![]() | Ця сторінка — довідка, призначена для подання опису певних аспектів вікіпедійних норм, звичаїв, практик. Вона може відображати різні рівні консенсусу, але це не політика і не настанова. |

Тут основні ключі до символів міжнародного фонетичного алфавіту. Для меншого набору символів, які достатні для української мови, див. Довідка:МФА/Українська. Деякі рідкісні символи МФА не включено; їх можна знайти в основній статті про МФА або в розширеній таблиці МФА .
Лівий стовпець містить окремі символи в квадратних дужках ([a] (ⓘ)). Натисніть на «прослухати», щоб почути звук; натисніть на самий символ, щоб відкрити окрему статтю про нього з повнішим описом та прикладими з багатьох мов. Звуки приголосних вимовляються один раз біля голосної і один раз між голосними.
Якщо символи не відображаються, то вам потрібно встановити допоміжний шрифт. Безкоштовні шрифти з хорошою підтримкою МФА включають Gentium Plus (serif) та Andika (sans-serif).
Символи розміщені подібно до літер Латинської абетки. Символи, що не схожі на жодну латинську літеру, розміщені в кінці, в розділі інше.
Символ | Приклади | Опис |
A | ||
[a] (ⓘ) | Modern RP cat, German Mann, French gare | The RP vowel is often transcribed with ⟨æ⟩ for historical reasons. For many English speakers, the first part of the ow sound in cow. |
[ä] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 他 tā, American English father, Spanish casa, French patte | |
[ɐ] (ⓘ) | RP cut, German Kaiserslautern | (In transcriptions of English, [ɐ] is usually written ⟨ʌ⟩.) |
[ɑ] (ⓘ) | RP father, French pâte, Dutch bad | |
[ɑ̃] (ⓘ) | French Caen, sans, temps | Nasalized [ɑ]. |
[ɒ] (ⓘ) | Canadian English lot, Persian فارسی / fârsi | Like [ɑ], but with the lips slightly rounded. |
[ʌ] (ⓘ) | American English cut | Like [ɔ], but without the lips being rounded. (When ⟨ʌ⟩ is used for English, it may really be [ɐ] or [ɜ].) |
[æ] (ⓘ) | GA cat | |
B | ||
[b] (ⓘ) | English babble | |
[ɓ] (ⓘ) | Swahili bwana | Like a [b] said with a gulp. See implosive consonants. |
[β] (ⓘ) | Spanish la Bamba, Kinyarwanda abana "children", Korean 무궁화 [muɡuŋβwa̠] mugunghwa | Like [b], but with the lips not quite closed. |
[ʙ] (ⓘ) | Nias simbi [siʙi] "lower jaw" | Sputtering. |
C | ||
[c] (ⓘ) | Turkish kebap "kebab", Czech stín "shadow", Greek και "and" | Between English tune (RP) and cute. Sometimes used instead for [tʃ] in languages like Hindi. |
[ç] (ⓘ) | German Ich | More of a [j]-coloration (more palatal) than [x]. Some English speakers have a similar sound in huge. This sound can be produced by whispering loudly the word "ye" as in "Hear ye!". |
[ɕ] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 西安 Xi'an, Polish ściana | More [j]-like than [ʃ]; something like English she. |
[ɔ] (ⓘ) | see under O | |
D | ||
[d] (ⓘ) | English dad | |
[ɗ] (ⓘ) | Swahili Dodoma | Like [d] said with a gulp. |
[ɖ] (ⓘ) | American English harder | Like [d] with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
[ð] (ⓘ) | English the, bathe | |
[dz] (ⓘ) | English adds, Italian zero | |
[dʒ] (ⓘ) | English judge | |
[dʑ] (ⓘ) | Polish niedźwiedź "bear" | Like [dʒ], but with more of a [j]-sound. |
[ɖʐ] (ⓘ) | Polish dżem "jam" | Like [dʒ] with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
E | ||
