AD | _title | "в Андоррі" |
cases | 48015 |
deaths | 159 |
deaths_per_million | 1994.4307 |
fully_vaccinated | 53501 |
name | "Андорра" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 67.10946 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.643684 |
population | 79722 |
total_vaccinated | 57913 |
vaccine_doses | 157072 |
AE | _title | "в Об'єднаних Арабських Еміратах" |
cases | 1067030 |
deaths | 2349 |
deaths_per_million | 229.34784 |
fully_vaccinated | 9792266 |
name | "Об'єднані Арабські Емірати" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 95.60813 |
percent_vaccinated | 97.54937 |
population | 10242085 |
total_vaccinated | 9991089 |
vaccine_doses | 24922054 |
AF | _title | "в Афганістані" |
cases | 235214 |
deaths | 7998 |
deaths_per_million | 197.09776 |
fully_vaccinated | 18370386 |
name | "Афганістан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 45.270844 |
percent_vaccinated | 47.19545 |
population | 40578846 |
total_vaccinated | 19151368 |
vaccine_doses | 22964750 |
AG | _title | "на Антигуа і Барбуді" |
cases | 9106 |
deaths | 146 |
deaths_per_million | 1572.4117 |
fully_vaccinated | 62384 |
name | "Антигуа і Барбуда" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 67.18722 |
percent_vaccinated | 69.23997 |
population | 92851 |
total_vaccinated | 64290 |
vaccine_doses | 136512 |
AI | _title | "на Ангільї" |
cases | 3904 |
deaths | 12 |
deaths_per_million | 844.9514 |
fully_vaccinated | 10382 |
name | "Ангілья" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.10238 |
percent_vaccinated | 76.45402 |
population | 14202 |
total_vaccinated | 10858 |
vaccine_doses | 24864 |
AL | _title | "в Албанії" |
cases | 337196 |
deaths | 3608 |
deaths_per_million | 1275.987 |
fully_vaccinated | 1279333 |
name | "Албанія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 45.244244 |
percent_vaccinated | 47.717068 |
population | 2827615 |
total_vaccinated | 1349255 |
vaccine_doses | 3088966 |
AM | _title | "у Вірменії" |
cases | 453089 |
deaths | 8779 |
deaths_per_million | 3047.3296 |
fully_vaccinated | 1030758 |
name | "Вірменія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 35.77924 |
percent_vaccinated | 39.950077 |
population | 2880883 |
total_vaccinated | 1150915 |
vaccine_doses | 2256919 |
AO | _title | "в Анголі" |
cases | 107487 |
deaths | 1937 |
deaths_per_million | 54.35663 |
fully_vaccinated | 9609080 |
name | "Ангола" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 26.965265 |
percent_vaccinated | 46.44487 |
population | 35635028 |
total_vaccinated | 16550642 |
vaccine_doses | 27819132 |
AQ | _title | "в Антарктиді" |
name | "Антарктида" |
AR | _title | "в Аргентині" |
cases | 10110920 |
deaths | 130738 |
deaths_per_million | 2879.1904 |
fully_vaccinated | 34900612 |
name | "Аргентина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 76.860214 |
percent_vaccinated | 91.45777 |
population | 45407904 |
total_vaccinated | 41529056 |
vaccine_doses | 116978520 |
AS | cases | 8359 |
deaths | 34 |
deaths_per_million | 702.9877 |
name | "Американське Самоа" |
population | 48365 |
AT | _title | "в Австрії" |
cases | 6083066 |
deaths | 22534 |
deaths_per_million | 2485.9126 |
fully_vaccinated | 6683263 |
name | "Австрія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.72862 |
percent_vaccinated | 76.118225 |
population | 9064679 |
total_vaccinated | 6899873 |
vaccine_doses | 20468732 |
AU | _title | "у Австралії" |
cases | 11861161 |
deaths | 25236 |
deaths_per_million | 963.1698 |
fully_vaccinated | 21647524 |
name | "Австралія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 82.62102 |
percent_vaccinated | 84.85075 |
population | 26200987 |
total_vaccinated | 22231734 |
vaccine_doses | 69686750 |
AW | _title | "на Арубі" |
cases | 44224 |
deaths | 292 |
deaths_per_million | 2708.921 |
fully_vaccinated | 84368 |
name | "Аруба" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 78.26926 |
percent_vaccinated | 84.00067 |
population | 107792 |
total_vaccinated | 90546 |
vaccine_doses | 174914 |
AX | |
AZ | _title | "в Азербайджані" |
cases | 836502 |
deaths | 10353 |
deaths_per_million | 1005.6038 |
fully_vaccinated | 4862494 |
name | "Азербайджан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 47.230198 |
percent_vaccinated | 52.191284 |
population | 10295307 |
total_vaccinated | 5373253 |
vaccine_doses | 13857111 |
BA | _title | "у Боснії і Герцеговині" |
cases | 404142 |
deaths | 16404 |
deaths_per_million | 5118.564 |
fully_vaccinated | 846080 |
name | "Боснія і Герцеговина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 26.400358 |
percent_vaccinated | 29.436861 |
population | 3204805 |
total_vaccinated | 943394 |
vaccine_doses | 1924950 |
BB | _title | "на Барбадосі" |
cases | 108839 |
deaths | 593 |
deaths_per_million | 2100.4236 |
fully_vaccinated | 155047 |
name | "Барбадос" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 54.91811 |
percent_vaccinated | 58.03722 |
population | 282324 |
total_vaccinated | 163853 |
vaccine_doses | 384049 |
BD | _title | "у Бангладеш" |
cases | 2051565 |
deaths | 29499 |
deaths_per_million | 174.15367 |
fully_vaccinated | 142201680 |
name | "Бангладеш" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 83.95181 |
percent_vaccinated | 89.4455 |
population | 169384890 |
total_vaccinated | 151507170 |
vaccine_doses | 361742560 |
BE | _title | "у Бельгії" |
cases | 4894781 |
deaths | 34339 |
deaths_per_million | 2949.6265 |
fully_vaccinated | 9170945 |
name | "Бельгія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 78.77592 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.55497 |
population | 11641813 |
total_vaccinated | 9261641 |
vaccine_doses | 31469388 |
BF | _title | "у Буркіна-Фасо" |
cases | 22168 |
deaths | 400 |
deaths_per_million | 17.77064 |
fully_vaccinated | 5232347 |
name | "Буркіна-Фасо" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 23.245539 |
percent_vaccinated | 27.051752 |
population | 22509037 |
total_vaccinated | 6089089 |
vaccine_doses | 7893609 |
BG | _title | "у Болгарії" |
cases | 1338277 |
deaths | 38764 |
deaths_per_million | 5678.989 |
fully_vaccinated | 2078006 |
name | "Болгарія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 30.443125 |
percent_vaccinated | 31.583742 |
population | 6825863 |
total_vaccinated | 2155863 |
vaccine_doses | 4726614 |
BH | _title | "у Бахрейні" |
cases | 696614 |
deaths | 1536 |
deaths_per_million | 1001.65704 |
fully_vaccinated | 1226796 |
name | "Бахрейн" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 80.00188 |
percent_vaccinated | 80.9395 |
population | 1533459 |
total_vaccinated | 1241174 |
vaccine_doses | 3476633 |
BI | _title | "у Бурунді" |
cases | 54569 |
deaths | 15 |
deaths_per_million | 1.1260331 |
fully_vaccinated | 36321 |
name | "Бурунді" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 0.27265763 |
percent_vaccinated | 0.27707168 |
population | 13321101 |
total_vaccinated | 36909 |
vaccine_doses | 42252 |
BJ | _title | "у Беніні" |
cases | 28036 |
deaths | 163 |
deaths_per_million | 11.8463545 |
fully_vaccinated | 2742837 |
name | "Бенін" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 19.934122 |
percent_vaccinated | 26.870075 |
population | 13759507 |
total_vaccinated | 3697190 |
vaccine_doses | 4232541 |
BL | _title | "на Сен-Бартельмі" |
cases | 5507 |
deaths | 5 |
deaths_per_million | 456.7044 |
name | "Сен-Бартельмі" |
population | 10948 |
BM | _title | "на Бермудських островах" |
cases | 18860 |
deaths | 165 |
deaths_per_million | 2547.397 |
fully_vaccinated | 47657 |
name | "Бермудські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.576546 |
percent_vaccinated | 74.9614 |
population | 64772 |
total_vaccinated | 48554 |
vaccine_doses | 136759 |
BN | _title | "у Брунеї" |
cases | 350550 |
deaths | 182 |
deaths_per_million | 399.67148 |
fully_vaccinated | 446714 |
name | "Бруней" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 98.09827 |
percent_vaccinated | 99.07219 |
population | 455374 |
total_vaccinated | 451149 |
vaccine_doses | 1293100 |
BO | _title | "у Болівії" |
cases | 1212156 |
deaths | 22387 |
deaths_per_million | 1853.665 |
fully_vaccinated | 6160585 |
name | "Болівія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 51.010235 |
percent_vaccinated | 60.949852 |
population | 12077155 |
total_vaccinated | 7361008 |
vaccine_doses | 14690530 |
BQ | cases | 11922 |
deaths | 41 |
deaths_per_million | 1430.8647 |
fully_vaccinated | 16736 |
name | "Карибські Нідерланди" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 58.407204 |
percent_vaccinated | 66.68877 |
population | 28654 |
total_vaccinated | 19109 |
vaccine_doses | 35845 |
BR | _title | "у Бразилії" |
cases | 37511921 |
deaths | 702116 |
deaths_per_million | 3338.5383 |
fully_vaccinated | 176164200 |
name | "Бразилія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 83.76549 |
percent_vaccinated | 90.17482 |
population | 210306411 |
total_vaccinated | 189643420 |
vaccine_doses | 516237120 |
BS | _title | "на Багамських Островах" |
cases | 39127 |
deaths | 849 |
deaths_per_million | 2135.6125 |
fully_vaccinated | 166972 |
name | "Багамські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 42.000885 |
percent_vaccinated | 43.972492 |
population | 397544 |
