Перейти до вмісту


Очікує на перевірку
Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
ІАТА: немає  • ICAO: немає
Загальні дані
{{i}} Документація шаблону[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]

Заготовка шаблону

[ред. код]
ІАТА: {{{IATA}}}  • ICAO: {{{ICAO}}}  • FAA: {{{FAA}}}  • LID: {{{LID}}}
Загальні дані
11°45′02″ пн. ш. 108°22′25″ сх. д. / 11.75056° пн. ш. 108.37361° сх. д. / 11.75056; 108.37361
Власник / оператор{{{owner-oper}}}
Працює з{{{used}}}
Висота над р. м.{{{elevation-m}}} м / {{{elevation-f}}} фт
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
{{{r1-number}}} {{{r1-length-m}}} {{{r1-length-f}}} !up to r12
Гелікоптерні майданчики
Номер Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
{{{h1-number}}} {{{h1-length-m}}} {{{h1-length-f}}} ! up to h12
Статистика ({{{stat-year}}})
{{{stat1-header}}}! up to stat4
{{{IATA}}}. Карта розташування: Земля
| name         =
| ensign       = 
| ensign_size  =
| ensign_alt   =
| nativename   =
| nativename-a =
| nativename-r =
| image        =
| image-width  = <!-- if less than 200 -->
| image_alt    =
| caption      =
| image2       =
| image2-width = <!-- if less than 200 -->
| image2_alt   =
| caption2     =
| IATA         =
| ICAO         =
| FAA          =
| TC           =
| LID          =
| GPS          =
| WMO          =
| type         =
| owner-oper   =
| owner        =
| operator     =
| city-served  =
| location     =
| opened       = <!-- {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| closed       = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| passenger_services_ceased = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| hub          =
| focus_city   =
| built        = <!-- military airports -->
| used         = <!-- military airports -->
| commander    = <!-- military airports -->
| occupants    = <!-- military airports -->
| timezone     =
| utc          =
| summer       =
| utcs         =
| elevation-f  =
| elevation-m  =
| metric-elev  =
| coordinates  =  {{Coord|11|45|02|N|108|22|25|E|type:airport|display=inline,title}}
| coordinates_type       =
| coordinates_region     =
| coordinates_notitle    =
| website                = <!-- example.com -->
| image_map              =
| image_mapsize          =
| image_map_alt          =
| image_map_caption      =
| pushpin_map            =
| pushpin_mapsize        =
| pushpin_map_alt        =
| pushpin_map_caption    =
| pushpin_relief         =
| pushpin_image          =
| pushpin_label          =
| pushpin_label_position =
| pushpin_mark           =
| pushpin_marksize       =
| r1-number    =
| r1-length-f  =
| r1-length-m  =
| r1-surface   = <!-- up to r12 -->
| metric-rwy   =
| h1-number    =
| h1-length-f  =
| h1-length-m  =
| h1-surface   = <!-- up to h12 -->
| stat1-header =
| stat1-data   = <!-- up to stat4 -->
| stat-year    =
| footnotes    =


[ред. код]

The following blank template includes all of the available parameter names, except for repeating names used for runways and statistics. All parameters except name are optional; however, "IATA: none – ICAO: none", along with the heading "Summary", will always appear. Any unused parameters should be omitted, but can also be left blank if preferred. The use of flag icons with this infobox is discouraged.

| name                      = 
| ensign                    = 
| ensign_size               = 
| ensign_alt                = 
| nativename                = 
| nativename-a              = 
| nativename-r              = 
| image                     = 
| image-width               = <!-- if less than 200 -->
| image_alt                 = 
| caption                   = 
| image2                    = 
| image2-width              = <!-- if less than 200 -->
| image2_alt                = 
| caption2                  = 
| IATA                      = 
| ICAO                      = 
| FAA                       = 
| TC                        = 
| LID                       = 
| GPS                       = 
| WMO                       = 
| type                      = 
| owner-oper                = 
| owner                     = 
| operator                  = 
| city-served               = 
| location                  = 
| opened                    = <!-- {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| closed                    = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| passenger_services_ceased = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| hub                       = 
| focus_city                = 
| built                     = <!-- military airports -->
| used                      = <!-- military airports -->
| commander                 = <!-- military airports -->
| occupants                 = <!-- military airports -->
| timezone                  = 
| utc                       = 
| summer                    = 
| utcs                      = 
| elevation-f               = 
| elevation-m               = 
| metric-elev               = 
| coordinates               = <!-- {{coord}} -->
| website                   = <!-- example.com -->
| image_map                 = 
| image_mapsize             = 
| image_map_alt             = 
| image_map_caption         = 
| pushpin_map               = 
| pushpin_mapsize           = 
| pushpin_map_alt           = 
| pushpin_map_caption       = 
| pushpin_relief            = 
| pushpin_image             = 
| pushpin_label             = 
| pushpin_label_position    = 
| pushpin_mark              = 
| pushpin_marksize          = 
| r1-number                 = 
| r1-length-f               = 
| r1-length-m               = 
| r1-surface                = <!-- up to r12 -->
| metric-rwy                = 
| h1-number                 = 
| h1-length-f               = 
| h1-length-m               = 
| h1-surface                = <!-- up to h12 -->
| stat1-header              = 
| stat1-data                = <!-- up to stat8 -->
| stat-year                 = 
| footnotes                 = 


