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Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.

Шаблон-картка для "гора".


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Можна використовувати наступний набір полів, застосовуючи українську (або англійську, небажано) назву поля по вибору користувача. Англійські поля введені для можливості застосування відповідного англомовного шаблону з мінімальними змінами (наведені в шаблоні назви параметрів англійською застарілі в англійській вікіпедії).

Карта розташування виводиться автоматично за наявності координат (P625: географічні координати) і країни (P17: країна) у Вікіданих.

|назва           = 
|мовою           = 
|місцева назва   = 
|зображення      = 
|фото_розмір     = 
|підпис          = 
|координати      = 
|країна          = 
|регіон          = 
|система         = 
|висота          = 
|висота відносна = 
|площа           = 
|ізоляція        = 
|список          = 
|тип             = 
|вік             = 
|виверження      = 
|сходження       = 
|маршрут         = 
|мапа            = <!-- Example.jpg -->
|мапа підпис     = 
|мапа ширина     = 
|кр              = <!-- карта розташування, напр. Перу -->
|розмір карти    = 
|position        = 
|кр1             = 
|розмір карти1   = 
|position1       = <!-- left (за замовчуванням), right, top, bottom або none -->
|примітки        =
{{{місцева назва}}}

44°26′56″ пн. ш. 34°3′31″ сх. д. / 44.44889° пн. ш. 34.05861° сх. д. / 44.44889; 34.05861
Країна {{{країна}}}
Регіон {{{регіон}}}
Розташування {{{розташування}}}
Система {{{система}}}
Тип {{{тип}}}
Висота {{{висота}}} м
Висота відносна {{{висота відносна}}} м
Площа {{{площа}}}
Ізоляція {{{ізоляція}}} км
Вік {{{вік}}}
Список {{{список}}}
Виверження {{{виверження}}}
Перше сходження {{{сходження}}}
Маршрут {{{маршрут}}}
[[File:{{{мапа}}}|{{{мапа ширина}}}|center]]
{{{мапа підпис}}}
{{{назва}}}. Карта розташування: Україна
{{{назва}}} (Україна)
{{{назва}}}. Карта розташування: Автономна Республіка Крим
{{{назва}}} (Автономна Республіка Крим)
{{{назва}}}. Карта розташування: Земля
{{{назва}}} (Земля)

CMNS: [[commons:Category:{{{commons}}}|Гора/документація]] у Вікісховищі

Інший, застарілий варіант параметрів (не використовувати в нових статтях)

|назва         = 
|місцева назва = 
|фото          = 
|фото_розмір   = <!--300px (за замовчуванням - 250px) -->
|підпис        = 
|країна        = 
|регіон        = 
|система       = 
|висота          = 
|висота відносна = 
|ізоляція     = 
|список       = 
|тип          = 
|вік          = 
|виверження   = 
|сходження    = 
|маршрут      = 
|мапа         = <!-- Example.jpg -->
|мапа підпис  = 
|мапа ширина  = 
|карта розташування = <!-- Перу -->
|розмір карти       = <!-- для шаблону "Карта розташування" -->
{{Infobox Mountain
| Name          = 
| Native Name   = 
| Photo         = 
| фото_розмір   = <!--300px (за замовчуванням - 250px) -->
| Caption       = 
| Elevation     = 
| Location      = 
| Range         = 
| Prominence    = 
| Isolation     = 
| Listing       = 
| Type          = 
| Age           = 
| Last eruption = 
| First ascent  = 
| Easiest route = 
| pushpin_map   = <!-- Перу -->
| pushpin_mapsize = <!-- для шаблону "Карта розташування" -->


[ред. код]

44°36′46″ пн. ш. 34°14′31″ сх. д. / 44.61278° пн. ш. 34.24194° сх. д. / 44.61278; 34.24194
Розташування Україна Україна, Автономна Республіка Крим
Система Кримські гори
Висота 1545 м
Висота відносна 1541 м   4 м
Ізоляція 391,4 км → г. Ілґаз Даґларі (2587 м)
Роман-Кош. Карта розташування: Україна
Роман-Кош (Україна)
Роман-Кош. Карта розташування: Автономна Республіка Крим
Роман-Кош (Автономна Республіка Крим)
категорія спостереження
К:Шаблон:Гора:Службова (93)

Див. також

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Документація з англійської вікі

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Наведено "as reference"

The following parameters can be used to create an infobox for a mountain, hill, massif, or a mountain or hill range. Please remove any parameters that are not likely to be useful.