total_vaccinated | 174810 |
vaccine_doses | 366359 |
BT | _title | "у Бутані" |
cases | 62697 |
deaths | 21 |
deaths_per_million | 26.89136 |
fully_vaccinated | 677669 |
name | "Бутан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 86.77829 |
percent_vaccinated | 89.524666 |
population | 780920 |
total_vaccinated | 699116 |
vaccine_doses | 2011426 |
BW | _title | "у Ботсвані" |
cases | 330699 |
deaths | 2801 |
deaths_per_million | 1148.0002 |
fully_vaccinated | 1663490 |
name | "Ботсвана" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 68.17876 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.96467 |
population | 2439895 |
total_vaccinated | 1951054 |
vaccine_doses | 3171667 |
BY | _title | "у Білорусі" |
cases | 994045 |
deaths | 7118 |
deaths_per_million | 775.9526 |
fully_vaccinated | 6414996 |
name | "Білорусь" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.93162 |
percent_vaccinated | 71.25499 |
population | 9173241 |
total_vaccinated | 6536392 |
vaccine_doses | 22765402 |
BZ | _title | "у Белізі" |
cases | 71432 |
deaths | 688 |
deaths_per_million | 1708.294 |
fully_vaccinated | 221478 |
name | "Беліз" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 54.992664 |
percent_vaccinated | 64.17847 |
population | 402741 |
total_vaccinated | 258473 |
vaccine_doses | 511106 |
CA | _title | "у Канаді" |
cases | 4819055 |
deaths | 55282 |
deaths_per_million | 1424.0135 |
fully_vaccinated | 31758252 |
name | "Канада" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 81.806335 |
percent_vaccinated | 89.49461 |
population | 38821260 |
total_vaccinated | 34742936 |
vaccine_doses | 102877160 |
CC | |
CD | cases | 101006 |
deaths | 1474 |
deaths_per_million | 14.394957 |
fully_vaccinated | 14399520 |
name | "Демократична Республіка Конго" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 14.062447 |
percent_vaccinated | 16.646704 |
population | 102396974 |
total_vaccinated | 17045720 |
vaccine_doses | 18808672 |
CF | _title | "у Центральноафриканській республіці" |
cases | 15443 |
deaths | 113 |
deaths_per_million | 22.16539 |
fully_vaccinated | 2484985 |
name | "Центральноафриканська Республіка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 48.74395 |
percent_vaccinated | 51.00764 |
population | 5098038 |
total_vaccinated | 2600389 |
vaccine_doses | 3342248 |
CG | _title | "у Республіці Конго" |
cases | 25234 |
deaths | 389 |
deaths_per_million | 64.45619 |
fully_vaccinated | 654119 |
name | "Республіка Конго" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 10.838565 |
percent_vaccinated | 11.528544 |
population | 6035107 |
total_vaccinated | 695760 |
vaccine_doses | 833210 |
CH | _title | "у Швейцарії" |
cases | 4476539 |
deaths | 14170 |
deaths_per_million | 1611.6594 |
fully_vaccinated | 6013254 |
name | "Швейцарія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 68.8 |
percent_vaccinated | 69.3447 |
population | 8792180 |
total_vaccinated | 6096911 |
vaccine_doses | 16940716 |
CI | _title | "у Кот-д'Івуарі" |
cases | 88459 |
deaths | 835 |
deaths_per_million | 27.47162 |
fully_vaccinated | 12164304 |
name | "Кот-д'Івуар" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 40.020737 |
percent_vaccinated | 44.64014 |
population | 30395003 |
total_vaccinated | 13568372 |
vaccine_doses | 25263932 |
CK | cases | 7375 |
deaths | 2 |
deaths_per_million | 135.6208 |
fully_vaccinated | 14728 |
name | "Острови Кука" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 99.87116 |
percent_vaccinated | 102.47508 |
population | 14747 |
total_vaccinated | 15112 |
vaccine_doses | 40854 |
CL | _title | "у Чилі" |
cases | 5410006 |
deaths | 64497 |
deaths_per_million | 3298.5676 |
fully_vaccinated | 17700116 |
name | "Чилі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 90.52364 |
percent_vaccinated | 92.51003 |
population | 19553032 |
total_vaccinated | 18088516 |
vaccine_doses | 66864900 |
CM | _title | "у Камеруні" |
cases | 125279 |
deaths | 1974 |
deaths_per_million | 71.43692 |
fully_vaccinated | 3197286 |
name | "Камерун" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 11.570631 |
percent_vaccinated | 13.5843525 |
population | 27632771 |
total_vaccinated | 3753733 |
vaccine_doses | 4880572 |
CN | _title | "у КНР" |
cases | 99381761 |
deaths | 122398 |
deaths_per_million | 85.882515 |
fully_vaccinated | 1284479600 |
name | "Китайська Народна Республіка" |
note | "Не включає [[Особливий адміністративний район (КНР)|спеціальні адміністративні регіони]] ([[Гонконг]] і [[Макао]]) або [[Тайвань]]." |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 90.12756 |
percent_vaccinated | 92.48145 |
population | 1425179562 |
total_vaccinated | 1318026800 |
vaccine_doses | 3516880600 |
CO | _title | "у Колумбії" |
cases | 6394808 |
deaths | 142727 |
deaths_per_million | 2758.6523 |
fully_vaccinated | 37204130 |
name | "Колумбія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 71.90879 |
percent_vaccinated | 83.13468 |
population | 51737944 |
total_vaccinated | 43012176 |
vaccine_doses | 90931190 |
CR | _title | "у Коста-Риці" |
cases | 1235825 |
deaths | 9374 |
deaths_per_million | 1844.6346 |
fully_vaccinated | 4369784 |
name | "Коста-Рика" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.989494 |
percent_vaccinated | 91.51616 |
population | 5081765 |
total_vaccinated | 4650636 |
vaccine_doses | 13576935 |
CU | _title | "на Кубі" |
cases | 1113662 |
deaths | 8530 |
deaths_per_million | 771.2602 |
fully_vaccinated | 10053658 |
name | "Куба" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 90.902534 |
percent_vaccinated | 97.701126 |
population | 11059821 |
total_vaccinated | 10805570 |
vaccine_doses | 45995748 |
CV | _title | "на Кабо-Верде" |
cases | 64474 |
deaths | 417 |
deaths_per_million | 802.3088 |
fully_vaccinated | 308720 |
name | "Кабо-Верде" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 59.39779 |
percent_vaccinated | 68.63569 |
population | 519750 |
total_vaccinated | 356734 |
vaccine_doses | 859940 |
CW | _title | "на Кюрасао" |
cases | 45883 |
deaths | 305 |
deaths_per_million | 1645.5266 |
fully_vaccinated | 100885 |
name | "Кюрасао" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 54.429165 |
percent_vaccinated | 58.592075 |
population | 185351 |
total_vaccinated | 108601 |
vaccine_doses | 260324 |
CX | |
CY | _title | "на Кіпрі" |
cases | 712207 |
deaths | 1364 |
deaths_per_million | 1450.4836 |
fully_vaccinated | 656138 |
name | "Кіпр" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.774 |
percent_vaccinated | 71.37496 |
population | 1331376 |
total_vaccinated | 671193 |
vaccine_doses | 1891597 |
CZ | _title | "у Чехії" |
cases | 4826957 |
deaths | 43792 |
deaths_per_million | 4102.981 |
fully_vaccinated | 6895763 |
name | "Чехія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.60811 |
percent_vaccinated | 65.41614 |
population | 10673216 |
total_vaccinated | 6982006 |
vaccine_doses | 19047108 |
DE | _title | "у Німеччині" |
cases | 38437756 |
deaths | 174979 |
deaths_per_million | 2080.9473 |
fully_vaccinated | 63566136 |
name | "Німеччина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 75.596375 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.15449 |
population | 84086228 |
total_vaccinated | 64876300 |
vaccine_doses | 193241460 |
DJ | _title | "у Джибуті" |
cases | 15690 |
deaths | 189 |
deaths_per_million | 166.2123 |
fully_vaccinated | 401208 |
name | "Джибуті" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 35.28344 |
percent_vaccinated | 37.074398 |
population | 1137100 |
total_vaccinated | 421573 |
vaccine_doses | 723789 |
DK | _title | "у Данії" |
cases | 3445401 |
deaths | 10012 |
deaths_per_million | 1696.1161 |
fully_vaccinated | 4712002 |
name | "Данія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.82523 |
percent_vaccinated | 80.41003 |
population | 5902898 |
total_vaccinated | 4746522 |
vaccine_doses | 14961517 |
DM | _title | "на Домініці" |
cases | 16047 |
deaths | 74 |
deaths_per_million | 1106.9558 |
fully_vaccinated | 30659 |
name | "Домініка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 45.862377 |
percent_vaccinated | 49.35677 |
population | 66850 |
total_vaccinated | 32995 |
vaccine_doses | 67647 |
DO | _title | "у Домініканській Республіці" |
cases | 661103 |
deaths | 4384 |
deaths_per_million | 390.3574 |
fully_vaccinated | 6130483 |
name | "Домініканська Республіка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 54.586662 |
percent_vaccinated | 65.5985 |
population | 11230734 |
total_vaccinated | 7367193 |
vaccine_doses | 16431089 |
DZ | _title | "в Алжирі" |
cases | 272211 |
deaths | 6881 |
deaths_per_million | 151.30595 |
fully_vaccinated | 6481186 |
name | "Алжир" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 14.251447 |
percent_vaccinated | 17.239624 |
population | 45477391 |
total_vaccinated | 7840131 |
vaccine_doses | 15267442 |
EC | _title | "в Еквадорі" |
cases | 1079181 |
deaths | 36056 |
deaths_per_million | 2022.9019 |
fully_vaccinated | 14249559 |
name | "Еквадор" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.94636 |
percent_vaccinated | 86.09671 |
population | 17823900 |
total_vaccinated | 15345791 |
vaccine_doses | 39585084 |
EE | _title | "в Естонії" |
cases | 614369 |
deaths | 2998 |
