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Список сандвічів

Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.

Це список відомих сандвічів. Сандвіч — це страва, що складається з двох або більше шматків хліба з однією або кількома начинками між ними,[1][2][3] або з однієї скибки у випадку відкритого бутерброда. Сендвічі є поширеним типом обідньої їжі, яку часто їдять у вигляді «обід з собою». Існує багато видів сандвічів, приготованих із різноманітних інгредієнтів. Інколи вони можуть мати помітний культурний вплив.

До основних видів сандвічів належать:

  • Дві скибки хліба з іншими інгредієнтами між ними
  • Дві половинки багета з іншими інгредієнтами між ними
  • Клубний сендвіч (трикутні половинки тостового хліба)
  • Сандвіч-субмарина
  • Відкритий бутерброд
  • Сандвіч-кишенька

Печиво-сендвіч і морозиво-сендвіч, як правило, не вважаються сандвічами в сенсі хлібної їжі, але названі за аналогією.


[ред. | ред. код]
Назва Зображення Походження Опис
American sub[en] США Традиційно використовується нарізана грудка індички, шинка, ростбіф, американський сир або чеддер, нарізаний або тертий салат, помідори та зелений перець на булку хліба.
Bacon sandwich[en] Британія Часто їсться з кетчупом або коричневим соусом[en].
Сандвіч з беконом, яйцем і сиром[en] США Сніданковий сандвіч[en], зазвичай зі смаженим яйцем або яєшнею-бовтанкою.
Bagel toast[en] Bagel toast Ізраїль Пресований, підсмажений бейгл, наповнений овочами та сиром і обсмажений на тостері для сендвічів або в бутербродниці.
Baked bean sandwich[en] США (довкола Бостона) Запечена квасоля з банки на білому чи житньому хлібі, інколи з маслом.
Bologna salad sandwich США (Північносхідна Пенсильванія[en]) Суміш болонської ковбаси[en] і солодких маринованих огірків пропускається через м'ясорубку, туди додається майонез або його менш калорійний аналог, Miracle Whip[en]. Салатну суміш залишають на кілька годин, а тоді рівномірно намазують на хліб. У деяких рецептах додають дрібно нарізану білу цибулю або крутозварене яйце. Замість ковбаси інколи беруть шинку, в такому разі виходить ham salad[en] sandwich.
Бань мі[4] В'єтнам
Barbecue sandwich[en][5][6][7] США (Техас, Теннессі, Північна Кароліна, Алабама, Канзас, Міссурі, Міссісіпі, Аризона, Юта, Невада, Колорадо і Луїзіана) Served on a bun, with chopped, sliced, or shredded meat (pulled pork, beef, or chicken typically), and sometimes topped with coleslaw.
Barros Jarpa[en] Чилі Ham and cheese, usually mantecoso, which is similar to farmer cheese.
Barros Luco Чилі
Beef (usually thin-cut steak) and cheese.
Бауру Бразилія Melted cheese, ростбіф, tomato, and pickled cucumber in a hollowed-out Сайка (хліб).
Beef on weck[en] США
Roast beef on a Kummelweck roll, often topped with хрін звичайний.
Beirute[en] Бразилія Melted cheese, sliced fresh tomatoes with oregano, lettuce leaves, ростбіф on pita bread with майонез.
Named for its ingredients: бекон, салат сійний, and помідор. Often served on toasted sliced bread spread with майонез.
Bocadillo[en] Іспанія Baguette bread with some variants of filling, often eaten in cafes and тапи (страва) bars.
Bologna sandwich[en] США, Канада Sliced and sometimes fried bologna sausage between slices of white bread, with various condiments such as mustard, майонез, кетчуп.
Bosna (sausage)[en] Австрія Usually grilled on white bread, containing a братвурст ковбаса, цибуля городняs, and a blend of tomato кетчуп, mustard, and карі (приправа).
Братвурст Німеччина A popular street food in Germany, often served on a roll with mustard in which case it is a sandwich. Some vendors offer a side dish of квашена капуста or картопля фрі.
Breakfast roll[en] Ірландія, Шотландія Convenience dish on a variety of bread rolls, containing such breakfast items as sausages, бекон, white or чорний пудинг, гриб (плодове тіло)s, помідорes, hash browns, and яєчняs, often eaten with кетчуп or brown sauce.
Breakfast sandwich[en] США
Typically a scrambled or яєчня, cheese, and a sausage patty or other breakfast meat, served on a biscuit or English muffin.
British Rail sandwich[en] Велика Британія Reference to the poor quality of catering on the now-defunct British Rail, this refers to any poor-quality sandwich, often stale.
Butifarra[es] Перу (Ліма) Boiled ham with креольський соус and cilantro or lettuce.
Broodje kroket Нідерланди Soft bread roll containing a рагу-based крокети, often eaten with mustard.
Bun kebab[en] Індія і Пакистан Consists of a shallow-fried, spicy patty, onions, and чатні or раїта in a hamburger or hot dog bun.
Бутерброд Німеччина Single, open-faced, with butter.
Carrozza (sandwich)[en] Італія Breaded and fried mozzarella sandwich.
Ікра Росія Open sandwich made of white bread with butter and ікра, sometimes decorated with fresh петрушка кучерява.