[ред. код]

Усі параметри, крім name, є необов'язковими.

Назва аеропорту

[ред. код]

Ці параметри визначають назву аеропорту, яка відображається у верхній частині картки.

Назва аеропорту українською, наприклад Міжнародний аеропорт «Бориспіль» чи Міжнародний аеропорт «Київ» імені Ігоря Сікорського.
Назва аеропорту рідною мовою з використанням західних символів (французька, німецька, іспанська тощо), наприклад Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie.
Назва аеропорту рідною мовою з незахідними символами (китайською, японською, корейською, арабською тощо), наприклад 北京首都国际机场.
Використовуйте разом із наведеним вище для латинізованої назви аеропорту, наприклад Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng.

Зображення аеропорту

[ред. код]

Ці параметри визначають фотографію або логотип аеропорту, які відображаються під заголовком. Друге зображення також можна відобразити під першим зображенням, використовуючи назви параметрів, що закінчуються на «2».

Малий прапор (необов'язковий параметр)
image / image2
Назва файлу зображення, наприклад Airport.png чи Logo.gif (не використовуйте префікс Файл: чи Зображення:).
image_alt / image2_alt
Альтернативний текст для зображень.
image-width / image2-width
Ширина зображення в пікселях, наприклад 175 (за замовчуванням 220, якщо не вказано інше значення).
Цей параметр слід використовувати лише для менших зображень, які виглядатимуть спотвореними, якщо їх розгорнути до ширини 220 пікселів.
caption / caption2
Текст, що відображається під зображенням. Якщо залишити порожнім або пропустити, підпис не відображатиметься.
Цей параметр слід використовувати лише для фотографій, які потребують пояснення; його слід залишати порожнім для логотипів аеропортів і можна залишати порожнім для аерофотознімків.

Коди аеропортів

[ред. код]

Ці параметри визначають ідентифікатори розташування аеропорту, які відображаються під зображенням (або під заголовком, якщо зображення немає):

The airport's three character IATA location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as IATA: none.
The airport's four character ICAO location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as ICAO: none.
The three or four character FAA location identifier for airports in the United States. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.
The three or four character Transport Canada location identifier for airports in Canada. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.
A location identifier for airports outside the US or Canada, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.
A Global Positioning System code for the airport, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.
The World Meteorological Organization five digit code for the weather station at the airport. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.

Airport summary

[ред. код]

These parameters specify airport details for the "Summary" section displayed below the airport codes.

Airport type should be one of the following: Public, Private, Military or Military/Public. Do not use Commercial, General or Civil.
If the airport is owned and operated by the same entity, use this in place of owner and operator.
Name of the airport owner.
Name of the airport operator, if not the owner.
If the airport is associated with a major city but actually located in a smaller town, list the major city here and the smaller town under location. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed.
Example: city-served = [[Paris]]
Result: Paris
Name of the town or city where the airport is located. Do not put the airport's street address in this field. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed.
Example: location = [[Orly]], [[France]]
Result: Orly, France
The date when the airport originally opened for commercial service.
Example: {{start date|1989|09|22}}
Result: September 22, 1989
The date when the airport closed, either temporarily or permanently, along with reason for closing (for presently closed airports only). Use {{end date}}.
The date when passenger services to the airport ceased due to conversion of the airport for another use, along with the new use for the airport. Only for airports that previously had passenger services. Use {{end date}}.
If the airport serves as an hub, list the airlines here. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed. Use {{plainlist}} if the list is long.
* [[BMI (airline)|BMI]]
* [[British Airways]]
* [[Virgin Atlantic Airways]]
British Airways
Virgin Atlantic Airways
If the airport serves as a focus city, list the airlines here. See discussion at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Airports#Focus Cities on pages.
timezone and utc
Will give the time zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country.
Timezone is optional, but if it is used, then utc must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets.
summer and utcs
If the time zone observes daylight saving time this will give the zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country.
Summer is optional, but if it is used, then utcs must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets.
Height above mean sea level, in feet.
Height above mean sea level, in metres.
External link to the airport's official website. See Wikipedia: External links#How to link for more information.
Example: website = http://www.dfwairport.com/
Result: www.dfwairport.com