[e] (ⓘ) | Scottish English day, Australian English bet, Spanish fe; French clé, German Klee | Similar to American English hey, before the y sets in. |
[ɘ] (ⓘ) | Australian English bird | |
[ə] (ⓘ) | English above, Hindi अब [əb] (ab) "now" | |
[ɚ] (ⓘ) | American English runner | |
[ɛ] (ⓘ) | British, Irish, North American English bet, New Zealand English bat | |
[ɛ̃] (ⓘ) | French Saint-Étienne, vin, main | Nasalized [ɛ]. |
[ɜ] (ⓘ) | RP bird (long) | |
[ɝ] (ⓘ) | American English bird | |
F | ||
[f] (ⓘ) | English fun | |
[ɟ] (ⓘ) | see under J | |
[ʄ] (ⓘ) | see under J | |
G | ||
[ɡ] (ⓘ) | English gag | (Should look like ![]() |
[ɠ] (ⓘ) | Swahili Uganda | Like [ɡ] said with a gulp. |
[ɢ] (ⓘ) | Like [ɡ], but further back, in the throat. Found in Persian and some Arabic dialects for /q/, as in Muammar Gaddafi. | |
[ʒ] (ⓘ) | see under Z | English beige. |
H | ||
[h] (ⓘ) | American English house | |
[ɦ] (ⓘ) | English ahead, when said quickly. | |
[ʰ] | The extra puff of air in English top [tʰɒp] compared to stop [stɒp], or to French or Spanish [t]. | |
[ħ] (ⓘ) | Arabic مُحَمَّد Muḥammad | Far down in the throat, like [h], but stronger. |
[ʜ] (ⓘ) | Iraqi Arabic حَي [ʜaj] "alive" | Corresponds to /ħ/ (ح) in Standard Arabic. |
[ɥ] (ⓘ) | see under Y | |
[ɮ] (ⓘ) | see under L | |
I | ||
[i] (ⓘ) | English sea, French ville, Spanish Valladolid | |
[ɪ] (ⓘ) | British, Irish, North American English sit, New Zealand English set | |
[ɨ] (ⓘ) | Russian ты "you" | Often used for unstressed English roses. |
J | ||
[j] (ⓘ) | English yes, hallelujah, German Junge | |
[ʲ] | In Russian Ленин [ˈlʲenʲɪn] | Indicates a sound is more [j]-like. |
[ʝ] (ⓘ) | Spanish cayo (some dialects) | Like [j], but stronger. |
[ɟ] (ⓘ) | Turkish gör "see", Czech díra "hole" | Between English dew (RP) and argue. Sometimes used instead for [dʒ] in languages like Hindi. |
[ʄ] (ⓘ) | Swahili jambo | Like [ɟ] said with a gulp. |
K | ||
[k] (ⓘ) | English kick, skip | |
L | ||
[l] (ⓘ) | English leaf | |
[ɫ] (ⓘ) | English wool Russian малый [ˈmɑɫɨj] "small" |
"Dark" el. |
[ɬ] (ⓘ) | Welsh llwyd [ɬʊɪd] "grey" Zulu hlala [ɬaːla] "sit" |
By touching the roof of mouth with the tongue and giving a quick breath out. Found in Welsh placenames like Llangollen and Llanelli and Nelson Mandela's Xhosa name Rolihlahla. |
[ɭ] (ⓘ) | Like [l] with the tongue curled or pulled back. | |
[ɺ] | A flapped [l], like [l] and [ɾ] said together. | |
[ɮ] (ⓘ) | Zulu dla "eat" | Rather like [l] and [ʒ], or [l] and [ð], said together. |
[ʟ] (ⓘ) | ||
M | ||
[m] (ⓘ) | English mime | |
[ɱ] (ⓘ) | English symphony | Like [m], but the lips touch the teeth as they do in [f]. |
[ɯ] (ⓘ) | see under W | |
[ʍ] (ⓘ) | see under W | |
N | ||
[n] (ⓘ) | English nun | |
[ŋ] (ⓘ) | English sing, Māori nga | |
[ɲ] (ⓘ) | Spanish Peña, French champagne | Rather like English canyon (/nj/ said quickly). |
[ɳ] (ⓘ) | Hindi वरुण [ʋəruɳ] Varuna | Like [n] with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
[ɴ] (ⓘ) | Castilian Spanish Don Juan [doɴˈχwan] | Like [ŋ], but further back, in the throat. |
O | ||
[o] (ⓘ) | Modern RP, Australian and New Zealand English caught (long) Spanish no, French eau, German Boden |
Somewhat reminiscent of American English no. The RP vowel is usually transcribed with ⟨ɔː⟩ for historical reasons. |