deaths_per_million | 2220.5894 |
fully_vaccinated | 862739 |
name | "Естонія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 63.902237 |
percent_vaccinated | 64.45502 |
population | 1350092 |
total_vaccinated | 870202 |
vaccine_doses | 2171520 |
EG | _title | "у Єгипті" |
cases | 516023 |
deaths | 24830 |
deaths_per_million | 220.47935 |
fully_vaccinated | 42337176 |
name | "Єгипет" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 37.59353 |
percent_vaccinated | 50.53117 |
population | 112618251 |
total_vaccinated | 56907320 |
vaccine_doses | 112673540 |
EH | _title | null |
name | "Західна Сахара" |
population | 568746 |
ER | _title | "в Еритреї" |
cases | 10189 |
deaths | 103 |
deaths_per_million | 30.210133 |
fully_vaccinated | null |
name | "Еритрея" |
percent_vaccinated | null |
population | 3409452 |
total_vaccinated | null |
vaccine_doses | null |
ES | _title | "в Іспанії" |
cases | 13980340 |
deaths | 121852 |
deaths_per_million | 2547.6921 |
fully_vaccinated | 40739124 |
name | "Іспанія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.17771 |
percent_vaccinated | 86.45751 |
population | 47828386 |
total_vaccinated | 41351230 |
vaccine_doses | 119228504 |
ET | _title | "в Ефіопії" |
cases | 501286 |
deaths | 7574 |
deaths_per_million | 60.406296 |
fully_vaccinated | 43653010 |
name | "Ефіопія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 34.815372 |
percent_vaccinated | 41.86291 |
population | 125384285 |
total_vaccinated | 52489510 |
vaccine_doses | 68856790 |
EU | cases | 186492670 |
deaths | 1268533 |
deaths_per_million | 2826.988 |
fully_vaccinated | 329857900 |
name | "Європейський Союз" |
note | "Дані про [[Список країн Європейського Союзу|країни-члени Європейського Союзу]] перераховані окремо, але для зручності тут також підсумовані. Вони не враховуються подвійно в загальній світовій кількості." |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.51045 |
percent_vaccinated | 75.43217 |
population | 449113453 |
total_vaccinated | 338481060 |
vaccine_doses | 977141100 |
FI | _title | "у Фінляндії" |
cases | 1499712 |
deaths | 11466 |
deaths_per_million | 2058.7869 |
fully_vaccinated | 4347113 |
name | "Фінляндія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 78.05494 |
percent_vaccinated | 81.23622 |
population | 5569299 |
total_vaccinated | 4524288 |
vaccine_doses | 13327120 |
FJ | _title | "на Фіджі" |
cases | 69047 |
deaths | 885 |
deaths_per_million | 962.555 |
fully_vaccinated | 641194 |
name | "Фіджі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.73836 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.44217 |
population | 919428 |
total_vaccinated | 712025 |
vaccine_doses | 1555182 |
FK | _title | "на Фолклендських Островах" |
cases | 1923 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 1775 |
name | "Фолклендські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 50.497868 |
percent_vaccinated | 74.87909 |
population | 3515 |
total_vaccinated | 2632 |
vaccine_doses | 4407 |
FM | _title | "у Федеративних Штатах Мікронезії" |
cases | 31765 |
deaths | 65 |
deaths_per_million | 579.71533 |
fully_vaccinated | null |
name | "Федеративні Штати Мікронезії" |
percent_vaccinated | null |
population | 112124 |
total_vaccinated | null |
vaccine_doses | null |
FO | _title | "на Фарерських островах" |
cases | 34658 |
deaths | 28 |
deaths_per_million | 518.1443 |
fully_vaccinated | 40895 |
name | "Фарерські острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 75.67683 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.19425 |
population | 54039 |
total_vaccinated | 41715 |
vaccine_doses | 103894 |
FR | _title | "у Франції" |
cases | 39013267 |
deaths | 168144 |
deaths_per_million | 2615.9111 |
fully_vaccinated | 53192480 |
name | "Франція" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 80.257324 |
percent_vaccinated | 82.49821 |
population | 66277412 |
total_vaccinated | 54677680 |
vaccine_doses | 158060080 |
GA | _title | "у Габоні" |
cases | 49061 |
deaths | 307 |
deaths_per_million | 126.29836 |
fully_vaccinated | 257471 |
name | "Габон" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 10.5922365 |
percent_vaccinated | 12.804433 |
population | 2430752 |
total_vaccinated | 311244 |
vaccine_doses | 572672 |
GB | _title | "у Великій Британії" |
cases | 25027373 |
deaths | 232112 |
deaths_per_million | 3404.4343 |
fully_vaccinated | 50745900 |
name | "Велика Британія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 74.43005 |
percent_vaccinated | 78.91978 |
population | 68179315 |
total_vaccinated | 53806964 |
vaccine_doses | 151248820 |
GD | _title | "на Гренаді" |
cases | 19693 |
deaths | 238 |
deaths_per_million | 2035.4407 |
fully_vaccinated | 39034 |
name | "Гренада" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 33.38294 |
percent_vaccinated | 37.836105 |
population | 116928 |
total_vaccinated | 44241 |
vaccine_doses | 90686 |
GE | _title | "у Грузії" |
cases | 1864383 |
deaths | 17151 |
deaths_per_million | 4519.626 |
fully_vaccinated | 1276173 |
name | "Грузія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 33.62967 |
percent_vaccinated | 43.599438 |
population | 3794783 |
total_vaccinated | 1654504 |
vaccine_doses | 2930677 |
GF | cases | 98041 |
deaths | 413 |
deaths_per_million | 1384.4241 |
name | "Французька Гвіана" |
population | 298319 |
GG | _title | "на Гернсі" |
cases | 35326 |
deaths | 67 |
deaths_per_million | 1051.0133 |
fully_vaccinated | 52710 |
name | "Гернсі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 82.684944 |
percent_vaccinated | 85.05836 |
population | 63748 |
total_vaccinated | 54223 |
vaccine_doses | 178525 |
GH | _title | "у Гані" |
cases | 172334 |
deaths | 1463 |
deaths_per_million | 44.13386 |
fully_vaccinated | 10780003 |
name | "Гана" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 32.519695 |
percent_vaccinated | 41.823654 |
population | 33149151 |
total_vaccinated | 13864186 |
vaccine_doses | 25624828 |
GI | _title | "у Гібралтарі" |
cases | 20550 |
deaths | 113 |
deaths_per_million | 3002.8435 |
fully_vaccinated | 41465 |
name | "Гібралтар" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 110.18841 |
percent_vaccinated | 112.07515 |
population | 37631 |
total_vaccinated | 42175 |
vaccine_doses | 132810 |
GL | _title | "на Гренландії" |
cases | 11971 |
deaths | 21 |
deaths_per_million | 374.90628 |
fully_vaccinated | 38511 |
name | "Гренландія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 68.75246 |
percent_vaccinated | 73.60124 |
population | 56014 |
total_vaccinated | 41227 |
vaccine_doses | 79738 |
GM | _title | "у Гамбії" |
cases | 12627 |
deaths | 372 |
deaths_per_million | 141.0976 |
fully_vaccinated | 539186 |
name | "Гамбія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 20.451035 |
percent_vaccinated | 25.576366 |
population | 2636473 |
total_vaccinated | 674314 |
vaccine_doses | 1444492 |
GN | _title | "у Гвінеї" |
cases | 38582 |
deaths | 468 |
deaths_per_million | 33.297436 |
fully_vaccinated | 5853990 |
name | "Гвінея" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 41.65018 |
percent_vaccinated | 62.01036 |
population | 14055137 |
total_vaccinated | 8715641 |
vaccine_doses | 12049511 |
GP | _title | "у Гваделупі" |
cases | 203235 |
deaths | 1021 |
deaths_per_million | 2653.9954 |
name | "Гваделупа" |
population | 384703 |
GQ | _title | "в Екваторіальній Гвінеї" |
cases | 17130 |
deaths | 183 |
deaths_per_million | 101.46655 |
fully_vaccinated | 214032 |
name | "Екваторіальна Гвінея" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 11.867262 |
percent_vaccinated | 14.976519 |
population | 1803550 |
total_vaccinated | 270109 |
vaccine_doses | 488738 |
GR | _title | "у Греції" |
cases | 5759798 |
deaths | 39953 |
deaths_per_million | 3837.0298 |
fully_vaccinated | 7647076 |
name | "Греція" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.44144 |
percent_vaccinated | 76.23573 |
population | 10412481 |
total_vaccinated | 7938031 |
vaccine_doses | 22467978 |
GS | name | "Південна Джорджія і Південні Сандвічеві Острови" |
GT | _title | "у Гватемалі" |
cases | 1250394 |
deaths | 20203 |
deaths_per_million | 1131.9553 |
fully_vaccinated | 7130895 |
name | "Гватемала" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 39.953743 |
percent_vaccinated | 50.078354 |
population | 17847877 |
total_vaccinated | 8937923 |
vaccine_doses | 20383476 |
GU | _title | "на Гуамі" |
cases | 52287 |
deaths | 419 |
deaths_per_million | 2536.427 |
name | "Гуам" |
population | 165193 |
GW | cases | 9614 |
deaths | 177 |
deaths_per_million | 84.064064 |
fully_vaccinated | 547637 |
name | "Гвінея-Бісау" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 26.009375 |
percent_vaccinated | 35.48059 |
population | 2105537 |
total_vaccinated | 747057 |
vaccine_doses | 920752 |
GY | _title | "у Гаяні" |
cases | 74496 |
deaths | 1302 |
deaths_per_million | 1584.6433 |
fully_vaccinated | 384507 |
name | "Гаяна" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 46.79773 |
percent_vaccinated | 60.55601 |
population | 821636 |
total_vaccinated | 497550 |
vaccine_doses | 967861 |
HK | _title | "у Гонконзі" |
cases | 2876106 |
deaths | 13466 |
deaths_per_million | 1798.137 |
fully_vaccinated | 6803288 |