Cemita[en] Мексика Sliced авокадо, meat, white cheese, onions, and red sauce (salsa roja), on a fluffy sesame-seeded egg roll, originally from the city of Puebla.
Chacarero[en] Чилі Thinly sliced churrasco-style стейк, or lomito-style свинина, with помідорes, стручкова квасоляs, and green chiles, served on a round roll.
Cheese sandwich[en] Світ (Азія, Африка, Австралія і Океанія, Європа, Америка) Made with one or more varieties of cheese, often with other ingredients, such as butter or mayonnaise. When toasted (pictured), it is commonly referred to as a grilled cheese sandwich.
Cheese dream[en] США Open-faced grilled cheese sandwich with bacon.
Cheese and pickle sandwich[en] Велика Британія
Нова Зеландія
Slices of cheese (typically Cheddar) and pickle (a sweet, vinegary chutney with the most popular brand being Branston), sandwiched between two slices of bread.
Cheesesteak[en] Пенсільванія/США Thinly sliced steak and melted cheese in a hoagie roll, with additional toppings often including peppers, onions, and mushrooms, also known as a Philadelphia or Philly cheesesteak.
Chicken sandwich[en] США
Chicken sandwich can contain chicken cooked in a variety of ways. In the United States, common forms of chicken sandwiches include the grilled chicken breast sandwich, the fried chicken breast sandwich, the chicken salad sandwich, and the shredded (or barbeque) chicken sandwich.
Chicken salad[en] Світ (зокрема США) Sandwich prepared with chicken salad as a filling.
Шніцель Австралія, Нова Зеландія і Австрія Sandwich of crumbed, pan-fried chicken fillet, on buttered bread, with shredded iceberg lettuce and mayonnaise. An adaptation of the Austrian or Viennese schnitzel sandwich, which consists of crumbed pork, veal or chicken schnitzel on a Semmel or kaiser roll with mayonnaise or mustard and shredded lettuce. See also Cutlet sandwich, Italian.
Chili burger[en] США Hamburger, with the patty topped with чилі кон карне.
Chimichurris[en] Домініканська Республіка Ground beef, chicken, or pork leg served on pan de agua and garnished with cabbage and salsa rosa.
Chip butty[en][8][9][10][11] Велика Британія Sliced white bread (or a large, flat bread roll) filled with chips, usually sprinkled with salt and vinegar or tomato ketchup.
Chipped beef[en] США (Mid-Atlantic region and military cuisine) Sandwich prepared with thinly sliced or pressed salted and dried яловичина. Some chipped beef is smoked to add flavor.
Chivito Уругвай Filet mignon with mozzarella, tomatoes, mayonnaise, and commonly bacon, black or green olives, fried or hardboiled eggs, and ham
Chopped cheese[en] США (Нью-Йорк[12]) Made on a grill with ground beef, onions, and topped by melted cheese and served with lettuce, tomatoes, and condiments on a hero roll.[12]
Чоріпан Південна Америка, Аргентина Grilled чорісо, usually served on a crusty roll with salsa-type condiments, such as pebre, креольський соус, or чимічурі. Morcipán is a variety of this using чорний пудинг or кров'янка.
Chow mein sandwich[en] США (Массачусетс), Китайська Народна Республіка Gravy-based чоу мейн mixture placed on a hamburger bun, served hot
Чураско Чилі Thinly cut steak, grilled and served on a toasted bun. It can be served with almost any other ingredient, in which case its name changes to "churrasco+the new ingredient" (e.g.: churrasco palta = churrasco and avocado).
Chutney Sandwich Індія A street-style sandwich from Мумбаї involving white bread, potatoes, cucumbers, coriander чатні, tomatoes, and onions. May be served grilled or cold.
Клубний сандвіч[en] США
Велика Британія
Нова Зеландія
Triple-decker sandwich made with sliced turkey or chicken, bacon, tomato, and lettuce; usually contains mayonnaise.
Corned beef sandwich[en] Велика Британія, Ірландія, Австралія, Нова Зеландія, Канада, США (Нью-Йорк) Солонина often served with a condiment such as pickle or mustard.
Crisp sandwich[en] Ірландія
Велика Британія
Crisps and occasionally pickles on white bread.
Крок-месьє Франція Baked or fried шинка and сир (typically Emmental or Gruyère) бріош-сандвіч, sometimes coated in a mornay or бешамель.
Крок-мадам Франція Same as a croque-monsieur, but with a яєчня on top.
Cuban sandwich[en] США (Тампа або Кі-Вест, Флорида) / Куба Ham, roasted свинина, Swiss cheese, pickles, mustard, and sometimes Genoa salami on Кубинський хліб, sometimes pressed and warmed in a plancha.
Cucumber sandwich[en] Велика Британія Two thin slices of crustless, lightly buttered white bread, containing paper-thin slices of peeled cucumber. Often as a tea sandwich.
Cudighi[en] США (Англія) Spicy cudighi (a Мічиган variety of Cotechino Italian ковбаса), on a long, hard roll, often topped with моцарела and томатний соус.