[ɔ] (ⓘ) | Modern RP, Australian and New Zealand English cot German Oldenburg, French Garonne |
The RP vowel is usually transcribed with ⟨ɒ⟩ for historical reasons. |
[ɔ̃] (ⓘ) | French Lyon, son | Nasalized [ɔ]. |
[ø] (ⓘ) | New Zealand English nurse, French feu, bœufs, German Goethe | Like [e], but with the lips rounded like [o]. |
[ɵ] (ⓘ) | Modern RP foot, Dutch hut, French je, Swedish dum | Halfway between [o] and [ø]. Similar to [ʊ] but with the tongue slightly more down and front. The RP vowel is typically transcribed with ⟨ʊ⟩, the Dutch vowel is often transcribed with ⟨ʏ⟩ or ⟨œ⟩, whereas the French vowel is typically transcribed with ⟨ə⟩. |
[œ] (ⓘ) | French bœuf, seul, German Göttingen | Like [ɛ], but with the lips rounded like [ɔ]. |
[œ̃] (ⓘ) | French brun, parfum | Nasalized [œ]. |
[ɶ] (ⓘ) | ||
[θ] (ⓘ) | see under Others | |
[ɸ] (ⓘ) | see under Others | |
P | ||
[p] (ⓘ) | English pip | |
Q | ||
[q] (ⓘ) | Arabic قُرْآن Qur’ān | Like [k], but further back, in the throat. |
R | ||
[r] (ⓘ) | Spanish perro, Scottish English borrow | "Rolled R". (Often used for other rhotics, such as English [ɹ], when there's no ambiguity.) |
[ɾ] (ⓘ) | Spanish pero, Tagalog daliri, Malay kabar, American English kitty/kiddie | Like a “rolled R”, except the tongue flaps only once. |
[ʀ] (ⓘ) | Dutch rood and German rot (some speakers) | A trill in the back of the throat. Found for /r/ in some conservative registers of French. |
[ɽ] (ⓘ) | Urdu ساڑی [saːɽiː] "saree" | Like flapped [ɾ], but with the tongue curled back. |
[ɹ] (ⓘ) | most accents of English borrow | |
[ɻ] (ⓘ) | Tamil புழு Puḻu "Worm", Mandarin 人民日报 Rénmín Rìbào "People's Daily", American English borrow, butter | Like [ɹ], but with the tongue curled or pulled back, as pronounced by many English speakers. |
[ʁ] (ⓘ) | French Paris, German Riemann (some dialects) | Said back in the throat, but not trilled. |
S | ||
[s] (ⓘ) | English sass | |
[ʃ] (ⓘ) | English shoe | |
[ʂ] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 少林 (Shàolín), Russian Пушкин (Pushkin) | Acoustically similar to [ʃ], but with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
T | ||
[t] (ⓘ) | English tot, stop | |
[ʈ] (ⓘ) | Hindi टमाटर [ʈəmaːʈəɾ] (ṭamāṭar) "tomato" | Like [t], but with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
[ts] (ⓘ) | English cats, Russian царь tsar | |
[tʃ] (ⓘ) | English church | |
[tɕ] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 北京 Běijīng (ⓘ), Polish ciebie "you" | Like [tʃ], but with more of a [j]-sound. |
[tʂ] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 真正 zhēnzhèng, Polish czas | Like [tʃ] with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
U | ||
[u] (ⓘ) | American English food, French vous "you", German Schumacher | |
[ʊ] (ⓘ) | American English foot, German Bundesrepublik | |
[ʉ] (ⓘ) | Modern RP, Australian English food (long) | Like [ɨ], but with the lips rounded as for [u]. |
[ʋ] (ⓘ) | see under V | |
[ɥ] (ⓘ) | see under Y | |
[ɯ] (ⓘ) | see under W | |
V | ||
[v] (ⓘ) | English verve | |
[ʋ] (ⓘ) | Hindi वरुण [ʋəɾʊɳə] "Varuna" | Between [v] and [w]. Used by some Germans and Russians for v/w, and by some speakers of British English for r. |
[ɤ] (ⓘ) | see under Y | |
[ɣ] (ⓘ) | see under Y | |
[ʌ] (ⓘ) | see under A | |