name | "Гонконг" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 91.12465 |
percent_vaccinated | 92.688675 |
population | 7465914 |
total_vaccinated | 6920057 |
vaccine_doses | 21012392 |
HN | _title | "у Гондурасі" |
cases | 472911 |
deaths | 11114 |
deaths_per_million | 1062.1298 |
fully_vaccinated | 5853689 |
name | "Гондурас" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 55.941853 |
percent_vaccinated | 63.03792 |
population | 10463881 |
total_vaccinated | 6596213 |
vaccine_doses | 17074860 |
HR | _title | "у Хорватії" |
cases | 1354637 |
deaths | 18783 |
deaths_per_million | 4807.487 |
fully_vaccinated | 2251809 |
name | "Хорватія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 57.63479 |
percent_vaccinated | 59.457554 |
population | 3907031 |
total_vaccinated | 2323025 |
vaccine_doses | 5435966 |
HT | _title | "у Гаїті" |
cases | 34771 |
deaths | 860 |
deaths_per_million | 74.75918 |
fully_vaccinated | 366339 |
name | "Гаїті" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 3.1845584 |
percent_vaccinated | 4.532458 |
population | 11503604 |
total_vaccinated | 521396 |
vaccine_doses | 680104 |
HU | _title | "в Угорщині" |
cases | 2237583 |
deaths | 49122 |
deaths_per_million | 5072.3306 |
fully_vaccinated | 6206710 |
name | "Угорщина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.09039 |
percent_vaccinated | 66.29648 |
population | 9684306 |
total_vaccinated | 6420354 |
vaccine_doses | 16701238 |
ID | _title | "в Індонезії" |
cases | 6830159 |
deaths | 162059 |
deaths_per_million | 581.20966 |
fully_vaccinated | 174965140 |
name | "Індонезія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 62.749634 |
percent_vaccinated | 73.31313 |
population | 278830529 |
total_vaccinated | 204419400 |
vaccine_doses | 448199870 |
IE | _title | "в Ірландії" |
cases | 1752579 |
deaths | 9919 |
deaths_per_million | 1941.091 |
fully_vaccinated | 4065584 |
name | "Ірландія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.56113 |
percent_vaccinated | 80.4741 |
population | 5110013 |
total_vaccinated | 4112237 |
vaccine_doses | 11148281 |
IL | _title | "в Ізраїлі" |
cases | 4841558 |
deaths | 12707 |
deaths_per_million | 1395.8914 |
fully_vaccinated | 6385731 |
name | "Ізраїль" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 70.148636 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.50581 |
population | 9103144 |
total_vaccinated | 7055466 |
vaccine_doses | 18852564 |
IM | cases | 38008 |
deaths | 116 |
deaths_per_million | 1378.5891 |
fully_vaccinated | 67106 |
name | "Острів Мен" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.75138 |
percent_vaccinated | 82.66781 |
population | 84144 |
total_vaccinated | 69560 |
vaccine_doses | 189994 |
IN | _title | "в Індії" |
cases | 45044586 |
deaths | 533662 |
deaths_per_million | 374.38846 |
fully_vaccinated | 951990500 |
name | "Індія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.78652 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.07957 |
population | 1425423212 |
total_vaccinated | 1027438900 |
vaccine_doses | 2206868000 |
IO | name | "Британська Територія в Індійському Океані" |
IQ | _title | "в Іраку" |
cases | 2465545 |
deaths | 25375 |
deaths_per_million | 575.78125 |
fully_vaccinated | 7944775 |
name | "Ірак" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 18.0274 |
percent_vaccinated | 25.715412 |
population | 44070556 |
total_vaccinated | 11332925 |
vaccine_doses | 19557364 |
IR | _title | "в Ірані" |
cases | 7627863 |
deaths | 146837 |
deaths_per_million | 1640.1925 |
fully_vaccinated | 58585264 |
name | "Іран" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.44067 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.82924 |
population | 89524247 |
total_vaccinated | 65199830 |
vaccine_doses | 155461760 |
IS | _title | "в Ісландії" |
cases | 210758 |
deaths | 186 |
deaths_per_million | 489.00012 |
fully_vaccinated | 297934 |
name | "Ісландія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 78.32783 |
percent_vaccinated | 81.43955 |
population | 380368 |
total_vaccinated | 309770 |
vaccine_doses | 903424 |
IT | _title | "в Італії" |
cases | 26959147 |
deaths | 199416 |
deaths_per_million | 3344.8337 |
fully_vaccinated | 49484584 |
name | "Італія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 83.00122 |
percent_vaccinated | 85.436905 |
population | 59619106 |
total_vaccinated | 50936720 |
vaccine_doses | 150321540 |
JE | cases | 66391 |
deaths | 161 |
deaths_per_million | 1555.6608 |
fully_vaccinated | 81882 |
name | "Нью-Джерсі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.11839 |
percent_vaccinated | 81.51759 |
population | 103493 |
total_vaccinated | 84365 |
vaccine_doses | 266953 |
JM | _title | "на Ямайці" |
cases | 157356 |
deaths | 3621 |
deaths_per_million | 1275.3812 |
fully_vaccinated | 760800 |
name | "Ямайка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 26.796743 |
percent_vaccinated | 30.28275 |
population | 2839151 |
total_vaccinated | 859773 |
vaccine_doses | 1529113 |
JO | _title | "у Йорданії" |
cases | 1746997 |
deaths | 14122 |
deaths_per_million | 1254.5898 |
fully_vaccinated | 4558313 |
name | "Йорданія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 40.495777 |
percent_vaccinated | 42.834614 |
population | 11256268 |
total_vaccinated | 4821579 |
vaccine_doses | 10057975 |
JP | _title | "у Японії" |
cases | 33803572 |
deaths | 74694 |
deaths_per_million | 597.56354 |
fully_vaccinated | 103455224 |
name | "Японія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 82.76578 |
percent_vaccinated | 83.79367 |
population | 124997586 |
total_vaccinated | 104740060 |
vaccine_doses | 433356600 |
KE | _title | "у Кенії" |
cases | 344126 |
deaths | 5689 |
deaths_per_million | 104.86161 |
fully_vaccinated | 11090440 |
name | "Кенія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 20.442282 |
percent_vaccinated | 26.716526 |
population | 54252456 |
total_vaccinated | 14494372 |
vaccine_doses | 23750432 |
KG | _title | "у Киргизстані" |
cases | 88953 |
deaths | 1024 |
deaths_per_million | 147.21544 |
fully_vaccinated | 1406016 |
name | "Киргизстан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 20.2136 |
percent_vaccinated | 24.965395 |
population | 6955792 |
total_vaccinated | 1736541 |
vaccine_doses | 3661335 |
KH | _title | "у Камбоджі" |
cases | 139326 |
deaths | 3056 |
deaths_per_million | 177.65668 |
fully_vaccinated | 14693274 |
name | "Камбоджа" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.41749 |
percent_vaccinated | 89.04152 |
population | 17201717 |
total_vaccinated | 15316670 |
vaccine_doses | 47826644 |
KI | _title | "на Кірибаті" |
cases | 5085 |
deaths | 24 |
deaths_per_million | 183.93483 |
fully_vaccinated | 81474 |
name | "Кірибаті" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 62.441277 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.32927 |
population | 130481 |
total_vaccinated | 100900 |
vaccine_doses | 219980 |
KM | _title | "на Коморських Островах" |
cases | 9109 |
deaths | 161 |
deaths_per_million | 193.00113 |
fully_vaccinated | 397080 |
name | "Коморські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 47.60055 |
percent_vaccinated | 52.604797 |
population | 834192 |
total_vaccinated | 438825 |
vaccine_doses | 835021 |
KN | _title | "на Сент-Кіттсі і Невісі" |
cases | 6607 |
deaths | 46 |
deaths_per_million | 984.3573 |
fully_vaccinated | 27000 |
name | "Сент-Кіттс і Невіс" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 57.777493 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.316025 |
population | 46731 |
total_vaccinated | 33794 |
vaccine_doses | 64297 |
KP | cases | 0 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
name | "Північна Корея" |
population | 26328842 |
KR | cases | 34571873 |
deaths | 35934 |
deaths_per_million | 693.9408 |
fully_vaccinated | 44347430 |
name | "Південна Корея" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.64171 |
percent_vaccinated | 86.44802 |
population | 51782514 |
total_vaccinated | 44764956 |
vaccine_doses | 129647784 |
KW | _title | "у Кувейті" |
cases | 667290 |
deaths | 2570 |
deaths_per_million | 559.97217 |
fully_vaccinated | 3346176 |
name | "Кувейт" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 72.90916 |
percent_vaccinated | 75.33473 |
population | 4589514 |
total_vaccinated | 3457498 |
vaccine_doses | 8261221 |
KY | _title | "на Кайманових островах" |
cases | 31472 |
deaths | 37 |
deaths_per_million | 516.6948 |
fully_vaccinated | 60696 |
name | "Кайманові Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 84.76029 |
percent_vaccinated | 86.7391 |
population | 71609 |
total_vaccinated | 62113 |
vaccine_doses | 152148 |
KZ | _title | "у Казахстані" |
cases | 1504370 |
deaths | 19072 |
deaths_per_million | 951.9526 |
fully_vaccinated | 10629063 |
name | "Казахстан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 53.0535 |
percent_vaccinated | 54.196712 |
population | 20034612 |
total_vaccinated | 10858101 |
vaccine_doses | 38355604 |
LA | _title | "у Лаосі" |
cases | 219060 |
deaths | 671 |
deaths_per_million | 88.76827 |
fully_vaccinated | 5222417 |
name | "Лаос" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.08866 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.90241 |