Military airports

[ред. код]

These optional parameters provide additional information for military airports. The parameter names are based on those used in Template:Infobox military structure. This allows the display of information from that template, without the need to include an additional infobox. See example 4 below.

The date when the structure was built, usually given in years.
The period during which the structure was in active military use, usually given in years.
The current commanding officer, for structures currently in military use.
Any notable military units which occupy the structure.

Geographic coordinates

[ред. код]

This template allows for the insertion of geographic coordinates in two different ways: you can either provide a complete {{Coord}} template in the coordinates parameter, or you can provide the individual coordinate components (degrees, minutes, seconds, etc.) in the separate parameters described below. The latter method also allows you to insert a pushpin map with an automatically-placed airport icon and label (see below).

If you use both methods, then the coordinates parameter will be used in the infobox.

Latitude and Longitude of airport, specified using the {{Coord}} template. When entering the coordinates always ensure that the resultant map or image shows the airport. It is very easy to confuse "N" for "S" or "E" for "W". If used as shown below, this will also cause the airport to appear in Google Earth's Geographic Web Layer.
Example: coordinates = {{Coord|49|27|16|N|002|06|46|E|type:airport_region:FR|display=inline,title}}
Result: 49°27′16″ пн. ш. 002°06′46″ сх. д. / 49.45444° пн. ш. 2.11278° сх. д. / 49.45444; 2.11278

This template provides two ways to include a map: as a simple image, or using {{Location map}} and the coordinate parameters described above to automatically place a pushpin mark and label on a map.

Image map

[ред. код]

Am image map can be displayed by providing a value for image_map. The remaining image_ parameters are optional.

The name of an image to use as a map, such as Airport_map.png (do not include the File: or Image: prefix).
(optional) The width to display the image map, in pixels. Just the number, no "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220.
(optional) Alt text for the image map. If left blank or omitted, this defaults to same text used in image_map_caption (or Location of {{{name}}} if no caption.
(optional) Caption to display below the image map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed.

Location/pushpin map

[ред. код]

A location map can be displayed by providing values for coordinates, and pushpin_map. The remaining pushpin_ parameters are optional.

The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (eg. Indonesia or Russia). The |coordinates= parameter values position a pushpin mark and label on the map automatically.
(optional) The width to display the pushpin map, in pixels. Just the number, without "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220.
(optional) Alt text for the pushpin map.
(optional) Caption to display below the pushpin map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed.
(optional) Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available (see example 1). For additional information, see Template:Location map#Relief parameter.
(optional) Name of an alternative map image, which must have the same edge coordinates as the location map template specified via pushpin_map (see example 5). Do not include the File: or Image: prefix. For additional information, see Template:Location map#AlternativeMap parameter.
(optional) The text of the label to place next to the pushpin mark (see example 1). The default is the value of the name parameter.
(optional) The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin mark (see example 5). Valid values are left, right, top and bottom. This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker and its position relative to the right border of the map image.
(optional) The name of an image to display as the pushpin mark (see example 5). The default is File:Airplane silhouette.svg ( ).
(optional) The size of the mark in pixels (see example 5). The default is 10. Do not include px, for example: pushpin_marksize = 8, not pushpin_marksize = 8px.

Infobox control

[ред. код]

These parameters control how certain fields within the infobox are displayed.

Set to any value to display elevation in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first. This can be seen in example 1.
Set to any value to display runway length in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first. Examples 1 and 2 below show the runway length with metres first; example 3 and 4 show it with feet before metres.