Grilled cottage cheese sandwich Індія Cottage cheese i.e. панір, green chutney, with some butter and extra cheese
Cutlet sandwich, Italian США, Італія, Австрія Especially popular where there are large populations of immigrant Italians, these cutlet sandwiches are made with breaded veal or chicken cutlets. They can be served with проволоне cheese, long hots (chili peppers) or sauteed greens (шпинат городній or broccoli raab). Sometimes they are served Parmesan style, with томатний соус and моцарела and Parmesan cheese. Breaded cutlets (шніцельs, cotoletta, or ескалоп may have first appeared on the wider European culinary scene with the Napoleonic armies for conservation purposes. Napoleon offered a monetary reward to the person who developed a method to transport conserved food for a longer amount of time that then could be consumed unspoiled. Although the breading of meat concept was not the winner, it was a culinary development that was quickly adopted in northern Italy. The original Viennese schnitzel of breaded veal, pork, or chicken which originated in various forms beginning around the 17th century, was adapted to a roll sandwich in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (served with mayonnaise or mustard and lettuce). It did not transfer to American cuisine as its Italian relative did, but remains popular today throughout Центральна Європа.
Сендвіч Дагвуд США Multiple layers containing a wide variety of meats and condiments, named for Dagwood Bumstead of the comic strip Blondie.
Delicatessen[en] Німеччина, США Sandwich usually ordered at a deli; choices include type of bread (toasted or untoasted,) type of meat (cold cut), type of sliced cheese, vegetable fillings (lettuce, tomato, onion, etc.), and condiments.
Denver sandwich[en] США Sandwich containing a Denver omelette.
Донер кебаб Туреччина Doner kebab is meat cooked on a vertical spit, normally телятина or яловичина but also may be a mixture of these with lamb, and sometimes chicken. This may be served wrapped in a корж (хлібопродукт) such as лаваш or піта, or as a sandwich.
Donkey Burger[en] Китай Chopped or shredded savory donkey meat in a bun, sold in Баодін, Хебей Province as вулична їжа, and also in high-end restaurants.
Doubles (food)[en] Тринідад і Тобаго Two flat fried bara (bread), containing curried нут звичайнийs or garbanzo beans.
Doughnut sandwich[en] США A sandwich made with a doughnut instead of bread (can be made with fried chicken, bacon, ham, sausage, cheese, etc.)
Dynamite (sandwich)[en] США (Вунсокет (Род-Айленд)) Made of ground beef, tomato sauces, spices and many onions and peppers. It is a popular food served at local family gatherings and fundraising benefits, usually made in large quantities.
Dyrlægens natmad[en] Данія Made with a piece of dark житній хліб, a layer of leverpostej, topped with a slice of salt beef and a slice of meat холодець, topped with raw onion rings and garden cress.
Peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich[en] США Peanut butter, banana, and bacon.
Egg sandwich[en] Світ
  • Generic sandwich: This contains eggs, usually sliced hard boiled eggs or egg salad, but may be made with fried or (more rarely) scrambled egg, topped with the local roe spread, locally called kaviar.
  • Egg salad sandwich: A chopped egg mixed with mayonnaise.
  • Яйця Бенедикт is an open-faced sandwich consisting of an English muffin topped with meat, eggs, and голландський соус.
  • Egg spread: Polish version of egg salad, similar to a Japanese egg salad sandwich, most of the times with addition of garlic and Polish pickled cucumbers mixed in.
Фалафель Близький Схід, Ізраїль Deep-fried balls of ground, seasoned chickpeas topped with salad vegetables, hot sauce, tahini-based sauces, and pickled vegetables, wrapped in or added to the pocket of a split-open pita bread.
Farroupilha Бразилія (RS) Mortadella slices and cheese, into a French bread with butter inside, usually served split in two halves and paired with coffee or soda.
Finger sandwich Велика Британія See tea sandwich
Fischbrötchen[en] Німеччина
Crusty bread rolls filled with fish (most commonly Bismarck or маринований оселедець) and onions.
Fish finger sandwich[en] Британія A common British comfort food, notable for the fact that it encases breaded fish in more bread.
Fluffernutter[en] США (Массачусеттс) Арахісова паста and кремовий зефір.
Fool's Gold Loaf[en] США (Колорадо) Consists of a single warmed, hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with one jar of creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and a pound of bacon. In 1976, Елвіс Преслі and some of his friends flew to Colorado to consume them.[13]
Франсезінья Португалія Wet-cured шинка, лінгвіса, fresh sausage, steak or other roast meat, topped with melted cheese, a hot thick помідор and пиво sauce.
Франсезінья-повейра[en] Португалія Bun with wet-cured шинка, лінгвіса, and cheese, sauced with вершкове масло or маргарин, piri-piri, and портвейн, whiskey, коньяк, or бренді.
French dip sandwich[en] США
Thinly sliced ростбіф on a французький багет, served hot, usually au jus (with juice).
Fried-brain sandwich[en] США Sliced pork or calves' brain, battered and deep-fried, on rye bread or hamburger bun, often served with pickles, raw onion, and mustard.
Fruit Світ Fruit, often such as банан (плід), fig or ананас served on bread, often with майонез in the United States.
Ftira[14][15] Мальта Traditional Maltese sandwich[16] made on a large round piece of Maltese ftira bread, topped with tomato paste, tuna, каперці трав'яніs, and red onions.