population | 7559007 |
total_vaccinated | 5888649 |
vaccine_doses | 11111066 |
LB | _title | "у Лівані" |
cases | 1239904 |
deaths | 10947 |
deaths_per_million | 1905.6509 |
fully_vaccinated | 2414223 |
name | "Ліван" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 42.02673 |
percent_vaccinated | 47.701797 |
population | 5744494 |
total_vaccinated | 2740227 |
vaccine_doses | 5814699 |
LC | _title | "на Сент-Люсії" |
cases | 30231 |
deaths | 410 |
deaths_per_million | 2293.1418 |
fully_vaccinated | 54971 |
name | "Сент-Люсія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 30.74544 |
percent_vaccinated | 33.636475 |
population | 178794 |
total_vaccinated | 60140 |
vaccine_doses | 122977 |
LI | _title | "у Ліхтенштейні" |
cases | 21616 |
deaths | 89 |
deaths_per_million | 2262.5583 |
fully_vaccinated | 26466 |
name | "Ліхтенштейн" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 67.25 |
percent_vaccinated | 68.05725 |
population | 39336 |
total_vaccinated | 26771 |
vaccine_doses | 74337 |
LK | _title | "на Шрі-Ланці" |
cases | 672812 |
deaths | 16907 |
deaths_per_million | 740.39966 |
fully_vaccinated | 14752827 |
name | "Шрі-Ланка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.60631 |
percent_vaccinated | 75.076805 |
population | 22834964 |
total_vaccinated | 17143760 |
vaccine_doses | 40116590 |
LR | _title | "у Ліберії" |
cases | 8090 |
deaths | 294 |
deaths_per_million | 54.71502 |
fully_vaccinated | 3730967 |
name | "Ліберія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.43535 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.65191 |
population | 5373296 |
total_vaccinated | 3903802 |
vaccine_doses | 4460668 |
LS | _title | "у Лесото" |
cases | 36138 |
deaths | 709 |
deaths_per_million | 310.13354 |
fully_vaccinated | 938088 |
name | "Лесото" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 41.03421 |
percent_vaccinated | 44.357975 |
population | 2286112 |
total_vaccinated | 1014073 |
vaccine_doses | 1339097 |
LT | _title | "у Литві" |
cases | 1420690 |
deaths | 9875 |
deaths_per_million | 3505.5994 |
fully_vaccinated | 1881106 |
name | "Литва" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.77878 |
percent_vaccinated | 69.519104 |
population | 2816922 |
total_vaccinated | 1958299 |
vaccine_doses | 4604858 |
LU | _title | "у Люксембурзі" |
cases | 397070 |
deaths | 1000 |
deaths_per_million | 1530.6528 |
fully_vaccinated | 37868 |
name | "Люксембург" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 5.796276 |
percent_vaccinated | 73.77089 |
population | 653316 |
total_vaccinated | 481957 |
vaccine_doses | 1374547 |
LV | _title | "у Латвії" |
cases | 977765 |
deaths | 7475 |
deaths_per_million | 3973.8274 |
fully_vaccinated | 1305976 |
name | "Латвія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.427734 |
percent_vaccinated | 71.565254 |
population | 1881058 |
total_vaccinated | 1346184 |
vaccine_doses | 2979624 |
LY | _title | "у Лівії" |
cases | 507269 |
deaths | 6437 |
deaths_per_million | 891.0818 |
fully_vaccinated | 1236102 |
name | "Лівія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 17.111511 |
percent_vaccinated | 32.065197 |
population | 7223804 |
total_vaccinated | 2316327 |
vaccine_doses | 3739158 |
MA | _title | "у Марокко" |
cases | 1279115 |
deaths | 16305 |
deaths_per_million | 436.79095 |
fully_vaccinated | 23521988 |
name | "Марокко" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 63.012524 |
percent_vaccinated | 67.02596 |
population | 37329069 |
total_vaccinated | 25020168 |
vaccine_doses | 55389600 |
MC | _title | "у Монако" |
cases | 17181 |
deaths | 67 |
deaths_per_million | 1720.1982 |
fully_vaccinated | 25667 |
name | "Монако" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.898994 |
percent_vaccinated | 74.13541 |
population | 38949 |
total_vaccinated | 28875 |
vaccine_doses | 71929 |
MD | _title | "у Молдові" |
cases | 650895 |
deaths | 12283 |
deaths_per_million | 4040.4778 |
fully_vaccinated | 1078961 |
name | "Молдова" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 35.49229 |
percent_vaccinated | 36.497658 |
population | 3039987 |
total_vaccinated | 1109524 |
vaccine_doses | 2293086 |
ME | _title | "у Чорногорії" |
cases | 251280 |
deaths | 2654 |
deaths_per_million | 4317.9043 |
fully_vaccinated | 284869 |
name | "Чорногорія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 46.34654 |
percent_vaccinated | 47.6341 |
population | 614650 |
total_vaccinated | 292783 |
vaccine_doses | 679171 |
MF | cases | 12324 |
deaths | 46 |
deaths_per_million | 1591.8057 |
name | "Сен-Мартен (Франція)" |
population | 28898 |
MG | _title | "на Мадагаскарі" |
cases | 68618 |
deaths | 1428 |
deaths_per_million | 46.916176 |
fully_vaccinated | 2628849 |
name | "Мадагаскар" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 8.636943 |
percent_vaccinated | 8.904759 |
population | 30437263 |
total_vaccinated | 2710365 |
vaccine_doses | 3092063 |
MH | _title | "на Маршаллових Островах" |
cases | 16297 |
deaths | 17 |
deaths_per_million | 424.0036 |
fully_vaccinated | null |
name | "Маршаллові Острови" |
percent_vaccinated | null |
population | 40094 |
total_vaccinated | null |
vaccine_doses | null |
MK | cases | 352060 |
deaths | 9990 |
deaths_per_million | 5428.6514 |
fully_vaccinated | 838181 |
name | "Північна Македонія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 45.547474 |
percent_vaccinated | 46.438065 |
population | 1840236 |
total_vaccinated | 854570 |
vaccine_doses | 1862987 |
ML | _title | "у Малі" |
cases | 33183 |
deaths | 743 |
deaths_per_million | 32.202644 |
fully_vaccinated | 3633589 |
name | "Малі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 15.748476 |
percent_vaccinated | 18.872103 |
population | 23072639 |
total_vaccinated | 4354292 |
vaccine_doses | 5922585 |
MM | _title | "у М'янмі" |
cases | 643241 |
deaths | 19494 |
deaths_per_million | 362.63327 |
fully_vaccinated | 35937796 |
name | "М'янма" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.85257 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.29614 |
population | 53756790 |
total_vaccinated | 41551930 |
vaccine_doses | 93477100 |
MN | _title | "у Монголії" |
cases | 1011489 |
deaths | 2136 |
deaths_per_million | 630.83 |
fully_vaccinated | 2185282 |
name | "Монголія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.53846 |
percent_vaccinated | 67.45445 |
population | 3386015 |
total_vaccinated | 2284018 |
vaccine_doses | 5668144 |
MO | _title | "у Макао" |
cases | 3514 |
deaths | 121 |
deaths_per_million | 174.056 |
fully_vaccinated | 642266 |
name | "Макао" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 91.18446 |
percent_vaccinated | 96.49951 |
population | 704359 |
total_vaccinated | 679703 |
vaccine_doses | 1802985 |
MP | cases | 14985 |
deaths | 41 |
deaths_per_million | 889.3516 |
name | "Північні Маріанські Острови" |
population | 46101 |
MQ | _title | "на Мартиніці" |
cases | 230354 |
deaths | 1104 |
deaths_per_million | 3159.151 |
name | "Мартиніка" |
population | 349461 |
MR | _title | "у Мавританії" |
cases | 63882 |
deaths | 997 |
deaths_per_million | 204.48576 |
fully_vaccinated | 1540597 |
name | "Мавританія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 31.597809 |
percent_vaccinated | 43.14822 |
population | 4875645 |
total_vaccinated | 2103754 |
vaccine_doses | 4075874 |
MS | _title | "на Монтсерраті" |
cases | 1403 |
deaths | 8 |
deaths_per_million | 1787.31 |
fully_vaccinated | 1952 |
name | "Монтсеррат" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 43.610367 |
percent_vaccinated | 47.006256 |
population | 4476 |
total_vaccinated | 2104 |
vaccine_doses | 4619 |
MT | _title | "на Мальті" |
cases | 123605 |
deaths | 1010 |
deaths_per_million | 1912.1761 |
fully_vaccinated | 471565 |
name | "Мальта" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 89.27875 |
percent_vaccinated | 90.677475 |
population | 528194 |
total_vaccinated | 478953 |
vaccine_doses | 1408793 |
MU | _title | "на Маврикії" |
cases | 330054 |
deaths | 1074 |
deaths_per_million | 841.60443 |
fully_vaccinated | 1088142 |
name | "Маврикій" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.26863 |
percent_vaccinated | 88.06074 |
population | 1276134 |
total_vaccinated | 1123773 |
vaccine_doses | 2616012 |
MV | _title | "на Мальдівах" |
cases | 186694 |
deaths | 316 |
deaths_per_million | 602.92 |
fully_vaccinated | 385167 |
name | "Мальдіви" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.488884 |
percent_vaccinated | 76.18695 |
population | 524116 |
total_vaccinated | 399308 |
vaccine_doses | 951764 |
MW | _title | "у Малаві" |
cases | 89168 |
deaths | 2686 |
deaths_per_million | 130.58656 |
fully_vaccinated | 4288014 |
name | "Малаві" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 20.847246 |
percent_vaccinated | 26.416496 |
population | 20568731 |
total_vaccinated | 5433538 |
vaccine_doses | 8503954 |
MX | _title | "у Мексиці" |
cases | 7622513 |
deaths | 334818 |
deaths_per_million | 2603.296 |
fully_vaccinated | 81849960 |
name | "Мексика" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 63.64045 |
percent_vaccinated | 75.559555 |
population | 128613113 |
total_vaccinated | 97179496 |
vaccine_doses | 223158990 |
MY | _title | "у Малайзії" |