These parameters specify details for each runway in the "Runways" section displayed below the summary. This can also be used to specify water landing areas for seaplanes (see Fairbanks International Airport). Parameters start with r1- for the first runway, r2- for the second runway, up to r8- for the eighth runway (if more are needed, leave a message on the talk page). Each airport should have at least one runway.

rn-number (r1-number, r2-number, ...)
The designation of the runway, normally two numbers like this → 02/20, 1st number is 18 lower than the 2nd. Where there are parallel runways an additional letter is added to each number, for example "L" for left, "R" for right and "C" for center. In certain cases a runway will only have one number when it can only be used in one direction. For airports in the United States the leading zero is not used and the designation should read 2/20.
rn-length-f (r1-length-f, r2-length-f, ...)
Runway length in feet.
rn-length-m (r1-length-m, r2-length-m, ...)
Runway length in metres.
rn-surface (r1-surface, r2-surface, ...)
Runway surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, Gravel, Grass (or Turf), Dirt, Water, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible.


[ред. код]

These parameters specify details for each helipad in the "Helipads" section displayed below the runways. Parameters start with h1- for the first helipad, h2- for the second helipad, up to h12- for the twelfth helipad (if more are needed, leave a message on the talk page). This section is optional and only appears if the h1- parameters are specified. See example 1 and example 3 below.

hn-number(h1-number, h2-number, ...)
The designation of the helipad. In the United States this is usually the letter "H" followed by a number, i.e. "H1", "H2", etc.
hn-length-f (h1-length-f, h2-length-f, ...)
Helipad length in feet.
hn-length-m (h1-length-m, h2-length-m, ...)
Helipad length in metres.
hn-surface (h1-surface, h2-surface, ...)
Helipad surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible.


[ред. код]

These parameters specify details for an optional "Statistics" section displayed below the runways and helipads. Parameters start with stat1- for the first statistic, stat2- for the second statistic, etc. This section only appears if the stat1- parameters are specified. See example 1 and example 3 below.

statn-header (stat1-header, stat2-header, ...)
A brief description of each statistic, such as Passengers or Aircraft operations.
statn-data (stat1-data, stat2-data, ...)
The data associated with the corresponding header.
The calendar year for the statistics. This is displayed in parentheses after the word "Statistics" in the section header.


[ред. код]

This parameter contains text for footnotes displayed at the bottom of the infobox.

The most common use for this field is to give sources or references for the data displayed in the infobox. See the examples below.


[ред. код]

Example 1

[ред. код]
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie
Warszawa/Okęcie Airport
Загальні дані
52°09′57″ пн. ш. 20°58′02″ сх. д. / 52.16583° пн. ш. 20.96722° сх. д. / 52.16583; 20.96722
Типpublic / Military
ОператорPolish Airports State Enterprise (PPL)
Висота над р. м.362 фт / 110 м
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
11/29 2,800 9,186 асфальт
15/33 3,689 12,106 асфальт
Гелікоптерні майданчики
Номер Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
H1 40 131 бетон
Статистика (2012)
Statistics: Warsaw Chopin Airport[1]
Sources: Polish AIP at Eurocontrol[2]

Warsaw Chopin Airport

This example shows the appearance of the infobox without an image.

It also shows the use of the parameters for latitude, longitude, and location/pushpin map.

Note: helipad information added to illustrate function of metric-rwy parameter.

{{Infobox airport
| name         = Warsaw Chopin Airport
| nativename   = ''Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie''
| nativename-r = Warszawa/Okęcie Airport
| image        = <!--leave blank, this is demo without image-->
| IATA         = WAW
| ICAO         = EPWA
| type         = Public / Military
| operator     = Polish Airports State Enterprise (PPL)
| city-served  = [[Warsaw]]
| location     = [[Warsaw]] ([[Okęcie]]), [[Poland]]
| hub          = 
*[[Bingo Airways]]
*[[Enter Air]]
*[[LOT Polish Airlines]]
*[[Small Planet Airlines]]
*[[Wizz Air]]
| metric-elev  = yes
| elevation-m  = 110
| elevation-f  = 362
| website      = {{URL|1=http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/passenger|2=www.lotnisko-chopina.pl}}
| opened       = {{Start date|1934|04|29|df=yes}}
| coordinates  = {{coord|52|09|57|N|20|58|02|E|display=inline<!--- set here to prevent coordinates from appearing in the title of the template page --->}}
| pushpin_map            = Poland
| pushpin_map_caption    = Location of airport in Poland
| pushpin_relief         = yes
| pushpin_label          = WAW
| metric-rwy   = yes
| r1-number    = 11/29
| r1-length-m  = 2,800
| r1-length-f  = 9,186
| r1-surface   = [[Asphalt]]
| r2-number    = 15/33
| r2-length-f  = 12,106
| r2-length-m  = 3,689
| r2-surface   = Asphalt
| h1-number    = H1
| h1-length-m  = 40
| h1-length-f  = 131
| h1-surface   = [[Concrete]]
| stat-year = 2012
| stat1-header = Passengers
| stat1-data = 9,587,842
| stat2-header = Movements
| stat2-data = 118,320
| footnotes    = Statistics: Warsaw Chopin Airport<ref name="stats2013">{{cite web|title=About the Airport: Statistics|url=http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/airport/about-the-airport/statistics|publisher=Warsaw Chopin Airport|accessdate=28 September 2013}}</ref><br/>Sources: Polish [[Aeronautical Information Publication|AIP]] at [[Eurocontrol]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/publicuser/protect/pu/main.jsp |title=EAD Basic |publisher=Ead.eurocontrol.int |accessdate=2012-06-28}}</ref>