Gatsby (sandwich)[en] Південна Африка Deli-style sandwich similar to the hoagie, often containing картопля фрі, with other variations, prepared with masala steak, chicken, polony, Vienna sausages, calamari, fish, or chargrilled steak.
Gerber sandwich[en] США (Сент-Луїс) Half section of Italian or French bread with garlic butter, containing ham and Provel cheese, topped with паприка (спеція), then toasted.
Morning roll[en] Шотландія A scotch pie on a morning roll
Grilled Cheese[en] США
A slice of bread grilled with melty cheese.
Гуа бао Китай, Тайвань Fujianese sandwich consisting of a slice of stewed meat and other condiments sandwiched between flat steamed bread.
Guajolota[en] Мексика (Мехіко) Тамале (страва) in a Mexican bolillo roll. A very common morning street food in Мехіко. It is also called torta de tamal.
Гірос Греція
"Pita gyro" or "psomaki gyro", depending on the type of bread used, includes meat roasted on a vertical spit, with помідор, potatoes, raw, often red цибуля городня and дзадзикі sauce, wrapped in піта or sandwich bread.
sprinkles[en] або флоке Нідерланди Chocolate sprinkles or flakes usually served on buttered bread.
Ham sandwich[en] Світ (зокрема Франція, США, Велика Британія) May be accompanied by cheese or salad. Condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise, or pickle may be present.
Гамбургер США (національна страва) Ground beef patty, often with vegetables, sauces and other meats, usually on a round bun. A чизбургер is also topped with cheese.
Hamdog[en] Австралія Хот-дог wrapped in a beef patty, deep-fried, then covered with chili, a few french fries, and a fried egg.
Har cheong gai burger[en] Singapore Har cheong gai (chicken fried with fermented shrimp paste).
Horseshoe sandwich[en] США (Спрингфілд) Thick-sliced, toasted, open-faced sandwich, it usually contains hamburger patties or ham, but other meat, such as deep-fried pork tenderloin, grilled or fried chicken breast, and fried fish fillets, can be used. The meat is topped with Картопля фрі and covered with a cheese sauce.
Hot brown[en] США (Луїсвілл) Open-faced with turkey and бекон, topped with соус Морне, and baked or broiled. Variation of Welsh rarebit.
Хот-дог США A hot dog is a food consisting of a grilled or steamed sausage served in the slit of a partially sliced bun. It can also refer to the sausage itself. The sausage used is a wiener or a frankfurter.
Hot chicken sandwich[en] США (Теннессі), Канада (Квебек) Coarsely shredded or sliced chicken, sandwiched between two pieces of sliced bread, and completely covered with підлива. The classical version is topped with green sweet peas.
Italian beef[en] Італія
США (Чикаго)
Thin slices of seasoned, juicy ростбіф, often garnished with giardiniera or Italian sweet peppers, on a dense, long Italian-style roll.
Italian sandwich[en] США Prepared on a long bread roll or bun with meats such as salami, mortadella and capicolla along with cheese, tomato, olive oil, salt and black pepper.
Jam sandwich (food)[en] Британія Buttered bread, with fruit jam/conserve, normally eaten at lunchtime or as a quick перекуска, may also be eaten at сніданок or for tea.
Jambon-beurre[fr] Франція French baguette with вершкове масло and шинка. Also known as "Parisien," it is the most popular сандвіч in Франція.
Jibarito[en] США (Чикаго) Meat, сир, салат сійний, and помідор, between flattened, fried green plantains (instead of bread), with часник городній-flavored майонез.
Jucy Lucy[en] США (Міннеаполіс) Cheeseburger with the cheese inside the meat patty rather than on top.
Тонкацу Японія Breaded, deep-fried свинина cutlet (tonkatsu).
Афганський бургер Пешавар й Афганістан A flat bread wrap with chips and sausage seasoned with salt, chili powder and curry sauce or ketchup.
Kaisers Jagdproviant[en] Австрія Finger sandwich with ham, pickles, eggs and cheese.
Khao Jee Pâté[en] Лаос Similar to Vietnam's bánh mì, it is a street food prepared using pork liver pâté,[17] stuffed with pork or Lao sausage,[18] sliced papaya, carrots, shallots or onion, cucumber, cilantro and sometimes Jeow bong or chili sauce.
Кокореці Анатолія і Балканський півострів Lamb or козел свійський intestines, containing seasoned субпродукти.
Kottenbutter[en] Німеччина Buttered brown bread with smoked pork sausage (Kottenwurst), fresh onion rings, and spicy mustard.
М'ясний хліб Австрія, Швейцарія і південь Німеччини Meatloaf-like dish which, despite the name, may contain neither liver nor cheese. It is commonly served on a Kaiser roll with mustard or mayonnaise.
Lettuce sandwich[en] США, Велика Британія A lettuce sandwich is a wrap with lettuce substituted for the bread, or a sandwich with a filling consisting primarily of lettuce.
Лімбургер США
They are typically prepared with buttered житній хліб, Лімбургер, sliced onion and mustard. Pictured is Limburger cheese and bread.