cases | 5329836 |
deaths | 37351 |
deaths_per_million | 1076.5375 |
fully_vaccinated | 27551144 |
name | "Малайзія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.40842 |
percent_vaccinated | 81.101494 |
population | 34695494 |
total_vaccinated | 28138564 |
vaccine_doses | 72657256 |
MZ | _title | "у Мозамбіку" |
cases | 233891 |
deaths | 2252 |
deaths_per_million | 68.960785 |
fully_vaccinated | 21329744 |
name | "Мозамбік" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.31599 |
percent_vaccinated | 70.03147 |
population | 32656240 |
total_vaccinated | 22869646 |
vaccine_doses | 34950856 |
NA | _title | "у Намібії" |
cases | 172556 |
deaths | 4110 |
deaths_per_million | 1422.3087 |
fully_vaccinated | 550978 |
name | "Намібія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 19.067173 |
percent_vaccinated | 21.793749 |
population | 2889668 |
total_vaccinated | 629767 |
vaccine_doses | 1005937 |
NC | cases | 80203 |
deaths | 314 |
deaths_per_million | 1093.5775 |
fully_vaccinated | 184816 |
name | "Нова Каледонія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.36644 |
percent_vaccinated | 66.99904 |
population | 287131 |
total_vaccinated | 192375 |
vaccine_doses | 480702 |
NE | cases | 9530 |
deaths | 315 |
deaths_per_million | 12.444701 |
fully_vaccinated | 5483001 |
name | "Нігер" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 21.661686 |
percent_vaccinated | 24.685875 |
population | 25311977 |
total_vaccinated | 6248483 |
vaccine_doses | 7372208 |
NF | |
NG | _title | "у Нігерії" |
cases | 267192 |
deaths | 3155 |
deaths_per_million | 14.138414 |
fully_vaccinated | 81297810 |
name | "Нігерія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 36.431763 |
percent_vaccinated | 42.047527 |
population | 223150906 |
total_vaccinated | 93829430 |
vaccine_doses | 133048024 |
NI | _title | "у Нікарагуа" |
cases | 16229 |
deaths | 245 |
deaths_per_million | 36.400585 |
fully_vaccinated | 6126708 |
name | "Нікарагуа" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 91.02684 |
percent_vaccinated | 95.15446 |
population | 6730661 |
total_vaccinated | 6404524 |
vaccine_doses | 15507763 |
NL | _title | "у Нідерландах" |
cases | 8634125 |
deaths | 22986 |
deaths_per_million | 1283.8169 |
fully_vaccinated | 11768644 |
name | "Нідерланди" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.73038 |
percent_vaccinated | 70.2736 |
population | 17904422 |
total_vaccinated | 12582081 |
vaccine_doses | 39764184 |
NO | _title | "у Норвегії" |
cases | 1533472 |
deaths | 5732 |
deaths_per_million | 1050.4335 |
fully_vaccinated | 4061312 |
name | "Норвегія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 74.42669 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.662056 |
population | 5456795 |
total_vaccinated | 4346995 |
vaccine_doses | 13020641 |
NP | _title | "у Непалі" |
cases | 1003450 |
deaths | 12031 |
deaths_per_million | 404.87378 |
fully_vaccinated | 24471044 |
name | "Непал" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 82.35129 |
percent_vaccinated | 93.83405 |
population | 29715434 |
total_vaccinated | 27883196 |
vaccine_doses | 62627628 |
NR | _title | "на Науру" |
cases | 5393 |
deaths | 1 |
deaths_per_million | 84.595215 |
fully_vaccinated | 11346 |
name | "Науру" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 95.98173 |
percent_vaccinated | 110.87048 |
population | 11821 |
total_vaccinated | 13106 |
vaccine_doses | 32157 |
NU | cases | 1092 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 1635 |
name | "Ніуе" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 88.66595 |
percent_vaccinated | 88.828636 |
population | 1844 |
total_vaccinated | 1638 |
vaccine_doses | 4923 |
NZ | cases | 2668236 |
deaths | 4538 |
deaths_per_million | 884.30164 |
fully_vaccinated | 4291717 |
name | "Нова Зеландія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 83.63095 |
percent_vaccinated | 83.83776 |
population | 5131733 |
total_vaccinated | 4302330 |
vaccine_doses | 13382576 |
OM | _title | "в Омані" |
cases | 399449 |
deaths | 4628 |
deaths_per_million | 978.38855 |
fully_vaccinated | 3048826 |
name | "Оман" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 64.45412 |
percent_vaccinated | 69.3335 |
population | 4730227 |
total_vaccinated | 3279632 |
vaccine_doses | 7108547 |
PA | _title | "у Панамі" |
cases | 1045088 |
deaths | 8768 |
deaths_per_million | 1992.3777 |
fully_vaccinated | 3178700 |
name | "Панама" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 72.23051 |
percent_vaccinated | 85.12236 |
population | 4400772 |
total_vaccinated | 3746041 |
vaccine_doses | 9201276 |
PE | _title | "у Перу" |
cases | 4528708 |
deaths | 220994 |
deaths_per_million | 6601.677 |
fully_vaccinated | 28709644 |
name | "Перу" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.76332 |
percent_vaccinated | 91.3019 |
population | 33475435 |
total_vaccinated | 30563708 |
vaccine_doses | 91412580 |
PF | cases | 79451 |
deaths | 650 |
deaths_per_million | 2318.208 |
fully_vaccinated | 186803 |
name | "Французька Полінезія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.6228 |
percent_vaccinated | 68.08684 |
population | 280389 |
total_vaccinated | 190908 |
vaccine_doses | 502952 |
PG | _title | "у Папуа Новій Гвінеї" |
cases | 46864 |
deaths | 670 |
deaths_per_million | 65.665825 |
fully_vaccinated | 321192 |
name | "Папуа Нова Гвінея" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 3.147961 |
percent_vaccinated | 3.7441282 |
population | 10203176 |
total_vaccinated | 382020 |
vaccine_doses | 737695 |
PH | _title | "на Філіппінах" |
cases | 4173631 |
deaths | 66864 |
deaths_per_million | 586.70984 |
fully_vaccinated | 78443970 |
name | "Філіппіни" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 68.83203 |
percent_vaccinated | 72.5532 |
population | 113964342 |
total_vaccinated | 82684776 |
vaccine_doses | 189317150 |
PK | _title | "у Пакистані" |
cases | 1580631 |
deaths | 30656 |
deaths_per_million | 125.79366 |
fully_vaccinated | 140475870 |
name | "Пакистан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 57.64279 |
percent_vaccinated | 67.93904 |
population | 243700667 |
total_vaccinated | 165567890 |
vaccine_doses | 340974140 |
PL | _title | "у Польщі" |
cases | 6771519 |
deaths | 120977 |
deaths_per_million | 3151.6135 |
fully_vaccinated | 22705868 |
name | "Польща" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 59.15184 |
percent_vaccinated | 59.877827 |
population | 38385734 |
total_vaccinated | 22984544 |
vaccine_doses | 58634590 |
PM | _title | "на Сен-П'єрі і Мікелоні" |
cases | 3426 |
deaths | 2 |
deaths_per_million | 347.22223 |
name | "Сен-П'єр і Мікелон" |
population | 5760 |
PN | cases | 4 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 47 |
name | "Піткерн" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 100 |
percent_vaccinated | 100 |
population | 47 |
total_vaccinated | 47 |
vaccine_doses | 117 |
PR | _title | "у Пуерто-Ріко" |
cases | 1252713 |
deaths | 5938 |
deaths_per_million | 1832.167 |
name | "Пуерто-Ріко" |
population | 3240971 |
PS | _title | "у Палестині" |
cases | 703228 |
deaths | 5708 |
deaths_per_million | 1075.9105 |
fully_vaccinated | 1776973 |
name | "Палестинська держава" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 33.49446 |
percent_vaccinated | 37.938984 |
population | 5305274 |
total_vaccinated | 2012767 |
vaccine_doses | 3748571 |
PT | _title | "у Португалії" |
cases | 5670924 |
deaths | 29097 |
deaths_per_million | 2793.2024 |
fully_vaccinated | 8909769 |
name | "Португалія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.530426 |
percent_vaccinated | 94.281876 |
population | 10417075 |
total_vaccinated | 9821414 |
vaccine_doses | 28314796 |
PW | _title | "на Палау" |
cases | 6372 |
deaths | 10 |
deaths_per_million | 562.3032 |
name | "Палау" |
population | 17784 |
PY | _title | "у Парагваї" |
cases | 735759 |
deaths | 19880 |
deaths_per_million | 2940.628 |
fully_vaccinated | 3550673 |
name | "Парагвай" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 52.521168 |
percent_vaccinated | 59.10714 |
population | 6760461 |
total_vaccinated | 3995915 |
vaccine_doses | 9954852 |
QA | _title | "у Катарі" |
cases | 514524 |
deaths | 690 |
deaths_per_million | 238.55086 |
fully_vaccinated | 2852178 |
name | "Катар" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 98.60718 |
percent_vaccinated | 98.60718 |
population | 2892465 |
total_vaccinated | 2852178 |
vaccine_doses | 7609178 |
RE | _title | "на Реюньйоні" |
cases | 494595 |
deaths | 921 |
deaths_per_million | 1056.7477 |
name | "Реюньйон" |
population | 871542 |
RO | _title | "у Румунії" |
cases | 3567954 |
deaths | 68957 |
deaths_per_million | 3597.736 |
fully_vaccinated | 8114769 |
name | "Румунія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 42.337685 |
percent_vaccinated | 28.562483 |
population | 19166776 |
total_vaccinated | 5474507 |
vaccine_doses | 16827486 |
RS | _title | "у Сербії" |
cases | 2567963 |
deaths | 18057 |
deaths_per_million | 2658.875 |
fully_vaccinated | 3278198 |
name | "Сербія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 48.271133 |
percent_vaccinated | 49.388416 |
population | 6791218 |
total_vaccinated | 3354075 |
vaccine_doses | 8534688 |
