus [2]
- Botia almorhae
- Botia lohachata
- Carassius carassius
- Catla catla
- Chaca chaca
- Chagunius chagunio
- Chanda nama
- Channa gachua
- Channa marulia
- Channa orientalis
- Channa punctata
- Channa stewartii
- Channa striata
- Chela cachius
- Chitala chitala
- Cirrhinus cirrhosus
- Cirrhinus reba
- Clarias batrachus
- Clupisoma garua
- Clupisoma montana
- Colisa fasciata
- Colisa lalia
- Crossocheilus latius
- Ctenopharyngodon idella
- Cyprinion semiplotum
- Cyprinus carpio carpio
- Erethistes hara
- Erethistoides ascita
- Erethistoides cavatura
- Esomus danricus
- Euchiloglanis davidi
- Eutropiichthys murius
- Eutropiichthys vacha
- Gagata cenia
- Garra annandalei
- Garra gotyla gotyla
- Garra lamta
- Garra mullya
- Glossogobius giuris
- Glyptothorax annandalei
- Glyptothorax cavia
- Glyptothorax gracilis
- Glyptothorax indicus
- Glyptothorax kashmirensis
- Glyptothorax pectinopterus
- Glyptothorax telchitta
- Glyptothorax trilineatus
- Gogangra viridescens
- Gudusia chapra
- Labeo angra
- Labeo bata
- Labeo boga
- Labeo caeruleus
- Labeo calbasu
- Labeo dyocheilus
- Labeo fimbriatus
- Labeo gonius
- Labeo pangusia
- Labeo rohita
- Laubuca laubuca
- Lepidocephalichthys guntea
- Macrognathus aculeatus
- Macrognathus aral
- Macrognathus lineatomaculatus
- Macrognathus pancalus
- Mastacembelus armatus
- Megarasbora elanga
- Monopterus cuchia
- Myersglanis blythii
- Mystus bleekeri
- Mystus cavasius
- Mystus gulio
- Mystus tengara
- Mystus vittatus
- Nandus nandus
- Nangra nangra
- Nemacheilus multifasciatus
- Neoanguilla nepalensis
- Neolissochilus hexagonolepis
- Neotropius atherinoides
- Notopterus notopterus
- Ompok bimaculatus
- Ompok pabda
- Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Oncorhynchus rhodurus
- Oreochromis mossambicus
- Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
- Osteobrama cotio cotio
- Parachiloglanis hodgarti
- Parambassis ranga
- Pseudambassis baculis
- Pseudecheneis crassicauda
- Pseudecheneis eddsi
- Pseudecheneis serracula
- Pseudecheneis sulcata
- Pseudolaguvia ribeiroi
- Psilorhynchus balitora
- Psilorhynchus homaloptera
- Psilorhynchus nepalensis
- Psilorhynchus pseudecheneis [3]
- Psilorhynchus sucatio
- Puntius chelynoides
- Puntius chola
- Puntius conchonius
- Puntius gelius
- Puntius phutunio
- Puntius sarana
- Puntius sophore
- Puntius ticto
- Salmo trutta trutta
- Salmophasia bacaila
- Schistura beavani
- Schistura corica
- Schistura rupecula
- Schistura savona
- Schistura scaturigina
- Schizothorax esocinus
- Schizothorax labiatus
- Schizothorax macrophthalmus
- Schizothorax molesworthi
- Schizothorax nepalensis
- Schizothorax plagiostomus
- Schizothorax progastus
- Schizothorax raraensis
- Schizothorax richardsonii
- Securicula gora
- Setipinna phasa
- Silonia silondia
- Sisor rabdophorus
- Somileptus gongota
- Sperata aor
- Sperata seenghala
- ↑ Conway, K. W. i R. L. Mayden, 2010: Balitoria eddsi, a new species of hillstream loach (Ostariophysi: Balitoridae) from Nepal. Journal of Fish Biology v. 76: 1466-1473.
- ↑ Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2004: Batasio macronatus, a new species of bagrid catfish from Nepal (Teleostei: Bagridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (núm. 4): 295-300.
- ↑ Menon, A. G. K. i A. K. Datta, 1964: Zoological results of the Indian Cho-Oyu Expedition (1958) in Nepal. Part 7.--Pisces (concluded). Psilorhynchus pseudecheneis, a new cyprinid fish from Nepal. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcuta) v. 59: 253-255, Pls. 16-17.
- ↑ FishBase (actualitzat el 21 d'octubre del 2010) (англ.)
- Dimmick, W. W. i D. R. Edds, 2002: Evolutionary genetics of the endemic Schizorathicine (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) fishes of Lake Rara, Nepal. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v. 30 (núm. 10): 919-929.
- Edds, D. R. i H. H. Ng, 2007: Additions to the ichthyofauna of Nepal, with a redescription of Neoeucirrhichthys maydelli (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 18 (núm. 2): 125-132.
- Günther, A., 1861: List of the cold-blooded vertebrata collected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., in Nepal. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1861 (pt 2): 213-227.
- Menon, A. G. K., 1950: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XLII. On a new loach from Poona. XLIII. On a small collection of fish from East Punjab. XLIV. Fishes from the Kosi Himalayas, Nepal. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcuta) v. 47 (pt 2): 225-237.
- Ng, H. H., 2006: The identity of Psudecheneis sulcata (M'Clelland, 1842), with descriptions of two new species of rheophilic catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Nepal and China. Zootaxa Núm. 1254: 45-68.
- Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2005: Two new species of Erethistoides (Teleostei: Erethistidae) from Nepal. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 16 (núm. 3): 239-248.
- Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2005: Two new species of Pseudecheneis, rheophilic catfishes (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Nepal. Zootaxa Núm. 1047: 1-19.
- Regan, C. T., 1907: Fishes. Pp. 157-158. A: Reports on a collection of Batrachia, reptiles and fish from Nepal and the western Himalayas. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcuta) v. 1: 149-158, Pl. 6.
- Shrestha, J., 1978: Fish fauna of Nepal. Journal of Natural History Museum Tribhuvan University v. 5 (núms. 1-4): 33-43.
- Shrestha, J., 1980: Fishes of Nepal. Curriculum Development Centre, Tribhuvan Univ., Katmandú.
- Shrestha, T. K., 2008: Ichthyology of Nepal. A study of fishes of the Himalayan waters. Himalayan Ecosphere, Kathmandu, Nepal. Ichthyology of Nepal: 389 pp., 72 color plates.
- Terashima, A., 1984: Three new species of the cyprinid genus Schizothorax from Lake Rara, northwestern Nepal. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (núm. 2): 122-135.
- Flesh Eating Mutant Fish Invades Nepal (англ.)
- Humans scoffed by mutant fish [Архівовано 6 червня 2011 у Wayback Machine.] (англ.)