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Шаблон:Електронний компонент

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
{{i}} Документація шаблону[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]


[ред. код]
{{Електронний компонент
|назва            =
|зображення       =
|підпис           =
|тип              =
| working_principle =
| invented          =
| first_produced    =
| pins              =
| symbol            =
| symbol_caption    =


[ред. код]
  • name: Name of the component
  • image: A photograph of the component. It works best at 225px width, for example [[File:RBG-LED.jpg|225px]]
  • caption: A brief caption for the image.
  • type: A general category for the component - similar to the heading in a supplier's catalogue.
  • working_principle: The physical phenomenon upon which the component is based.
  • invented: The name of the inventor of the first practical device, and the date.
  • first_produced: The date of first introduction to the market.
  • pins: List of the standard pin layout. Probably more useful for ICs.
  • symbol: The standard circuit symbol for the device. Major regional variations in symbols may be included.
  • symbol_caption: A brief caption that explains sections of the symbol. Optional.

Приклад використання

[ред. код]
Light-emitting diode
Red, green and blue LEDs of the 5mm type
ТипPassive, optoelectronic
Принцип роботиElectroluminescence
ВинайденоNick Holonyak Jr. (1962)
Схематичне зображенняанод, катод
Electronic symbol
{{Infobox electronic component
|name              = Light-emitting diode
|image             = RBG-LED.jpg
|caption           = Red, green and blue LEDs of the 5mm type
|type              = [[Passive component|Passive]], [[optoelectronic]]
|working_principle = [[Electroluminescence]]
|invented          = [[Nick Holonyak Jr.]] (1962)
|first_produced    =
|pins              = [[Anode]] and [[Cathode]]
|symbol            = [[File:LED symbol.svg]]
|symbol_caption    =

Див. також

[ред. код]