RU | _title | "у Росії" |
cases | 24851293 |
deaths | 404147 |
deaths_per_million | 2776.1184 |
fully_vaccinated | 79702400 |
name | "Росія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 54.74822 |
percent_vaccinated | 61.190865 |
population | 145579890 |
total_vaccinated | 89081600 |
vaccine_doses | 187374510 |
RW | _title | "у Руанді" |
cases | 133266 |
deaths | 1468 |
deaths_per_million | 107.537704 |
fully_vaccinated | 10399665 |
name | "Руанда" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 76.1823 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.735504 |
population | 13651026 |
total_vaccinated | 10884714 |
vaccine_doses | 27322060 |
SA | _title | "у Саудівській Аравії" |
cases | 841469 |
deaths | 9646 |
deaths_per_million | 299.7947 |
fully_vaccinated | 25433940 |
name | "Саудівська Аравія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 79.047905 |
percent_vaccinated | 84.043724 |
population | 32175352 |
total_vaccinated | 27041364 |
vaccine_doses | 68534630 |
SB | _title | "на Соломонових Островах" |
cases | 25954 |
deaths | 199 |
deaths_per_million | 254.77707 |
fully_vaccinated | 254352 |
name | "Соломонові Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 32.56435 |
percent_vaccinated | 44.018948 |
population | 781075 |
total_vaccinated | 343821 |
vaccine_doses | 625956 |
SC | _title | "на Сейшельських Островах" |
cases | 51899 |
deaths | 172 |
deaths_per_million | 1370.1686 |
fully_vaccinated | 83565 |
name | "Сейшельські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.56869 |
percent_vaccinated | 70.515884 |
population | 125532 |
total_vaccinated | 88520 |
vaccine_doses | 224558 |
SD | _title | "у Судані" |
cases | 63993 |
deaths | 5046 |
deaths_per_million | 102.18021 |
fully_vaccinated | 13416394 |
name | "Судан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 27.167852 |
percent_vaccinated | 30.794699 |
population | 49383343 |
total_vaccinated | 15207452 |
vaccine_doses | 28662108 |
SE | _title | "у Швеції" |
cases | 2772712 |
deaths | 28525 |
deaths_per_million | 2719.948 |
fully_vaccinated | 7593676 |
name | "Швеція" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 72.40807 |
percent_vaccinated | 74.14398 |
population | 10487333 |
total_vaccinated | 7775726 |
vaccine_doses | 28312816 |
SG | _title | "у Сінгапурі" |
cases | 3006155 |
deaths | 2024 |
deaths_per_million | 358.2373 |
fully_vaccinated | 5248693 |
name | "Сінгапур" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 92.89909 |
percent_vaccinated | 93.577194 |
population | 5649886 |
total_vaccinated | 5287005 |
vaccine_doses | 15302530 |
SH | cases | 2166 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 3531 |
name | "Острови Святої Єлени, Вознесіння і Тристан-да-Кунья" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.76643 |
percent_vaccinated | 81.225555 |
population | 5369 |
total_vaccinated | 4361 |
vaccine_doses | 7892 |
SI | _title | "у Словенії" |
cases | 1360734 |
deaths | 9914 |
deaths_per_million | 4686.961 |
fully_vaccinated | 1222225 |
name | "Словенія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 57.78213 |
percent_vaccinated | 59.842285 |
population | 2115230 |
total_vaccinated | 1265802 |
vaccine_doses | 3028400 |
SJ | name | "Свальбард і Ян-Маєн" |
SK | _title | "у Словаччині" |
cases | 1885695 |
deaths | 21280 |
deaths_per_million | 3888.0405 |
fully_vaccinated | 2791711 |
name | "Словаччина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 51.00698 |
percent_vaccinated | 51.889572 |
population | 5473194 |
total_vaccinated | 2840017 |
vaccine_doses | 7222380 |
SL | _title | "у Сьєрра-Леоне" |
cases | 7985 |
deaths | 126 |
deaths_per_million | 15.22326 |
fully_vaccinated | 4961886 |
name | "Сьєрра-Леоне" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 59.949272 |
percent_vaccinated | 68.57865 |
population | 8276808 |
total_vaccinated | 5676123 |
vaccine_doses | 9155936 |
SM | _title | "у Сан-Марино" |
cases | 25292 |
deaths | 126 |
deaths_per_million | 3693.6064 |
fully_vaccinated | 23633 |
name | "Сан-Марино" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 69.27857 |
percent_vaccinated | 77.2638 |
population | 34113 |
total_vaccinated | 26357 |
vaccine_doses | 69338 |
SN | _title | "у Сенегалі" |
cases | 89320 |
deaths | 1972 |
deaths_per_million | 111.72109 |
fully_vaccinated | 1548665 |
name | "Сенегал" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 8.77376 |
percent_vaccinated | 15.209795 |
population | 17651099 |
total_vaccinated | 2684696 |
vaccine_doses | 3182308 |
SO | _title | "у Сомалі" |
cases | 27334 |
deaths | 1361 |
deaths_per_million | 76.452545 |
fully_vaccinated | 7666835 |
name | "Сомалі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 43.067528 |
percent_vaccinated | 50.400074 |
population | 17801893 |
total_vaccinated | 8972167 |
vaccine_doses | 10555834 |
SR | _title | "у Суринамі" |
cases | 82507 |
deaths | 1406 |
deaths_per_million | 2256.1953 |
fully_vaccinated | 237879 |
name | "Суринам" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 38.172226 |
percent_vaccinated | 42.97683 |
population | 623173 |
total_vaccinated | 267820 |
vaccine_doses | 554588 |
SS | cases | 18861 |
deaths | 147 |
deaths_per_million | 13.337961 |
fully_vaccinated | 4273253 |
name | "Південний Судан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 38.773117 |
percent_vaccinated | 39.153057 |
population | 11021175 |
total_vaccinated | 4315127 |
vaccine_doses | 4365547 |
ST | _title | "на Сан-Томе і Принсіпі" |
cases | 6771 |
deaths | 80 |
deaths_per_million | 353.49274 |
fully_vaccinated | 111986 |
name | "Сан-Томе і Принсіпі" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 49.482796 |
percent_vaccinated | 61.974346 |
population | 226313 |
total_vaccinated | 140256 |
vaccine_doses | 263863 |
SV | _title | "у Сальвадорі" |
cases | 201975 |
deaths | 4230 |
deaths_per_million | 673.53296 |
fully_vaccinated | 4397817 |
name | "Сальвадор" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 70.025406 |
percent_vaccinated | 74.19961 |
population | 6280316 |
total_vaccinated | 4659970 |
vaccine_doses | 11459448 |
SX | cases | 11051 |
deaths | 92 |
deaths_per_million | 2182.0078 |
fully_vaccinated | 26773 |
name | "Сен-Мартен (острів)" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 63.498802 |
percent_vaccinated | 70.64962 |
population | 42163 |
total_vaccinated | 29788 |
vaccine_doses | 66829 |
SY | _title | "у Сирії" |
cases | 57423 |
deaths | 3163 |
deaths_per_million | 140.81453 |
fully_vaccinated | 2358365 |
name | "Сирія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 10.499275 |
percent_vaccinated | 14.671913 |
population | 22462170 |
total_vaccinated | 3295630 |
vaccine_doses | 5090630 |
SZ | _title | "в Есватіні" |
cases | 75356 |
deaths | 1427 |
deaths_per_million | 1170.7075 |
fully_vaccinated | 427335 |
name | "Есватіні" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 35.058464 |
percent_vaccinated | 43.15702 |
population | 1218921 |
total_vaccinated | 526050 |
vaccine_doses | 870205 |
TC | cases | 6833 |
deaths | 40 |
deaths_per_million | 872.04865 |
fully_vaccinated | 30710 |
name | "Острови Теркс і Кайкос" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 66.95154 |
percent_vaccinated | 71.540695 |
population | 45869 |
total_vaccinated | 32815 |
vaccine_doses | 73907 |
TD | _title | "у Чаді" |
cases | 7702 |
deaths | 194 |
deaths_per_million | 10.511874 |
fully_vaccinated | 5020360 |
name | "Чад" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 27.202782 |
percent_vaccinated | 27.892593 |
population | 18455319 |
total_vaccinated | 5147667 |
vaccine_doses | 9151765 |
TF | name | "Французькі Південні і Антарктичні Території" |
TG | _title | "у Того" |
cases | 39537 |
deaths | 290 |
deaths_per_million | 31.904097 |
fully_vaccinated | 1554066 |
name | "Того" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 17.09692 |
percent_vaccinated | 24.814554 |
population | 9089742 |
total_vaccinated | 2255579 |
vaccine_doses | 3423181 |
TH | _title | "у Таїланді" |
cases | 4808454 |
deaths | 34741 |
deaths_per_million | 484.29422 |
fully_vaccinated | 53486090 |
name | "Таїланд" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 74.560326 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.46643 |
population | 71735320 |
total_vaccinated | 57005496 |
vaccine_doses | 142635000 |
TJ | _title | "у Таджикистані" |
cases | 17786 |
deaths | 125 |
deaths_per_million | 12.27629 |
fully_vaccinated | 5191919 |
name | "Таджикистан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 50.990005 |
percent_vaccinated | 52.32918 |
population | 10182229 |
total_vaccinated | 5328277 |
vaccine_doses | 20568164 |
TK | cases | 80 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 2203 |
name | "Токелау" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 95.28547 |
percent_vaccinated | 95.28547 |
population | 2312 |
total_vaccinated | 2203 |
vaccine_doses | 5374 |
TL | _title | "у Східному Тиморі" |
cases | 23460 |
deaths | 138 |
deaths_per_million | 100.781494 |
fully_vaccinated | 801759 |
name | "Східний Тимор" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 58.552513 |
percent_vaccinated | 64.76584 |
population | 1369299 |
total_vaccinated | 886838 |
vaccine_doses | 2028798 |