Lobster roll[en] США (Північний Схід США), Канада (Приморські провінції), Велика Британія (Англія) Lobster meat tossed with either mayonnaise ("cold") or drawn butter ("hot") stuffed into a slit opening at the top of a grilled bread roll or hot dog bun.
Lox[en] США Lox on a бейгл with вершковий сир, thinly sliced onion, capers, and sometimes sliced tomato.
Luther burger[en] США Hamburger or cheeseburger on glazed пончикs instead of a bun.
Mallorca de jamón y queso Пуерто-Рико Similar to Ансаїмаза covered with цукрова пудра with ham and cheese.
Марміт (паста) Велика Британія Marmite spread thinly with butter or margarine onto toast or bread.
Martino[19] Belgium A demi-baguette with Filet américain (steak tartare) with pickles, chopped onions, tomatoes, tabasco and mustard or, alternatively, martino or Worcestershire sauce, and topped with anchovies. Some variations have lettuce and slices of boiled egg added.
Meatball sandwich[en] США Meatballs in marinara sauce, with melted Parmesan or provolone cheese, on a long bun or section of Italian loaf. Might include Italian-style accompaniments such as bell peppers, basil, or Italian-dressed lettuce.
Medianoche[en] Куба Roast pork, ham, mustard, Swiss cheese, and dill pickles served on sweet bread.
Melt sandwich[en] США Generic sandwich containing a filling and a layer of cheese, grilled or fried until the cheese is melted.
Метт Німеччина Open sandwich consisting of a sliced bun, topped with Метт (seasoned minced raw pork without bacon), frequently with a garnish of raw onion rings or diced raw onion.
Mezcla[20][21][22] Пуерто-Рико A tea sandwich made from blended Spam, cheese dip (sometimes cheddar and cream cheese), and пім'єнто peppers and other spices, on white bread. Often served at parties.
Мітраєт Бельгія French fries and fried meat with sauce on a demi-baguette.
Mollete[en] Мексика Відкрита канапка consisting of a bolillo roll topped with пересмажені боби, cheese and peppers, and grilled.
Montadito[en][23][24] Іспанія й Португалія Small, usually grilled, and may contain a variety of fillings. Some bars offer a variety of 200 different types of these sandwiches.[джерело?]
Monte Cristo sandwich[en] США
Sliced шинка and сир (usually Emmental or Gruyère) between slices of Солодкі грінки and batter-fried. In some regions it is sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with jelly or jam. In other regions (New England), it is served savory with French mustard and no powdered sugar.
Montreal-style smoked meat[en] Канада Sandwich made from cured and smoked brisket with yellow mustard, usually on rye bread.
Mortadella sandwich[en] Італія Any sandwich containing мортаделла, a large Italian sausage.
Mother-in-law (sandwich)[en] США Hot dog bun containing a Chicago-style corn-roll tamale, topped with chili.
Muffuletta[en] США Originated in Новий Орлеан' Італоамериканці community, this contains meats, cheeses, and olive salad on a round bun.
Наан Індія, Пакистан і Бангладеш Овочі or яловичина on наан bread.
Obložené chlebíčky[en] Чехія Type of open sandwich served as an appetizer or snack.
Відкрита канапка[25][26] Нордичні країни (Швеція, Фінляндія, Норвегія, Данія, Ісландія й Естонія), США Consists of a single slice of bread with one or more food items on top.
Pambazo[en] Мексика Made with pambazo bread dipped in a red guajillo pepper sauce and filled with potatoes and чорісо.
Pan-bagnat[en] Франція Round bread (bread bagnats) topped with green salad, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, tuna, anchovies, cucumbers, fava beans, artichokes, green peppers, radishes, onions, basil, and black olives. Condiments may include garlic, vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Served chilled.
Паніно Італія In Італія, panino is the word for a sandwich made from bread other than sliced bread, in which case Italians call it a tramezzino. Examples of bread types used are чіабата, rosetta and французький багет. The bread is cut horizontally and filled with deli ingredients such as салямі, шинка, сир, мортаделла, or other food, and is sometimes pressed by a warming grill. In the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, the term panini is used to refer to a long pressed and toasted sandwich; there is widespread availability and use of sandwich presses, often known as "panini presses."
Pastrami on rye[en] США (Нью-Йорк), Норвегія, Швеція, Фінляндія, Данія, Ісландія, Естонія A sandwich made famous in the Jewish kosher delicatessens of New York City.
Patty melt[en] США Consists of a hamburger patty, pieces of sautéed or grilled цибуля городня, and Cheddar or Swiss cheese between two slices of хліб.
Peameal bacon sandwich Канада Peameal bacon, a type of back bacon, inside a kaiser roll.
Peanut butter and jelly США Jam is often used in place of jelly. Also known as a PB&J. PB&J may also be served with fresh fruit rather than jam, with thin sliced apples, pears, or bananas.
Pebete[en] Аргентина Simple Argentine сандвіч, traditionally filled with cheese, cured meat, tomato, and mayonnaise. Pebete actually refers to the bread used for the sandwich - a soft oval bun with a spongy inside, and a thin toasted crust.
Pepito (sandwich)[en] Іспанія Steak sandwich that is common in Mexico and Venezuela. In Spain it usually also contains айолі.