W | ||
[w] (ⓘ) | English wow | |
[ʷ] | Indicates a sound has lip rounding, as in English rain | |
[ʍ] (ⓘ) | what (some dialects) | like [h] and [w] said together |
[ɯ] (ⓘ) | Turkish kayık "caïque", Scottish Gaelic gaol | Like [u], but with the lips flat; something like [ʊ]. |
[ɰ] (ⓘ) | Spanish agua | Like [w], but with the lips flat. |
X | ||
[x] (ⓘ) | Scottish English loch, German Bach, Russian хлеб [xlʲep] "bread", Spanish joven | between [k] and [h] |
[χ] (ⓘ) | northern Standard Dutch Scheveningen, Castilian Spanish Don Juan [doɴˈχwan] | Like [x], but further back, in the throat. Some German and Arabic speakers have [χ] for [x]. |
Y | ||
[y] (ⓘ) | French rue, German Bülow | Like [i], but with the lips rounded as for [u]. |
[ʏ] (ⓘ) | Scottish English foot, German Düsseldorf | Like [ɪ], but with the lips rounded as for [ʊ]. |
[ɣ] (ⓘ) | Arabic غَالِي ghālī and Swahili ghali "expensive", Spanish suegro | Sounds rather like French [ʁ] or between [ɡ] and [h]. |
[ɤ] (ⓘ) | Mandarin 河南 Hénán, Scottish Gaelic taigh | Like [o] but without the lips rounded, something like a cross of [ʊ] and [ʌ]. |
[ʎ] (ⓘ) | Italian tagliatelle, Portuguese mulher | Like [l], but more [j]-like. Rather like English volume. |
[ɥ] (ⓘ) | French lui | Like [j] and [w] said together. |
Z | ||
[z] (ⓘ) | English zoo | |
[ʒ] (ⓘ) | English vision, French journal | |
[ʑ] (ⓘ) | old-styled Russian позже [ˈpoʑːe] "later", Polish źle | More [j]-like than [ʒ], something like beigey. |
[ʐ] (ⓘ) | Russian жир "fat" | Like [ʒ] with the tongue curled or pulled back. |
[ɮ] (ⓘ) | see under L | |
Інше | ||
[θ] (ⓘ) | English thigh, bath | |
[ɸ] (ⓘ) | Japanese 富士 [ɸɯdʑi] Fuji, Māori [ˌɸaːɾeːˈnuiː] wharenui | Like [p], but with the lips not quite touching |
[ʔ] (ⓘ) | English uh-oh, Hawai‘i, German die Angst | The 'glottal stop', a catch in the breath. For some people, found in button [ˈbʌʔn̩], or between vowels across words: Deus ex machina [ˌdeɪəsˌʔɛksˈmɑːkɪnə]; in some nonstandard dialects, in a apple [əˈʔæpl̩]. |
[ʕ] (ⓘ) | Arabic عَرَبِيّ ʻarabī / ʕarabī "Arabic" | A light, voiced sound deep in the throat, articulated with the root of the tongue against the pharynx (back of the throat). |
[ǀ] (ⓘ) | English tsk-tsk! or tut-tut!, Zulu icici "earring" | (The English click used for disapproval.) Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including [kǀ], [ɡǀ], [ŋǀ]. The Zimbabwean MP Ncube has this click in his name, as did Cetshwayo. |
[ǁ] (ⓘ) | English tchick! tchick!, Zulu ixoxo "frog" | (The English click used to urge on a horse.) Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including [kǁ], [ɡǁ], [ŋǁ]. Found in the name of the Xhosa. |
[ǃ] (ⓘ) | Zulu iqaqa "polecat" | (The English click used to imitate the trotting of a horse.) A hollow popping sound, like a cork pulled from a bottle. Several distinct sounds, written as digraphs, including [kǃ], [ɡǃ], [ŋǃ]. |
[ʘ] (ⓘ) | ǂ’Amkoe ʘoa "two" | Like a kissing sound. |
[ǂ] (ⓘ) | Khoekhoe ǂgā-amǃnâ [ǂàʔám̀ᵑǃã̀] "to put in the mouth" | Like an imitation of a chewing sound. |
Кілька знакі можуть додаватися згори, знизу, зліва або справа від літер. Тут вони забражені на букві-носії як голосна a. Повніший список наведено в Міжнародний фонетичний алфавіт § Діакритики та позначення просодії.