TM | _title | "у Туркменістані" |
cases | 0 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | 4568901 |
name | "Туркменістан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 63.19192 |
percent_vaccinated | 63.827698 |
population | 7230198 |
total_vaccinated | 4614869 |
vaccine_doses | 16775970 |
TN | _title | "у Тунісі" |
cases | 1153361 |
deaths | 29423 |
deaths_per_million | 2427.7732 |
fully_vaccinated | 6401841 |
name | "Туніс" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 52.823364 |
percent_vaccinated | 73.41036 |
population | 12119336 |
total_vaccinated | 8896848 |
vaccine_doses | 16553338 |
TO | _title | "на Тонга" |
cases | 16992 |
deaths | 13 |
deaths_per_million | 123.74706 |
fully_vaccinated | 77390 |
name | "Тонга" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 73.66758 |
percent_vaccinated | 83.1723 |
population | 105053 |
total_vaccinated | 87375 |
vaccine_doses | 204737 |
TR | _title | "у Туреччині" |
cases | 17004712 |
deaths | 101419 |
deaths_per_million | 1164.9528 |
fully_vaccinated | 53176960 |
name | "Туреччина" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 61.081894 |
percent_vaccinated | 66.554184 |
population | 87058470 |
total_vaccinated | 57941052 |
vaccine_doses | 152543340 |
TT | _title | "на Тринідаді і Тобаго" |
cases | 191496 |
deaths | 4390 |
deaths_per_million | 2934.645 |
fully_vaccinated | 718969 |
name | "Тринідад і Тобаго" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 48.06193 |
percent_vaccinated | 50.43037 |
population | 1495922 |
total_vaccinated | 754399 |
vaccine_doses | 1592148 |
TV | _title | "на Тувалу" |
cases | 2943 |
deaths | 1 |
deaths_per_million | 99.88014 |
fully_vaccinated | 9505 |
name | "Тувалу" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 94.93607 |
percent_vaccinated | 97.512985 |
population | 10012 |
total_vaccinated | 9763 |
vaccine_doses | 26783 |
TW | _title | "на Тайвані" |
cases | 9970937 |
deaths | 17672 |
deaths_per_million | 739.619 |
fully_vaccinated | 20793088 |
name | "Тайвань" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 88.783066 |
percent_vaccinated | 93.50615 |
population | 23420107 |
total_vaccinated | 21899240 |
vaccine_doses | 68158990 |
TZ | _title | "у Танзанії" |
cases | 43371 |
deaths | 846 |
deaths_per_million | 13.073345 |
fully_vaccinated | 32165792 |
name | "Танзанія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 49.706207 |
percent_vaccinated | 53.212738 |
population | 64711821 |
total_vaccinated | 34434932 |
vaccine_doses | 39392420 |
UA | _title | "в Україні" |
cases | 5541878 |
deaths | 109925 |
deaths_per_million | 2677.9124 |
fully_vaccinated | 15741036 |
name | "Україна" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 38.34716 |
percent_vaccinated | 39.628956 |
population | 41048767 |
total_vaccinated | 16267198 |
vaccine_doses | 35735490 |
UG | _title | "в Уганді" |
cases | 172161 |
deaths | 3632 |
deaths_per_million | 76.76583 |
fully_vaccinated | 13061126 |
name | "Уганда" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 27.605951 |
percent_vaccinated | 42.34208 |
population | 47312718 |
total_vaccinated | 20033188 |
vaccine_doses | 26406936 |
US | _title | "у Сполучених Штатах Америки" |
cases | 103436829 |
deaths | 1212505 |
deaths_per_million | 3550.173 |
fully_vaccinated | 230637340 |
name | "Сполучені Штати Америки" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 67.52983 |
percent_vaccinated | 79.1216 |
population | 341534041 |
total_vaccinated | 270227170 |
vaccine_doses | 676728770 |
UY | _title | "в Уругваї" |
cases | 1042647 |
deaths | 7694 |
deaths_per_million | 2269.0054 |
fully_vaccinated | 2903186 |
name | "Уругвай" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 85.616646 |
percent_vaccinated | 88.780334 |
population | 3390913 |
total_vaccinated | 3010464 |
vaccine_doses | 9037498 |
UZ | _title | "в Узбекистані" |
cases | 175082 |
deaths | 1016 |
deaths_per_million | 29.07929 |
fully_vaccinated | 18451780 |
name | "Узбекистан" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 52.811485 |
percent_vaccinated | 63.23735 |
population | 34938955 |
total_vaccinated | 22094470 |
vaccine_doses | 83937950 |
VA | _title | "у Ватикані" |
cases | 26 |
deaths | 0 |
deaths_per_million | 0 |
fully_vaccinated | null |
name | "Ватикан" |
percent_vaccinated | null |
population | 513 |
total_vaccinated | null |
vaccine_doses | null |
VC | _title | "на Сент-Вінсенті і Гренадинах" |
cases | 9674 |
deaths | 124 |
deaths_per_million | 1214.9478 |
fully_vaccinated | 31632 |
name | "Сент-Вінсент і Гренадини" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 30.992926 |
percent_vaccinated | 36.773727 |
population | 102062 |
total_vaccinated | 37532 |
vaccine_doses | 73443 |
VE | _title | "у Венесуелі" |
cases | 552695 |
deaths | 5856 |
deaths_per_million | 207.56377 |
fully_vaccinated | 14966671 |
name | "Венесуела" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 53.048817 |
percent_vaccinated | 78.5355 |
population | 28213016 |
total_vaccinated | 22157232 |
vaccine_doses | 37860990 |
VG | _title | "на Британських Віргінських Островах" |
cases | 7643 |
deaths | 64 |
deaths_per_million | 1669.1008 |
fully_vaccinated | 18261 |
name | "Британські Віргінські Острови" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 47.624138 |
percent_vaccinated | 50.766743 |
population | 38344 |
total_vaccinated | 19466 |
vaccine_doses | 41453 |
VI | _title | "у Американських Віргінських Островах" |
cases | 25389 |
deaths | 132 |
deaths_per_million | 1525.6411 |
name | "Американські Віргінські Острови" |
population | 86521 |
VN | _title | "у В'єтнамі" |
cases | 11624000 |
deaths | 43206 |
deaths_per_million | 433.44418 |
fully_vaccinated | 85961570 |
name | "В'єтнам" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 86.23695 |
percent_vaccinated | 90.7876 |
population | 99680656 |
total_vaccinated | 90497670 |
vaccine_doses | 266492140 |
VU | _title | "на Вануату" |
cases | 12019 |
deaths | 14 |
deaths_per_million | 44.719578 |
fully_vaccinated | 162250 |
name | "Вануату" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 51.826794 |
percent_vaccinated | 56.418217 |
population | 313062 |
total_vaccinated | 176624 |
vaccine_doses | 366638 |
WF | _title | "на Волліс і Футуна" |
cases | 3760 |
deaths | 9 |
deaths_per_million | 782.54065 |
fully_vaccinated | 6803 |
name | "Волліс і Футуна" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 59.15138 |
percent_vaccinated | 62.168507 |
population | 11501 |
total_vaccinated | 7150 |
vaccine_doses | 18058 |
WS | _title | "на Самоа" |
cases | 17057 |
deaths | 31 |
deaths_per_million | 144.00587 |
fully_vaccinated | 177954 |
name | "Самоа" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 82.66587 |
percent_vaccinated | 88.91341 |
population | 215269 |
total_vaccinated | 191403 |
vaccine_doses | 453083 |
XC | _title | "у Північному Кіпрі" |
cases | null |
deaths | null |
fully_vaccinated | 313067 |
name | "Північного Кіпру" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 81.78 |
percent_vaccinated | 78.8 |
population | 382836 |
total_vaccinated | 301673 |
vaccine_doses | 861519 |
XK | _title | "у Косово" |
cases | 274279 |
deaths | 3212 |
deaths_per_million | 1869.6703 |
fully_vaccinated | 825082 |
name | "Косово" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 48.027126 |
percent_vaccinated | 52.787216 |
population | 1717950 |
total_vaccinated | 906858 |
vaccine_doses | 1837446 |
XT | |
XW | cases | 777334464 |
deaths | 7084010 |
deaths_per_million | 886.7362 |
fully_vaccinated | 5197972500 |
name | "Світ" |
note | "Країни, які не повідомляють дані для стовпця, не включаються в загальну суму цього стовпця." |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 65.095985 |
percent_vaccinated | 70.697365 |
population | 8021407170 |
total_vaccinated | 5645247500 |
vaccine_doses | 13724514000 |
YE | _title | "у Ємені" |
cases | 11945 |
deaths | 2159 |
deaths_per_million | 56.484493 |
fully_vaccinated | 807057 |
name | "Ємен" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 2.11145 |
percent_vaccinated | 2.7475743 |
population | 38222880 |
total_vaccinated | 1050202 |
vaccine_doses | 1298654 |
YT | _title | "на Майотті" |
cases | 42027 |
deaths | 187 |
deaths_per_million | 612.5564 |
name | "Майотта" |
population | 305278 |
ZA | _title | "у ПАР" |
cases | 4072885 |
deaths | 102595 |
deaths_per_million | 1644.7195 |
fully_vaccinated | 21038796 |
name | "Південна Африка" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 33.727684 |
percent_vaccinated | 38.813026 |
population | 62378419 |
total_vaccinated | 24210952 |
vaccine_doses | 41798812 |
ZM | _title | "у Замбії" |
cases | 349892 |
deaths | 4078 |
deaths_per_million | 202.35268 |
fully_vaccinated | 9213802 |
name | "Замбія" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 45.719406 |
percent_vaccinated | 58.11345 |
population | 20152934 |
total_vaccinated | 11711565 |
vaccine_doses | 13615707 |
ZW | _title | "у Зімбабве" |
cases | 266402 |
deaths | 5740 |
deaths_per_million | 357.2082 |
fully_vaccinated | 5662119 |
name | "Зімбабве" |
percent_fully_vaccinated | 35.236153 |
percent_vaccinated | 46.83461 |
population | 16069061 |
total_vaccinated | 7525882 |
vaccine_doses | 13935112 |