Шаблон:2008 Summer Olympics men's handball game A7

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The purpose of this template is to collect source text used in several articles in one place, in order to minimize maintenance and storage space. This is game 7 in Group A between Poland and Brazil in the men's handball tournament of the літні Олімпійські ігри 2008. The template is typically used in the articles covering the involved nations' participation in the Games, and in the article covering the tournament as a whole.

The template takes one parameter: bgc (background color, no default), which is passed to the handballbox template.

14 серпня 2008
POL Польща 28 – 25 BRA Бразилія Olympic Sports Centre Gymnasium
Судді: Карбаші, Коладоузан Іран Іран
Юрецький, Тлучинський 6 (14–15) Рібейро 7
Suspension 3×ЖК Протокол Suspension 3×ЖК


[ред. код]