Pepper and egg sandwich[en][27][28] Pepper and egg sandwich США (Chicago, Illinois) Яєчня мішана and grilled перець болгарськийs, served on Французький багет.
Pepper and egg, Italian Італія and the США (in areas where there was a concentration of Italian immigrants). Sauteed Italian long hots, sliced (not diced) in olive oil, (garlic is optional), coated with scrambled eggs and cooked until the eggs are firm. Seasoned with salt and pepper and Parmesan or other hard (aged) cheese, such as Romano or Пекоріно. Then the mixture is stuffed into an Italian-style roll or between two slices of Italian bread. This may also be served with sliced tomatoes.
Pilgrim (sandwich)[en] США Roast turkey, cranberries or cranberry sauce and cheddar cheese.
Pimento cheese[en] США Common food preparation in the Southern United States, a spread or реліш made with cheese, майонез, pimentos, кухонна сіль and pepper, blended to either a smooth or chunky paste.[29] Regional variations incorporate additional ingredients. Also eaten in the United Kingdom (see "Tea" in this list) and the Philippines.[30]
Pistolette[en] США (Louisiana) Stuffed and fried bread roll (sometimes called stuffed pistolettes) in the Cajun areas around Lafayette. This also refers to a type of submarine-shaped bread about half the size of a baguette that is popular in Новий Орлеан for Vietnamese bánh mì and other sandwiches.[31]
Плескавиця Balkans Patty dish popular in the Balkan region of Southeastern Europe, a sandwich utilizes the Pljeskavica patty and bread.
Po' boy[en] США Crusty long roll split and filled with cold cuts, roasted beef or fried seafood. The New Orleans analogue to the sub or hoagie.
Polish boy[en] США (Cleveland, Ohio) Kielbasa sausage in a bun, covered with картопля фрі, barbecue sauce (or hot sauce), and coleslaw.
Porchetta[en] Італія A sandwich made of roast pork with Italian-type spices such as rosemary, garlic, fennel and others in varying proportions. It is popular as street food (usually sold from white trucks) throughout central Italy. It was transplanted to America in the late 19th century by Italian immigrants and is known as the "roast" pork sandwich, very popular in the northeastern United States. In America it is often served with проволоне cheese and "greens" which may be шпинат городній or broccoli raab.
Porilainen[en] Finland Half-inch slice of thick sausage, usually with diced red or sweet onion, sliced pickles, ketchup, mustard, and sometimes mayonnaise, on white bread.
Pork chop bun[en] Макао Popular dish in Macau, the bun is extremely crisp outside and very soft inside, containing a freshly fried pork chop.
Pork roll[en] США (New Jersey) Pork roll still is the predominant term in South Jersey, but in the northern part of the state it is "Taylor Ham".[32] It is grilled pork roll served several ways. This can be served with a fried egg, or a fried egg with cheese. Variations include serving with grilled pork roll and cheese or just grilled pork roll. Although classically served on a kaiser roll, bread variations include бейглs, English muffins, or other breads.
Pork tenderloin sandwich[en] United States Midwest Thin, tenderized, deep-fried pork loin, typically served on an undersized bun.
Prawn roll[en] Австралія Cooked shrimp in a small sandwich roll, dressed with ремулад, Тисяча островів (соус) or cocktail sauce, sometimes garnished with boiled egg slices and lettuce.
Prego Португалія These steaks flavored with onions and red wine are called prego (nailed) steaks because a small meat mallet is typically used to nail the garlic slices into the steak. The marinade is red wine based and includes onions, the aforementioned garlic, chilies, bay leaf, parsley, oregano, ground black pepper and olive oil. The steak is grilled and placed in Portuguese rolls called carcaças. A reduced marinade based sauce is drizzled over the meats.
Primanti[en] США (Піттсбург) Selection of grilled meats topped with french fries, coleslaw, and tomato on Italian bread.
Prosperity Sandwich[en] США (Сент-Луїс) Ham and turkey topped with broiled cheese. Sometimes includes bacon and tomato.
Pudgy pie[33] США Sandwich made in a pan, with margarine on the outside, and either savory, with pizza sauce and other fillings on the inside, or sweet containing pie filling. The term "pudgy pie" is sometimes used to refer to pie irons, a gadget used for campfire cooking.[34][35]
Pulled pork sandwich[en] Southern United States Барбекю sandwich in which свинина (usually shoulder) is smoked slowly at a low temperature until the meat becomes tender enough that it can be "pulled" or shredded with two forks. The pork is served on a bun and often topped with barbecue sauce and оцет- or майонез-based coleslaw depending on the region.
Сандвіч королеви Олександри[36] United Kingdom Chicken, mayonnaise, boiled tongue and cress.
Rachel[37] США A Reuben with pastrami instead of corned beef and coleslaw instead of sauerkraut. Roast turkey is sometimes used as the meat.
Reuben sandwich[en] США (Omaha, Nebraska or New York, NY) Солонина, квашена капуста, Swiss cheese, topped with Russian or Thousand Island dressing, on житній хліб, then grilled. Creamy coleslaw replaces the sauerkraut in some places.