Символ | Приклад | Опис |
Signs above a letter | ||
[ã] | French vin blanc [vɛ̃ blɑ̃] "white wine" | A nasal vowel, as with a Texas twang |
[ä] | Portuguese vá [vä] "go" | A central vowel pronounced with the tongue position in the middle of the mouth; neither forward nor back |
[ă] | English police [pə̆ˈliˑs] | An extra-short speech sound (usually a vowel) |
Signs below a letter | ||
[a̯] | English cow [kʰaʊ̯], koi [kʰɔɪ̯] | This vowel does not form a syllable of its own, but runs into the vowel next to it. (In English, the diacritic is generally left off: [kaʊ].) |
[n̥] | English boy [b̥ɔɪ̯], doe [d̥oʊ̯]
(see also) |
Sounds like a loud whisper; [n̥] is like a whispered breath through the nose. [l̥] is found in Tibetan Lhasa. |
[n̩] | English button | A consonant without a vowel (English [n̩] is often transcribed /ən/.) |
[d̪] | Spanish dos, French deux | The tongue touches the teeth more than it does in English. |
Signs next to a letter | ||
[kʰ] | English come | Aspirated consonant, pronounced with a puff of air. Similarly [tʰ pʰ tsʰ tʃʰ tɕʰ]. |
[k’] | Zulu ukuza "come" | Ejective. Like a popped [k], pushed from the throat. Similarly [tʼ pʼ qʼ tʃʼ tsʼ tɬʼ]. |
[aː] | English shh! [ʃː] | Long. Often used with English vowels or diphthongs: Mayo /ˈmeːoː/ for [ˈmeɪ̯ɜʊ̯], etc. |
[aˑ] | RP caught [ˈkʰoˑt] | Semi-long. (Although the vowel is different, this is also longer than cot [ˈkʰɔt].) |
[ˈa] | pronunciation [pɹ̥əʊ̯ˌnɐnsiˈeɪʃn̩] |
Main stress. The mark denotes the stress of the following syllable. |
[ˌa] | Weaker stress. The mark denotes the stress of the following syllable. | |
[.] | English courtship [ˈkʰɔrt.ʃɪp] | Syllable break (this is often redundant and therefore left off) |
Two types of brackets are commonly used to enclose transcriptions in the IPA:
- /Slashes/ indicate sounds that are distinguished as the basic units of words in a language by native speakers; these are called phonemes. Changing the symbols between these slashes would either change the identity of the word or produce nonsense. For example, since there is no meaningful difference to a native speaker between the two sounds written with the letter L in the word lulls, they are considered the same phoneme, and so, using slashes, they are given the same symbol in IPA: /ˈlʌlz/. Similarly, Spanish la bamba is transcribed phonemically with two instances of the same b sound, /la ˈbamba/, despite the fact that they sound different to a speaker of English. Thus a reader who is not familiar with the language in question might not know how to interpret these transcriptions more narrowly.
- [Square brackets] indicate the narrower or more detailed phonetic qualities of a pronunciation, not taking into account the norms of the language to which it belongs; therefore, such transcriptions do not regard whether subtly different sounds in the pronunciation are actually noticeable or distinguishable to a native speaker of the language. Within square brackets is what a foreigner who does not know the structure of a language might hear as discrete units of sound. For instance, the English word lulls may be pronounced in a particular dialect more specifically as [ˈlɐɫz], with different L sounds at the beginning and end. This may be obvious to speakers of languages that differentiate between the sounds [l] and [ɫ]. Likewise, Spanish la bamba (pronounced without a pause) has two different B sounds to the ears of foreigners or linguists—[la ˈβamba]—though a native Spanish speaker might not be able to hear it. Omitting or adding such detail does not make a difference to the identity of the word, but helps to give a more precise pronunciation.
- Шаблон:// indicate diaphonemes. For example, some speakers pronounce dune as /djuːn/ with a distinct /j/, others /duːn/ as if spelled doon, and even others /dʒuːn/ like June. This is predictable where the historical pronunciation is /dj/ preceded by /uː/—the second group of speakers invariably drop the /j/, and the third group invariably turn it into /dʒ/—and it can be cumbersome to write down all three possibilities every time such a sequence is found. So the diaphonemic notation Шаблон:IPA // serves as a shorthand for "/dj/ for traditional speakers, /d/ for those who drop /j/ between historical /d/ and /uː/, and /dʒ/ for those who turn it into /dʒ/ in such a context".