Example 2

[ред. код]
Beijing Capital International Airport
Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng
Beijing Capital Departure Hall
Загальні дані
40°04′48″ пн. ш. 116°35′04″ сх. д. / 40.08000° пн. ш. 116.58444° сх. д. / 40.08000; 116.58444 (Beijing Capital International Airport)
ОператорCivil Aviation Administration of China
ХабAir China, China Southern Airlines
Висота над р. м.35 м / 116 фт
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
18L/36R 3,800 12,467 асфальт
18R/36L 3,200 10,499 асфальт

Beijing Capital International Airport

This example shows the appearance of the infobox with an image and a caption.

It also uses both the nativename-a and nativename-r parameters.

{{Infobox airport
| name         = Beijing Capital International Airport
| nativename-a = 北京首都国际机场
| nativename-r = Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng
| image        = Beijing Capital Departure Hall.jpg
| caption      = Beijing Capital Departure Hall
| IATA         = PEK
| ICAO         = ZBAA
| type         = Public
| operator     = [[Civil Aviation Administration of China]]
| city-served  = [[Beijing]]
| location     = [[Chaoyang District, Beijing]]
| hub          = [[Air China]], [[China Southern Airlines]]
| elevation-f  = 116
| elevation-m  = 35
| coordinates  = {{Coord|40|04|48|N|116|35|04|E|type:airport_region:CN|display=inline,title|name=Beijing Capital International Airport}}
| website      = {{URL|1=http://en.bcia.com.cn/|2=www.bcia.com.cn}}
| opened       = {{Start date|1958|03|02|mf=yes}}
| metric-rwy   = yes
| r1-number    = 18L/36R
| r1-length-m  = 3,800
| r1-length-f  = 12,467
| r1-surface   = [[Asphalt]]
| r2-number    = 18R/36L
| r2-length-m  = 3,200
| r2-length-f  = 10,499
| r2-surface   = Asphalt

Example 3

[ред. код]
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Загальні дані
32°53′49″ пн. ш. 097°02′17″ зх. д. / 32.89694° пн. ш. 97.03806° зх. д. / 32.89694; -97.03806
ВласникCity of Dallas City of Fort Worth
ОператорDFW Airport Board
ХабAmerican Airlines, American Eagle Airlines
Висота над р. м.185 м / 607 фт
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
фт м
13L/31R 9,000 2,743 бетон
13R/31L 9,301 2,835 бетон
17C/35C 13,401 4,085 бетон
17L/35R 8,500 2,591 бетон
17R/35L 13,401 4,085 бетон
18L/36R 13,400 4,084 бетон
18R/36L 13,400 4,084 бетон
Гелікоптерні майданчики
Номер Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
фт м
H1 158 48 бетон
Статистика (2005)
Aircraft operations711,878
Metric tonnes of cargo741,432
Sources: FAA,[3] airport website.[4]