В перекладі: {{{translation}}} 
Топографічна карта {{{topo}}}


{{Infobox mountain
| name              = 
| other_name        = 
| photo             = 
| native_name       = 
| native_name_lang  = 
| photo_size        = 
| photo_alt         = 
| photo_caption     = 
| map               = 
| map_image         = 
| map_alt           = 
| map_caption       = 
| map_relief        = 
| map_size          = 
| location          = 
| label             = 
| label_position    = 
| elevation         = 
| elevation_m       = 
| elevation_ft      = 
| elevation_ref     = 
| prominence        = 
| prominence_m      = 
| prominence_ft     = 
| prominence_ref    = 

| isolation         = 
| isolation_km      = 
| isolation_mi      = 
| isolation_ref     = 
| parent_peak       = 
| listing           = 
| translation       = 
| language          = 
| pronunciation     = 
| range             = 
| coordinates       = 
| coordinates_ref   = 
| topo              = 
| type              = 
| age               = 
| volcanic_arc      = 
| volcanic_belt     = 
| volcanic_field    = 
| volcanic_arc/belt = 
| last_eruption     = 
| first_ascent      = 
| easiest_route     = 
| normal_route      = 
| access            = 
| child             = 
| embedded          = 


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Only the name and elevation fields are required. All other fields are optional and will not display if not present in the template or do not have any value.

Naming and hierarchy parameters

[ред. код]
name Name of the mountain, peak or hill. If more than one mountain by the name exists, the article is likely disambiguated but this name in the infobox should be the undisambiguated name. For example, Mount Columbia (for Mount Columbia (Canada) or Mount Columbia (Colorado)). An elevation must be supplied.
other_name Other name for the mountain if relatively well known. For example, Mount McKinley for Denali. Quotes can be used as normal to italicize or bold the text if desired.
native_name Name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}}
native_name_lang ISO 639-2 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead
pronunciation Use an appropriate IPA-xx template, replacing 'xx' with the ISO code for the language. (See {{IPA-en}} for English.)
listing Name of a relevant list of mountains that the peak belongs to. See List of mountain lists for examples.
range Mountain range that the mountain/massif/range belongs to, if applicable. The specific range subgroup should be provided instead of any major mountain system unless there is no applicable subgroup. For example, use Teton Range and not Rocky Mountains or Bernese Alps not Alps.

Photographic and mapping parameters

[ред. код]
photo Photograph of the mountain. Preferably a distance shot to show most/all of the mountain rather than a view from the summit. Do not include the "File:" prefix. If uploading a new image, please put them on Commons so they can be easily used by the other language Wikipedias.
photo_size The image width in pixels. If specified, the maximum width is 280px. If not specified, the image uses frameless with upright=1.25 which displays it at approximately 125% of the user's default thumbnail size (for most users the image will display at 280px; for logged-in users who have changed the setting at Special:Preferences the displayed image could range from 150px to 500px). See also: Module:InfoboxImage, WP:AUTOSIZE, WP:EIS, WP:IMGSIZE, and .
photo_alt Alt text for the photo, primarily for visually impaired readers. See en:Wikipedia:Alternative text for images.
photo_caption Description of the photograph which is displayed below. Include the month and year if known.
map The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (e.g. Indonesia or Russia). The coordinates template ({{coord}}) positions a pushpin marker and label on the map automatically. Example see: Mount Everest. For a static image, use |map_image=
map_image The file name of a static map image to be displayed. To use a location map, use |map=.
map_alt Alt text for the map, primarily for visually impaired readers. See Alt text for maps.
map_caption Fill out if a map caption is desired. If not specified, location will be used.
map_relief If a location map template is specified, this template will attempt to display a relief map if one is available. To force the default map image to display use |map_relief=0.
map_size Must be entered as only a number—no need for px. The default value and maximum is 272.

Dimensional parameters

[ред. код]
highest Name of highest peak in the range
highest_location location of highest peak, e.g., country or province
elevation_m Height of highest point in the range, in meters, as a number (e.g., 8848) or interval of plus/minus spaced (8850 +/- 10). Will automatically convert to feet. The infobox uses the same rounding method as {{convert}}: it guesses the precision from the value. If an editor wishes to specify the precision, use {{convert}} and the freeform parameter, "elevation" instead.
prominence_m The clean topographic prominence of the highest point. Uses same rounding as {{convert}}.
length_km Length and width of range, in kilometers, as a number. Will automatically convert to miles. Uses same rounding as {{convert}}
area_km2 Area of range, in square kilometers, as a number. Will automatically convert to square miles. Uses same rounding as {{convert}}
length_orientation Length orientation such as N-S for North to South
width_orientation Width orientation such as E-W for East to West
elevation_ft As above, except number is expressed in U.S. units, and will automatically convert to metric. Please use only for mountain ranges in the United States. Uses same rounding as {{convert}}.
elevation Free form field for expressing dimension, no automatic unit conversion. To be used instead of parameters like elevation_m or elevation_ft
elevation_system The elevation reference system that defines the elevation, e.g., NAVD88 or DE-NHN
elevation_note Note field after dimensional quantity, typically used for inline citation that supports the quantity

Coordinate parameters

[ред. код]

There are three ways to enter the location of a mountain range, which controls the content of two different optional fields:

coordinates Coordinates for highest peak in range. Will appear under "highest point" section as a link. Use {{coord}} to specify the coordinates, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or an ISO 3166-2 region code, scale, dim, ... See the documentation for details.
range_coordinates Overall coordinates for range, usually the center of the range. Will appear in Geography section as "Range coordinates" and link. Use {{coord}} to specify the coordinates, ISO region, scale, dim, ...
grid_ref_UK If the mountain is in Great Britain, the British grid reference. For mountains outside of Great Britain, this field is not applicable and therefore should be removed if it is present.
grid_ref_Ireland If the mountain is in Ireland (whether Northern Ireland or the Republic), the Irish grid reference. For mountains outside Ireland, this field is not applicable and therefore should be removed if it is present.