A fourth kind of bracket is occasionally seen:
- |Vertical bars| (or occasionally other conventions) show that the enclosed sounds are theoretical constructs that are not actually heard. (This is part of morphophonology.) For instance, most phonologists argue that the -s at the ends of verbs, which surfaces as either /s/ in talks /tɔːks/ or as /z/ in lulls /lʌlz/, has a single underlying form. If they decide this form is an s, they would write it |s| to claim that phonemic /tɔːks/ and /lʌlz/ are essentially |tɔːks| and |lʌls| underneath. If they were to decide it was essentially the latter, |z|, they would transcribe these words |tɔːkz| and |lʌlz|.
- ⟨Angle brackets⟩ are used to set off orthography, as well as transliteration from non-Latin scripts. Thus ⟨lulls⟩, ⟨la bamba⟩, the letter ⟨a⟩. Angle brackets are not supported by all fonts, so a template {{angle bracket}} (shortcut {{angbr}}) is used to ensure maximal compatibility. (Comment there if you are having problems.)
Підтримка гарнітурами МФА зростає і тепер включена в кількох гарнітурах як версії Times New Roman, що йдуть в різних сучасних операційних системах. Однак Діакритики не завжди правильно відображаються. Гарнітури МФА, що безкоштовно доступні онлайн, включають Gentium , кілька з SIL (такі як Charis SIL та Doulos SIL ), Dehuti, DejaVu Sans та TITUS Cyberbit , всі вони є безкоштовно доступними; а також комерційні гарнітири, такі як Brill, доступний з Brill Publishers, та Lucida Sans Unicode і Arial Unicode MS, які постачаються з різними продуктами Microsoft. Усі вони включають кілька діапазонів символів на додачу до МФА. Сучасні браузери, в основному, не потребують будь-яких налаштувань, щоб відображати ці символи, якщо є доступна гарнітура (шрифтів) в операційні системі, що може їх відображати.
Особливо, наступні символи можуть відображатися неправильно залежно від вашого шрифту:
Символ | Значення МФА/Unicode | Правильно | Неправильно | Шрифти, що спричиняють проблему | Тест | Коментарі | ||
ɧ | Sj-sound U+0267 ɧ |
![]() |
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Helvetica on Apple devices |
ɪ | Неогублений ненапружений голосний передньо-середнього ряду середньо-високого підняття U+026A ɪ |
![]() |
![]() |
Some sans-serif fonts |
Largely fixed since explicitly proscribed in Unicode 10.0 (2017). | ||
ɶ | Огублений голосний переднього ряду низького підняття U+0276 ɶ |
![]() |
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Helvetica on Apple devices |
[1] | ||
ʁ | Дзвінкий язичковий фрикативний U+0281 ʁ |
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San Francisco |
χ | Глухий язичковий фрикативний U+03C7 χ |
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Roboto |
Fixed in 2017. | ||
Trebuchet MS | ||||||||
ˈ | Primary stress U+02C8 ˈ |
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Tahoma |
The length marks denote elongation of the previous segment. The placeholder here just stands for any following character. | |||
ˌ | Secondary stress U+02CC ˌ |
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ː | Long U+02D0 ː |
ˑ | Half-long U+02D1 ˑ |
ꭞ | Having characteristics of a velarized alveolar lateral approximant U+AB5E ꭞ |
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Microsoft fonts |
Зареєстровані користувачі можуть зазначити власний шрифт для тексту МФА, відредагувавши свої стилі користувача. Вони також можуть редагувати свої глобальні стилі, які працюватимуть у всіх проєктах Вікімедіа. Наприклад, наступний код призведе до того, що МФА відображатиметься шрифтом Charis SIL :
.IPA {
font-family: "Charis SIL";
Доступні онлайн-клавіатури для МФА і вони покривають діапазон символів МФА і діакритики:
Для iOS є безкоштовні розкладки клавіатури з МФА, наприклад IPA Phonetic Keyboard.
- Official interactive IPA chart with letter descriptions, audio, and input assist Шаблон:Spoken
- IPA pronunciation chart with audio Шаблон:Spoken
- MRI videos of production of the sounds of the IPA charts Шаблон:Spoken
- Ultrasound and MRI videos of production of the sounds of the IPA charts Шаблон:Spoken
- Getting JAWS 6.1 to recognize "exotic" Unicode symbols — for help on getting the screen reader JAWS to read IPA symbols
- IPA Reader — web-based IPA synthesizer using Amazon Polly
- en:User:IagoQnsi/ipareader — користувацький скрипт з використанням IPA Reader
- Wikipedia IPA Speaker — розширення для Chrome