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

{{Infobox airport
| name         = Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
| image        = Dfw_airport.jpg
| IATA         = DFW
| ICAO         = KDFW
| FAA          = DFW
| type         = Public
| owner        = City of [[Dallas, Texas|Dallas]]
City of [[Fort Worth, Texas|Fort Worth]]
| operator     = DFW Airport Board
| city-served  = [[Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex|Dallas/Fort Worth]]
| hub          = [[American Airlines]], [[American Eagle Airlines]]
| metric-elev  =
| elevation-f  = 607
| elevation-m  = 185
| website      = {{URL|http://www.dfwairport.com/}}
| opened       = {{Start date|1974|01|13|mf=yes}}
| coordinates  = {{coord|32|53|49|N|097|02|17|W|display=inline<!--- set here to prevent coordinates from appearing in the title of the template page --->}}
| pushpin_map            = USA Texas
| pushpin_map_caption    = Location within Texas
| pushpin_label          = DFW
| metric-rwy   =
| r1-number    = 13L/31R
| r1-length-f  = 9,000
| r1-length-m  = 2,743
| r1-surface   = [[Concrete]]
| r2-number    = 13R/31L
| r2-length-f  = 9,301
| r2-length-m  = 2,835
| r2-surface   = Concrete
| r3-number    = 17C/35C
| r3-length-f  = 13,401
| r3-length-m  = 4,085
| r3-surface   = Concrete
| r4-number    = 17L/35R
| r4-length-f  = 8,500
| r4-length-m  = 2,591
| r4-surface   = Concrete
| r5-number    = 17R/35L
| r5-length-f  = 13,401
| r5-length-m  = 4,085
| r5-surface   = Concrete
| r6-number    = 18L/36R
| r6-length-f  = 13,400
| r6-length-m  = 4,084
| r6-surface   = Concrete
| r7-number    = 18R/36L
| r7-length-f  = 13,400
| r7-length-m  = 4,084
| r7-surface   = Concrete
| h1-number    = H1
| h1-length-f  = 158
| h1-length-m  = 48
| h1-surface   = Concrete
| stat-year    = 2005
| stat1-header = Passengers
| stat1-data   = 59,176,265
| stat2-header = Aircraft operations
| stat2-data   = 711,878
| stat3-header = Metric tonnes of cargo
| stat3-data   = 741,432
| footnotes    = Sources: FAA<ref>{{FAA-airport|ID=DFW|use=PU|own=PU|site=23710.6*A}}</ref>, airport website<ref>[http://www.dfwairport.com/ Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport], official web site</ref>.

Example 4

[ред. код]
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Air Force Materiel Command
Загальні дані
39°49′34″ пн. ш. 084°02′54″ зх. д. / 39.82611° пн. ш. 84.04833° зх. д. / 39.82611; -84.04833
Типmilitary: Air Force Base
ОператорUnited States Air Force
Працює з1948 - present
Висота над р. м.251 м / 823 фт
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
фт м
5L/23R 12,601 3,841 pem
5R/23L 7,000 2,134 асфальт
Sources: FAA,[5] official website.[6]

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

This infobox shows the use of an image and linked text over the blue background in title area. It also makes use of some of the fields used for military airports.

{{Infobox airport
| name         = Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
| ensign       = [[File:Air Force Materiel Command.png|100px]]
| nativename   = {{smaller|[[Air Force Materiel Command|{{black|Air Force Materiel Command}}]]}}
| image        = National Museum of the United States Air Force.jpg
| image-width  = 250
| caption      = [[National Museum of the United States Air Force]]
| IATA         = FFO
| ICAO         = KFFO
| FAA          = FFO
| type         = Military: [[Air Force Base]]
| operator     = [[United States Air Force]]
| location     = [[Dayton, Ohio]]
| built        = <!--1948-->
| used         = 1948 - present
| commander    = <div>
* [[General (United States)|Gen.]] Bruce Carlson - [[Air Force Materiel Command]]
* [[General (United States)|Brig. Gen.]] Bruce E. Davis - [[445th Airlift Wing]]
* [[Colonel (United States)|Col.]] Colleen M. Ryan - [[88th Air Base Wing]] and Installation Commander
| occupants    =
| elevation-f  = 823
| elevation-m  = 251
| website      = {{URL|http://www.wpafb.af.mil/}}
| coordinates  = {{coord|39|49|34|N|084|02|54|W|display=inline<!--- set here to prevent coordinates from appearing in the title of the template page --->}}
| pushpin_map            = USA Ohio
| pushpin_map_caption    = Location within Ohio
| pushpin_label          = Wright-Patterson AFB
| r1-number    = 5L/23R
| r1-length-f  = 12,601
| r1-length-m  = 3,841
| r1-surface   = [[Porous European Mix|PEM]]
| r2-number    = 5R/23L
| r2-length-f  = 7,000
| r2-length-m  = 2,134
| r2-surface   = [[Asphalt]]
| footnotes    = Sources: FAA<ref>{{FAA-airport|ID=FFO|use=PR|own=MA|site=17827.*A}}</ref>, official website<ref>[http://www.wpafb.af.mil/ Wright-Patterson Air Force Base] (official site)</ref>.