Roast beef sandwich[en] Світ
США (Пенсільванія, Массачусетс і Нью-Джерсі)
Sliced ростбіф or sometimes beef loaf on bread. A variant of this sandwich is the roast beef special (deli sandwich) which is sliced roast beef, thousand island salad dressing and cole slaw served, generally, on rye bread.
Roti bakar[en] Indonesia Toasted white bread with a filling such as butter, jam, chocolate spread, cheese, or other (generally sweet) fillings.
Roti john[en] Southeast Asia
Basic ingredients are eggs, chopped onions, sambal paste, salt, and pepper, cooked as an omelette with the bread added on top before it's fully cooked. Many variations include canned sardines, chicken, beef, or mutton. Garnished with mayo, chili sauce, and cheese.
Rou jia mo[en] Китайська Народна Республіка Stewed pork, chopped finely, and stuffed in mo, a kind of корж (хлібопродукт).
Finnish bread[en] Фінляндія Sandwich made of traditional Finnish dark rye, buttered, with lettuce, hard-boiled egg, pickles, tomato, and choice of cheese and meat (typically pork). Known colloquially as "The Winning Combination."
Sandwiches de miga[en] Аргентина Made with single-, double-, or triple-layered, buttered, very thin white bread with crust removed, toasted or un-toasted, containing thinly sliced meat, as well as eggs, cheese, tomatoes, green peppers, lettuce, olives, and sometimes other vegetables. Similar to the British finger sandwiches for afternoon tea, but the bread layers are thinner.
Багель з солониною Велика Британія Corned beef served in a bagel, sometimes with English mustard and pickles.
Sausage sandwich[en] Велика Британія and Німеччина Ковбаса on a roll or bread, served with a variety of sauces and toppings.
Sausage, pepper, and onion sub/hoagie Північний Схід (США) Sausage grilled with green bell peppers and onions in a long roll or half of a baguette. Cheese is sometimes melted on top of the sausage and vegetables. Condiments can vary from marinara sauce to mustard.
Schmitter[38] США (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) The Schmitter is a steak (beef) sandwich but not a cheesesteak. It was developed at McNally's Tavern in Chestnut Hill in the 1960s in response to a favored sandwich of a friend and co-worker of the proprietor's husband. It is named after Schmidt's beer with which it was served. The filling consists of grilled beef steak and onions topped with grilled cooked or cotto салямі, American cheese and tomato. It is topped with a sauce consisting of майонез, sweet pickle реліш, кетчуп and Вустерський соус served on a kaiser roll.
Sealed crustless sandwich[en] США The filling in this sandwich is sealed between two layers of bread by a crimped edge and has the crust subsequently removed. A popular variety in the United States is peanut butter and jelly. This type of sandwich is mass-produced by The J. M. Smucker Company under the brand name "Uncrustables".
Шаурма The Levant
Арабський світ
Середній Схід
Flatbread with meat (traditionally lamb) cooked on a vertical spit. Additional fillings include vegetables such as tomato, cucumbers, onions, and pickles, and a sauce, often yogurt- or tahini-based.
Shooter's sandwich[en] Велика Британія Prepared by filling a hollowed-out long loaf of bread with cooked filet mignon steak, cooked mushrooms, salt and pepper.[39][40]
Shuco Guatemala Dry hot dog bun containing guacamole, sliced cabbage, ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. It's usually served with a sausage, but it can also be ordered with churrasco or adobado beef. Chopped onions and a variety of hot sauces are also available for the sandwich.
Slider (sandwich)[en] США A miniature hamburger about three inches in diameter, but may also contain other toppings
Sloppy joe[en] США Ground meat, usually beef, cooked with seasoned tomato sauce and served on a round bun.
Sloppy joe (New Jersey)[en] США Triple-decker rye bread sandwich made with one or more types of sliced deli meat, such as turkey, ham, pastrami, corned beef, roast beef, or sliced beef tongue, along with Swiss cheese, coleslaw, and Russian dressing.
Перекладанець Sweden Multiple layers of white or light житній хліб containing creamy fillings, such as egg and mayonnaise, liver paté, olives, shrimp, шинка, various cold cuts, кав'яр, помідор, огірок звичайний, сир і копчений лосось.
Смореброд Данія Open-faced, buttered dark rye bread with cold cuts, pieces of meat or fish, cheese, or spreads.
Sol over Gudhjem[en] Данія
Open-faced sandwich on rugbrød, with smoked herring, цибуля-трибулька, and a raw egg yolk.
Сувлакі Греція Sizzling skewer of pork, or chicken roasted, shaved off the spit, and marinade ranging from hot barbecue to sweet, all laid out on a rolled pita bread, sprinkled with the choice of lettuce, tomato, cheese, red onion, and oregano, and doused with дзадзикі sauce.
Spaghetti sandwich[en] Австралія Prepared with cooked spaghetti, sauce and bread.
Spatlo[en] Південно-Африканська Республіка A hollowed out quarter loaf of bread, filled with a variety of ingredients such as chips, cheese, polony and atchar.[41][42] The sandwich is also known as a kota.[41][43][44]
Specials, Deli sandwiches Mid-Atlantic, США "Specials" refer to cold deli sandwiches such as the corned beef special, the roast beef special or the turkey special. These are made with the appropriate meat served together with coleslaw and thousand island dressing on Jewish житній хліб.