Geographical parameters

[ред. код]
location Free-form field describing location of range, similar to {{Infobox mountain}}
country,country1,...,country19 Countries that range spans. First use country, then country# in order. For more than four countries, infobox will automatically put into collapsed list.
country_type Alternative label for country, e.g., use Continent for ranges in Antarctica
state,state1,...,state19 States that range spans. For provinces, set state_type to "Province"
state_type Alternative label for state, e.g. Province
region,region1,...,region23 Sub-national regions that range spans.
region_type Label for sub-national regions, overriding default "State/Province"
district,district1,...,district19 Sub-regional areas that range spans, e.g., counties in the United States
district_type Label for sub-regional areas, overriding default "District"
city,city1,...,city19 Settlements within the mountain range.
city_type Label for settlements, overriding default "Settlement"
parent Parent mountain range
border,border1,...,border3 Other mountain ranges that border this one
biome Biome(s) for range
topo_maker,topo_map The publisher and name (respectively) of the topographic map that contains the range

Geological parameters

[ред. код]
type The type of mountain — see List of mountain types.
age Age of the rock. Geologic time scales may be useful here.
If the mountain is a volcano, the arc, belt or field in which it is situated. Each parameter displays an appropriate label.
last_eruption The date of the last eruption if the mountain is of volcanic origin. Only use Unknown if a verifiable source such as the Global Volcanism Program states it as such.

Miscellaneous parameters

[ред. код]
first_ascent Date of the first ascent, if known. Typically, this is the first recorded ascent but not necessarily the first true ascent. If it is quite probable the peak/mountain was ascended by local people before then, a footnote should be added.
easiest_route The easiest route to the summit. Some possibilities include Hike, Scramble or any of the YDS grades.
child "yes" if the mountain infobox is embedded inside another Infobox
embedded value = another Infobox to place within the mountain infobox. The other infobox will show up at the end of the mountain infobox. The other infobox needs to have its "embed" or "child" parameter set to 1 or yes, as appropriate.


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General notes

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Blank starter templates for various areas of the world (just copy and paste):


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A mountain infobox without a map

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Топографічна карта USGS Mount Shasta

{{Infobox mountain
| name          = Mount Shasta
| photo         = Mt Shasta from the northwest-750px.JPG
| photo_size    = <!-- omitted to display at user's default size -->
| photo_alt     = A large mountain rises in the distance over shrubs and trees, its peak covered with snow.
| photo_caption = Mount Shasta and Shastina from the Butte Valley (North-East)
| elevation     = {{convert|14179|ft|m|0}}
| location      = [[California]], USA
| range         = [[Cascade Range|Cascades]]
| prominence    = 
| coordinates   = {{coord|41|24|33|N|122|11|42|W|region:US-CA_type:mountain|display=inline<!--,title-->}}
| topo          = [[United States Geological Survey|USGS]] Mount Shasta
| type          = [[Composite volcano]]
| age           = Less than 593 [[kiloannum|ka]]
| last_eruption = 1786
| first_ascent  = 1854 by E.D. Pearce and party
| easiest_route = rock/ice
| listing       = 

A mountain infobox with a map

[ред. код]

{{Infobox mountain
| name           = K2
| photo          = K2 2006b.jpg
| photo_size     = 400px <!-- if a size in pixels is specified, the image will not display any larger than 280px -->
| photo_alt      = A large angular white mountain, with steeply sloped sides mostly covered with snow.
| photo_caption  = K2 in Summer
| elevation_m    = 8611
| elevation_ref  = 
| prominence_m   = 4017
| listing        = [[Eight-thousander|2nd highest on Earth]]
| location       = [[Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County]], [[Xinjiang]], [[China]]/[[Northern Areas, Pakistan]]
| range          = [[Karakoram]]
| topo           = 
| first_ascent   = July 1954 by Lacedelli and Compagnoni
| easiest_route  = Rock, snow and ice climb
| map            = Pakistan
| label_position = right
| map_alt        = K2 is located on the far northwest border of Pakistan, next to China
| map_caption    = Location on Pakistan/China border
| map_size       = 300
| coordinates    = {{coord|35|52|57|N|76|30|48|E|type:mountain|display=inline<!--,title-->}}


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Tracking categories

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Категорія:Шаблони:Гори en:Category:WikiProject Mountains templates