Example 5

[ред. код]
Buri Ram Airport
Загальні дані
15°13′46″ пн. ш. 103°15′04″ сх. д. / 15.22944° пн. ш. 103.25111° сх. д. / 15.22944; 103.25111
Висота над р. м. м / 590 фт
Злітно-посадкові смуги
Напрямок Довжина Тип поверхні (PCN)
м фт
04/22 2100 асфальт
Source: AIP Thailand[7]

Buri Ram Airport

This infobox shows the use optional parameters for the location/pushpin map.

{{Infobox airport
| name         = Buri Ram Airport
| nativename-a = {{lang|th|ท่าอากาศยานบุรีรัมย์}}
| IATA         = BFV
| ICAO         = VTUO
| type         = Public
| city-served  = [[Buri Ram]], [[Thailand]]
| elevation-f  = 590
| coordinates  = {{coord|15|13|46|N|103|15|04|E|display=inline<!--- set here to prevent coordinates from appearing in the title of the template page --->}}
| pushpin_map            = Thailand
| pushpin_mapsize        = 220x300 <!--limit height to 300px-->
| pushpin_map_caption    = Location of airport in Thailand
| pushpin_image          = Thailand location map Topographic.png
| pushpin_label          = <span style="color:yellow; font-weight:bold; font-size:larger; text-shadow: black 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em">BFV</span>
| pushpin_label_position = bottom
| pushpin_mark           = Yellow_pog.svg
| pushpin_marksize       = 11
| metric-rwy   = y
| r1-number    = 04/22
| r1-length-m  = 2100
| r1-surface   = Asphalt
| footnotes    = Source: [[Aeronautical Information Publication|AIP]] Thailand<ref name="AIP">{{cite web | url = http://www.aisthai.go.th/webais/pdf/AERONAUTICALCHARTS/VTUO.pdf | title = VTUO – BURI RAM | format = [[PDF]] | publisher =  AIP Thailand | accessdate = 20 August 2012}}</ref>

References for examples

[ред. код]
  1. About the Airport: Statistics. Warsaw Chopin Airport. Процитовано 28 вересня 2013.
  2. EAD Basic. Ead.eurocontrol.int. Процитовано 28 червня 2012.
  3. Головний запис FAA для аеропорту DFW (Форма 5010 PDF)
  4. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, official web site
  5. Головний запис FAA для аеропорту FFO (Форма 5010 PDF)
  6. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (official site)
  7. VTUO – BURI RAM (PDF). AIP Thailand. Процитовано 20 серпня 2012.


[ред. код]
Це документація TemplateData для шаблону Аеропорт, яка використовується Візуальним редактором та іншими інструментами.

Немає опису.

Параметри шаблону[Редагувати дані шаблону]

Для цього шаблону краще блокове форматування параметрів.

Nameназва name

The name of the airport in English


Airport name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.)


Airport name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as ????????.


Use in conjunction with above for Romanized name of the airport. In such cases the Romanized name should be in italics.


A small ensign using image syntax such as [[File:Example.png|100px]].


The name of image file, such as Airport.png or Logo.gif (do not include the File: or Image: prefix).

Назва сторінкинеобов'язковий

The image width in pixels, i.e., 175 (defaults to 220 if not specified).

Image Alternativeimage_alt

Alternative text for the images.


Text displayed beneath the image. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. This should only be used for photographs that require an explanation; it should be omitted for airport logos and may be omitted for aerial photographs.


The name of image file, such as Airport.png or Logo.gif (do not include the File: or Image: prefix).

Назва сторінкинеобов'язковий

The image width in pixels, i.e., 175 (defaults to 220 if not specified). This should only be used for smaller images which would appear distorted when expanded to a width of 220px.

Image2 Alternativeimage2_alt

Alternative text for the images.


Text displayed beneath the image. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. This should only be used for photographs that require an explanation; it should be omitted for airport logos and may be omitted for aerial photographs.


The airport's three character IATA location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as IATA: none.


The airport's four character ICAO location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as ICAO: none.


The three or four character FAA location identifier for airports in the United States. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.


The three or four character Transport Canada location identifier for airports in Canada. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.


A location identifier for airports outside the US or Canada, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.


A Global Positioning System code for the airport, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.


The World Meteorological Organization five digit code for the weather station at the airport. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed.


Airport type should be one of the following: Public, Private, Military or Military/Public. Do not use Commercial, General or Civil.