Spiedie[en] США (Бінгемтон) Marinated cubes of chicken, pork, lamb, veal, venison, or beef, grilled on a spit, and served in a bun.
St. Paul sandwich[en] США (Сент-Луїс) Egg foo young patty (containing bean sprouts and minced white onions), dill pickle slices, white onion, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato on white bread.
Steak bomb[en] США Grilled, over-stuffed submarine roll, containing shaved steak, and topped with салямі, melted проволоне, sautéed onions, and bell peppers.
Гамбургер США Typically prepared with ground, sliced or minced біфштекс meat. Additional meats are also used.
Steak sandwich[en] США
Prepared with cooked стейк, served on хліб or a roll. Steak sandwiches may include toppings such as сир, цибуля городняs, гриб (плодове тіло)s, перець болгарськийs, hot peppers, помідорes, and in some instances яєчняs, cole slaw, or картопля фрі.
Submarine sandwich[en] США Generic sandwich served on a long French or Italian roll which may contain a wide variety of sliced meats, vegetables, and condiments, including lettuce, tomato, sweet peppers, onions, olives, and mushrooms. Also known regionally as a hero, a hoagie, a grinder, or a zep, among other names. In the United Kingdom it is named a французький багет, after the French bread used to make it.
Tavern sandwich[en] США Common in Айова, consists of a mixture of unseasoned ground beef and sauteed onions, sometimes topped with pickles, ketchup, and mustard, on a bun.
Tea sandwich Велика Британія Thinly sliced white bread with crusts removed, lightly buttered, containing a light spread of вершковий сир or mayonnaise mixture, and often редька городняes, огірок звичайний, asparagus, or настурція лікарська. Other fillings may be pimento cheese, ham with mustard, smoked salmon, fruit jam, curried chicken, and egg salad.
Toast sandwich[en] Велика Британія
Нова Зеландія
Thin slice of toast between two thin slices of bread with a layer of butter, and salt and pepper to taste.
Гавайський тост Німеччина Slice of toast with ham, a maraschino cherry in the middle of a ананас slice, and cheese, grilled from above, so the cheese starts to melt.
Toastie[en] Велика Британія
Two slices of bread with various fillings, toasted and edges sealed with a sandwich toaster.
Тофу[45][46] США Tofu, typically broiled or baked, with vegetables.
Tomato США Sliced, salted tomatoes on white bread (or toast) with mayonnaise.
Tongue toast[en] США Пасеруванняed язик (страва) and яєчня мішана, served open-faced[47][48]
Torta[en] Мексика Mexican roll (either telera or bolillo) spread with mayo or refried beans and stuffed with various sliced meats, cheeses, vegetables (usually tomatoes, onions and avocado) and choice of pickled jalapeños or chipotle peppers. It can either be made ahead and tightly wrapped for a packed lunch or (if made to order) grilled on both sides with some butter.
Torta ahogada[en] Мексика (Гвадалахара) Birote bread (similar to bolillo) filled with "carnitas" (deep-fried pork), shredded chicken or other meats, beans and сир. The torta is then dipped in a very hot tomato and dried chile de árbol sauce and topped with pickled sliced onions.
Tramezzino[en] Італія Triangular white bread with the crusts removed, with fillings such as tuna and olive and prosciutto, served in Italian bars throughout the day.
Trancapecho[49] Bolivia Slice of breaded meat, fried potatoes, a fried egg, rice, and salad (tomatoes, onions, and locotos) between two slices of bread.
Tripleta[50][51][52] Пуерто-Рико There are numerous variations of this sandwich, but all include three kinds of grilled meat – usually beef, pork, and chicken – on toasted pan de agua (a Puerto Rican bread similar to Italian bread), generally topped with lettuce, onion, tomato, mayonnaise, ketchup, and shoestring potatoes.
Tuna fish sandwich[en] США Usually made with tuna salad, which may include майонез, sweetcorn, огірок звичайний, or селера пахуча. Other common variations include the tuna boat and tuna melt.
Turkey Devonshire США Hot open-faced sandwich on toasted bread with hot turkey, bacon, tomatoes, and a cheese sauce.
Індичатина США Usually made with smoked turkey, it can also have other ingredients and condiments, such as cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mayonnaise, and mustard.
Vada pav[en] Індія Potato fritter coated in chickpea flour (батата вада) in a bun.[53]
Веджимайт Австралія Vegemite is a dark brown Australian food paste made from used brewers' екстракт дріжджів, a субпродукт of beer manufacturing, various vegetables, wheat, and spice additives. It is a spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets, and cracker biscuits, as well as a filling for pastries.
Vegetable Індія Popular in Mumbai as a street food, it is made with Western style bread and is usually toasted. The main ingredients are a spicy green chutney spread, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, and a spicy potato filling made with chaat masala or a similar spice mix. Other ingredients sometimes included are cooked beetroot and cheese. The sandwich is a popular student lunch.[54][55]
Веджибургер США Гамбургер-style patty made only of non-meat ingredients.
Врап США
Wurstbrot[en] Німеччина and Австрія
Якісоба-пан Японія
Запіканка Poland

Див. також

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