If the airport is owned and operated by the same entity, use this in place of owner and operator.


Name of the airport owner.


Name of the airport operator, if not the owner.


If the airport is associated with a major city but actually located in a smaller town, list the major city here and the smaller town under location. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed.


Name of the town or city where the airport is located. Do not put the airport's street address in this field. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed.


The date when the airport originally opened for commercial service.


The date when the airport closed, either temporarily or permanently, along with reason for closing (for presently closed airports only). Use {{end date}}.

Passenger Services Ceasedpassenger_services_ceased

The date when passenger services to the airport ceased due to conversion of the airport for another use, along with the new use for the airport. Only for airports that previously had passenger services. Use {{end date}}.


If the airport serves as an hub, list the airlines here. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed. Use {{plainlist}} if the list is long.

Focus Cityfocus_city

If the airport serves as a focus city


The date when the structure was built, usually given in years.

Короткий текстнеобов'язковий

The period during which the structure was in active military use, usually given in years.


The current commanding officer, for structures currently in military use.


Any notable military units which occupy the structure.


Will give the time zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country. Timezone is optional, but if it is used, then utc must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets.


UTC time of the airport


If the time zone observes daylight saving time this will give the zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country.


Summer is optional, but if it is used, then utcs must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets.

Elevation In Feetelevation-f

Height above mean sea level, in feet.

Elevation In Metreselevation-m

Height above mean sea level, in metres.


Set to any value to display elevation in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first.

Coordinatesкоординати coordinates

Latitude and Longitude of airport, specified using the {{Coord}} template


External link to the airport's official website

Image Mapimage_map

The name of an image to use as a map, such as Airport_map.png (do not include the File: or Image: prefix).

Назва сторінкинеобов'язковий
Image Mapsizeimage_mapsize

The width to display the image map, in pixels. Just the number, no "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220.

Image Map Alternativeimage_map_alt

Alt text for the image map. If left blank or omitted, this defaults to same text used in image_map_caption (or Location of {{{name}}} if no caption.

Image Map Captionimage_map_caption

Caption to display below the image map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed.

Pushpin Mappushpin_map

The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (eg. Indonesia or Russia). The coordinates field position a pushpin mark and label on the map automatically.

Pushpin Mapsizepushpin_mapsize

The width to display the pushpin map, in pixels. Just the number, without "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220.

Pushpin Map Alternativepushpin_map_alt

Alt text for the pushpin map.

Pushpin Map Captionpushpin_map_caption

Caption to display below the pushpin map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed.

Pushpin Reliefpushpin_relief

Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available (see example 1). For additional information, see Template:Location map#Relief parameter.

Pushpin Imagepushpin_image

Name of an alternative map image, which must have the same edge coordinates as the location map template specified via pushpin_map

Назва сторінкинеобов'язковий
Pushpin Labelpushpin_label

The text of the label to place next to the pushpin mark . The default is the value of the name parameter.

Pushpin Label Positionpushpin_label_position

The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin mark (see example 5). Valid values are left, right, top and bottom. This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker and its position relative to the right border of the map image.

Pushpin Markpushpin_mark

The name of an image to display as the pushpin mark. The default is File:Airplane silhouette.svg ( Airplane silhouette.svg ).

Pushpin Marksizepushpin_marksize

The size of the mark in pixels


The designation of the runway, normally two numbers like this ? 02/20, 1st number is 18 lower than the 2nd. Where there are parallel runways an additional letter is added to each number, for example "L" for left, "R" for right and "C" for center. In certain cases a runway will only have one number when it can only be used in one direction. For airports in the United States the leading zero is not used and the designation should read 2/20.

r1-Length-In Feetr1-length-f

Runway length in feet.

r1-Length-In Metresr1-length-m

Runway length in metres.


Runway surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, Gravel, Grass (or Turf), Dirt, Water, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible.


Set to any value to display runway length in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first


The designation of the helipad. In the United States this is usually the letter "H" followed by a number, i.e. "H1", "H2", etc.

h1-Length-In Feeth1-length-f

Helipad length in feet.


Helipad length in metres.


Helipad surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible.


A brief description of each statistic, such as Passengers or Aircraft operations.


The data associated with the corresponding header.


The calendar year for the statistics. This is displayed in parentheses after the word "Statistics" in the section header.

Короткий текстнеобов'язковий

The most common use for this field is to give sources or references for the data displayed in the infobox



[ред. код]


Tracking categories

[ред. код]